#i have your comic downloaded and it is my daily comfort at work yashita onegai give me strength for this week's workload ;-;
alpanmix · 2 months
I keep thinking about bodyguard Mashita trying to talk to Masamune, only for him to be intimidated by Mashita's social skills (they both have non existent social skills). Masamune trying to run away cuz he doesn't like talking to people but being middly intruigued by mr policeman
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In my headcanon, Masamune's awkwardness is to either outright ignore or try his best to end the convo as soon as possible, vs Yashiki's willingness to try and continue any conversation to be polite but also slowly try to steer it to ending as soon as possible (and failing, goddamnit Yashiki).
Tfw when you're trying your best to avoid everyone by looking busy and sticking close to your sister, but you keep stealing glances at the hot mr policeman across the room (who is also stealing glances at you.)
But oh my god when he's approached by Mr. Policeman he would definitely absolutely try to slowly move away from the hall into a more secluded part or even outside to the gardens (Where gasp! mr policeman can find him easily and talk to him by his lonesome oh no)
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