#i just think he's too la pilled and attention rewarded to even realize what he's made rn
waterparksdrama · 7 months
your last tag feels exactly right like it makes him sound like hes saying absolutely nothing. sure it kinda makes sense but in context its a little lost on me because it feels almost.. generic? nonsensical?? sorry soulsucker.. idk again i dont wanna discount his experiences or what his thought process is with this but in a writing and performance pov im not sure its really connecting for me (sincerely one of your usual anons w/catholic upbringing who hasnt been totally wow’ed by this themes presentation)
yeah like he makes a big show out of something he barely elaborates on or explains because he is so scared of actually saying something overly personal but on the same album he's trying to present himself as baring his soul out which is a weird juxtoposition to handle. the album can't be about the things he put in his explanation bc he doesn't know how to show how he feels and not tell it straight up with some lyrics made solely to grab your attention - iz
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