#i hope everyone in that production will appreciate how much money I'll be spending just to get there
I love coming here and going through the David Tennant tag to see all the other people screaming about going to see Macbeth later this year. Like hell yeah, I'm not the only one who's going to travel to London just to see that play! Maybe I'll sit next to one of you and we can freak out about seeing David Tenannt live together!!
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eexersmain · 3 years
Hello! Just saw that you're interested in solarpunk, and I've been wanting to learn a bit more about that myself lately - would you mind sharing a bit about what it is/what your favorite things are about it/anything else you want to ramble about? If you're too busy that's fine, but if not I'd love to listen :D
:DDD !! Yes of course!!!
Solarpunk is a movement that's like a subgenre of punk, but with an emphasis on direct action and sustainability. A good example of solarpunk values is the organization Food Not Bombs, if you've heard of them (I recommend looking them up if you haven't and are interested in solarpunk!) I tried to organize my answer into some important values, so I'll touch on direct action, sustainability, taking care of each other, and anarchism and anticapitalism.
Direct action is at the heart of solarpunk. If you're not familiar with the term, direct action just means any kind/helpful thing you do yourself- boots on the ground. Popular activities include attending protests, sharing zines, hosting workshops, donating food and clothes, volunteer work, filling potholes, covering bad graffiti, putting up posters, guerilla gardening, and repairing clothes!
There's also a strong emphasis on sustainability. Clothes for example are mass produced, often cheaply made. Lots of perfectly good clothes end up in the dumpster. Solarpunk says it's better to repair the clothes you have than to just throw them away and buy new stuff. It's even turned into a style a bit! I've seen people use colorful thread or funky fabric patches to repair stuff and it looks really neat!
Gardens are also popular! Why spend tons of money on certain produce items when you can grow your own? And if you have too much, you can share!
That's another important part of solarpunk- not everyone has the same skills, so it's important to help each other out and take care of each other. Trading is popular (for example, I might fix my neighbor's computer and they give me some fresh eggs) but it's more of an appreciative gift, really. After all, someone's value is not based on how they contribute to society. It doesn't have to be limited to resources either. If I have good medical training and my neighbor has no health insurance, why should they have to pay tons of money to get stitches when I could do them for free? If I'm good at something or have excess of something, why should I keep it to myself?
This sort of share and share alike policy applies to other areas too! Solarpunk is strongly anarchist and anticapitalist. You've probably seen posts encouraging you to ditch google products- those posts most likely originate from solarpunk/anticapitalist/anarchist blogs! Free information and the right to privacy are both important. (and if you want some free/open source software recommendations, I got you)
Thank you so much for the ask!! Made my day :D I hope I didn't dump way too much info on you (this got a little longer than I thought it would) and if you want more or have questions then I'd love to answer them!
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monsterrsmind · 8 years
I'll be missing you
I think with most every relationship you have, there is always special little things you’ll always remember, no matter what happens later in life. Here’s what I remember about the three relationships I’ve had: after three years with SMJ, i remember youremineforever, zimbabwe2kx3, and Lammie. after four years with MDS, There is really nothing significant that sticks out…except the fighting. after only 27 days with ALJ, and falling too incredibly hard, too incredibly deep, too incredibly fast, I remember everything….The first time I told you i loved you. The first kiss. The first time we had sex. The first time i spent the night with you…I remember the last time i spent the night and the last kiss I gave you, and the talk we had in your car later that day. I remember my heart breaking, and i know how badly it still breaks. The things I remember, however small and insignificant they may seem to anyone else, these are the things that have always meant a great deal to me. These are things that are my memories and are the things that it doesn’t matter who else understands or likes it or not. They belong to my heart. Everyone has their own. Good things and/or bad things that they remember. -Me circa ~2011 After so many years apart from each one of them here’s what sticks out: SMJ- I still remember Lammie, and Zimbabwe. I remember the first time we had sex. I remember peanut butter mayonnaise cheese and bologna sandwiches. I remember how your family became my family, and how happy we were when Aunt Dawn graduated nursing school and how terrified I was right along with you when your mom got hurt. I remember you telling me how Mr. Eww abused you. I remember wanting so much more for you that you could see in yourself. I remember slowly drifting away, though I can’t recall how or when it really all started. Its hard to pinpoint exact moments like that. I remember going to hang out with your sister after we had broken up and being so sad that you couldn’t even look at me. Like you weren’t even mad at me anymore, like you’d just completely forgotten I had even existed. Like a ghost you couldn't see even though I was standing right next to you. I remember holding your hand at moms funeral, I know how scared you were and even though we hadn't been together for a long time that moment was familiar. I'm glad that we have been able to move past all of the relationship-y feelings, good, bad, and otherwise, and be friendly now. Dare I say, even friends? MDS- As before, nothing good really sticks out in my mind. All we ever did was fight. You were abusive. I still remember, in terrorizing flashbacks, being cornered against the wall, or locked in the bedroom no way of escaping, and the fist flying at my face. I remember not being able to talk to friends or family because you always listened in and then would ask me why I care, and you always wanted me to get paid money for babysitting Alex you didn’t understand that they are family and I wasn’t going to ask for money to see them. Money you would have taken anyway. I remember constantly being accused of cheating on you, when it turns out you had been cheating on me. I remember being so afraid to leave, and yet for some unknown reason I really did love you, and didn’t want to leave. I remember you wanting me to spend nights with you and I would text my mom and tell her to say no and send that to her first. Then I would delete that message from my phone and ask her. I was so afraid to just tell you no. I remember you always telling me I was different around my family and when I told my mom you said this she explained that it was probably true because I felt I had more power around my family because they’d have my back and he didn’t like that. I remember always doing your homework for you. And not being able to go to college or have a job because you were afraid I would go home with someone else. I remember being so confused when your sisters got taken away from your mom because their dad was growing weed and selling crack out of the house and wondering why you would still do these drugs with your mom knowing how angry you were when the girls got taken away because of it. I remember all the times we spent at your aunt Kim’s house on the lake. That woman is the best thing that ever happened to you. I hope you appreciate her. I honestly believe she and her kids are the only sane people in your family. I remember your “size” and I remember the only reason that was even an issue was because you constantly brought it up and couldn’t let it go. I remember always being asked if SMJ pleasured me more than you did. I remember that was what finally broke us up. We were living at my moms house and you asked me that again and I guess I did have more power being at home so I told you I was done and you needed to leave. I remember you tried to take Avery and leave your bearded dragon. I remember the cops having to be called because you were getting loud and threatening. I remember trying to set up visitation rights for Avery. I remember that didn’t last long, I don’t know why, and then we didn’t speak again. I remember a year-ish later I was working at wegmans and you showed up with JL and JC. Not to buy anything. Just to try to intimidate me. I remember a few years after that working at ARC and you showed up at the house to deliver products from jostons paper. That was the last I saw you. Thank God. The only thing I miss about you is Aunt Kim. I hope someday that woman can knock some sense into your god damned head. I replay this in my head all the time. You scarred me in so many ways. I hope you never do this to another woman. And if your aunt even happens to find this and read it and find out all the terrible things you did, I hope she knocks you six ways to Sunday. Listen to her. AL- Last time I posted this we had just broken up. I was still hurting and everything feels a thousand times more intense when you’re in the thick of it. Now, I can’t really recall much. I remember spending nights with you in that little shop that was meant to be an office not someone’s house. I remember having to literally sleep on top of you because you only had a small futon not big enough for the both of us. I remember you having an ex that tried to warn me about you and I didn’t listen. I’m glad we didn’t last long, looking back now. I would hope you would have gotten your life together by now, but I know you haven’t. And now there’s another. SCA- I am still trying to put all the pieces together. Of all my boyfriends you were by far the best. I honestly can’t complain too much. You were really good to me and I appreciate that. I remember just feeling so comfortable with you right from the start I opened up to you quicker than I ever had before. I remember late lights and juicy juice and tumblr and reddit and grape juice guy. But things weren’t perfect. We were like a puzzle and the pieces almost, but never quite exactly fit together right. But so many little things kept us from fitting perfectly. We were never on the same page. I loved you so much I know I could have spent the rest of my life with you, but you never saw it. You weren’t in that place. And a part of me understands that its because of your shitty home life. A drunk, abusive mother and a father who just let it happen. He was never brave enough to walk away, and while the physical abuse didn’t happen to you, it took a toll on you emotionally and mentally. You learned to hermit into yourself and not rely on anyone for help while I sought out treatment. I got myself a therapist and a psychiatrist and got the meds and the help that I needed to at least try to fight the hurricane that raged inside me. You saw your primary doctor who you even admitted wasn’t really helping you, but you never got real help. And looking back I think that hindered us right from the start. I know my reliance upon you took a toll also. I was so busy trying not to drown in my floods that I think a lot of times I started to pull you under. And that wasn’t fair, so I'm sorry for that. You also kept the teeth thing from me with ample time over three years to tell me. I can’t promise that, had you told me sooner, everything would have been fine. I don’t know. I like to think I would have been glad you told me before three years, but I just can’t say with any degree of certainty. I haven’t spoken to you in over two years. And still I find myself wondering “what if…” much more frequently then I care to admit to anyone but my therapist. I only see you occasionally if I stop into Wegmans at the right time. And you look right through me as though I’m a ghost. And I suppose in some ways I am. I’m slowly (very slowly) learning to let go. Someday my bones won’t temble with every thought of you. Someday you’ll be nothing but a passing memory I can smile at as it fades past. Someday. So for now this is my list. I’m learning a little more everyday how to heal myself and let go. That everything in my life doesn’t always have to be all or nothing. I’m learning how to love myself more than some boy who can barely give me a second glance. Someday I’ll be proud of me again. Someday I’ll manage to glue myself back into one piece. Until then…~ 1 note Feb 14th, 2016
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