#i hc that's what they looked like before they got reincarnated and their species were perhaps rare breeds that went extinct not long after
I'm mourning some of the old beta pokemon so bad Berunrun and Raitora would have been some of my absolute faves but Cruel and Inhumane Game Freak shot both of them in the back of the head before they could even walk
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hellish-summoner · 6 years
A bit of self-driven character development!
(So originally this was just going to be a set of the icons for the Fantasy Character Development meme for like....Heca or something, but my brain wanted to expand on Vallite’s origin world, so this might get long!
And by that I mean I got the urge to make HCs related to Vallite and Kaga for some reason. BUT might as well do two sets! Before a line under the cut will be Heca’s set, below that line will be the set for the other two. Trust me, it will be a noticeable line.
Why a line under a cut? This will get long even with one set, trust me.)
(Heca’s set; only she is speaking here.)
Does your character possess magic? How do they feel about it even if they don’t have it?
“Of course I do; I’m a goddess of magic in a way......Personally, I know why most don’t rely on it, but simple magic is a boon that many people can create. Making simple spells can work better than just simple prayer; though many simple spells might require praying to a god or spirit for it to work.”
“And then of course, magic like what is seen here? That’s something you got to train and hone; even if something gives you the power to start practicing without you being born with it, you gotta train it!”
How does your character feel about Non-Human intelligent races? If they are one how are they treated?
“..........I lived in a place surrounded by mostly demons and hell-born fey. And I’m not human myself. To say that I respect non-humans would be an understatement....I have lived among them for years, I could never change how I treat someone based solely on what species they are.”
“..................I may have seen ‘lesser’ demons and the native fey as little more than pawns in the past though. Though getting my body that belongs to the lunar Hell almost killed by a ‘lesser’ demon who reawakened his kind’s draconic side was quite the lesson....And that’s fine; after all, Hell natives are ranked by merit, I should of known better. Though the demons still tend to favor the ones that considered naturally stronger over the more cunning ‘lessers’. Unless it’s Therai’s kind, since the specific type are kind of a myth now, since they all went missing after Therai himself was sealed away....Same with the few remaining Lampads; the Hell Fairies are still in all the Hells, but the Lampads all left like those draconic demons........Wonder if they gathered together; Therai did lead all of his fellow dragon demons and the few lampads I had left before he was sealed...”
What weapon does your character wield? Why did they choose it? If your character doesn’t fight, why?
“See, I normally fight with magic, but that’s not really a weapon. I heard that one universe has a version of myself that used a scythe, but clearly I do not have that knowledge. Does a dragonstone count? Breath? I guess those? Curse my lack of proper weapons.....Besides Therai’s lance a couple of times.”
If your character is part of the aristocracy how do they feel about their responsibility? If not how do they feel about their local governing body.
“I guess since I’m the goddess of Hell, I’m basically the leader.......I mean, that was mostly because I kicked the asses of everyone else who wanted that role. The lunar Hell was the most difficult because again, I got my Moon body almost killed by a demon dragon.....He must of trained really hard before he tried that, since he would of won if it was only that one body and he didn’t have to deal with my other two. I don’t even think he wanted to be the leader, just wanted to knock me down a peg.....He did end up being a great right hand until he accidentally went mad from being so close to the Lunar Capital coupled with insanity causing light from the torches of the lampads he led in the first lunar invasion......”
“But as the Goddess, I do have to take at least some proper role in how it works, though I mostly just make sure everyone is doing what they need to. And making sure outside threats don’t cause an issue. Our suns are still recovering from Hou Yi’s attack, despite it being so long ago.....”
Has your character obtained any unique or important injuries/scars, what are they and what are they from?
“I.....Thankfully have a body that healed any and all wounds completely; at least until I arrived here. I have scars from my time in Hel.......They looked like jello while I was there. But they were from me trying to rush in and locate Hel myself so I could kill her to stop some death curses.”
What does your character consider to be their ‘occupation’ how do they define it? Is it lucrative?
“Back home, I’m the Goddess of Hell; I guess that is lucrative. But here, I’m the Summoner; not sure if it’s lucrative, but day to day, it’s more exciting than my role in Hell. That, and you can tell I didn’t have an active role since it’s been fine since I have been gone....I trust the other high ranking members to maintain order there; and no one will take my spot because they know I would kill them if they did while I was gone. I command quite a lot of respect, after all~”
Has the type of world your character lives in claimed anyone they loved? How do they cope with it?
“It claimed my step-son’s innocence and his life itself. And it claimed both of my spouses’ lives. And Junko’s mental and emotional stability. Which is why I’m worried about her given how long I have been gone and the fact I summoned Isamu recently. He told me that she was not in a good state at first, but somehow he got her to calm down; said something about a horned cat reassuring them that I’m fine, and giving them update-........WAIT, THAT WAS CHRONOS; HOW THE FUCK DID SHE FINALLY FIND A WAY TO GET OUT OF OLD HELL??”
“As for how I cope with it; I try to make their afterlife as good as it can be; they are all stuck as spirits, and I don’t know when they will finally fade, so I try to make the most out of the time I have with them.”
Does your character feel any connection with the land/country they were born in, what sort of connection?
“Of course I do; I’m the Goddess of it. My connection to it is important to maintaining my strength; it even still applies here, though I think just making people aware of me is helping. I don’t really seek faith, I get plenty from the countless Hells....”
Does your character buy into destinies, fate, or prophecies? Why or why not?
“I wish I could say I couldn’t, but it seems like Junko’s destiny is to eternally seek revenge on Chang’e.....Just like it seems my fate is that I will one day outlast my beloved family and the friends I have made. I accept this; I make new allies and friends often, but when I start seeing my family’s spirits fading, will be the day my heart starts to break, as my limited control of ghosts will not be enough to save them. Or in Junko’s case, the day I start to see her anger and hate start to finally consume her; I delayed it as much as I can so far, but one day, I fear it won’t be enough....”
“.......I was at least able to save that poor boy from what seemed like his fate; no one deserves that death curse, let alone a child who was just trying to protect his mother.”
Is there something commonplace in their kingdom or world that your character absolutely despises?
“Not in Hell itself.....But I do despise the Lunar Capital given how much trouble it has been.....Even the fact I’m one of the gods that has some domain over the moon by way of its Hell did not convince the people of it to hand over Chang’e so I could deal with her instead of them....Though the moon rabbits are forgiven. They are just following orders and don’t have any say in what goes on there to my knowledge.”
Has your character experienced war or conflict, directly or indirectly how did it effect them?
“.........I have experienced both. I find conflicts that need my direct or indirect involvement fun, because I love to fight, but wars......they get tiring honestly. I try to end them quickly, but being here has taught me to be a bit more patient....Not willingly though.”
What does your character fear most in their world?
“........I was going to say ‘Therai’ as a joke. But honestly he is frightening because his dragon form is fucking vicious when angry. And again, I fear the day my family starts to fade away because they are after all spirits.....Or the day Junko finally goes mad from her purified grudge.”
Of the fantastical elements in their world what does your character actually find strange, or hard to believe?
“I don’t find anything back home hard to believe, but here.....I refuse to believe that there is no one in either Askr or Embla that can use the opposing side’s ability. Even royals get around you know. Look at King Garon, who had who knows how many concubines.....”
Does your character believe in hard, definable good and evils?
“No. In some eyes, I’m evil; in some I’m good; in others, I’m a neutral force. Just like the world, we are never set in stone; we are always changing, always doing both good and evil. That’s why it’s so hard to get to Heaven; rarely will one be so good they would reject the chance to reincarnate. After all, immortality is both a blessing and a curse, and it comes in many flavors; simple agelessness, an inability to die, even remaining exactly the same physically as you were when you drank a special elixir....”
“That....And living itself is seen as a sin by some, so you can never be completely sinless.”
Any unique traditions where your character is from that wouldn’t work or apply in the real world?
“Just.....the whole way Hell works maybe. The Outside World has to remain unaware of a lot of things honestly....So many things only allowed to be myths and legends...I wonder who among those I know are found in those myths, and who has been forgotten, truly belonging in Gensokyo?”
(Congrats if you got this far! This part is Vallite and Kaga’s version of the set of questions! Vallite’s words[which are basically a mix of sign language and writing] are in italics while Kaga’s words are in bold. This also contains a lot of guessing and headcanons about a story that hasn’t been translated for the English server of Azur Lane; aka I have to go off of what little I know and some minor aid from TvTropes.)
Does your character possess magic? How do they feel about it even if they don’t have it?
“Kaga, don’t kitsunes have magic? Is it truly powerful for one with nine tails like you?”
“I’m honestly not sure; I haven’t really tested it much, beyond what I use to launch planes, and the flames that float near me sometimes. What about you; surely you must know something about it, if you can copy the Corrins’ dragon form.”
“Yeah, I know a bit.....That’s the best I can do though, maybe also control water a bit. Yeah, that’s all.”
How does your character feel about Non-Human intelligent races? If they are one how are they treated?
“...I’m a kitsune. But I’m also not someone who has much experience with anyone outside of the fleet I was in....Vallite, do you know anything? You were able to interact with those outside the fleet, since you are human.”
“Kaga, I don’t think non-humans have existed in many years; or at least, they don’t make themselves known, so I wouldn’t know. But honestly, I would treat them with the same respect I give others. After all, I may have met a couple of dragons in my past.”
“Is that why you haven’t seemed to age?”
“Yes of course; a dragon’s blessing from being a good friend to one of great magical ability.”
What weapon does your character wield? Why did they choose it? If your character doesn’t fight, why?
“I used to be able to prove my strength using my training as a carrier, but.....I believe that has been removed from me here. And Crescent suggested I try a bow for some reason. That.....didn’t end well; my strength does not lie in the bow.”
“Did you hurt your arm like she did?”
“.....Yes; not one of my finer moments.”
“Stick to your powerful fox form here, dear. If we ever need a bow, let me use it; I can actually shoot it without hurting my arm. Your strength lies in your fox form, at least here.”
If your character is part of the aristocracy how do they feel about their responsibility? If not how do they feel about their local governing body.
“I’ve never thought much about the leaders above me......I simply follow orders; I fight not out of enjoyment, but out of duty. That being said......I would rather not listen to Heca, given that she doesn’t even a rank, so nothing really puts her above me other than her summoning ability. But I have no choice. Vallite however......I’ll listen to her; she actually is a commander at least, if not higher rank than that.”
“I.......My feelings towards the Sakura Empire is mixed. On one hand, I have a strong sense of loyalty towards what is basically my homeland, but on the other hand......I refuse to listen to the Sirens. I had to go with the rebels and become part of Azur Lane in hopes I can save any of them....I have saved a few, but the end is not in sight yet.”
“Wait, you rebelled...?”
“Why yes; you always said that the strong are those that shall lead. I’m stronger now than I was before we met again here. Also, strong as you may be, you just refused to be found I swear; I found your sisters, but never you, dear.”
Has your character obtained any unique or important injuries/scars, what are they and what are they from?
“.....Where did you get that scar on your face; it looks like something tried to claw your eye out.”
“I have more scars than that, but.....There’s a reason why I normally didn’t get involved in breaking up you and Akagi’s fighting and just left it to Amagi back when I wasn’t allowed to command anyone and was simply there to help with maintaining things. You know, for the one that doesn’t focus on being strong, your sister can cause quite the scratch when provoked.”
“............I forgot about that; my memories of back when I was a Battleship are quite foggy. I hope it doesn’t affect your sight?”
“Oh yeah, I can see just fine. I also got a bunch of markings, but those are from the dragon blessing, though I’m sure some scars are mixed in there. Does my lovely fox have any marks?”
“No, besides some from the battle I sank in.....But they aren’t noticeable.”
What does your character consider to be their ‘occupation’ how do they define it? Is it lucrative?
“Well I mean, I’m a special type of commander, so I would say it’s pretty well-paid; though I mostly stay where everyone I command is because......I’m honestly used to them a lot more than I’m used to the general public. Family comes to visit during holidays or my birthday anyways.”
“.........Us ships are cared for by the organization that has us, I think. And we care for each other. That being said, we were paid a bit to give us money we could spend. Not as much as the non-ships working however.”
“This is also why I stay with everyone; I get paid less so the gap isn’t as big; you guys go through a lot.”
Has the type of world your character lives in claimed anyone they loved? How do they cope with it?
“It claimed my eldest sister; but she died remaining true to herself. Which is ironic, because I almost died to the Sirens out of a desire to die as a Battleship instead of accepting the conversion to a Carrier....But honestly, I fear Amagi was dying anyways....Though it sounds like you found a way to have her return somehow, Vallite...?”
“Yeah, I don’t fully understand it; I remind her to be careful, but she seems stable now, if still a bit sickly. As for anyone it claimed from me.....” Vallite just gestures to Kaga. “I coped by just trying to distract myself from it until I could finally accept it. Though a desire to locate you was born when I learned that ships could be restored and retrieved from the Sirens. At least Akagi gave me your oldest mask under the promise I wouldn’t lose it.”
Does your character feel any connection with the land/country they were born in, what sort of connection?
“I feel strongly tied to it, but I was born and raised there, and it’s where my mother is from, I think.”
“It’s where I was made.....And I have a sense of loyalty to my fellow ships of the Sakura Empire; the First Carrier Division is a symbol of our strength.”
“Oh dear gods, you and Akagi both need to remember that that was in the past. Mostly because I don’t need that kind of arrogance in my fleet.”
Does your character buy into destinies, fate, or prophecies? Why or why not?
“Not really....The will of the strong trumps that I think.”
“I don’t know, I like the idea that we were destined to meet again, Kaga. Like star crossed lovers; fitting given that I found myself against the forces you had to obey.”
“......Ok, the will of the strong normally trumps it; but one exception can be made for that. Though I can’t remember much about that either; I like your idea.”
Is there something commonplace in their kingdom or world that your character absolutely despises?
“You fuckers got controlled by the Sirens somehow, and I had to deal with the Fifth Carrier Division’s rivalry fueled comments a lot. At least I was able to locate and restore Amagi and have her be my flagship; and have someone to vent to. Sign language is fucking hard to teach.”
“......Why do you know the sign language way of swearing. And why did you teach me it.”
“Hey, if I ever get to the stage where I can say things like Crescent’s lady says to one of her husbands, I will have good use of the word ‘fuck’.”
Has your character experienced war or conflict, directly or indirectly how did it effect them?
“Hey I think we have found why Kaga is so focused on strength.”
“Hey! Though it might be why.....You ended up having to leave your homeland due to the war, right?”
“Yes; but I’m fine so long as I’m near the ocean. I’m always near it, at least until I was summoned here. I miss swimming in the sea....”
“We can go to the beach soon if you want? Me, you, and Kana; it would be nice to spend time together, given who he seems to be related to.”
“That would be nice. We have to find swimwear first, but let’s do that soon.”
What does your character fear most in their world?
“......Kaga, am I allowed to keep a secret? I don’t want to admit my largest fear....Though the second one is losing anyone in my family, but especially you or Kana.”
“Vallite, strength means to overcome your fea-.......I will do my best to never make you relive that fear. And please, do not fall; though if you do, I will avenge you. But I would say share what you fear the most.”
“.....It might involve a lie. One that has lasted years.”
“That could also count as a strength if you can keep it up for years. But I won’t be mad, I promise.”
“Alright; I greatly fear what might happen if anyone finds out what I am. I don’t want to be treated different because I’m a Drago-”
“Wait what?!”
“This is why I ask to keep it secret; I didn’t want to drop tha-” 
Vallite gets stopped by Kaga grabbing her hands.
“.....It’s fine. It explains your appearance changing little over the years. But promise one thing....Do show me your dragon form after this; I want to see the strength you hid from sight.”
Of the fantastical elements in their world what does your character actually find strange, or hard to believe?
“Your kind doesn’t seem to exist.”
“We hide really well. Same can possibly be said for kitsunes, if they remain. But my family are dragons too, so you will get to meet some more once we can return to our world. And there’s.....at least six foxes in the Sakura Empire’s set of ships. That’s more foxes than water lizards.”
Does your character believe in hard, definable good and evils?
“I only believe in the will of the strong.....but I do feel the weak should be allowed to become strong.”
“Oh good, you are learning to be more gentle, dear.”
Any unique traditions where your character is from that wouldn’t work or apply in the real world?
“Kaga prays to Inari; I have seen it. Same with her sisters.”
“And you pay tribute to the seas....”
“That’s for your sake, not mine; you are trespassing, I’m not.”
“Anyways, we are done now; care to explain the dragon thing more now?”
“Fine, though you know most of my past, just it was abridged since it lasted a lot longer than I admitted to. Guess I can fill you in on everything else; though I need to train you to be able to deploy alongside support in the form of a dragon using salvaged battleship cannons.....”
“....You are truly stronger than I knew....”
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