#i have some tolerance when it comes to spice but i'll still accidentally make food that is too hot for me and eat it the entire time
pfhwrittes · 5 months
Delighted to be in the friend tag ❤️ yep I've got it scheduled to go up at noon my time (8 pm for you I think?)
Yipp-fucking-eeee !!! you have one song !!!! And it's a good one in my opinion. Also ew going at it on tempo is giving band kid. (Says this as a former band kid)
Right? If someone's passionate about something it's a beginning indication of it being worth your time as well.
Coffee is life. I will also drink caffeinated tea and one energy drink you put in water but everything else tastes chemically.
But I do have a story about me and Monster. So in highschool my friends handed me a 32oz and told me to drink it because we all were curious what would happen..... I then chugged it like a frat boy at a pub on Friday night or a Hobbit on a Tuesday. I don't remember much after that? But I do remember coming too covered in glitter and paint with some random bruises shoes in my backpack. I was forbidden from drinking it again as apparently I was a menace to society.
Random but today I'm doing prep work for making kimchi next week (have to make a vegan fish sauce because I'm allergic to the normal stuff and shrimp) and I'm imagining the boys attempting to eat it. Gaz, Soap, Laswell would be fine I think. But Ghost and Price would be fighting for their lives.
welcome, welcome you're in good company. be careful that @mortuarywriting doesn't skitter off with your writing because they will, the little menace. (i say little like i'm not five foot fuck all and they could definitely pick me up and put me in air jail)
8pm british summer time you say... 👀👀👀
lmaoooo i am HOWLING with laughter at the mental image i have of a person just dazed and confused experiencing the WORST sugar and caffeine hangover possible. it's giving milhouse and bart drinking the 100% syrup squishee from the simpsons. incredible work my friend, i'm very proud of you.
okay but kimchi is excellent and i am all for it. my condolences on the shrimp/crustacean/shellfish allergy. i know that pain all too well. i miss prawns every day of my life and i am so mad that i can't just snack on crab sticks anymore just for fun.
you're right that kate and gaz would be fine with kimchi. i think ghost would turn it down just because of the texture. price would perish due to the spice levels. and soap? it's too spicy for soap but he's a masochist so he'll eat it despite the way his eyes and nose would be streaming the entire time. he'd have the biggest grin on his face but he'd be bright red from the neck up and sweating the whole time
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