#i hope u guys also know i'm here for u whenever u need me <33 so if there's anything i can help u out w or if u just wanna hang just hmu <3
woozi · 2 years
lich rally what would i do without caratblr 🥹
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saintsgrrl · 1 year
💌 to my beloved mutuals whom i hold very close to my heart:
tbh i have no idea how to start this (i am shitting my pants as we speak 💀) but for those who don't recognize me, you may know me as august, cherry or ryu (it's fine if you don't recognize me tbh it's my fault for switching names every other week 😭). this is my second year with all of you lovely people despite not being online that often this year and not checking on all of you as much as i should've (and im so so sorry for that).
but it's the last day of 2022 and i just want to thank each and every single one of you for being with me throughout this entire year. i don't think i could've pulled through if it wasn't for y'all. and yk it doesn't even matter if we interacted or not, just seeing your reblogs and posts on my dashboard makes me feel so happy. and i know this year was wayy different than the last since most of us also weren't online that often but the love i have for y'all remains the same :') anywayy, my point is that i love all of you very much and in a way, y'all have become my family and i'm immensely grateful for that <33 i seriously wouldn't know what i'd do without y'all.
i hope that 2023 is more kinder to y'all (if not im resorting to murder /hj). idk about you but this year was so shit don't even get me started omfg 😭 but anyway, what i want to say is that if y'all ever want someone to talk to (about anything and everything) im always here for y'all. you guys have been there at my lowest so the least i can do is be there for y'all whenever you want/need me to :')
happy new year, my beloved mutuals <33 i love all of you so, so much :))
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@nevsky @chvs @chuuy-a @the-unhinged-fanwing @cryingrainbowsandrocksongs @im-in-love-w-the-way-u-hate-me @dramatic-and-damned @existential-dread-in-the-am @elvearryn @slvt-nuggest @laidback-cookie @dancingastralwitch @fierreth-who @nakaharaswife @lucysteeli @loverrr-girl @adultkiddo @fyodor-the-whore @tecchous-thicc-buttocks @f0undationsofd3cay @alexanderthepatrochillestrash and @anyone who's reading this ilysm <3
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karasunology · 4 years
✎ . . . hello since your requests are open may i request vbc teams (karasuno, nekoma and shiratorizawa) + shy manager with anxiety and asthma? i rlly am hungry for some team dynamics and your work is amazing so if you may? YOU DON'T HAVE TO DO IT IF YOU DON'T WANT TO DO IT THOUGH!
❝ ― submitted by @ nonnie <3 ❞
-ˏˋ ➶ character(s) ━ nekoma vbc <3
[ trigger warnings ━ none ]
[ other parts coming soon . . . ]
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➜ after finding out about karasuno having TWO managers now,
➜ like they  m u l t i p l i e d ✖➗➕➖
➜ and with taketora's failure of recruiting one,
➜ kuroo was PRACTICALLY BEGGING YOU to be their manager
➜ his reasons being and i quote; “ giving more motivation to the team ” and of course “ to show those bastards the sanctity of nekoma ”
➜ and rooster boi was a determined person, once he sets his mind to something ─ he will do everything to attain it
➜ you knew kuroo ever since you first started first year with him, the both of you quietly competing against each other on your collage preparatory class but soon grew closer to be called friends
➜ but he'd always call you his rival even though it was lowkey one-sided
➜ and after hearing that the club you joined in this year, just for the sake of joining; disbanded, and kuroo was UNASHAMED to ask of you to be the manager of their team
➜ it's been two ever since nekoma had a manager and he was TIRED™ of not having one and it was already his last year playing
➜ you having no other reasons to object, you agreed, but not without asking in a small voice to help you introduce yourself to the team
➜ you were shy to new people ─ hell, even after knowing him for three years you would still get shy around him
➜ and because of that, kuroo was already one step ahead of everything;
➜ talking to the reliable third years ─ kai and yaku, about looking out for you explaining your slight anxiety and asthma problems
➜ homeboy would have a team meeting just to discuss and announce about a new female manager
➜ the third years weren't shocked, since kuroo already had a word with them seperately
➜ kuroo knew that lev would be ALL UP ON HER FACE if he doesn't do anythibg about it, so he threatened on benching him if he ever does something to scare away this ONE CHANCE of having a real girl manager
➜ fukunaga was curious to say the least, he wondered how it would be like to have a girl manager helping them around since it's always him and yaku
➜ inuoka, being the bubbly boy he is, was excited to have a female manager, since it is his first year in the vbc
➜ kenma was just straight up vibin, he already knew alot about everything he needed to know about you because of kuroo
➜ but still listened as he played with his psp
➜ shibayama and tamahiko were neutral about it honestly, satisfied because their team needed a bit more motivation if they wanted to win nationals
➜ kuroo just wanted to make you feel comfortable and safe with the team
➜ genuinely, the team didn't know how it would honestly flow with actually meeting their manager
➜ scared of scaring her off, they remained uncharacteristically toned down abit right before they meet you
➜ kuroo opened the metal doors to the volleyball gym, while peaking your pretty little head out to see where the members where; you were shocked to see them straightening their backs the second they saw your head peaking out from behind kuroo
➜ it was . . silent, and it was weird since, you've once secretly dropped by on their practices and they were evidently chaotic just by the sounds of their voices which echoed around the gym
➜ your palpitations slowed down a bit as you fully showed yourself to the members before flusteredly bowing at them
➜ it was quiet for a second, before you hear sobbing as you lifted your head up to see yamamoto trying not to cry
“ this, this is my first time having a female manager . . . ” with snot drooling from his nose
➜ being the worried sweet senpai manager you are, you hurriedly took out your unused napkin from your pocket which you packed for the sole purpose of avoiding smoke; offering the napkin to him as it only made him burst into TEARS streaming down his face
➜ like that scene where the third years and second years bursted in tears when kiyoko put up their banner?
➜ yeah that
➜ but it's just taketora LMAOO
➜ before their captain could tell him off, a small laugh came out of you and kuroo just looked at you like
➜ 👁👁
➜ kuroo : ma'AM DID YOU JUST ─
➜ cue kuroo also dying inside because YOU. RARELY. LAUGH.
➜ since you're more on the reserved side
➜ kai and yaku almost had to put their foot down because now you have broken their captain until you spoke out
“ i was honestly anxious when you guys were quiet, since i've never seen you guys as serious whenever i try and drop by to look. ”
➜ in the end of the meeting you've got acquaintaned yourself with shibayama and inouka, though the former seemed a bit flustered.
➜ you've also hold a small conversation with kenma, the both of you kinda clicked right away since both of you were a bit shy aswell. while you listened to lev rambling excitedly, not noticing your slight trembling figure
➜ after meeting them, the team had already attached themselves in your heart
➜ baby girl you are ATTACHED
➜ though it was subtle but you've noticed how the boys really cared about you ─ bruh even coach nekomata since he has noticed that you are a great asset to the team
➜ if not yaku, kai would always remind you of taking your meds for your asthma if you ever have been prescribed one
➜ kenma would always be the first one to notice if you were ever tensed up or your anxiety was acting up
➜ since he's very perceptive and observant
➜ he'd grow a soft spot for you and if he ever sees you stressed, he'd let you borrow his psp
➜ shibayama, inouka, fukunaga and tamahiko would ALWAYS help you carry stuff around because they don't want your asthma to act up or else tHEY WILL ACT UP
➜ fukunaga would always tell you his jokes since now he finally has someone to tell them to whenever he's in the sidelines watching the others play
➜ yamamoto would PROTECT you from any dangers, like literally, mans knew he was done for the day you gave him your napkin 👁👄👁
➜ you're literally one of the first girls he isn't shy to talk to and one of the first girls to not scurry away whenever he's near
➜ as i said, yaku would BE YOUR MOTHER, he'd one step ahead with having extra masks for you on his bag and an extra inhaler he borrowed from you in case you have forgotten yours
➜ period. periodt. periodism. periodic table.
➜ would not let any guy from other teams come your way and bother you while being the good manager you are
➜ and while doing so, shows you off as they are basically saying “ this is the sanctity of nekoma, you bastards wish you were us. ”
➜ these boys CARE FOR YOU like alot and they love it when you reciprocate their love
➜ whenever you surprise them every other day with their favourite snacks despite always being anxious of looking at the eyes of the guy on cash register,
➜ always having their towels and waterbottles ready for them to use after practice
➜ giving them clarity of mind before a match and whenever the non-regulars start to feel insecure
➜ overall, they'd be the sweetest boys of yours that would give and likely to give you the world to you as you would to them😡💝
-ˏˋ playing soleil's tape ˊˎ-
[ 📼 ] . . . i'm crying bubs, y'all had me at 200 last night ?? um okay i didn't even know people like me enought to even follow me 🥺 y'all cute or whateva😳✋ i'm not even DONE WITH MY LOVE LANGUAGE HEADCANONS FOR 100 FOLLOWERS HSJSJDJ but here's a manger headcanons mini series one of my nonnie's requested for to celebrate 200 of you guys !! <33
[ 📼 ] . . . I also know a bit of about asthma because i also had experience with it when i was young, and my little brother still has them while i've already grown out of it.
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kinnsporsche · 2 years
hi!! kp anon again! i just wanted to tell you that i really appreciate you and i'm so glad i can talk to someone about kp. but i also hope you don't feel pressured to reply to my messages. i'd totally understand it if sometimes you just don't feel like it. i'm happy to just scream into the void lol 1/2
but like the whole jealousy thing? I know in the novel k is super jealous and toxic and we’ve seen some of that in the show but I guess I didn’t expect it to be this serious. maybe I’m just stupid and didn’t pick up the hints where the show is going. when vegas mentioned tawan and said k shot him I was like that’s totally fake and he’s just saying that to manipulate p. I haven’t read the novel and only seen a few spoilers on twitter so I didn’t know what really happened to him. but after that teaser for the next ep I guess it’s true what v said? I guess I was taken aback by kinn’s reaction. when he barged in I think p found it a little hot even, like he was still smiling. but the moment k shouted at him his smile fell. and he even slapped him like that was so hard to watch. I know this is a show that needs conflict and people aren’t perfect anyway, but I’m still a little :/ about it. maybe I just feel this strongly bc of my own experiences with toxic jealousy and I know k said he wants to change and i genuinely believe him and I’m rooting for him!! but I felt like that sex scene was a bit unnecessary? idk it was just weird that one moment p is angry and terrified and literally curled up on the mirror and the next they are fucking like nothing’s wrong? for me it would have made more sense if they argued here and then made up next ep. it just felt a bit rushed. I know k said sorry but I didn’t feel like that was enough idk maybe it’s my fault that my expectations were so high. I was waiting for this scene for so long and I feel a little disappointed that it didn’t go how I would have liked it. but I’m not saying that’s bad, it’s totally my fault for having different expectations. does any of this even make sense? I’m curious to see what happens with tawan next ep, I honestly don’t know what went down between them. OH and the part when p said he shouldn’t have loved a guy like him?? LOVED!!! with tears in his eyes?? god my heart was breaking for him. I feel like he’s just so lost all the time. one moment k is sweet and lovely and the next he’s back to his jealous and controlling self. it must be so hard for p to deal with this. and it’s a shitty feeling knowing k doesn’t trust him. plus he basically called him a slut.. so yeah, I’m on the fence about this whole thing. and they really picked this ep to watch in the cinema with the cast huh? like if I were them I’d be so embarrassed asdfghgfd sitting there watching that sex scene on the big screen?? Even i got second hand embarrassment sitting in my room alone. I can only imagine how the actors must feel. anyway, I’m curious to see what your opinion is about this. (but no pressure, take your time <33)
kp anon my beloved
i tend to avoid commenting on the novel whenever i can because i dislike it a lot and the show is so much more superior i simply treat them as different material now
re: the sex scene, i dont think porsche was terrified at all!! i think he was pissed and hurt and withdrawing into himself more than anything. i think something important to remember about them is that they use sex as a form of communication, u know? and probably to porsche, kinn's apology was a big deal because he's a mafia boss, he doesn't apologise to anybody, but then when he's confronted with the very real, very possible idea of losing porsche it scares him, and i think porsche saw that. and i dont think it was just a rushed sex scene, there was so much emotion laced in it. it was the two of them being put on the same pedestal as equals, it was about the desire, the devotion, the vulnerability, the need. especially at the end of it all with kinn crying into porsche's shoulder, like that was the part of the whole scene for me, kinn allowing himself to be vulnerable around porsche, to break down and let him hold him tight enough to piece him back together you know?
tbh i think its less of a kinn not trusting porsche thing, because he does trust him, he trusts him with his life, i think its more to do with the fact that he's been burned before so he's distrusting and expects to be burned over and over again so even when it's hinted at, its the first thing his brain jumps to. but i kinda think that porsche being fully prepared to walk out on him was something of a wake up call for him, its the catalyst that made him realise that okay, maybe i do need to trust him if i want him to stay, i need to trust him if i want to keep him. i think the whole scene was so great because it's an example of kinn warring with himself between who he thinks he's expected to be, and who he wants to be. and in that moment when its just the two of them, when he can just be kinn and not kinn theerapanyakul, the person who he wants to be wins in the end.
it was 100% wrong of kinn to slut shame him, for sure, but it was also wrong of porsche to bring up tawan and shove him in his face like that, especially without talking to him about it first, u know? like, after everything why did he just take vegas' word on it? they're little argument was both of them trying to hit the lowest blows, trying to hurt each other, and they did. they hurt each other so bad, but at the end of it all they stayed with each other and they worked their way through it.
it's not your fault for having different expectations omg dont be silly im gonna bonk u on the head!!!! your experiences are so valid im giving u warm tea and tucking u down for a nice sleep!!! icb they picked THIS episode to watch sorry i would have passed away if i were them my soul would physically leave my body
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