#i hope we get to see some mama squirrelflight
Human Warriors: Medical Mystery
In this AU, they were originally cats. The forest has gone for good. When StarClan's chosen can't find anywhere to go that isn't infested by Twolegs, the Clans find that they must adapt. Adapt they will, since they now have the ability to take human form.
Key note for Leafpool: Healers can choose to take mates because humans don't let their jobs get in the way of having family. (Of course nuns and bishops exist, but that would take explaining their religion and honestly, it's easier to just let some things go. StarClan is stumbling through this just as much as everyone else.)
Fair warning, I have no clue what a kidney stone feels like and I highly doubt they can be passed as easily as they are in the following bit.
Sandy pressed the doorbell to her daughter’s home a few more times before she stepped back and yowled for the window. 
“Wake up, Squirrelflight! You may be sick, but you are not useless! Get your tail down here and open the door for your mother! Or better yet, get Brambleclaw to do it. I know he’s in there!” 
A few minutes later, Leafpool opened the door. 
“Sorry, Mama, but Squirrel’s a bit busy in the bathroom. She's got some weird cramps that even pain meds won't help.” 
“Oh…”  Sandstorm’s eyes darkened and the normally tan she-cat went into immediate Mothering mode.
“Where is she? What have you given her?” 
Leafpool was cut off by the sound of her sister’s howling. 
"What the fuck is this?!" Squirrelflight screeched. "Why is it so hard to take a shit? What the hell did Brian put in my coffee?!"
“Where is Brambleclaw, anyway?” 
“Pacing the office. He’s too much of a wreck to be of any help and I have you now, so Sam should be fine.” 
“Ever think about getting an apprentice?”
“I'm still young, Mother, and I don’t plan on going anywhere. Not after-. At any rate, when that time comes, I’ll know who I want to pick.” 
“How are your kits?” Sandstorm wondered aloud as they approached a squirming Samantha. The ginger-haired female took after her father in the looks department, but her attitude was all Sandy’s. Not that the blonde woman could fault her for it.
Layla, on the other hand, was the picture of calm cool and collected even now, as she was under major pressure. This is what she was born to do. 
"Fine, Mama. They're in the cribs with Brian." 
"I thought you said he was in the office?" 
"It's attached to the guest room, remember?" 
"Have you decided what you're going to do?" 
Layla's triplets were the product of one last shot at a relationship that never had a chance. He was the son of the Vice President of Air Incorporated, a well-known company that specialized in "the perfection of the environment" and all the supplies that came with it. Run by those residing in WindClan's sector of the city, they provided almost any service to do with keeping up the environment as well as adding to the town's collective police force that met once monthly to keep each other up to date. Corey Gusterns was set to marry Nika Cloust as of a few days ago, and there wasn't much Layla could find that she wanted from her former lover. She wished him well and hoped that he treated Nika just as sweetly as he had her and Faith, his first crush who died in an unfortunate rock climbing incident.
"I've decided to keep them. Corey would be too busy to pay them any mind and he's getting married soon. Why force my kids in the picture when he's just getting started with his own life?" 
"Because they're his kids too. He should be responsible for them somehow." 
"I'm not letting him raise my children in an unknown environment with someone who is not and doesn't want to be their mother. I have family to lean on, Mom. I have you and Dad and Sam and Sorrel and even Colin, though only the Stars know what he and Hope are up to half the time, he'd come if we needed him. Corey doesn't really have anyone like that. Let him make his own family instead of worrying about ours." 
"Well how are you going to balance your job as healer and raise your kits?" Sandy was cut off by Samantha, whose screams split the air as she excremented on Layla's orders. Something plumped into the toilet but Squirrelflight's stomach was hard as a rock.
"There's still something in there." She informed her sister. "One more time, sis... Now!" 
Sam's screech rocketed through the house, startling the three infants upstairs. Brian rocked Jaykit and Hollykit frantically as Lionkit merely whimpered. He wished, not for the first time, that the office was soundproof.
Samantha eased herself up to a standing position and hobbled over to the tub, turning on the water and stopping it up. 
"Well? What the hell was that? Did I pass some furballs the size of a rat or something?" She asked as she sank down into the bubbling water and enjoyed the warmth.
"I, uh…" Leafpool gagged at the sight in the toilet, what looked like twin misshapen balls of flesh the size of a car wheel. She wasn't sure what that was, but she sure wasn't going to let Squirrelflight see that. "I have no damn clue. Whatever it is, it's going to the hospital for tests. Stay here with Mama, Sammy, and let me know if you feel any worse." 
"Don't see how I could, but okay."
Leafpool wrapped the sopping, mushy specimen firmly in a large beach towel. Thank the Stars she kept work-grade gloves on her person. Never know what she'd encounter. This was definitely one for the books.
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kammieceleek · 6 years
20 Warriors Questions!
1.  How did you get into Warriors?
Well, if I’m being honest, my sister started reading them first.  She checked the first book out of our school library and convinced me to read it.  I think I was in fifth or sixth grade at the time.  Yeah, it was fifth grade, because I was in sixth grade when The Last Hope came out.  More specifically, it was the summer after sixth grade.  So, yeah, you can thank my sister, @pipatyp, for introducing me to the series.
2.  Favorite arc?
Ooh, boy.  That’s tough one, especially since I’m not a hundred percent caught up.  I haven’t finished Dawn of the Clans yet, but that’s due to my two-year absence from reading the series.  I have a lot of catching up to do.  Anyway, as far as favorite arc goes, I’m going to have to say my personal favorite is either Power of Three or The New Prophecy.  I love Power of Three because I love it when there’s a sibling dynamic between major characters, especially if those characters all have their own internal conflicts.  The New Prophecy has a similar situation, but it also sets up some stuff that pays off in later books along with having my boy Firestar being a shotgun dad for five chapters in Midnight.
3.  Favorite book (excluding Super Editions, Manga, and Novellas)?
Agh!  Like I said, I’m not caught up right now, so that makes this a hard question to answer.  I guess I’d have to say my favorite book is probably... well, Twilight.  I can’t help it; despite my utter hatred of the title (I blame edgy teen vampire romance), it’s a pretty solid entry into The New Prophecy arc.  Leafpool and Crowfeather’s whirlwind romance is actually pretty believable, while Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw’s arguing is by far the most realistic thing about these books.
4.  Favorite Super Edition, Novella, or Manga?
This is another one that’s tough to answer.  I haven’t read all the Super Editions or novellas yet, but I’ve read every volume of manga the series has produced thus far.  In this category, I’d have to say my favorite is probably either Goosefeather’s Curse, Crookedstar’s Promise, or The Rise of Scourge.  Whoa, hey!  I got one of each.  Cool!  Anyway, I love Goosefeather’s Curse because Goosefeather is one of my favorite characters in the series, and it’s kind of a dive into who he is before he gets bees in his brain and becomes the laughingstock of ThunderClan.  Crookedstar’s Promise was the first Super Edition I read after Bluestar’s Prophecy, shortly after I finished The Prophecies Begin.  It was also the first book to get me emotionally invested in the series.  Yes, I cried.  Deal with it.  As for The Rise of Scourge, I’ve always been a fan of villains with backstories to back them up, and this solidified Scourge in my mind as the perfect villain for Firestar to face.  They have similar backgrounds, but not as similar as a lot of people seem to think.  This is also the only book to even hint at the blood connection between them, so there’s that.
5.  Favorite Clan?
Okay, this one’s actually easy.  My favorite is RiverClan, plain and simple.  Despite the fact that they appear to the Clan least able to keep their genes in their own Clan (Appledusk, Oakheart, and Silverstream, just to name a few), they are also the only ones that can swim.  I don’t know if you’ve ever seen a cat swim, but it’s adorable.  And I’m not saying the others can’t swim, they just won’t.  RiverClan rules the water.  Also, they eat fish, which makes their coats healthier than the other clans.  Cool.
6.  Favorite character?
Ooh, boy.  Here’s a stunningly broad category that’s difficult to answer.  There are so many characters in this series that it’s honestly hard to pick favorites.  Personally, mine is either Squirrelflight, Sandstorm, or the ball of sass and salt known as Ivypool.  Squirrelflight (at least in The New Prophecy) was a ball of energy and cunning remarks, which made her all the more fun to read about.  It honestly sucks we never got to hear any of the arc from her perspective, but we can guess a lot of her thoughts based on her actions.  Sandstorm is incredibly patient and a damn good mom.  She stands by her daughters after their lives basically get torn to shreds because of Hollyleaf and she’s also the one who reassures Firestar that Cloudtail would make a good warrior.  As for Ivypool, her struggles living in the shadow of her sibling are pretty relatable, and you just want to see her succeed.  She’s also a five-star badass once she turns on the Dark Forest, so there’s that.
7.  Least favorite character?
Hands-down, it’s either Darkstripe, Sleekwhisker, or... Spottedleaf.  And I can hear the anger now, but let me point some things out.  Darkstripe is an annoying little fanboy with a tom-crush the size of Texas on Tigerstar.  Nobody really likes Darkstripe in this fandom, though.  Sleekwhisker is a goddamn bitch as well as a matricidal murderer (she did help drown her own mother).  As for Spottedleaf, I can’t say that she’s a good character.  Her only role in most of the books she appears in is to act as a guide for Firestar or Leafpool, or in Firestar’s case, a massive roadblock in his relationship with Sandstorm.  She has little to no actual personality beyond ‘medicine cat and Firestar’s first love’ and, despite Spottedleaf’s Heart, I can’t say that I like her backstory.  As somebody who’s going into the field of education, it made me very uncomfortable and I worry for any younger kids who maybe pick up this book.
8.   Most Aesthetically Pleasing Cat?
Ivypool.  I like silver and white cats.  I think they’re really pretty.  Also, I have this image in my head of Ivypool being this pretty teenage girl who’s super skinny and looks really weak, but then she slams a fully-grown Hawkfrost into the mud with little effort.  Yeah, I don’t care how the cats look.
9.  Favorite leader?
Leafstar.  Weird choice, I know, but she’s had to deal with things no other leader has really dealt with:  the invading rats, her clan having a number of kittypets as part-time warriors due to low numbers, being pregnant and still trying to lead her Clan, and helping to rebuild the Clan from the ground up.  Not to mention, she’s still leader when SkyClan moves to the lake territories.  She’s one badass Miss Mama Cat.
10.  Favorite villain?
Mapleshade.  Like I said, I love backstories for villains, and Mapleshade’s is even more compelling and tragic than that of Scourge.  She really got screwed over by first Ravenwing, then all of ThunderClan, then Frecklewish, and the list just goes on and on.  And, the funny thing is, when you think about it, she never would’ve become a villain if Ravenwing had kept his damn medicine cat mouth shut.  Maybe then he wouldn’t have ended up murdered at the Moonstone and his body wouldn’t have been eaten by a hawk.
11.  Favorite Medicine cat?
Either Goosefeather or Jayfeather.  They’re both fun characters who have a certain amount of bones to pick with StarClan for screwing them over.  In Goosefeather’s case, it’s because of his powers and the fact that he went kind of crazy towards the end of his life.  Jayfeather is just mad for them making him blind and forcing him to be a medicine cat.  The boy wanted to be a warrior, so let him be a warrior!  Then again, the love of his life has been dead for over eight decades, so... yeah.
12.  Overrated character?
I’d have to say probably... *sighs* Crowfeather.  Despite me loving his whirlwind romance with Leafpool, he gets a little too much love from the fandom.  And no, I have not read Crowfeather’s Trial yet.  Like I said, I’m behind.  Anyway, he’s not really a good father to Breezepelt, which is painfully obvious in the way that they interact.  He was going to abandon his Clan for the sake of breaking two codes with Leafpool.  And, on top of that, he barely acknowledges the fact that he fathered Hollyleaf, Lionblaze, and Jayfeather.  He’s not a bad character, but he doesn’t deserve all the love he gets from the fans.
13.  Underrated character?
Briarlight.  This girl survived a freaking tree falling on her and breaking her spine, which paralyzed her from the waist down, and she still maintains a happy attitude.  Despite the fact that Jayfeather doesn’t make her a full medicine cat (she can’t exactly collect herbs or go to the Moonpool, can she?), she’s more than happy to assist the medicine cats that ThunderClan has by soaking dried-up herbs, handling patients who come in the early morning, and just generally improving the usually sour mood that’s in the medicine cat den.
14.  Favorite minor character?
Hm.  This one’s kind of tough.  I’d have to say Purdy.  He was never an official warrior of ThunderClan, but he was a big help when it came to lightening the mood in the elders’ den.  Purdy always had a story to tell or some sort of wisdom to pass on, not to mention the fact that he told those stories whether you wanted to hear them or not.  Kit, medicine cat, warrior, apprentice, leader, deputy--he didn’t care.  All you had to do was listen and he’d go on until you actively told him to stop.  And he’s funny.
15.  Favorite pairing?
Firestar and Sandstorm, hands down.  I know a lot of people don’t like it because Firestar still had a thing for Spottedleaf, but to me, a good pairing is all about balance.  Shipping two people with the same personality doesn’t work.  It’s why you so often see an optimist getting shipped with a pessimist.  Anyway, they balance each other out because Firestar is an idealist and Sandstorm is a realist.  Not only that, but they’re supportive of each other, and they stick by each other through thick and thin.  They became mates in The Darkest Hour and remain mates once they’re in StarClan.  The only regret they have about their relationship is the fact that they didn’t have more kits!  That’s a good and healthily-built relationship to me.
16.  Least favorite pairing?
Tigerheart and Dovewing.  It’s not because they’re from different Clans, either.  I don’t feel like there’s really balance in their relationship.  They always seem to be arguing about something, and if they’re not doing that, they’re avoiding each other because their relationship is ‘against the warrior code’.  Yeah, we all know that one part of the code has been broken so many times it might as well not exist anymore.  Their personalities, if you ask me, are a little too similar for this relationship to work.
17.  Favorite friendship?
Sorreltail and Leafpool, surprisingly enough.  It stood the test of time and Leafpool’s biggest secret being spilled, forcing her to give up her position as a medicine cat.  Sorreltail keeps thinking of Leafpool as the friend she knew back before everything went paws-up, and that line of thinking is on display in The Forgotten Warrior when she specifically cries out for Leafpool’s help while kitting.  I have no doubt that they’ll be reunited in StarClan and hunt side-by-side.
18.  Favorite moment?
I think my favorite moment so far in the entire series is when Yellowfang is first teaching Cinderpelt about herbs, and she snaps at Fireheart for upsetting her assistant.  It kind of reveals that Yellowfang thinks of Cinderpelt as a replacement for her two daughters who never really got a chance to live in the world that killed them.  And most likely, it was the daughter who died because Brokenkit poked her with his paw and it was too much for her body.  Seriously, that’s tragically funny.
19.  Most tragic death?
I’m going to have to go with a rather shocking answer and say the drowning of Mapleshade’s kits.  This is a moment that sets a lot of the series in motion, since it was the aftermath of her kits’ deaths that sends Mapleshade down a dark path.  After she dies and swears revenge on the descendants of those who wronged her, she gets into the minds of many of the most ‘evil’ cats we see in the series:  Tigerstar, Brokenstar, and Thistleclaw, just to name a few.  She also messes with the minds of good cats, like Crookedstar, making them feel like everything is their fault.  I have no doubt she’s the true villain of the series, but all the death and destruction that is brought to the clans from within--so much of it can be linked back to Mapleshade and her toxic teachings in the Dark Forest.  And her toxic teachings can be linked back to the deaths of her kits.  Patchkit, Petalkit, and Larchkit drowning was the event that set off a chain reaction that killed so many Clan cats, and it’s tragedy stemming from tragedy.
20.  Favorite battle/fight scene?
And, after four days of filling out these questions, reading A Vision of Shadows, and thinking through my answers, I have reached the final question.  I’m not a person who typically enjoys battle scenes, but I’d have to say my favorite is the SkyClan battle against the rats in Firestar’s Quest.  It’s intriguing for a number of reasons, the least of which being that there’s a rat who understands and speaks cat!  The rats are an unusual enemy because they’re essentially a hivemind--the only one that’s been fought so far in the series.  Hivemind fights are fascinating because once you take out the big brain, the rest scatter.  That’s exactly what we see!  As soon as Firestar takes out the lead rat, the Clan has won the battle and secured SkyClan’s place in the gorge.  And thanks to that, we eventually get Violetshine and Twigbranch (we are never letting Bramblestar live that name down, I swear to God).
So, that’s my 20 Warriors Questions.  Now I challenge my sister, @pipatyp, to answer the twenty.  I look forward to seeing her answers!
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AU where Leafpool and Crowfeather actually left the Clans after she gave birth to her kits and was either told to step down or leave. She learns how to defend herself while she's away and eventually gets a sign that the Clans are in danger of extinction so she comes back to help however she can.
“Wait a second, you have to keep your eyes open we just got you back, Leaf!”
“I'm not going anywhere, Squirrel… just need a nap.”
“Leafpool wake up! I can't lose all of you to this please don't go!”
“Brambleclaw… you… what-? How-? We were supposed to have more time, how did you-?”
“Dad, dad what are you doing? You can't go to StarClan yet, mom needs you, the Clan needs you, for the love of the ancestors you're our leader! Dad wait! Daaaaaaad!!”
Squirrelflight shook herself out and padded over to her mother.
“Sandstorm… mama, you need to go to the medicine den. Take Leafy and go see Jay and Pebble. Come on, you can do it.” She purred weakly.
Slowly but surely, the pair of she-cats picked up their fallen relative and ambled toward the medicine den, where cats already awaited treatment.
“Jayfeather, Pebblefur, if there's anything I can do to help-.” Sandstorm rasped.
“Come here, for starters.” A third voice snapped.
Never has having three medicine cats been such a blessing.
Squirrelflight turned back to the crowd, surveying injuries as she scanned for cats who could start helping to hunt later on.
Brackenfur looks okay… need to check on Sorreltail and Dustpelt later. Stars, Ferncloud… she was in the nursery when I was a kit! Okay, wait. Brackenfur… Lionblaze maybe. Hollyleaf needs to see to that bite on her shoulder but Brambles took most of that so she should be fine… Stars I hope this doesn't get her too. Brackenfur, Hollyleaf, Lionblaze...
“You need to get treated just like everyone else.” Pebblefur urged. “You fought well, Squirrelflight. You can't worry about what's next when you're asleep on your paws.”
“I'm not tired.” She insisted. “And unlike all these cats, I'm still up and moving.”
“Then help the others. Hunting can wait, the borders aren't going anywhere because we all just fought the same battle.”
“We did… oh Stars, I have to tell Tawnypelt and Mothwing.” She whispered, slumping to the ground.
“Squirrelflight if you don't get up!” Pebblefur snapped, prodding the ginger she-cat to her paws. “You can't let this be the thing that gets you. The Clan needs you just like it needs anyone else. Come on.”
Squirrelflight can't bring herself to go to the Moonpool. Despite the fact that everyone commends her on how she pulled the Clan together after the Spirit Battle, despite her going on and sending out multiple patrols to ensure that the other three Clans were able to cope with their own losses, despite attempting single-pawedly to stock the fresh-kill pile day after day… She would shut down any talk of StarClan. She'd lost her father and her mate in the same battle, the cat who'd helped raise her was gone, her mentor was barely clinging to life himself, her kits… Jayfeather’s assurance that everyone would pull through was all that kept her going out into the forest sometimes, and Hollyleaf was a strong presence at her side. Lionblaze stalked every inch of the territory for ghosts and traitors. Seeing Ashfur turn on StarClan when they'd given him a place and didn't have to was… staggering, to say the least.
But Squirrelflight could not go to the Moonpool. She had no reason to become leader. She was too old; there were plenty of younger, more qualified cats.
Nobody knew what was supposed to happen, so ThunderClan went maybe half a moon the way they did, until one day, something changed.
“We're taking a patrol to the WindClan border and you need to be on it.” Brackenfur insisted. The brown tom and his golden-flecked brother decided to retire after the Dark Battle, but kept themselves limber by getting out into the forest every chance either one could get. They often took Brightheart and Whitewing with them, having lost Cloudtail to his wounds not long after.
“I needed proof.” He insisted. “I wanted to believe, but I wanted proof that I'd be able to see my mother again.”
The vigils for their Clan were all more heartbreaking than the last, because half the cats who died were sick before the battle and kept on for the sake of intruders, or they were content to be walking bruises and proud to join their Clanmates.
Now Squirrelflight, Brackenfur, Leafpool, Jayfeather, Dustpelt and Purdy were at the border with WindClan. They didn't have to wait long for a patrol to arrive.
“What could ThunderClan possibly want with us now?!” The lead cat snapped.
“Permission for a few of us to go to the Moonpool.” Jayfeather informed them.
“What?!” Squirrelflight yelped. “You said this was a border patrol! Why are we going to the Moonpool?”
“You need to talk with StarClan, Squirrelflight, because if you're not supposed to be leader then at least they'll tell us who is. But you've done the most to keep the Clan together these past few days, and if anyone deserves nine lives, it's you.”
Dustpelt was the one who spoke these words, and Squirrelflight stared at her former mentor, mouth open.
“Okay.” She murmured. “Okay, I'll… yes, we need to go to the Moonpool. ThunderClan can't go without a leader or deputy forever.”
“Then we wish you luck and a safe passage. You only said a few, though. Will the rest of you be waiting here?”
“Welcome, Squirrelflight.” Several voices chimed at once. When she was a kitten, Firestar told her that the cat she needed to hear most was the one StarClan greeted her with. She could pick out several voices, Ferncloud, Firestar, and Cloudtail included, but apparently the one she need to hear most was a dead kit’s.
“You were the ones we would have had alongside Jay, Lion, and Holly… we were going to name you Juniper and Rose… I'm so sorry, little ones.”
Two starfilled forms stepped out of the rows of cats. They were so much smaller than her… one had a dappled golden pelt that Brambleclaw had likened to his mother's, and her green eyes, while the other had Brambleclaw's dark tabby pelt with her white paw and amber eyes. They raced over to her and nuzzled her, bumping at her legs and flicking their tails cheerfully.
“We like it up here! There's so much to explore!”
“And everyone has so many stories to tell!”
“And now our mom gets to become leader!”
Squirrelflight froze.
“So they were right…” She whispered. “How could they possibly know? I was never supposed to be here, it was always going to be Bramble-. This doesn't make any sense.”
“This is StarClan's choice.”
Brambleclaw spoke now. His scent wreathed around her and suddenly he was just there and she leaned into him.
“You'll be a wonderful leader, Squirrelflight. It's in your blood.”
They sat like that for a few heartbeats before Squirrelflight inhaled deeply and got to her paws.
“Okay.” She mumbled. “What do I have to do?”
“Hold still when the time comes.” Brambleclaw murmured before melting back into the crowd with their kits.
The first cat to step forward had golden-brown fur that matched her daughter's.
I wonder if Brambleclaw and Thornclaw are related.
Goldenflower chuckled, and it occurred to Squirrelflight that the cats of StarClan might know her every thought.
“With this life, I give you the strength you will need to carry out your duties. It is often called a mother's love, but you have an abundance of that. So it is strength you will receive, when you must push on for the sake of your kits and your Clan.”
Goldenflower touched her nose to Squirrelflight and the ginger she-cat screwed her eyes shut as the force of memories hit her.
“If you have nothing else to say, then I sentence you to exile,” Bluestar announced.
Wait! Tigerclaw what have you done?!
The words never left her lips, frozen as she was.
I know exactly who he looks like but that doesn't mean that's who he is! You said that your father never kept a mate. Could you really see yourself with a trail of she-cats all sniffing your tail?!
Thank you, Swiftpaw. You always were my brave little boy.
That same kit lay torn apart on the ground.
I love you, son… don't ever forget that.
Squirrelflight winced and jerked back, panting. “How in the world did you…”
“The same way you did.”
The two she-cats touched noses and Goldenflower disappeared, to be replaced by
“Cloudtail, you made it!” Squirrelflight squealed when the familiar white pelt slipped into view.
“Hey there, little Flight… who'd have thought that'd be your warrior name.”
The former kittypet had a knack for calling cats things that described them but weren't their names. He, Firestar, and Daisy called then nicknames, and some of them were just weird.
“I'm so glad you found your way.” Squirrelflight purred.
“All I needed was proof, and boy did I get it. Tell Brightheart to hold on, will you?”
At Squirrelflight's nod, he bumped his nose to her forehead.
“With this life, I give you nobility and certainty and faith. Trust yourself when you can't decide, and look forward the Stars where you need our guidance.”
Squirrelflight closed her eyes and let the warm feeling wash over her. Something about this life make her sure of this. She knew, no matter what happened next, that she could do this. She could live for her Clan... and maybe even be the leader they deserved.
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