#i haven't giffed anything in ages so this was a challenge especially when trying to give it some rough colouring
who-exactly · 2 years
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If the Toymaker loses the game, his world will vanish, but he has the power to build a new one. How? The Toymaker is immortal. He's lasted for thousands of years. Very occasionally, of course, he loses a game, and then he has to pay the price. And that price is the loss of his world? Yes, but he himself is not destroyed. He goes on forever.
The Celestial Toymaker, The Final Test
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darling-i-read-it · 4 years
And the Woman Clothed in Sun
Hannibal Lecter x reader x Will Graham 
Hannibal Re-Write Series Masterlist
Word Count: 2.3k 
Warnings: spoilers for hannibal, murder, pregnancy 
Author’s Note: I am half asleep. I really hope this makes sense. This is short too which super sucks but there was a lot fo Francis in this episode that I cut out because thats boring because the reader isn’t in it lmao 
I used some direct quotes from the script so some things may seem familiar 
Official Episode Summary: Carving retrieved from crime scenes help Will and the FBI learn about Francis Dolarhyde's psychology; Dolarhyde finds a way to communicate with Hannibal.
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director 
Tag List (is always open!) : @llperfectsymmetryll​ @ericacactus​ @vlightning95​ @sweetgoodangel​
(not my gif) 
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You stared down at the bathroom counter. You looked back up at yourself in the mirror and took a long, deep breath. This wasn’t ideal. This was not ideal. You didn’t want this right now, you didn’t need it right now. 
Will had gone out to get you breakfast and you wanted to test the suspicion you had picked up the night before. Will had been talking about children and it got your mind reeling. You got up early to get a pregnancy test, just to try it, just in case. 
The face staring back at you in the mirror was scared. She wasn’t easily scared. She just wasn’t ready to be a mother. You turned on the faucet and splashed some water in your face. 
At the sound of the door opening you quickly grabbed the two pregnancy tests you had taken and shoved them in your purse that was sitting on the counter. You forced your nerves away. You weren’t ready for Will to know this quite yet, especially not after last night and his nightmares. 
“Coffee,” he called, holding up a bag of food and tray of coffee cups.
“You’re a godsend Will Graham.”
“I do what I can.” 
Francis Dolarhyde sat at Hannibal’s desk. The desk must have held many memories when it came to the killer. Francis was amazed that he was there, Hannibal on the phone with him. He had never really actually thought they would talk to each other. And yet, here he was. 
“I have admired you for years and have a complete collection of your press notices. Actually, I think of them as unfair reviews,” Francis said. He looked in front of him at the office. He imagined himself sitting there, across from Hannibal, like a patient. 
“As unfair as yours?” Hannibal thought about how to angle this. “They like to sling demeaning nicknames, don’t they?” 
“The Tooth Fairy,” Francis sneered. 
“What could be more inappropriate?” Hannibal questioned.
“It would shame me for you to see that, if I didn’t know you suffered the same distortions in the press.”
“It happens to the best of us,” Hannibal promised. Francis thought about this. The clippings he had read and re-read of Hannibal always mentioned the Grahams. The Bloody Valentines. 
“Yes, I suppose it has to.” 
“I don’t think I’ve been here since you last taught,” you whispered. You stood outside one of the FBI’s lecture rooms with Will. You could hear the echo of Bedelias voice inside. 
“You had to bring that up,” Will muttered with a fond remembrance of a smile. “Hey, I used to love your lectures. They were interesting.”
“You liked to tease me as much as you could,” he argued. You shrugged.
“I thought it added to the entertainment. Come on.” 
The two of you walked into the room together. It was packed but Bedelia was about to be finished. You had planned to come and see her when she would be alone but catching the tail end of her Hannibal lecture was alright too. 
“Days and evenings again, the smell of fresh flowers and the vague awareness of a needle bleeding into me. Hannibal always stood at a distance, very still. There were days of talk. He never called me my name.” She recognized you and Will as you stepped into the room. She moved slowly around her podium. “It was strange at first, and then it wasn’t strange. And then my name was Lydia Fell. Deeply-felt truths of who I am as bedelia Du Maurier were smoke and mirrors of the highest order.” 
You and Will stepped into the crowd and sat down. Bedelia walked over to you and the audience followed her, ears engulfing what she was saying. 
“What we take for granted about our sense of self, everything we see, everything we remember, is nothing more than a construct of the mind.” Will eyed her with an uneasy mix of skepticism and sympathy. “Dante was the first to conceive of hell as a planned place. An urban environment. Before Dante, we spoke not of the ‘Gates of Hell’, but the ‘Mouth of Hell’. My journey of damnation began when I was swallowed by the beast.” 
The class wrapped up quickly and the rest of the room emptied. You and Will stood up and waited for them to leave. Eventually, when they were gone, Will spoke. His hands were shoved in his pockets and his glasses laid perfectly on the bridge of his nose.
“Poor Dr. Du Maurier, swallowed whole. Suffering inside Hannibal Lecter’s bowels for what must have felt like an eternity.” You smiled smugly at his words. “You didn’t lose yourself, Bedelia, you just crawled so far up his ass you couldn’t be bothered.” 
“Hello Grahams.” 
“You hitched your star to a man commonly known as a monster,” you said with that same smile. 
“You’re the Bride of Frankenstein,” Will said. Bedelia looked at you, eyeing you carefully.
“We’ve all been his bride,” she said and ignored the thoughts creeping up to her. 
“How did you manage to walk away unscarred? We’re covered with scars,” Will said. Bedelia still dodged the question completely because she knew how and you knew how. It was becoming increasingly clear that you had not told Will about how Hannibal actually saw Bedelia in Florence. 
“I wasn’t myself. You were. Even when you weren’t, you were Will.”
“I wasn’t wearing adequate armor.” 
“No. You were naked,” she said. “Have you been to see him?” You and Will shared a look.
“Yes,” you answered.
“Haven't’ learned anything, have you? Or did you just miss him that much?” 
Bedelia’s home office was strangely homey. You hadn’t expected that kind of thing from her, considering how stoic you read her to be on occasions. You weren’t sure how you felt about it. But Will had insisted that you come along. The last time he talked to a therapist by himself it ended up in more murders than he had planned. 
“If he does end up eating you, Bedelia, you’d have it coming,” Will said. 
“I can’t blame him for doing what evolution has equipped him to do,” she argued. 
“If we just do whatever evolution equipped us to do, then murder and cannibalism are morally acceptable,” you said . 
“They are acceptable. To murderers and cannibals. And you two,” she mused.
“And you,” Will shot back. “You lied, Bedelia. You do that a lot. Why do you do that a lot?” he asked. She and you shared a look. 
“I obfuscate. Hannibal was never not my patient. Covert treatment suffers secrecy and disapproval,” she said. You shook your head lightly.
“You lied in your lecture. To others. You lied to the police,” you said. She and you stared at each other and that was the first moment that Will understood there was something he didn’t actually know. He looked between the two of you. 
“My relationship with Hannibal isn’t as passionate as yours,” she said. “Did you ever discuss why I’m alive?” she asked at you. You and Hannibal had only talked about it once, in front of the painting back in Florence. Will had been so wrapped up in his head then that he didn’t even register it as something he should have noted. 
“You tell those people that you believed you were Lydia Fell which is a lie in and of itself. But then you let Will believe that you just were out of dodge because Hannibal liked you. But that’s not true is it?” you asked. She pursed her lips. You stared so intently at each other that Will felt as though he wasn’t even there. 
“You know how I lived because I wasn’t the first woman that Hannibal imagined as you,” she said. You raised your chin and gave her an amusing look. 
“Bedelia Du Maurier, Alana Bloom…,” you whispered. Will was picking up the hints now. He understood now. “He needed companionship.”
“No, he needed you,” she argued. “But he could never have you because you were Will’s and he cared far too much for Will to take you. Do you realize the extent of your reach?” You surpressed your pride.
“Why don’t you tell me?” you challenged. 
“I used to wash his hair when he came home, drenched in blood. He whispered your name when he forgot who I was. Can you imagine, having so much hold over a person who is usually so contained? I was amazed. From a professional standpoint, I was amazed.” She glanced at Will who was hearing all of this for the first time. “He used to bring people over for dinner and when he killed a man he asked if I wanted to participate, knowing I wouldn’t but knowing you would.” 
Bedelia smiled gently. 
“It’s a good thing that you married each other. Hannibal’s place things, linked for life.” She looked over at Will. “You couldn’t save him. Do you think you can save this new one?” 
You and Will sat in the car together in the parking lot of the hospital Hannibal was being held at. You had been quiet the whole way there.
“You knew about all of that? All of what Bedelia was saying?” he asked. He looked over at you but you looked only forward. 
“I figured most of it. I knew he dated Alana to spite me, he told me once when you were in jail that Alana was easier to sleep with.” You scoffed. “But I only ever thought about it in correlation to Bedelia. I knew she was lying all around,” you whispered. Finally, you looked over at him.
“Should you stay in the car?” he asked. You shook your head.
“That was ages ago,” you promised. “Don’t even think about it.” 
“I have to think about it because I can’t knowingly take my wife to go talk to the man who fantasized about being with her for practically two years,” he said calmly. 
“What’s he gonna do in the cage Will?” 
He thought about this for a moment. He went to open the door but you grabbed his hand. He looked over at you quickly and noticed you seemed to be holding something back. That irked him.
“What else have you not told me?” You looked over at him and wondered if you should tell him. You had to tell him. You wanted him to know. You needed him to know so that he could help you. You grabbed your purse and fished out the pregnancy test before handing it to him. 
It took him a moment. He looked down at it and his brain, usually so quick, did not realize what that small pink symbol meant. Then it all came at him. Slowly, he looked up at you.
“Are you messing with me?”
“No,” you said nervously. He was quiet. “Well?” He looked up at you and read your worry. He had made you nervous and it made him feel bad. He wasn’t nervous about being a parent with you he was nervous about the baby.
“Oh my gosh,” he said and a smile creeped onto his face. 
“You don’t hate it?” 
“No! Not at all? I mean...” he trailed off and there were the nerves again but you grabbed his hand and held it. 
“We’ll take it one day at a time.” He took your hand and kissed your palm gently, shaking a bit. He was going to be a father. Him. He was amazed. 
“Well now I’m defiantly not letting you come with me.” 
“I’m not going to tell Hannibal. Not yet anyway. It would look suspicious. Come on.” 
Will stood in front of the cage, just inches from Hannibal. You stood right beside them, leaning against the glass.
“Are you familiar with William Blake’s The Great Red Dragon and the Woman Clothed in Sun? Blake’s Dragon stands over a pleading woman caught in the coil of its tail. Few images in Western art radiate such a unique and nightmarish charge of demonic sexuality,” Hannibal said, holding the crime scene photos. 
“The man who killed the Jacobis and the Leedses saw something in them that drew him and drove him to do it. He chose them because something in them spoke to him,” Will said.
“The Jacobis were the first to help him, the first to lift him into the Glory of his Becoming. The Jacbois were better than anything he knew,” Hannibal explained.
“Until the Leedses,” you muttered.
“As the Dragon grows in strength and Glory, there are families to come.”  
“I have to believe there is a common factor and we’ll find it soon,” Will said steadily. 
“Otherwise you have to enter more houses and see what the Dragon has left for you. Eleven days to the next full moon. Tick-tock.” Hannibal looked over at you. “I like this Dragon. I don’t think he’s crazy at all. I think he may be quite sane.” 
“I think that your opinion on his sanity is subjective,” you said. 
You and Will walked into the museum together, up to where they kept the important painting. 
“This way, Mr. and Mrs. Graham. You know, you’re the second group who’s asked to see the Blake today,” the tour guide said steadily. You stiffened and Will gave you a look. He took his glasses off slowly and you took them from him, putting them in the case you were holding in your jacket. 
As you reached the level where the painting was you grew unsettled. 
Will grabbed your arm. He had seen something that you hadn’t and now that you were two, he had extra reasons to be paying attention to it all.  You turned around and the tour guide left the room to go find his colleague. The elevator was still open and Will pushed you gently out of the way. 
Before you could protest, Will caught the closing elevator door. There was a moment of silence as the man in the elevator stared at Will and then he attacked him, shoving him to the ground. 
You rushed to Will first who was pointing eagerly at the elevator but before you were able to stop it it closed. 
“Are you okay?” you asked quickly.
“Yes, downstairs,” he said even quicker. You and him got up and rushed downstairs but by the time you reached the final flour, he was gone.
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