#i have chicken and fries here i just don't feel like cleaning the air fryer washing the dishes
nyelaexe · 1 year
Going to talk to my psychiatrist about the fact that I buy food to cook then buy the exact same meal I was going to cook from a restaurant
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homelysolve · 3 months
Gourmia vs Ninja Air Fryers: Which One Should You Buy?
You know that feeling when you're standing in the kitchen, staring at your old oven, wishing it could cook faster? Well, that’s where air fryers come in. They are a game-changer. But with so many brands, how do you pick the right one? Today, let's chat about two popular choices: Gourmia vs Ninja air fryers.
My Air Fryer Journey
Last year, I decided to jump on the air fryer bandwagon. After a ton of research, I ended up with a Gourmia. But my friend swore by her Ninja. So, we had an air fryer showdown. Here’s what we found out.
Cooking Performance
First off, both air fryers are pretty amazing. The Gourmia air fryer is like a trusty old friend. It’s reliable, easy to use, and cooks food evenly. One time, I made crispy chicken wings in 20 minutes! They were so good, I felt like a chef on TV.
On the other hand, the Ninja air fryer has some fancy features. My friend made sweet potato fries that were crispy on the outside and soft inside. It took a bit longer than the Gourmia, but the results were worth the wait.
Design and Features
The Gourmia is sleek and simple. It has a digital display that's easy to navigate. You don't need to be a tech genius to figure it out. Plus, it’s got a big basket, which is perfect when you're cooking for a family or hosting a party.
The Ninja, however, looks like it belongs in a high-tech kitchen. It has multiple cooking modes. You can air fry, bake, roast, and even dehydrate. My friend loves the versatility. She made dried apple chips that tasted store-bought.
Cleaning and Maintenance
Cleaning is a breeze with the Gourmia air fryer. The basket is dishwasher safe, so you just pop it in, and you're done. No scrubbing required. I've saved so much time on cleaning, which is a huge plus.
The Ninja is also easy to clean but has more parts. The basket is dishwasher safe, but the extra features mean more things to wash. If you don’t mind a bit more cleaning, it’s not a big deal.
Cost and Value
Now, let’s talk money. The Gourmia air fryer is generally cheaper. It’s a great value for the price. If you’re on a budget, you’ll get a lot of bang for your buck.
The Ninja, while pricier, offers more features. If you want an appliance that can do more than just air fry, it’s worth the investment. My friend loves that she can use it for so many different recipes.
Which One is Right for You?
So, which should you choose? If you want something straightforward and budget-friendly, go for the Gourmia air fryer. It’s reliable and gets the job done.
But, if you love gadgets and want more cooking options, the Ninja air fryer is your best bet. It’s versatile and perfect for experimenting with new recipes.
Final Thoughts
Both Gourmia and Ninja air fryers have their perks. It really depends on what you need in your kitchen. Whether you pick Gourmia or Ninja, you’re in for some delicious meals.
Remember, the best air fryer is the one that fits your lifestyle and makes cooking fun. So, take your pick and get frying!
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rayslittlekitten · 3 years
Hot Ones
“Crush” Masterlist
A/N: So there's probably going to be more of these little snippets and moments of BFF Benny and reader because I enjoy doing stupid fun things with Benny.
Rating: T
Word Count: 939
Pairing: BFF! Benny Miller & BFF! GN!Reader (reader is F in some of the other fics in this universe, but this can be read as GN)
Plot: You and Benny take up on a spicy challenge.
Contains: cursing, shenanigans
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You’re sitting across from your best friend with both of your palms on top of the table and the two of you are sizing each other up. Benny’s eye twitches slightly as he stares intently at you. It’s the same look he has on his face right before he touches gloves with his opponent. Your finger twitches.
“Last chance to back out. You don’t need to prove yourself,” Benny tells you.
“You don’t either. I know you won’t survive this so you’re just trying to scare me into backing out so you don’t have to go through this,” you shoot back.
“Oh, trust me. I don't need to prove anything to anyone. I know I got this.” Benny tilts his chin up higher and puffs his chest out a bit further.
“Uh huh. Bring it," you nod to him.
“Alright. First one. Let’s go!”
You and Benny grab the first fried chicken wing that you each have lined up in front of you. Each wing is coated in the hot sauce that the bottle is aligned with on the table. The both of you eye each other while devouring the wing. Benny quickly gets the meat off the bone clean before you do.
"Okay, that's not so bad. How are you doing?" you ask Benny.
"Not even a tingle." Benny drops the empty bone onto the dish without breaking eye contact or flinching.
"Ready for the next one?"
"Let's do this."
The two of you reach for the next one in line and again, devour it as quickly as you can.
"Okay, okay, there's a little kick," you breathe.
"You need some milk or something?" Benny teases.
"Pft. No." You lick the excess sauce off your fingers. "Ready for another?"
"I've been ready. Just waiting for you to catch up," Benny taunts.
The third wing gets annihilated in the same fashion, but Benny starts to slow down.
"You alright there, Benny boy?" You ask with a raised brow.
"Never been better," Benny sniffles and then coughs.
20 minutes later...
The front door opens and in comes Santi and Will, who is holding a case of beer. They find the two of you moaning and groaning at the humble dining room table. Benny is sitting back and looking at the ceiling like he's contemplating his life decisions while you are bouncing around on your feet and fanning your mouth with your hands.
"What the fuck, guys?" Will walks over to them. "What happened?"
"Ben... Benny dared me to do that hot sauce challenge," you manage to quickly croak after sucking in some air to try to cool down your mouth.
"This was your idea!" Benny shouts. His eyes are pink and tears and snot are dripping down his red sweaty face. "And now I'm gonna die!" he sniffles.
"Will, we drank up all your almond milk," you tell him.
"What? I just bought that yesterday!"
"Also, almond milk doesn't help." You wipe your nose with the back of your hand and start doing breathing exercises, hoping it'll make it less painful for you. "I still can't feel my lips."
Santi walks over to join the rest of the group and curiously looks at the hot sauce bottles.
"Why the hell are you guys even here? Why couldn't you do this at one of your places?" Will places the case of beer on the table.
Both of you still feel like you're breathing fire. Benny starts taking a big gulp of ice water.
"That's just gonna make it worse, man!" you warn him.
Ignoring you, Benny thoroughly rinses his mouth with it before finally swallowing it.
"You have an air fryer. We've never used one before," Benny finally answers. "I think my intestines are gone. It feels like I swallowed fire and I'm getting burned from the inside out."
Will looks over at his kitchen to not just find his air fryer clearly used, but also opened and empty bottles and cartons of milk, juice and other drinkables mostly from his fridge all over the counter top. He also notices his small tub of Ben and Jerry's sitting by the sink with a spoon in it. He was saving that for a cheat day.
Santi reaches for a slightly eaten wing off Benny's plate and takes a bite.
"Rest in peace, Pope," you say, then brace yourself on the back of a chair and hunch over, hoping that changing your position might help you.
"This is what you both are crying about? What is this?" Santi picks up the hot sauce bottle. "‘Da Bomb’?"
"Everyone suffers through that one," you groan.
“I don’t get it. I don’t feel— ooh there it is!” Santi's face perks up.
"It hits you later. You’re going to be in so much pain—“ Benny cries. "I'd rather get shot right now. That's how bad this is."
“I like this. It tastes pretty damn good. I like the spice level too. Muy picante," Santi says without even a little hint of any effects. "Hey Will, we don't need to order pizza for the game. We got these wings."
"Fuck that shit. Those are all yours if you want 'em. I don't do spicy well and I'm not dumb enough to try," Will shakes his head.
"What?! How the hell?" Benny turns to look up at Santi who is obscenely polishing off the wing. "I use to eat packets of hot sauce straight up with no problem when I worked at Taco Bell!”
"Taco Bell hot sauce? Benjamin, you are adorable.” Santi licks his fingers clean before reaching out to pinch Benny's face, but Benny dodges him.
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