#i honestly don't mean to be salty... i do generally just take what we're given and make the best of it... but I was just... disappointed
ohifonlyx33 · 2 years
mixed feelings about deflagration. I'm not usually one to complain about an episode, but I was underwhelmed and even a little irked...
sorry if that bums you out. in fact, you may not want to read this list past #1 (which is objectively funny).
So we all agree we have severe psychological trauma from Gabriel's.... whatever that was?
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2. Zoe I tried to give you a chance even after your botched introduction as Chloe's secret sister... but honestly just leave. I hope she does go back to New York. When she was little more than a character model standing next to Chloe, I could be indifferent... I could tolerate her... But the more they focus on her, the less I like her... If I didn't love Adrien and Marinette so much, she might just be awful enough to kill my interest in the show. :(
3. I didn't exactly think Gabriel's plan made perfect sense (why akumatize anyone at all? Just follow them home or something), but liked the general direction of the plot and the raised stakes of almost losing.
4. The way the underground movement kicked in and the teamwork was nice... but they defeated Monarch way too easily. Every other time Gabe gets his hands on even one of the two, it's been game over. Respect to Tikki and Plagg, but you're telling me they couldn't resist in Ephemeral?
5. Genuinely sad when Adrien is sad. :( He missed having Plagg as a friend. Love him as the protective BF and love that he got to take the Ladybug earrings from his father. :)
6. Adrienette is still so cute, but honestly... Marinette has a problem. Wait. Listen. I'm not one to say she's never allowed to be cringey and neurotic. Cringe is part of her character and I love her for it and despite it. Heck, I consider myself cringe in various ways.. So I'm not here to blame her for being awkward or clumsy or whatever else... I can even forgive her statue scene... But this is a whole different ballgame. She's acting downright terrified of Adrien (I get there is some trauma there, but TBH Chat Blanc was way worse or at least equally as bad, and she managed that fear way better... she even let herself fall for Chat Noir, take his hand, and kiss him on the lips despite the trauma of Chat Blanc... I just don't totally understand the inconsistency). And okay, it's fine if she's nervous around him and awkward and not ready to hold hands or say ILY... but then don't keep forcing yourself to do those things. It just looks way worse when you try to force it, and can't. Like, girl... I know you want to hold his hand, but if you feel yourself freezing up... just don't force yourself. If it freaks you out so much just apologize and say you're not ready. Tell him you didn't wash your hands or something ridiculous. Just... Read your body signals. That's all.
7. Not enough Ladynoir fallout. Not enough questioning what happened there. Seriously? Hoping this is addressed more later... but not likely.
8. Alya and Nino was sweet and they handled that well 🥰
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xx-hail2theking-xx · 2 years
1. Minimum of having existed, maximum not to be exceeded of thirteen decades.
2. Average? Supple, and soft, though frequently coarser patches can approach something more mildly abrasives at least in regards to the previous
3. To my understanding? Highly metallic, somewhat sweet, very salty.
4. Considering that many species are unable to taste specific flavors, sweet being a pretty basic example, occasionally yes
5. Every carnivore large than us, as well as several only a portion of our size, has served as this in the past. In terms if percentage, most of these are now extinct, while a rather predominant former predator of our species has been domesticated. Some outliers remain, but they are largely individual in nature. Most predators avoid us now
6. You could try. See former
7. We do a pretty good job of that ourselves, honestly. But our numbers are steadily increasing. Inevitable result of a species decimating their own predators, really
8. It's probably too late, honestly
9. They're nice enough
10. Pretty sure we just exist in another universe entirely, does that count?
11. Define 'at will.' By choice? Yes? Without some manner of assistance? No, except in cases of aging or horrific shock
12. I used to know this answer, give me a sec- yeah, sure the hell looks black and blue to me
13. Fuck yes
14. Repeatedly throughout history
15. There are way too many people who would take you up on that, without thinking to question whether they'd be the sacrificer, or the sacrifee
16. Dear fucking void, you have no idea, but you'd have to get past about a thousand layers of preexisting manipulations, both generational, and identity based
17. Probably fewer than this many
18. Ask a scientist. I don't keep track of that shit
19. Many, many, many, many times
20. Would and have!
21. I mean. It has happened. Obviously. But it's not what I'd call common
22. -_-; regrettably? Capitalism. And I'm absolutely counting it
23. Most? No clue. Me? Abso-fucking-lutely
24. I have, yes. All shades of white, black, or brown, however. Probably because I like shetland sheep. They have pretty patterns. It's possible I'm an outlier, however
25. I'm not interested enough to attempt to answer this
26. The first is admittedly cute, the second makes me bristle for some reason
27. See above- with the caveat that following that question- from you? Neithe
28. Interesting and adorable, want to smooch multiple cute faces. Also that you shouldn't believe everything you hear, because for fuck's sake dude. And aware most would eat me given the chance. Shoosh. We're drawn to predator species
29. You? May call me Poppet
30. Hi
31. Did you think I wouldn't?
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