#i have this v v v specific headcanon that like... sera's hands ache a lot.
Prompt: Fictober: "Do you even know what this means?"
Fandom: Lumine
Summary: Kody, still learning to read Terranian, struggles to read a note Camille left.
Content Warnings: None that I can think of!
Words: 610
Kody stared at the sheet of paper in front of him, his nose scrunched and his eyes narrowed. The language was foreign to him; while he recognized it as words that he couldn’t understand, a language that his school never even began to offer, it looked like a doctor’s scrawl to him.
Well, maybe that’s because it technically was. Though, she wasn’t really a doctor, per se. She was a healer, a witch, whatever else she called herself.
Close enough to a doctor, though.
“Camille never really had the best handwriting, sorry, kiddo.” Sera said, peering over their shoulders and down at the table in the brief moment that she moved past them. "It's probably hard to figure out what she was trying to say."
“Do you even know what this means?” Kody said, turning to frown at the back of Sera's head as she stood by the window. “There’s no way you can.”
“We’ve known each other for years.” Sera said, loosely shrugging her shoulders. She didn’t turn to face Kody, instead opting to watch the snow drift steadily down. “It’s getting colder out..."
“You don’t know what it says, do you.”
“I can read it.”
“There’s no way in hell—”
“I still have notes from her. From when we were younger.”
“And could you read those.”
“Took awhile to get used to it, but. Yeah.”
Kody looked back down at the sheet of paper. Terranian chicken-scratch, he was sure his dad would call it. At least, he would whisper it to Kody, hoping to earn even the even the tiniest of chuckles or the slightest hint of a smile. “Does everyone in her line of work have handwriting this bad? All doctors have it this bad, I swear. She sort of counts as that.”
“You’re still learning, of course it’s going to be harder for you to read. It’s not your first language like it is for us.”
“Then help me out.”
Sera smiled to herself, rolling her eyes as she placed her mug on the coffee table beside Kody and took a seat on the floor. “Alright, come on. Show me what you’re having problems with specifically.”
“This. All of it.” Kody moved the sheet of paper closer to her, leaning and following it, his eyes stuck on the messy words.
Sera stayed still for a moment, her neutral expression twitching upright in a subtle, but undeniably irked, smile as her eyes glossed over the paper. “Oh, so. All of it.”
“Yeah. Bet you’re having a hard time, too.” Kody said, looking away as he leaned back into place with a little huff. “It’s pretty bad.”
“It’s a lot rougher than what it was a few years ago, yeah. No doubt about that.” Sera slid the paper off of the table and gingerly pinched it at the bottom between her thumb and pointer finger; she squinted at it, trying to discern the words in front of her. “I guess my handwriting hasn’t gotten any better since I stopped talking to her. But geez. I didn’t think hers would get worse, too. This is just one of her shopping lists, no notes for us.”
“Shouldn’t Lumine have this? If he’s supposed to help her look for ingredients today.”
“I mean, she probably wouldn’t send him out shopping alone. He’ll get lost.”
“Probably?” Kody raised an eyebrow, looking at her. “That’s not really reassuring.”
“So, wanna grab your coat and go out? Look around for them, just to make sure they didn’t get separated?”
“Yeah.” And to make sure she didn't ask him to go out alone.
“Alright, come on. Camille’ll probably need this list, anyway. So disorganized...”
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