#i have another ask in my inbox about dabbnatural that i don't know if i should answer now or wait
mybrainproblems · 1 year
oh thanks for the reply! yeah it was the poll - i KNEW the monologue was long. too long (and shouldn't happen at all because dean shouldn't die but i am letting it slip here). BUT it never ever, for over 2 years, since november 19th 2020, it never occured to me it was 8 minutes long. it's 1/5 of the episode. literally WHAT. this information has been haunting me since i sent that ask days ago.
anyway like i said i would definitely like to read some more thoughts about dabbnatural because there used to be a lot of people posting about him as a writer in a good way and after the finale it was a hatefest, (generally speaking). his episodes ARE enjoyable in general so WHY did he write the finale which is you know. bad. very.
i tend to be tinhatty when talking about the finale but it boils down to the one big question of: "what happened?! what happened that the finale is so bad, so not fitting into the rest of the season?!" and it makes me mad and insane. i guess we'll never know the truth.
definitely gonna check that tag of yours though. i need more brainworms.
every time i've tried to answer this in the past almost-four-months i end up with a multiple pages word draft that is basically just a timeline of US politics and spn production schedules from 2016-2020 with source citations and it looks completely bonkers.
i think the extremely blunt thing is that i see a lot of destiel fans assume there was some rainbow capitalist gravy train the CW could have ridden to the bank if only they weren't wildly homophobic and hadn't stopped destiel. but the thing is that the cash money and ratings desired by the networks are with the GA folks.
probably the best proof against a shutdown rewrite to remove destiel is the existence of walker. the CW was betting on it as a "safe" show but greenlit without a pilot in 2019 to air in 2020. and a metric fuck ton happened in 2020 that made it a less marketable show than initially expected when it aired in 2021. if they were looking to pick up viewers from the spn finale and wanted the "destiel demo" then walker would not be their follow-on choice.
but in terms of the actual writing of the finale itself? well. i'm gonna tinhat that the 40yr driving gap was intentional. you can do a lot with a 40 yr amorphous gap in time and space traveling along the axis mundi and seeing the heavenly way in your chevrolet. there is actually quite a bit of flexibility in the story for offshoots or continuations when you have a gap like that. also like. another ep dabb wrote for s15 was 15x10 "the heroes' journey" which is pretty much a big ol blueprint for a "dean retires" ending.
but circling back, i think 15x20 is really in service of a very final ending with which they can shuffle the parts of the audience demo that they want over to walker when it starts airing.
as to just thoughts on dabbnatural... at this point it's become this sprawling madness where i'm a genuine fan who has sought out his non-spn work (RIP resi, you were taken from us too soon). i think he really wrote one of the thesis quotes of the show... "it's just people trying to do their best in a world where it's all to easy to do their worst."
i have no idea if this answered anything
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