#i hear 'its problematic' but with no context i just spiral into a panic of What Part Of This Is Bad Oh God
nexus-nebulae · 7 months
Hate Hate Hate "problematic" culture where everything has to be bad in some way because i see one post with a 14 year old calling something random "problematic" but because i have no context i just get a random panic over whether this thing i thought was totally innocent is actually horrible and now i just live in a state of literal constant anxiety about the things i like
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maddiewritesstucky · 4 years
Call me maybe (but only during business hours)
A smutty gift for @raynakiasbel​, for her endless patience with my infuriatingly slow writing and inability to focus on one thing at a time! 
Pairing: Steve/Bucky
Rating: Explicit
Wordcount: 3308
Tags: CEO Steve, College Student Bucky, Poorly-Timed Phone Sex, Anal Fingering, Masturbation, Dirty Talk, Light Daddy Kink, Dom/Sub Undertones
Part 1 of the SugarVerse series on Ao3 
Bucky is most definitely not watching the clock.
His eyes have absolutely not been glued to the LED display on the bedside table for what feels like a hundred goddamn years, watching the little white lines form number after number, blinking their way into the formation that will mean he can pick up his phone, and call Steve.
That would be all kinds of pathetic, and Bucky is not that kind of boyfriend.
He’s certainly not the kind of boyfriend who’s already fixing to climb out of his skin on day three (three!) of Steve’s out-of-town business trip. Bucky is one of those autonomous, self-sufficient boyfriends, who is entirely too busy with his own obscenely full schedule to care about the fact that he’s not getting dicked down at his every whim this week.
He has midterms to study for, and hours to log at StarkTech to go towards his internship, and Nat’s surprise birthday party to plan even though she’s literally impossible to surprise…he doesn’t have the mental real estate to spare on thirst right now. He might have become a whole other kind of hoe since being exposed to the many splendors of Steve Rogers’ cock, but twitching for it before they’ve even hit the seventy-two hour mark?
That would be highly problematic, if that was happening.
Which it isn’t.
Bucky is well accustomed to flying solo when Steve’s off in corporate alter-ego mode; he’s done this countless times over the past few months since he moved in with Steve, and he’d made his peace with it long before that. You don’t couple up with the CEO of an internationally renowned architecture firm and expect to see his face at the dinner table every night, and for the most part, Bucky has no complaints about having the stupidly plush bed all to his starfishing self a few nights a month.
It’s just...there’s a method to this, usually. And that method does not involve three entire days of near radio silence.
When Steve goes away, even on his busier trips, he always finds time to call Bucky at least once a day, even if it’s just five minutes as he’s crawling into bed to say goodnight. They’ll text, and Steve will send emails that are endearingly formal because his brain tends to stay in CEO-mode 24/7 when he’s on business trips, and they’ll generally tide one another over with tidbits of cyber-affection until they get back in the same physical space.  
But this time? They’ve hardly been in contact at all. And it’s on Bucky, too, at least in part - he’s been swamped with his own workload the past few weeks, struggling to find quality time or head space even in the few days just before Steve left, and all they’ve managed so far is a few sporadic messages in their rare moments of down-time, which have so far been chaotically misaligned.
It’s been a drag, if Bucky’s honest, and he can occupy himself all he wants with his exam prep and his party-plotting, but at the end of the day…
Bucky’s just a boy, laying in front of a clock, asking his dick to hold out just a few more minutes.
Because right now, it’s 10:42pm.
It’s 10:42pm, which means that in exactly three minutes, Steve will be sliding into the crisp white sheets of whatever lavish hotel bed he’s being put up in; buck-ass naked because he’s as stringent on his no-pyjamas policy as he is on his bed time, and in exactly three minutes…
Bucky’s gonna call him, and phone-fuck the soul right out of his offensively perfect body.
He flips onto his back and nestles into the pillows, a dumb grin already fixing to his face in his hormone-fuelled stupor. The lights of the city outside the floor-to-ceiling penthouse windows bathe his naked skin in soft orange-gold, and his hand migrates of its own accord to the semi he’s been rocking ever since it occurred to him that he could just straight up call Steve and spring a jerk-sesh on him.
The whole thing feels deliciously sneaky-skanky. He’s never done this before, just cold-called Steve with an x-rated agenda. They’ve had phone sex before, a great many times in fact, but there’s always a lead-in; a text exchange turned sordid that spirals into a video call straight out of Bucky’s horny teenage fantasies. 
But he’s never gone in jizz-first, ask-questions-later, and as certain as he is that Steve will be entirely on board, it feels just risky enough to have Bucky a little high off the adrenaline of it.
Here lies Bucky, Queen of the Sluts! Stretched out bare atop cream colored sheets, lit up by the New York skyline! Dick in hand and filth on the tip of his tongue!
He is power! He is scandal! He is ready for this!
He pulls the lube out from its hiding place under the pillow and slicks himself up, stroking slow as he tries to summon some small measure of nonchalance about the whole thing. He has a vision for how he wants this to go, and it does not involve him losing his cool the second he hears Steve’s voice on the other end of the line.
This is about seduction, about surprising Steve with some old-school nasty, no video or visuals involved - just Bucky’s filthy mouth and vivid imagination, and he’s determined to keep it together long enough to paint Steve a picture he can jack it to.
He pulls up Steve’s contact and waits out the final torturous minute with his heart in his throat, hitting the call button the second it ticks over to go-time. He hits the speakerphone button, dropping the phone onto the pillow next to him, and holds his breath through the four rings it takes for Steve to pick up.
And oh, but that bodes well...Steve uses his real name in two contexts, and two contexts only - when Bucky visits him at work and he’s in business mode, and when he’s got Bucky flat on his back underneath him, letting him have it.
If Steve’s already keyed up tonight? This just got a lot more interesting.
“Mm, there it is,” Bucky heaves a deep sigh, “that’s what I needed, that voice...”
His mind’s eye conjures up visions of Steve spread out across the bed, taut lines of muscle and bare flesh all laid out. He’s probably just had a shower, so his skin would be all warm and pink, smelling like soap and aftershave; his hair all fluffy from that irreverent way he has of rubbing it towel-dry...god, Bucky misses him.
“James? Are you alright?”
He can practically hear Steve’s brows drawing together in that way they do when he’s overworked; a tight-wound tension in his voice that Bucky has every confidence he can allay before the night’s through.
“Mm, be a lot better if it was your hand wrapped around my cock right now,” Bucky drawls, rolling his body for his audience of no one, “but I guess I’ll just have to settle for fucking my fist to the sound of your voice. Can you hear me touching myself, Daddy?”
He breathes a soft groan as he strokes himself slick and languid, and Steve is silent for a long moment that Bucky’s brain is all too happy to color in with pornographic images of how Steve might be listening; where his hands might be wandering, how his cock would be filling at the mental picture Bucky’s painting. Bucky thinks this might just be the best idea he’s ever had, and he doesn’t hold back on letting Steve hear exactly how good he’s feeling about his decision...
...Until Steve clears his throat, and unceremoniously hits him with an ice-cold dousing of you-done-fucked-up.
“I’m in a meeting right now, I have two clients with me.”  
There is zero inflection in his tone, and if Bucky thought he had experienced true panic before, he was mistaken. He can physically feel himself paling; his mouth dropping open soundlessly, humiliation warring with plain confusion as to why the hell Steve is still working at this ridiculous hour.
And then it clicks.
Horribly, harrowingly clicks.
Steve isn’t working at stupid o’clock at night.
In the perpetual haze of Bucky’s overworked brain and Steve’s ever-changing schedule, Bucky had forgotten that this trip was taking Steve to Hawaii.
For Steve, it isn’t slutty phone-sex hours. It’s very sensible, 4:45pm strictly-business hours.
“Ohmygod,” Bucky gasps, bolting upright and looking desperately around the room like it might hold the solution to his colossal screw up, “Steve, I completely forgot--”
“Mr Barnes, I can give you exactly two minutes of my time right now because I realize it’s been difficult to touch base recently,” Steve interrupts, his tone cooling abruptly with the air of professional detachment and veiled authority Bucky’s heard him use on work calls a thousand times. “Can you tell me exactly what the issue is with the redesign?”
...Bucky blinks, breath caught in his throat as he scrambles to string together some sense from Steve’s response.
Steve hasn’t mentioned any specific projects lately, is Bucky supposed to know something about a redesign? Was there something he--
His brain and his dick catch on at the same time in a borderline painful rush of blood. He hears Steve pull back from the phone to address his clients, placating them with an apology and the assurance that this won’t take long, and Jesus Christ...Steve is actually doing this.
Steve is actually going to let this happen, going to let Bucky have one-sided phone sex with him while he sits there in some boardroom, with actual clients sitting right in front of him.
What the fuck.
Bucky’s breath leaves him in a rush as he drops back against the pillows and wraps a frantic hand around himself. “The issue is you’ve been gone three fucking days and I wanna sit on your face.”
“Mm, I see why that’s problematic,” Steve muses, cool and unaffected, “what exactly do you need from me?”
God, Bucky can just picture it - Steve sitting there looking like a fucking wet dream in one of his distractingly well-fitting suits, with his hair swept perfectly over and his beard trimmed just close enough to show off the sharp cut of his jaw; radiating that air of quiet authority that makes Bucky want to bounce in his lap until he dies...
Bucky knows for a fact that Steve’s face will be betraying precisely none of what’s happening on the other end of the line, and why the hell is that such a turn on?
“Well I was gonna describe in graphic detail all the things I want you to do to me when you get back,” Bucky huffs, breaths coming faster already, “but if I’m on the clock now, guess I’ll have to settle for sayin’ I need you to bring that dick home ASAP...fuckin’ miss it.”
“I see,” Steve sighs, “well I’m not back in New York for a few days yet, how do you plan to manage this in the interim?”
Bucky curses under his breath, tightening his grip on himself. “Just have to fuck myself, imagine it’s you.”  He sounds every bit as unconvinced of the efficacy of this plan as they both know he is, and Steve hums thoughtfully in response.
“I’m going to need more detail, paint me a picture here.”
Bucky knows he’s blushing, feels the heat of it all the way down his chest, and fuck this shouldn’t be as hot as it is. Dirty talking at Steve and getting nothing back but clipped responses, void of emotion and the usual undercurrent of affection he’s become accustomed to?
Work-Steve needs to come to the bedroom more often.
“I’ll touch myself, like I’m doing right now,” he twists his grip a little on the upstroke, hissing at the change in sensation, “get my fist all wet and tight around my cock...pretend it’s your mouth.”
How close are Steve’s clients sitting to him? Steve wouldn’t be letting this happen if there was any way they could hear...but what if one of them has some kind of medical condition that gives them enhanced hearing? What if one of them can read minds and is hearing this entire conversation play out in stereo quality in their head?
Why is there a part of Bucky that hopes one or both of those things are true?!
“...And?” Steve prompts, almost brusque, and Bucky gives himself a second to revel in the way his dick twitches for the hard edge in Steve’s voice.
“And I’ll, fuck- ” Bucky stutters, rocking his hips with the rhythm of his strokes, pushing himself up through his grip, “I’ll use my toys, fingerfuck myself.”
“Right, well why don’t you go ahead and start that for me now,” Steve says, off-hand; pulling back from the phone to place an honest-to-god coffee order with the oblivious intern who’s now seemingly in the room too, and Bucky’s never felt more of an affinity for the whole bored-and-ignored thing.  
He slicks up the fingers of his free hand and shifts a little onto his side, hiking a knee up as he slips a finger inside himself.
“Can I take that as a yes, Mr Barnes?” Steve asks at the breathy moan Bucky lets out as he presses in first with one, and then with two fingers, and Bucky nods frantically even though Steve can’t see him.
“Yes, fuck...I'm doin' it...feels so fucking good, Steve.”
And it does. It’s a difficult angle, and he can't quite hit the spot he wants to inside himself, but the steady stroke-tug against his rim while his fist flies over his cock is working for him; winding him towards what would, in any other non time-constrained circumstance, be an embarrassingly fast orgasm.
He can hear Steve shuffling papers, making quiet sounds of agreement along with whatever conversation is going on in the background between his clients whilst they wait, unknowing, and Bucky can’t decide whether it’s a blessing or an immense disappointment that Steve has to bite his tongue right now; that he can’t unleash any of the filth he’d definitely be spitting if he didn’t have an audience. 
Steve fucking loves to run his mouth, and Bucky loves to hear it; lives for the endlessly colorful obscenities Steve comes out with in the throws of it.
Just listen to you, he’d be laughing a little; his voice dripping with that indulgent, self-satisfied grin he gets, so goddamn easy for it, ain’t that right baby? Three fuckin’ days and you’re gagging for it...should be ashamed of yourself…
But Steve is in a very public forum right now, in the middle of a meeting no less, trying to give the impression that he’s very decidedly not having phone sex. Right now, he’s Steve Rogers - CEO, consummate professional.
But he is also an asshole, and when he asks Bucky “do you feel you have a firm grasp on the situation, or would a second set of hands be helpful on this one?” Bucky swears he can hear that faint hint of a smirk all the way across the fucking country.
“Might just have to go find myself a second set of hands if you stay away too long,” Bucky retorts, emboldened by the distance, and a little morbidly curious to see what sassing gets him when Steve can’t say shit about it.
Turns out, what it gets him is a full-body shiver and a throb between his thighs as Steve’s tone dips to somewhere in the realm of politely-veiled threat. “I would not advise that, Mr Barnes.”
It occurs to Bucky, then, that this won’t just be done and dusted once they hang up. At the end of the week, Steve will come back to New York, and he will absolutely have some Things To Say about this little interruption.
He can picture it now, the way Steve will stand there all calm, staring him down with his mouth upticked at the corner while Bucky fumbles his way through an explanation. 
He’ll probably do that thing where he doesn’t say much but his eyes say everything, and Bucky will have to try really hard to seem remorseful even though they’ll both know he’s not actually all that sorry. And Steve won’t want him to be, not really, but it’ll be something he can use to their mutual benefit, nonetheless.
Fuck, Steve might spank him.
Bucky smothers a moan into the pillow next to him, twisting his fingers inside himself and brushing his thumb across the head of his cock as he turns that thought over, Steve bending him over his knee, or better yet, over his desk...
“Oh,” Bucky gasps, a sudden rush of heat twisting tight in his gut, “fuck, I’m gonna come.”
Steve huffs a vaguely incredulous laugh, and there’s a faint creaking sound like he’s settling further back in his chair. “Oh really? Who authorized that?”  
Bucky lets out a deeply undignified whine, his whole body strung tight enough to snap; caught between the sensations of his hand moving frantically over his dick and his fingers scissoring inside himself.
“Come on,” he whimpers, teetering on the knife edge of losing it, “tell me I can finish, please.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t quite catch that.”
Oh, fuck him, fuck him...how is he still edging Bucky when he was the one who put the rush order on this?
“Please, Daddy,” Bucky doesn’t try to hide the desperation in his voice as he changes tact, “if you don’t authorize this orgasm I think I’m gonna go blind, just fucking let me come!”
Steve pauses a beat, humming a considering sound. “No, I’m not comfortable signing off on that. We’re tabling this until I get back to New York.”
Bucky freezes, both hands stilling; his face crumbling into a mask of abject disbelief.  “You can’t be serious?”  His stomach drops, even as something in the back of his mind says he really should have seen this coming...or, not coming, as is the case.
“I'm sure we can come to a far more satisfying resolution in person,” Steve says, maddeningly cavalier.
Bucky’s gearing up to plead his case, but Steve’s not done ruining his night yet.
“In fact, Mr Barnes,” he piles on, “I’d like to make you personally responsible for ensuring no further action is taken on the matter until I return. Can I trust you with this?”
Bucky gapes down at his poor, oblivious cock still standing at eager attention in his grasp, unaware of the disaster that’s just befallen them, and he takes his hands off himself with a pained groan.
“This is criminal,” he objects, flopping heavily onto his back and throwing his arms out to his sides, “if my dick falls off, it’s your fault!”
“Great! Glad to hear it,” Steve chirps, as if he's not the worst person alive, “I’ll be in touch.”
“Whatever,” Bucky scowls at the shadows stretching across the ceiling, willing his mind off the throbbing ache of injustice between his thighs, “I’m totally not answering any of your calls.”
Steve’s smile bleeds into his tone a little when he responds, the closest he’s come to fondness yet. “Okay, speak soon, Mr Barnes.”
Bucky tries, really tries, to inject some petulance into his tone as he signs off with a grumbled “love you, I guess,” but he can’t quite bring himself to sulk as much as he feels the situation warrants.
After all, in exactly four days, Steve will come back to New York.
He’ll come home, and they’ll laugh about this, and in exactly four days…
Steve will make him forget what he was even upset about in the first place.
(Part 2 of the series here!)
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dailyaudiobible · 3 years
02/05/2021 DAB Transcript
Exodus 21:22-23:13, Matthew 24:1-28, Psalms 29:1-11, Proverbs 7:6-23
Today is the 5th day of February welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I'm Brian it is awesome to be here with you today as we continue our journey forward through the Scriptures. And in the Old Testament we find ourselves in the book of Exodus and we’ll continue that journey. The children of Israel are around the mountain of God, Mount Sanai. God has descended upon the mountain to speak directly with the people. People are pretty freaked out about that. They’re asking Moses to be basically God's prophet, to speak on behalf of God. But God is giving instructions directly to the people and these are sort of the first instructions that are laying out what this new culture is gonna look like, what the chosen people of God are supposed to look like so that they can do what…well…so that they can do what they were chosen for, to be a kingdom of priests, to bless all the nations of the world, to point the way to God, to introduce God to a people who have forgotten. And, so, it's God's intention to establish a people under his rule giving them the ordinances and customs and rituals that they are to follow that will be an example to the world but will also be an example to everyone who participates - about who God is and who they are and where the whole things headed. And, so, God is giving some of these initial instructions and that's where we find ourselves today. We’re reading from the Voice Translation this week. Exodus chapter 21 verse 22 through 23 verse 13.
Alright. In the book of Matthew today Jesus begins a teaching about…about the end, the end of all things, the end times, which is like the ominous topic to talk about. And this is all in context of the fact that He's walking by the temple and He's predicting that it will all fall down. Like everybody's admiring it, but he's essentially saying it’s all gonna become rubble, which it did within about a 1/2 a century of Him saying it when the Romans completely, just completely demolished Jerusalem in 70 A.D. So, His disciples, later on they come to Him and they’re like, “so, tell us when this is gonna happen.” And that's what launches Jesus into this discourse about the end times. And, you know, like I was just mentioning the end times can be a terrifying topic, and yet every generation feels like they are living in them. And in truth every generation has been wrong up until this point unless it's all the end times. And, so, what we see from Jesus is not like this discourse intended to create mayhem and terror among those who were hearing Him. He’s like not trying to scare people to death, He’s just sharing. And he says, you know, there are some things that you will be able to observe about war about famine. You’ll be able to see these things. You’ll be able to see nations against nations. You’ll see this but that's not the end. That's the beginning of the end. Those are the contractions basically, the birth pangs, right? Those of the contractions. So, when you see this kind of stuff, understand that this is like a contraction and birth is not upon us yet, but it's assigned that birth is coming and this birth is that all things would be made new again. So, right there we should take hope. That’s where everything is headed, that all things would be made new again with. But some things have to happen and they’re the birth pangs and we can see them, and we should observe them so that we understand that we’re in the birthing process. Where it gets a little sideways, at least for me is trying to take that information and then create a prediction, take that information add a generous portion of Daniel, bring in, of course the book of Revelation, certainly bring in the book of Ezekiel, like all of the books that have prophetic utterances that seem to indicate future times and try to build this together into some kind of cohesive story that will give us a date. Well, there have been people who have had dates even in my lifetime. There are people who have…I mean I can remember people killing themselves to follow a star. I can…up in space like when the comet went by. I can remember people predicting a specific date and then everybody selling all their stuff and going on grand vacations because the end is coming, and Christ is returning. What we’re going to find as we continue this discourse is that Jesus is going to make a profound claim. He's going to claim that He doesn't even know the end date, the end of it all. Only the Father knows this Jesus will say. And, so, we can continue to kind of be fretting and anxious and have this underlying dread about things every time we see something that…that seems problematic in the world or we can understand this is a contraction but even the Savior isn't making predictions. That can be profoundly helpful.
Jesus, we invite You into that. We take that to heart. We’re listening. We want to have ears to hear. We’re listening. We want to have eyes to see. We want to look at what's really going on behind it all. We want to see like You see, we want to hear like You here. We want to be like You. We want to be Christ like. And, so, we have to follow in Your ways and believe what You're telling us. And You're telling us not to panic. Holy Spirit come because all kinds of things can turn us toward panic and then it can start spiraling and there’s nothing more dreadful than thinking about how the world may come to an end. And, so, come Holy Spirit into this, into this year where we are mending, into this year where the anxiety isn't doing any good anymore. It's really not helping us. It's just making us sick and we just look for all the things that can make us more and more restless when You are offering, shalom. You are offering peace. You are offering order. You are offering to allow us to see things as they really are. Help us to slow down and see we pray. In the name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is the website, its home base, its where you find out what’s going on around here. And do indeed stay in touch with what's going on around here. Pray for each other. Stay connected. And, of course, yeah, you can find out all of this at dailyaudiobible.com but you can also find out all this in the Daily Audio Bible app. So, yeah, if…if you have the Daily Audio Bible app you already know that. If you don't then make sure that you do. It’s a free app. Download it from your app store and dive in and get connected.
Pray for one another at the Prayer Wall. You can find that in the Community section.
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Just stay connected. The journey of a year is a long one and a short one. Like it's weird because it's a year. And, so, a lot happens in a year. A lot more happens in a year that we don't remember then we do. But if we’re kind of journaling our way through we are telling the story and staying connected in community and then it also feels like it just flies by. It’s like look at where we are. We are in the second month of the year and doesn't feel like it was just New Year's. It just flies by. It’s just so strange how time is, I don't know, elastic kind of, in our memory anyway. But going through the journey together through the whole Bible any year is a remarkable experience. And, so, let's stay connected in any way that we can.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, well first of all, thank you profoundly. Thank you humbly. It’s a remarkable thing that we can take this journey together, and it’s a remarkable thing that we’ve been taking this journey together for all of these years because that would've never ever been the case had we not been in it together. And, so, thank you. If you are finding life in the Scriptures and moving through the Scriptures in community than thank you for being life-giving. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address, if that's your preference, is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement you can hit the Hotline button in the app, which is the…it’s the button…the red one up at the top in the app, can't miss it, it's a hotline, it's red, looks like hotline button. So, you can press that no matter where you are in the world or there are a number of phone numbers that you can use depending on where you are. In the Americas 877-942-4253 is the number to call. If you are in the UK or Europe 44-20-3608-8078 is the number to dial. And if you are in Australia or that part of the world. 61-3-8820-5459 is the number to call.
And that's it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Heavenly Father I come before You again this morning to thank You for today February 1st and to listen to the children pray this morning. Father God You said as we become like Your children, we will see Your face and we can enter Your Kingdom. Lord forgive us. This is the first day of February and some of us are struggling with illness, sickness, diseases, loneliness. Father God in the name of Jesus I pray to Lord for the DAB community. Thank You, O Lord for Your word that rings true. Help us to be faithful. Help me Lord to seek Your face and not for the things of this world. Lord I know that You have a better plan for all of us, a plan where we can be one accord, we can be community of believers who truly seek Your face. And as we pray for those who are listening, those who may be feeling weary, warn, and tired Father God I pray that You add strength and You had wisdom because You said if we lack anything we should come and ask and we're asking this morning for a faith can move mountains, the mustard seed faith Father God. In the name of Jesus cleanse our heart. All of those around the world Father God those are who knew, those who are seasoned we pray that the Holy Spirit will be with them today. Give them an unction of Your love so they can wake up and rise and continue to do Your work. Lord forgive us because we know that we've sinned and come short of Your glory. Thank You, Brian and the DAB family. In Jesus’ name cover us with Your blood in Jesus’ name. Amen.
I'm Jeannie from Georgia a first-time caller. I started listening on February 1st, 2019. So, this is my second year through with daily audio Bible. In 2018 August my middle daughters’ husband was diagnosed with Esophageal cancer. He immediately underwent aggressive radiation and chemotherapy treatments but on December 16th, 2018 the Lord called him home to heaven and my daughter was left with seven children, four of them at home still to raise. I too lost my husband of 25 years when I was in my mid-40s. I often read through the Bible through the years, but I found that after my son in law died, I just couldn't bring myself to concentrate on reading through the Bible. And, so, I began the search online for something I can listen to and that's how I discovered Daily Audio Bible. Very shortly after I started listening in February 2019 I heard about the More conference for women. It seemed God was really urging me to go but I’d never done that…done something like that by myself before. My daughters were not able to accompany me and I just did it and I'm so grateful because it was truly life changing for me. The Lord helped me work through not only the grief of my son in law but grief of loss of my husband and so many other things that I had not really dealt with through the years as I should have. Anyway, I just wanted to share this. There's so much more but I wanted to tell you I appreciate all of you and I love the prayer time and the word. Thank you so much Hardin family. I am truly grateful.
Good morning DAB family this is Bridget from New York City and I want to share an encouraging word for those parents and everyone that is calling in for their prodigals. I wasn't raised in the church. I was raised…actually I hated God to be honest with you and never understood who God was or…or His purpose or anything about Him. And I remember being very young and just being around people that prayed for other people, being around, you know, revival camps. I'm from New York so there's a lot of, you know, a lot of stuff going on out here and I was around a lot of revival camps for some reason. I always ended up somewhere where there was church happening and I remember people distinctively just putting their hands on my head and praying for me and as I share with you my family wasn't, you know, I wasn't raised with the gospel. In fact, my mom was…I've seen her go through many things as a young child. So, I hated God honestly. I thought that my life was unnecessary, and I just want to encourage you guys. Don't give up praying because look at me now, I'm 46 years old, I love the Lord and the Lord spared my life. And I believe it was because of the prayers of the people. I believe that those strangers that believed for me, you know, prayed me into the Kingdom and now I'm sharing the word of God with my family and with everyone that I know. And I just want you to be encouraged. Pray, keep praying for your children, keep believing for them, don't give up. God has them. OK love you guys. God bless you.
Oh, my sweet 13-year-old Desiree my heart goes out to you for the situation that you're in. You are not responsible for your mother's drug addiction. That's a sin that only God can help her pull away from. There is no way that you hold any responsibility for that. And, you know, you’re a special, special person. First you have the courage to call in and cry out and secondly God must love you very specially because he plucked you out of that situation and put you in the lives of your aunt and uncle who’ve adopted you and that's a big step for them. They obviously love you very much. God has a special place in his heart for you. You're going to do some great things despite what your mother has done towards you. You loved my child. Thank you for sharing your story. This is Bob, Grandpa Bob from Michigan. Bye.
Hi family this is Anne from Arizona. I just want to encourage everyone that is part of this community, those on the Prayer Wall, those of us who call in to pray, those of us who are praying behind the scenes and may not necessarily be or have their voices be heard. I just want to encourage you, each and every one of you. Continue doing the work that you are doing. Continue praying. There's so much power in prayer and coming together as a community, you know, to pray for one another all over the world. It is amazing how the impact is on each and every one of our lives. I could testify of that myself knowing many times that people have prayed for me people who do not even know me. And I just want to say thank you because we see, and I know that God is breaking through in each and every one of our lives and I just want to continue encouraging each and every one of you. Do not lose hope, do not lose heart, continue doing the work that you are doing. Continue praying, continue seeking the Lord on behalf of others. It is such a blessing to pray for others and then to hear the report of what God is doing. It is so amazing. Family I love you and continue doing what you are doing. And I thank you all. Amen. And have a great day evening or morning. Bye now.
Hi this is Karen from Ontario on the Saint Lawrence River in the Thousand Islands. And first of all, I'm a newcomer. I've just been listening in the latter part of November and I am so thrilled to be here. I listen to your prayers. I pray for you. I want to thank Brian in his family for this wonderful, wonderful app and I'm sure you've come over many, many hurdles to just get on the air and stay on the air. I want to speak to Donna in California and Amy and Canada. I have so been where you were through the death of my former husband and it's not easy and you just need to hold still, just wait, just be patient. God has this He knows what you want He knows what you need, and He will take care of you. Just as He did today in the desert with the Israelites, He took care of me. He has taken care of me. He's brought me back from a very very big illness before my husband died and then He passed away and was upset that I…that I survived because then He just passed away. But once I got through all of that and opened my heart and said, “OK God you're not done with me yet, so we'll do it your way.” and I'm so thankful. Blessings to everyone. Thank you. Goodbye.
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