#i just started wondering about Fiasco possibly getting a symbiote or two but i feel like it'd be more like the rid15 mecha
Thinking so many thoughts about Soundwave, and other host + symbiote mecha like him
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dragonflight203 · 7 months
Mass Effect 1 Replay, Attican Beta's Hercules Cluster:
-Going to Galaxy Map wraps up the Geth incursions in the Armstrong Nebula. Why does Hackett feel the need to specify many human lives were saved? Presumably the Geth would have gone after everyone, given enough time.
-You don't even have a change to respond to Hackett when he calls you up to get the data module before the geth. He just tells you it's necessary and hangs up.
-Eletania's ecology being all symbiotic is and the air itself containing miscropic creatures is very reminiscent of the Thorian's spores, over in the Theseus system next door. Did the writers inspire each other?
-The rings in the skybox are gorgeous.
-You can tell that the writers really wanted the vision you see in the Prothean ruin to actually be a cutscene. I suppose they ran out of time and/or budget.
-Why did the Protheans use drones to insert/remove a chip from the ancient hunter? Drone or Prothean, it's going to be way out of the hunter's previous experiences.
-The vision seems to be from the ancient hunter's actual point of view, not just their senses. How did the Protheans pull that off?
It seems related to the Prothean's ability to exchange knowledge via touch, but that's an ability innate to them. The vision was a recording of the ancient hunter's memories, so the chip the Protheans inserted into them would have been recording their experiences despite the hunter's lack of that ability.
-And Shepard just... Brushes the experience off. Shepard, this whole fiasco started because of how valuable Prothean Beacons are. You don't think the Alliance would want to know about this? The Council???
-Again, Liara is right there. Don't tell me this Prothean archeologist doesn't want to know everything about this Prothean ruin.
-The vision was triggered by the trinket the Consort gave Shepard. Does it only work with the device? Are there other trinkets that would trigger different visions from the device? It's possible Shepard stumbled upon the Prothean equivalent of a DVD Player and just happened to have a DVD that auto played. Shepard, there are a lot of people that would want to study this ruin!
-You learn that a monkey stole the data module and immediately know where the monkey colonies are. Was that always the case, or were the locations added when testers became frustrated when playing the mission?
-Why are they just called monkeys? Not even space monkeys? And why are there monkeys but no trees? There's a reason monkeys evolved into the shape they are, and it's not because they wondered the plains and mountains.
-Both Liara and Tali are critical if you drive over a monkey. Ah, the paragon aligned ladies.
-This is a Level 1 Hazard world, but the suit is only required only on the surface and not in the mine. I suppose the description did say that colonization may be possible in locations away from the symbiotes in the air, and the mine is such a place.
-Did the Geth let you run around and find the module because they couldn't be bothered? It would be rather hilarious if they just followed you the whole time.
-And the quest just completes when you leave the mine. No message from Hackett. This whole mission seems very abrupt.
Citadel: Took two tries, but finally found Colossus VII Armor for Tali. Went from damage reduction of 15 to 62. Girl is now better protected than me and Liara.
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