#i have it all plotted out but it'll inevitably change and grow out of hand at some points
chronicowboy · 1 year
seven sentence sunday
starting this today because i'm finally making progress with the neighbours au (which will be referred to as "the dilf next door" indefinitely) so accept my humblest of offerings:
"I'm Buck by the way," he offers his hand, and the boy shakes it quickly before grabbing back onto the fencepost for balance.
"That's a weird name," he says simply. Buck snorts.
"Its a nickname."
"Like the deer?" The boy quirks a curious eyebrow, and Buck grins.
"Technically, its because of my last name, but my friends tell me its because I walk like Bambi on ice," he stage-whispers.
"You do have long legs," the boy nods solemnly, and Buck can't help snorting again. He chews on his lip for a moment. "Dad says I'm not supposed to talk to strangers, and I'm definitely not supposed to tell them my name."
"Well, your dad sounds like a very smart man, but we aren't exactly strangers, are we? We're co-creators of Bee-Topia after all. And we're neighbours." The boy squints at him. "Plus, I'm a firefighter!"
"A firefighter?" He lights up. "My dad's training to be a firefighter!"
"No way!" Buck grins. "Small world."
"Christopher!" A distant voice shouts. "Dinner!"
"I'm Christopher," he sighs. "I have to go now."
"Nice to meet you, Christopher," Buck smiles at him. "And feel free to pop your head over the fence whenever you want. Can't guarantee I'll be here, but..."
"Nice to meet you, Buck." Christopher calls out as he climbs down.
When Buck finally makes it inside after finishing planting, its the first time the loneliness doesn't pounce on him.
if you want to be added to the taglist for more snippets and the fic when its finally done please let me know in the replies/tags
gonna tag a few people (but feel free to ignore) @diazass @poughkeepsies @henswilsons @danielsousa @diazly [also if you want to do sss go ahead and say i tagged you !!]
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makeitp1nk · 2 years
18 and 29 pretty please!!
(also I love you)
HI LOVE OF MY LIFE!!!! What fun questions you have sent me!!!
[weird writer asks]
29 - Where do you draw your inspiration? Movies, prompts, fics I read, conversations I have with friends, the amazing art this community creates, songs, feelings... from everywhere What do you do when the inspiration well runs dry? I guess I don't see it like a well, I see it more like waves with ebbs and flows. I have faith when the tide is low that it'll rise again and never leave me permanently. I try to be gentle with myself because there's only so much time, brain capacity, and creativity I can give at a time. So I don't sweat it, I give myself time. I have plenty to do so I'll focus on something else for a bit until inspiration strikes again. Sometimes I just need a good meal and a nap or some time away from my computer!
18 - Choose a passage from your writing. Tell me about the backstory of this moment. How you came up with it, how it changed from start to end. Spicy addition: Questioner provides the passage. Answer below the cut 'cause it's SPICY.
Usually Draco’s encounters are quick and measured. There’s nothing measured, nothing careful about Harry Potter’s tongue and lips on Draco’s hip. Close but not close enough. The bastard is taking him apart with every ounce of his being, taking his time with his every move. But it’s so right, so perfect. With his eyes never leaving Draco’s, Harry’s tongue licks a stripe from the base of Draco’s cock to the tip. He pauses at the top with a smug smile and swirls his tongue—it’s the most erotic thing Draco has ever seen. He’s climbing higher and higher, with no thought of the inevitable comedown. Harry starts to bob and suck in earnest and the pleasure in Draco’s belly steadily grows. His hands clench the sheets and his thighs quiver. Panting, he can feel the edge of his consciousness, his own magic ready to overflow, and panics. He can’t fall, he can’t lose control like this. His heart feels like it’s about to burst, he’s gasping and his eyes are watering. He’s going to fall, and it’s fucking terrifying how good it feels.
I forced myself to write smut before I wrote this scene because I wanted to do it justice. This is one of two sex scenes in Ch. 9 of Perdition, my LCD fic. Both scenes are necessary for the prompt, and I was fucking terrified I wouldn't do them justice. I had like a one-hour talk with Sly (AKA LadySlytherin) about the art of writing smut, I read a guide she sent me, I was scared, I was scared, I was scared, but I wrote it anyway. I'm rather pleased with how they both came out and how they added to the plot. Because this fic is based on the movie Constantine, I was inspired by the scene where Angela drowns and the scene directly after -- and that's all I'll say 'cause I don't want to spoil it!
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