#i have been spending literally all day on an art project and I can't switch my creative brain over to fic writing in the middle of that)
ilovedthestars · 6 months
🧃, 🔪, 🥑?
Hello Jay 💙✨
(Writers Truth or Dare)
🧃 ⇢ share some personal lore you never posted about before
It's so hard to come up with something for this one 😅 most of the things I can think of are things I know I've mentioned before, at least on discord.
So I guess at risk of maybe repeating myself, a few little things: I played viola in orchestra all through middle and high school! I love daffodils, they are synonymous with happiness and sunshine and spring for me, especially since spring of 2021 when my year of full quarantine was starting to come to an end just as the daffodils were blooming. I have always wanted a cat, but my dad is allergic so it was never an option--I'm not willing to start taking care of another living creature until I can consistently and independently take care of myself, and it'll probably be a few years yet before I'm confident of that, but I hope one day I will have a furry friend or two.
🔪 ⇢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
For my old novel wip that shall remain unnamed (i need to come up with a snappier way to refer to that), I once spent a really long amount of time researching bird speed/weight/anatomy, so I could estimate 1) the speed that messages could reasonably travel by magic-clockwork carrier bird, and 2) the flight capabilities of a human-sized fairy and if she'd need to have hollow bones. And then I threw all of that out and decided it was so much easier to just say It's Magic lolll
🥑 ⇢ you accidentally killed somebody, which mutual(s) do you text for help?
Look, I've only been on tumblr for like, a year, and discord for coming up on two years. While I love all of you dearly, I don't think any of you are at "help me dispose of a body" levels just yet XD
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 1 year
Good grief are people still trying to paint Jimin as overcoming toxic masculinity in this day and age? Why is this discourse always centered around him and not the other members? There are so many videos of the other members saying toxic crap but why do people latch onto him and not others? Just because the concept was to be a tough hiphop group during debut year does not mean Jimin had toxic masculinity. Being muscular and flashing abs is considered toxic masculinity?? Look at the environment he grew up in with supportive parents and his exposure to the arts (more than any other member). Busan is a hyper-masculine place and for his dad to be so supportive for Jimin’s pursuit of an arts school and to switch his focus to contemporary when he was excelling in hip hop says a lot about Jimin’s early years. His willingness to give hugs, birthday presents, compliments to others, and manners point to a very accepting, loving home.
Dumbass armys and even jikookers (tho they're armys, so it's the same) always projected weakness and insecurity onto him as if it was actually serious. Looking back, it was probably because he's always been so transparent and has always worn his heart on his sleeve, meanwhile you had almost every other member going the extra mile to act a different way on camera than they were in real life. But they took Jimin's real life struggles and insecurities and cartoonized him and a lot of his personality traits.
The funny thing is that they exaggerated all of it and turned it into something bad, while they exaggerate others' traits to turn them into something good and awesome when it's literally the bare minimum a human being should be.
Jimin likes drinking, so that means he has an alcohol problem. Taehyung smoking doesn't matter, Jungkook getting shitfaced several nights a week for the whole world to see was hilarious, and he's so cool and such a rebellious guy, so modern, so forward and the change the world needs. Like, you can't make that up.
Jungkook wearing a crop top and Taehyung wearing a wig and Yoongi doing nothing...??? means they're queer icons, gender bending heroes and means they've never known toxic masculinity. But Jimin giving presents to them since early times, wiping their snot when they cried, putting their heads on his shoulder to comfort them, always having a nice word and a hug for them, holding their hands, calling out Jungkook for not complimenting him ever and saying that people become more beautiful when they get compliments, posting photos for their male fans on valentine's days... and for armys it's "let's talk about all the ways Jimin struggled with toxic masculinity!!". Yeah, why not. Let's talk about how he struggled with the toxic masculinity standards that all the other BTS members imposed on him.
When smf2 came out, and he was shirtless, skinny, no abs, nothing, someone else and I talked about how he was actually so cool for doing that. Idols spend hours dieting and drinking protein shakes and locked up in the gym to get abs and get ripped before showing themselves shirtless in MVs, but Jimin didn't do all that. Then he went to suchwita and Yoongi actually told him how was he able to show up shirtless if his body isn't nice.
It's almost as if Jimin has barely been granted the simple consideration of being a real person, and for some reason this happens only to him in BTS.
I know I bring this up a lot, but this has always made me think of Jimin and the way people see him.
Especially when comparing the way people see the other members.
"Everything they know about me they will learn when it's projected onto you. Watch the way you pick up my bad habits and make them look good."
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