#i keep talking about yuna and i can see his eyes glazing over. IT'S NOT MY FAULT I CAN'T SMOOCH HER IN GAME SO I GOTTA SCREAM ABT IT
eerna · 1 year
literally losing it over Ghost of Tsushima I just finished act 2 and I am LOSING IT
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kcrtia · 3 years
LEE YUNA &&. LEE INSU @bemyuse
    he had managed to slip past the sea of people, faces all blurred into one huge conglomeration of fancy dresses and designer ties adorning equally expensive shirts. he has grown tired of his father prancing about the venue, a woeful glaze on his features, so naturally that it beckons to deceive those around him. it was clear in his eyes that his father was not mourning the sickness of his wife, it was clear in his eyes that his father was not remorseful nor was he remote upset by the event. how he’s going about, preaching how miserable he has become, how regretful he felt for not having given his wife more. insu was sick of having to hear the same rehearsed monologue of woe ‘tis me, the suffering husband. sick of seeing his father attempt to gain sympathy for something so... disgusting. 
     his fingers twitching in his pocket, tucked away in the confines of his pants, a habit of charred lungs needing their hourly smoke. keeping his strides quick as he heads for the glass doors leading to the balcony, overlooking the city dotted by lights. an immediate exhale upon fingertips pushing the door panels open, the night’s zephyr tousling his strands as he moves to peer over the railing. refreshed, was the feeling that swept by his temples, digits running through his hair, alleviating what little stress he could manage to thrive on. 
     retrieving from his pocket, cigarette between his fingers, lighter in the other it amidst the bustling backdrop of the gathering behind him, the cigarette lights in his grip. tucking the lighter away, taking the dout betwixt his lips. moments later an exhale moves past a previously clenched jaw. feeling the tension lift from his shoulders, slight easiness embracing him again. though, it doesn’t last long. the intensifying of footsteps echo behind, a firm hand pulls at his shoulder and he is jolted back facing the stern features of no other than his father. the old man slapping the cigarette from his hand, an angered foot coming to step on the lit cigarette. sole, so bitterly pressing against the pavement that insu could hear the sound of gravel scraping against his father’s shoe. 
     an immediate eye roll in response to his father’s actions, looking not too pleased with insu’s escape to the balcony. ‘will it kill you to not smoke for a few hours? insu, it’s not that hard. i’m not asking for a lot. i leave you alone for five seconds and you manage to weasel your way out here and to do what? for me to catch you smoking? of all things? what if the other’s see you? you good for nothing—’ his father only pausing when he catches the glimpse of yuna materialising in his peripheral. 
     insu lets his gaze settle on the younger, “not now, yuna. the adults are talking.” insu finally speaks, a smirk tugging at his corners. he can sense his father’s anger brimming at his twitching lips. ‘insik! is that really you? it’s been so long!’ voices echoing in the background, his gaze averting to his meeting with his father’s again, his stern features glaring back for a moment before softening, turning to greet his patrons. an act the lee’s have all mastered by now, the skill of morphing and shifting their own emotions to fit an agenda. so sly, so deceitful, yet so helpful. 
     insu’s gaze moving to meet with his sister, head tilting back as he stares at her for a moment. the favourite child. the naive sister. nothing but an audible hah, departing from his lips, “if it isn’t the favourite child. you’re not here to lecture me are you? or are you here to defend father’s actions, again?” another eye roll, as he turns back to the railing, elbows pressed against the edge, letting the prior tension melt from his reverie.
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smut-office · 4 years
come back to me | k.th
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Genre: smut, angst, fluff if you squint
Pairing: taehyung x reader
Word count: 12k
Warnings: angst, swearing, mentions of suicidal thoughts, minor blood, sexual themes, oral (f receiving), penetration, unprotected sex, multiple orgasms, dirty talk, praising
Snippet: To see you cry hurt the deepest part of his being, he wanted to kiss away the tears and take you somewhere you would never be upset. Where you would only smile and laugh. But he couldn’t, he told himself. Because here you were, still crying, and his hands were void of the worlds he wanted to give to you.
Note: hey guys! This is my first story on the app and I hope you guys like it. Please go easy on me haha :) - Miko
The pristine marble ballroom twinkled under the lights, filled to the brim with elaborate decorations and equally as flawless guests. Men wore cleanly pressed suits, and women wore intricately designed dresses tailored to fit their every curve.
Oh, how you didn’t belong here.
You continued to stand in the doorway, halted out of sheer fear. It was a rare occurrence for someone to catch you at one of the many formal gatherings held in your cousin’s hotel, and everyone in the city’s high class knew that. So when you caught the eye of just one person, word spread across the hall in a matter of minutes. Suddenly you felt trapped in such a large room. The dress you wore was (too) extravagant, your mother insisting you wear it. The delicate grey lace neckline dipped dangerously far underneath your collarbones while the slit started far too high up your leg. Dresses like these were supposed to make women feel confident and sexy, but you just want to find the nearest pair of sweatpants.
You only gathered your senses when someone spoke your name, and you immediately turned upon hearing the familiar voice in a sea of unknown faces.
“Baekhyun,” you voiced calmly, a small, genuine smile creeping onto your face. You had always felt bad for not showing up to his events, after receiving invite after invite, but he understood you better than anyone. You were sure he knew just how uncomfortable you felt being there.
“I’m so glad you could make it,” he said, standing directly in front of you in hopes of blocking some view of you from the crowd. Their analyzing gazes crawled across your skin, and you could feel the heat rushing to your cheeks.
“Of course,” you replied, fighting down the embarrassment threatening to burst. Beakhyun’s smile downturned slightly, only enough for you to notice. “Please, go tend to your other guests,” you insisted, finally moving from the spot you’d been standing at. You were sure your feet had grown roots by now. Baekhyun lowered his head respectfully, but as he turned you could see the flash of worry glazing over his eyes. And just like that, you were alone once again.
Unbeknownst to you, a person of memories and a reminder of your past was paying very close attention to you. His eyes watched your every move and his heart reacted in strange ways. Kim Taehyung. Your mere presence engulfed the whole place and all of its inhabitants. Everyone couldn’t get enough of the mysterious golden girl. Some scoffed, mistaking your absences as entitlement. Some women envied or admired the beauty and elegance you eluded. Some men couldn’t tear their eyes away even if they tried.
From the moment you stepped foot in the entrance Taehyung could feel you. And when his head snapped around to the double doors and his eyes landed on you, he was hit with everything he had left behind and everything he had taken with him. The regret. The guilt. The love.
Everyone else in the room seemed to fade away, every beam of light in the room landed on you, leaving him in the dark black void he returned to every time he thought of you. He went back to a place he would go when he missed your voice, your smile, your laugh, and the way you made him feel. Soon he couldn’t take it anymore, and he discretely avoided your path to the side exit and made it to a bathroom down the long hallway. He managed to get there without being spotted in his wrecked state, and he appreciated the small blessings.
His knuckles faded to white as he gripped the marble counter, his breath ragged and labored. His matted bangs curled to stick to his sweaty forehead, and his body hunched over with his head hanging low. He hadn’t seen you in three years, but he had no one to blame but himself. The days he’d planned to give you space turned into weeks. The weeks turned into months, the months turned into a year, and after a while his heart grew numb from the longing.
But seeing you for the first time, after so long, planted the seeds of sorrow back into his cold heart. And there was nothing he could do about it. Because you had no idea what he’d done.
He finally released his grip on the counter to turn the sink on, splashing the water carelessly across his face. He watched as tiny droplets fell down from the tips of his hair strands, and he found calm in watching them mix with the whirlpool of water racing down the drain. He turned his gaze forwards finding his own distressed reflection staring back at him.
Thankfully he didn’t get his suit wet, and he did feel immensely better as he unlocked the door and reentered the high ceilings of the hotel hallway. Taehyung briskly checked his watch and found the night was still young, and he quickly designed a plan to keep himself together so he could last at least the rest of the party. But things don’t always go according to plan.
He was only five feet away from the double doors when they suddenly burst open and someone came stumbling out. You stood there, dress ruined with a large stain of expensive wine, tears threatening to spill down your cheeks. Taehyung’s first instinct despite everything he had told himself not to do was to reach out and grab your arm, ultimately grabbing your attention as well. Your eyes met his, the deep, dark holes you had spent many nights trying to understand, and new tears welled up inside your eyes. A flurry of too many emotions began to fill your fragile state of mind and you couldn’t find the strength to snatch yourself away from his touch like you wanted to. Instead, you allowed Taehyung to take your hand and lead you away from the open doorway and whispers of pity and shame.
He didn’t ask any questions, nor did he say anything for that matter. He only led you past a door to an empty fire escape staircase. Your heels echoed on the concrete floor as he ushered you to sit on the bottom of the stairs. Taehyung bent his large frame to kneel in front of you, his concerned eyes level with your teary ones. Taehyung had to push down the urge to wipe your tears away. It was too soon, and he had no right to do so. He didn’t, though, refrain from questioning any longer.
“Y/n, what happened?” The way your name rolled off his tongue cloaked your mind in the warmth you had grown fond of long before, and you selfishly allowed yourself to give into the comfort it brought.
“S-she did it. I knew her boundaries were few and far between, but—she embarrassed me. In front of everyone.” You sobbed, pressing your head into your hands to try and suppress your tears. Taehyung stayed silent for a moment, but you both knew he knew exactly who you were talking about.
Yuna. She used to be your best friend. When you guys were young children, you would never want to leave each other’s side. Then one night, the night of your eighteenth birthday, she suddenly grew cold and distant towards you and seemed to want to ruin your life. To this day you never knew why, but Taehyung did. And he never had the courage to tell you.
The night of your eighteenth birthday, a time when Yuna was convinced she loved Taehyung, she caught him on a balcony alone and decided to finally confess how she felt. She approached Taehyung, strutting towards him and flashing her signature smile. After her confession, which was quick and straight to the point, Taehyung had honestly been caught off guard. But he was never one to sugar coat, and he had to make sure he got the point across. He didn’t know just how big the consequences would be.
“Yuna, I see you as someone who I can say is one of my closest friends, but—I love someone else,”Yuna had felt her heart shatter into millions of pieces, but curiosity still got the best of her.
“Well, the least you could do is tell me who,” Yuna whispered, tears pooling at the edges of her eyes. Taehyung hesitated for a moment. He had never, ever told anyone how he felt about you. But he was impulsive that night. Seeing you in your beautiful dress surrounded by beautiful people, it made him wish he could tell you the next words to come out of his mouth. And maybe he subconsciously replaced Yuna’s face with yours as he said them.
“I love Y/n. I’ve never told anyone, but I always have. She’s the only light in my life, and I’m so scared of losing her that I don’t want to tell her how I really feel,” Yuna, tears truly falling down her face now, felt like she had nothing to say. All this time, all these years of falling over Kim Taehyung, all while he had been loving her best friend.
Ever since then, because she didn’t want to blame the person she still wanted to be with, she blamed you.
And ever since then, watching the way Yuna treated you, Taehyung felt so responsible and guilty that he slipped from your life, thinking it would make the madness end. You had lost your two closest friends in one special night. And you didn’t know why, even three years later.
Taehyung continued to kneel there silently, his fists clenching and unclenching every time he heard you choke up a sob. All he wanted to do was storm back into the dining hall and tear Yuna’s reputation apart thread by thread, but he didn’t want to leave you here alone. He wanted to be by your side in your darkest moments, the shoulder you leaned on while you cried, and most of all, he wanted to be the arms to wrap around you and the voice to convince you everything would be okay.
“Y/n,” Taehyung whispered. You could hear something behind his voice, a gentleness you haven’t heard from him in a long, long time. Your cheeks were stained with tears, your makeup was ruined and your eyes turned puffy from crying. But Taehyung only saw your beauty. In the haze of anger and sadness flowing through his body, he was reminded why he loved you so, so much.
To see you cry hurt the deepest part of his being, he wanted to kiss away the tears and take you somewhere you would never be upset. Where you would only smile and laugh. But he couldn’t, he told himself. Because here you were, still crying, and his hands were void of the worlds he wanted to give you.
Slowly, your tears reduced and you were left with staggered and uneven breathing. You tried to take deep breaths, but then your mind started to stray towards what had happened.
You walked nervously into the den of lions, trying your best to keep yourself calm. You saw a handful of familiar faces, smiling at them politely, before someone suddenly stopped you right in your path.
“Y/n, fancy seeing you here,” she said. You froze.
“Yuna,” you greeted politely, but your nerves were tingling. You had a feeling something bad was going to happen, and that should’ve been your first sign to exit the conversation. Something bad always happened when Yuna was involved these days.
“How’s everything been? You know, because you never come to these things enough for us to catch up,” she said, her voice eerily cheerful and bubbly.
“Everything’s okay,”
“Great! Amazing. Did you know Taehyung is here too?” The question was pretty out of the blue, and it caught you off guard. You hadn’t talked to Taehyung in years. She knew that, too.
“Oh, that’s nic—“
“How could you say that to me?” Yuna screeched suddenly. No one had been listening to your conversation until now, everyone’s heads turned to see what all the commotion was.
“What? Yuna I—“ you were cut off once again when Yuna grabbed a glass of wine from the tall bar table beside her and launched the alcohol right onto your dress. You were stunned for a moment, feeling the wine seep through the expensive material. Your mouth opened wide in shock. You looked to Yuna, seeing she had feigned a look of hurt and offense.
“I was just trying to be nice, and you insult my dress and call me a slut for wearing it? Get out!” She demanded. You could see everything clearly now. This was all just a plan she plotted before she had even approached you.
“Y/n, what’s going on?” Baekhyun approached from behind Yuna, face riddled with confusion. People all around you sent disapproving looks and glances, and you weren’t able to take it anymore. Turning without a word, you rushed to the exit. The whispers and mutters of everyone around you invaded your ears as you walked past, and tears started to form.
You pushed open the doors, and your eyes met with the absolute last person you had wanted to see that very moment. The person who you had loved for such a long time, but no one knew because your best friend at the time felt the same. You were such a good friend that you were willing to give up the one person you wanted, so your best friend could have him.
Recalling the events rehashed the anxiety you had felt, and your eyes flooded with sadness all over again. Taehyung caught this immediately, and he finally threw every doubt and worry he had out the window. Taehyung reached up to cup your cheek with one of his hands, ignoring the fact that it was shaking. You looked down, avoiding eye contact, scared he would see everything you felt if he looked into your eyes. You felt his thumb gently rub the tears away, and it only made you want to cry more.
Why was he being like this? After all this time, all these years of not being part of your life, he suddenly reappears and acts like nothing had changed. He continues to be the loving friend he had been long ago. The one you had grown to love. You were confused, overwhelmed, but most of all you were tired. Your body and mind were exhausted and all you wanted to do was leave and flop onto your bed.
Taehyung continued to wipe away your tears, the hand that was holding yours squeezing tighter. You found yourself subconsciously leaning into the touch of his hand on your cheek, closing your eyes.
Is this what it would’ve felt like if you had been selfish back then? Would you have avoided the endless nights of wondering, what did I do wrong?
For just a couple seconds, you both opened your hearts up for a mere moment before closing them again. You both thought you had nothing more left to lose. You had already lost each other.
“Come on, let me drive you home,” he whispered, trying his best to not make you any more distressed. You finally looked up to meet his eyes again.
“It’s really far. You don’t have to do that,” you reasoned. Your apartment was almost three hours away, just a couple blocks away from your college campus, and you had absolutely no intention of staying at your family’s manor tonight. That was just another reason why you barely came to these extravagant events in the capital city. Taehyung shook his head, insisting he take you home. What was three hours to someone who would follow you to the edge of the world?
He opened his passenger door for you, letting you settle inside before closing it shut and jogging to the driver’s side. He bought a new car since the last time he had driven you somewhere, but his car still smelt like him. Clean with a hint of something sweet. The leather seats were comfortable and you quickly started to feel your eyes close before you’d even reached the highway on-ramp. You let yourself drift to sleep, mind clearing of all the bad things for just a couple hours as you danced along into dreamland.
Taehyung glanced to his side and saw that you were fast asleep. He missed having you around, your presence always kept him grounded despite everything life threw at him. You were there when his first dog died, you were right beside him cheering when he opened his college acceptance letter from his dream university, and you were there for every single birthday party up until recently.
You were with him when he got the call that his mom died.
It’s funny, he thought. You were the only person he always let into his heart, and you didn’t even know it. Taehyung can’t remember the moment he started loving you. It felt as though for as long as he could remember, you were always the most precious person in his heart. But also from the very beginning, he had encased that part of him, his love for you, in bitter ice. He wanted to protect and save you from the fire inside of him, the fire that engulfed everything and everyone he loved. He had tried so, so hard to shield you, but in the end, he burned you too.
His thoughts ran south, and he desperately fought the tears down. In that moment, every restless, teary night, every call he didn’t make, every conversation he didn’t start, all come flooding back to him. How could you be his world, his everything, and he still managed to fuck it all up.
“Y/n, y/n we’re here,” Taehyung spoke softly, kneeling down beside the passenger’s seat he shook your shoulder softly, his touch as gentle as if he were touching glass. You groaned groggily, your head pounding. You slowly opened your eyes and were met with Taehyung’s face dangerously close to yours. The soft fluorescent lights from the building behind him crafted his body in an angelic glow, and you swallowed the feelings bubbling in your chest.
He took your hand and helped you out of the car, closing the door behind you and locking the doors swiftly. Your legs wobbled as you took a couple steps forward, eventually giving out causing you to collapse onto Taehyung’s large frame. He held you upright and steadied the both of you. You mumbled an embarrassed apology, but your head was in excruciating pain.
“Y/n? What’s wrong? Do you want me to take you to the hospital?” You shook your head, not wanting to drag the night out even further. All you wanted to go was make it into your apartment and sleep. Your hands cling onto Taehyung’s jacket, desperately trying to ground yourself. Taehyung took deep breaths, not wanting to carry you and risk dropping you. He also needed you to be able to unlock your door. So, he held you securely to his chest, tangling his fingers in your hair and slowly rubbing the back of your head. Your heart defied your mind and you nuzzled deeper into him, breathing in his comforting scent. Neither of you knew what you were doing, or why you were doing it, but it felt right.
The longer you stood there, wrapped in his arms, the faster your headache began to dissipate to a dull ghost of the pain from before. After what felt like a million years, you finally pulled back a bit to look into his eyes apologetically.
“Taehyung, I’m so sorry. You should go—,” you were cut off by a quiet hush from him, while he looked down at you with a look you couldn’t decipher. It was then you realized you two were still embracing, and your cheeks turned embarrassingly red. Taehyung looked deep into your eyes, prying and picking apart everything in them. For a moment, he saw a flash of appreciation and gratefulness, and that was all he needed. At that moment, he was content. He would have waited a hundred days and nights, as long as you’d known it was him who stayed.
“Are you okay to go upstairs?” He asked gently, the pads of his fingers slowly withdrawing from your hair, but still made sure to support some of your weight. Truth be told, you could walk on your own now. But the feeling of your body pressing against his and the gentle touch on your skin made you never want to leave. The elevator ride was short and quiet, both of you silently cherishing every aspect of your time together, not knowing if things would be the same after that night, or if things could change for you two. After so much time of silence, this was the closest you two had been in what felt like an eternity.
Unbeknownst to the both of you, in those three years, both of you had tried to erase each other from your own minds. Both tried to fabricate your true feelings and convince yourselves to move on. It was a long, rigorous battle, and one that ended in defeat on both sides. This night, a night of unspoken forgiving and forgetting, solidified the assurance in both of your hearts that true love never fades. That fate and circumstance could bring two souls together, even if only for one night. For Taehyung, and for you, one night was enough to douse the pain away.
The elevator doors opened to the top floors and you led the both of you to the door at the very end of the hallway. You stood there for a moment, hand frozen mid-air with the key grasped in your hand. You only hesitated a moment, but everything felt so right that it would have taken more to convince yourself not to say this.
“Do you want to come in?” You whispered, the anticipation so high that you didn’t even want to look at him. Your eyes stayed focused on the door, and you missed the way Taehyung’s eyes brightened and the corner of his lips curled.
“Please,” he whispered back, and you felt your head flourish with new, uncharted thoughts.
Was this the beginning for you guys? Could things really work out in the end?
With a new found sense of courage, you unlocked your door and opened it. Your apartment was just like you, Taehyung thought. Elegant with splashes of warmth, and if he peered closer, he could find pieces of you in every nook and cranny of the space. He felt happy to be allowed into this private part of your world, but he also felt sadness. He was sad that he let himself miss out on all the memories you had made here. All the things you’d done and accomplished in this mini world you lived in. He was frozen in the doorway, until you entered on your own. He walked in nervously, kicking off his shoes and placing them neatly before closing the door behind him.
The moonlight shone brightly from the large floor to ceiling windows on the far wall, coating your delicate skin with its glow. He could see the tear stains on your cheeks, and his throat clenched. Silently navigating his way through the unfamiliar space proved to be a difficult task, but he managed to find a cup in one of the cupboards and filled it with water and plenty of ice. Just how he knew you preferred it. He rounded the kitchen island and placed the cup onto a coaster sitting on the coffee table in front of you, ultimately deciding to sit a ways apart in one of the armchairs adjacent to the couch. Something was poking his behind, so he pulled out his wallet and placed it on the coffee table as well.
One of your eyes opened, peeking to the man currently inside your apartment. You were a bit surprised to find him already looking at you, and he bashfully looked away and out one of the windows upon getting caught. You continued to stare at him, watching his eyes dart a million different directions as he scanned the city and it’s skyline. A city that was still awake and hosting thousands of other people and partaking in thousands of different stories. Somewhere in that city someone was so amazingly happy, and somewhere in that city someone was getting their heart broken.
“Taehyung,” you murmured, starting to get choked up for no reason. He didn’t turn his head, but you knew he was listening.
“Thank you—for helping me,”
Taehyung smiled. Not a big, ecstatically large smile. It was the smallest grin, but one that held more meaning than any other. His throat bobbed as he swallowed thickly before he finally turned to look at you.
As soon as Taehyung said it, a million thoughts and doubts flooded to his head. Was it too much? Would you find out about his feelings? Would he scare you away when he finally found his way back to you? He held his breath in anticipation, keeping his face blank. He was surprised to hear you begin to laugh. It started as an airy chuckle, slowly building up to an adorable giggle that brought heat to his cheeks.
“Have you always been this cheesy?” you teased. Taehyung was flustered for a moment, but his eyes scrunched in amusement very quickly.
“I’m not the one blushing, y/n,” You immediately stopped laughing, and it was his turn to laugh. His laugh was a burst of warmth and joy, a real, genuine laugh that he hadn’t experienced in so long. It opened his eyes further to how much of an effect you had on him. Whether it was when you were present in his life, or if you weren’t. The room fell silent once again, the two of you just staring at each other. You became too flustered to handle the eye contact, dropping your gaze down to your lap shyly. Taehyung took it upon himself to say something.
“You look stunning tonight,” He stated. You laughed sarcastically, looking down at your ruined dress.
“Yeah, after what happened,”
“I don’t know,” he replied, looking you up and down. “I think expensive ass wine is your color,” You giggled, rolling your eyes. It was weird, for a moment it felt like everything had gone back to normal. Back when you two used to joke about anything and everything, when you could laugh at each other when they embarrassed themselves, and when you both could forget and leave your feelings behind in the moments happening right then.
“You don’t look too bad yourself,” you commented, finally getting a good look at Taehyung and how he styled himself tonight. You observed his features for a bit, seeing him yawn with his back slumped lazily. Finally, you realized how tired he must be.
“Oh gosh—I’m so sorry! It’s really late, I shouldn’t keep you any longer,” you said worriedly, fidgeting your hands and standing up. You checked the clock hanging on the wall to your right, and was surprised to find it well past midnight.
“Yes, I’ll get going now.” he said, thinking you wanted him out of your apartment quickly. He stood and strode towards the door, but paused at his abandoned shoes when he heard your voice.
“Taehyung—uhm—I wanted to thank you again,” You offered quietly. With his back turned, you couldn’t see him smile widely as he slid his shoes on. Remembering what time it was, you spoke up again with concern.
“Do you think it’s okay to drive all the way back? The sun will be up by the time you get home,” you thought worriedly.
“It’s okay, I have a family condo just a few minutes away from here. I’ll crash there for the night,” he reassured you calmly. Inside, however, he was gleaming with joy that you were showing concern about him.
“Well then, goodnight, Taehyung.” Your eyes met, not leaving each other’s until the closing door obscured the view. When it was finally shut, your shoulders slumped and you rested your forehead against the door.
When you climbed into bed that night (morning), fully bathed and head warped with sleepiness, you thought about the new chapter you’ve both embarked on together. And while your eyes slowly closed, you had no idea that Taehyung was thinking about the same exact thing, as he lay under his own sheets.
You only woke up the next morning when the sun blinded you so irritatingly that you were forced to get up. Groaning in annoyance, you checked your phone to find it was much closer to noon than you thought. As you were ready to put your phone back down, you realized you had a notification.
Message from Kim Taehyung
You almost dropped your phone onto your face. He only texted you fifteen minutes ago, but you raced to unlock the message.
I hope this is still your number. Sorry, but I think I left my wallet at your place. Call me when you can.
Your heart was racing, and you could see from scrolling up just a bit that the last time you texted each other was the night of your birthday, and he was asking you if you wanted him to come early to help set up. A sense of sadness halted the excitement you felt just moments before, as you were reminded of why you were so joyous to receive a single message now. Snapping out of your dreadful thoughts, you pressed his contact and dialed his number, and was surprised to hear him pick up immediately.
“Hello, Y/n,” his deep voice rang through your ear and already set a blush onto your cheeks.
“H-hi,” you internally kicked yourself for stuttering, but he seemed to brush it off. “You can come and get it whenever you want, or do you want me to drop it off to you? I don’t want to be a hassle—“
“Would you mind? I’m on an online business meeting right now,”
“Oh! I’m sorry for interrupting. Aish—you should have called me back later,”
He only responded with a chuckle, but not because you were being your normal rambling self. He was amused because he didn’t hesitate a second to pause his call for you, even if it was with international business partners.
“I’ll send you my address and the code to get in,”
“Great, I’ll leave right now,”
“Alright. Bye,”
**** Street
Floor level 99, room number 991
The code to the door is 7117.
The elevator ride up to the top floor was long, but luckily you were alone. Your hands fiddled with his heavy leather wallet, and you felt strangely nervous. You were never nervous around him before. Why did things have to change?
You reached the top floor and exited the elevator, realizing his room was the one of the two on this level. You held your fist up to knock on the door, but remembered he gave you the code to unlock the keypad. His condo, more like a penthouse, contained only white, gray, and black tones. The whole space lacked any color, yet it didn’t feel dull. You left your shoes in the foyer and creeped your way into the open living room.
Taehyung was nowhere to be seen, but you didn’t want to call out for him in case he was still on his call. So you placed his wallet on the kitchen island and figured you should leave before it got weird that you were lingering inside alone.
“Ahh, my savior,” he joked, suddenly walking in from an empty door on the right. You assumed it was his bedroom, but he closed the door behind him as he entered, blocking your view.
“Yeah, well, consider it payback for last night,” you chuckled.
It was all too surreal for Taehyung, talking to you like this. It had been so long that he began to feel empty, a hollow shell of the better him. The one that had you. But now, seeing you stand there, he regretted every choice he made for the millionth time. This happiness could’ve been what he felt everyday for all those three years.
“Well, now that I’ve finished my meeting, did you want to grab a coffee?” he offered, knowing you would always be up for one. Your eyes glittered in excitement, but you tried your best to hide it.
Taehyung opened the door and gestured for you to enter the slightly crowded cafe. The decorations were earthy and gave a homely feel to it. The line nearly started at the door, so you two waited patiently while deciding what to order.
“I see you still like it bitter and black,” you remarked, shaking your head in disapproval. While you enjoyed having a sweeter, less intense cup of coffee, Taehyung always drank 10 shots of caffeine in a styrofoam cup. He chuckled, but didn’t say anything. As the line shortened, the two of you were making comfortable conversation, something you thought would’ve been much more awkward, but ended up being bearable. Teasing words were flown about, inside jokes were said that reminded you both of a time before all of this. You were so engrossed in your conversation with him, that you didn’t hear when someone called out your name.
“Y/n!” a voice squealed, grabbing your attention by a hand being placed onto your shoulder. You turned, surprised.
“Ah, hello Nina!” you greeted politely, but you were a bit surprised. You hadn’t seen Nina in years, ever since high school, but you could still recognize her. You had no idea what she was up to now, but she was always one of your kind-of friends.
“I see you’re here with Taehyung, I thought you guys stopped being friends a long time ago,” she said, as if it were a second thought, something she didn’t mean to say. Right when she realized she had in fact said it, her eyes instantly flashed with regret. “Oh my—I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to put it like that, but I did always think you guys would work it out,” she said, nervously looking between the both of you. You just laughed it off, trying to play off the awkward conversation topic.
“Well if you don’t mind, I really have to go,” Nina said, and you just noticed that she was already holding a fresh cup of coffee in her hand. You and Taehyung smiled, saying your goodbyes.
“Am I the only one that thought that conversation was weird?” Taehyung murmured, leaning over your shoulder so you could hear.
“Nope, I definitely side with you on that one,” you said, watching Nina’s long brown hair fly behind her as she raced out of the coffee shop. After coffee, you had to part ways with Taehyung to attend your afternoon class. Before you left, he stopped you.
“Um—I’m investing in a new art gallery, and their exclusive opening is tomorrow night before they open it up to the public. Did you—maybe—want to be my plus one?” he asked, slightly nervous. He knew things had gotten significantly better now, but the lingering anxiousness of having you say no still clouded his mind. But when he saw you grin excitedly, all of it blew away into the open air.
“I would love to, pick me up?” you asked.
“Of course. I’ll text you,” he responded. As you walked away, he looked down into his coffee cup and smiled to himself, already feeling his heart start to heal from its wounds.
“You will not guess who I just saw at a coffee shop together,” Nina said, holding her phone up closely to her ear.
“Let me guess, Taehyung and the leech he can’t get rid of,” Yuna responded, her blood boiling. When she watched the two of you walk away together last night, she couldn’t stop her fit of rage. It had all backfired, exploding right back into her face. She knew Taehyung was there last night, and she knew it was her chance to embarrass you. Just thinking about it again made her want to scream. “Well, what were they doing?”
“It didn’t seem like much. They were just talking, but they seem just like how they were all those years ago. What happen—,” Yuna ended the call immediately, cutting Nina off without a care.
Yuna couldn’t believe this was happening. She had tried so hard, and for so long to keep you two apart. There was nothing she wanted to do than ruin your life, no matter how much of a friend she used to call you. Yuna wasn’t dumb, she was actually too smart. That’s what made her such a master manipulator. But, she knew that it wasn’t your fault no matter how much she tried to deny it. She just needed someone to blame besides herself.
Maybe if she was prettier, she would have reeled Taehyung in. Maybe if she was kinder, he would’ve chosen her. All of it was one big slap in her face, and no matter how much she tried to act like it only infuriated her, it hurt her just as much. All she wanted was Taehyung to love her back, but all he wanted was her best friend. And so she devised her plan. There was a lot of risk involved, and a lot of manipulation. But what other option did she have? Deep down, she felt a little guilty. Somewhere far below where she kept things buried, the old her, the young girl who would’ve called you her best friend, was screaming for help.
How cruel the world is to cruel people.
“Thank you so much for attending, Mr. Kim,” a man standing at the door greeted, sending a smile to the both of you. You smiled brightly in return, before turning your head to face the second large gathering you’ve attended in the past three days. You hadn’t even attended two high class gatherings in the same month for the past three years.
You recognized most of the faces there, and with Taehyung at your side, the two of you were making rounds of greetings with nearly all of the guests. When you finally had some time to yourselves, you decided to take a look at the intricate art adorning the walls. It was an art gallery opening, after all. Taehyung had to talk to the interior designer for the gallery, and offered for you to continue looking at the art, and he would catch up with you.
You gasped as you came across a large floor to ceiling painting, split into four enormous canvases combined to make one picture. It was an abstract depiction of what you thought was a woman falling into the depths of an ocean, and a man who was reaching out to her, but their fingers were just out of reach from each other.
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” Someone said behind you, and you turned to be met with an elderly man, yet he seemed very young in spirit. His eyes shone with something so intriguing you wanted to talk to him for hours, and find out everything he had to know, along with everything he believed.
“It is,” you said dreamily, turning back to observe the painting and you felt him step next to you, following your gaze. “It reminds me of myself and—someone else,” You knew full well that the painting was painfully similar to your situation with Taehyung, but that you were reaching for him with the same amount of pain etched on the man’s face.
“I like to think of it as my wife and I,” the man said, chuckling to himself. “But art is interpretable. If you’re putting yourself into the painting, that’s all I ever wanted to do. I’ve reached my goal,” You quickly came to realize that this man was the gallery artist, and this was his creation. Your heart filled with admiration, and sadness. If it was a representation of him and his wife, you could only guess what happened to her. He must’ve sensed your change in mood, but he continued.
“There are things in this world you would give yourself up for, things you would drown yourself to get, if only for a second. There are people you would save, and people you would grab desperately just to hold on to and never let them go,” The man smiled sadly, his hand reaching out to the woman in the painting. “But this cruel world is too fast for one to beat its current. The lucky get to live or leave obliviously, and the unlucky have to watch helplessly with water in their lungs. I hope you enjoy the rest of the viewing,” he finished, already walking away. He had said so much, yet so little. You figured he wanted you to finish the train of thought he had started, but you were suddenly interrupted by your phone ringing. Not wanting to disturb other people, you rushed to the bathroom just a few feet away. The phone number on the screen was unfamiliar, but you answered.
“Ms. Y/L/N, you are receiving a call from the ____ University administrators office. I’m sure you know this already, but we have a zero tolerance policy for plagiarism. It has come to our attention that you have committed this felony on your Sociology trimester paper. Your professor has given no room for discussion, and it is decided that you’ll be suspended from your classes from now until the end of the semester. If this happens again, we will have no choice but to proceed in your expelling. Thank you,”
The lady on the phone left no room for you to respond or explain yourself, and promptly ended the call. Your hands were shaking, your eyes filling with tears, and you were confused. You hadn’t plagiarized on your paper, and suddenly they were suspending you for it without further discussion. Frantically, you wiped your tears and rushed out of the bathroom. Back in the crowded museum, you searched desperately for Taehyung. You remembered him going towards the end of the hall, away from the entrance, so you headed that way. Finally, after shuffling through and in between people, you spotted his tall frame and his jet black hair.
“Taehyung,” you called out, but the low chatter from everyone in the room was enough to build up into a loud hum. “Taehyung,” once again, he couldn’t hear you. You were only a couple arms length away now, and you started to feel yourself unable to hold your tears back any longer. He was still talking to a few important looking men, but you couldn’t seem to care at that moment.
“Tae,” You choked out. He heard your familiar voice, with the lace of desperation. Immediately, he whipped around and headed towards you.
“Y/n? What’s wrong, are you hurt?” he asked, clutching your face and looking you up and down urgently.
“Tae, my university is framing me for plagiarizing my paper, they’re suspending me for four months,” you said, voice shaking. “I have to go, I have to figure out what’s going on—,”
“I’ll come with you,” he insisted, but you shook your head and gently took his hands off your cheeks.
“You have to stay here, you know that. I’ll catch a cab,” you insisted, hurrying away. Taehyung’s hands still hung in the air, cradling the ghost of your face. He wanted so badly to call after you, follow you, comfort you. But you were right. He needed to be at this event, and he only hoped you would figure everything out. Despite his hopes, he had a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach.
“Where did your precious princess go, hm?” a voice asked, and Taehyung felt his blood run cold. His eyes met a mischievous, smirking face. “She didn’t happen to leave, did she?” She asked mock-innocently. Yuna watched everything unfold from the background, hiding in the sea of people. So far, her plan couldn’t be working any better. Taehyung didn’t need much time to put the pieces together. In fact, he had a feeling this was the case all along before Yuna even approached him.
“You did this,” he spat venomously, but in a low voice so people wouldn’t eavesdrop. Yuna only giggled, further infuriating him.
“Did what?” she asked, trying to play dumb. She wanted to see just how far he could go.
“You’re costing her her career, her entire future,” Taehyung was speaking in an angry tone, but he was almost pleading for Yuna to fully comprehend the consequences of her actions. He was nearly frozen in fear, because it felt like everything he was trying to grow and heal from was all coming back to him.
“Well, that’s true, isn’t it? So wouldn’t that mean you should stay away from her again, you know, so someone doesn’t go any further?” Yuna almost giggled in excitement, because she knew what his answer was going to be.
Except this time, Taehyung hesitated. Now that he had just gotten you back, he was almost selfish enough to want to keep you, no matter how much it would hurt you. He felt disgusted when he found himself problem solving for you losing your education. He could support you financially, he could let you live with him, maybe he would have a better chance of getting you to love him back. But he quickly rid his head of those thoughts. He wanted you to be able to pursue your passion, to work hard and reach your goals independently, because he knew that was the type of person you were. It was one of the many things he admired about you.
But what was he going to do now? Was he going to do what he’d been doing for so long? Could he handle cutting you off again, when he knows how depressed he was over it? But then he thought back to you, what Yuna was doing to you, and how much control he had over it.
“I’m giving you two options. One, you could keep helplessly dogging after Y/n, and she can suffer. Two, you could leave her again, come to me, and everything fucking her over right now would just—disappear,” she snapped to emphasize her point.
Taehyung felt his chest constricting, and he was beginning to panic. He knew he had no choice, but he resented it all the same. He had just gotten you back, and now he was being forced to let you go again. He wanted to scream, he wanted to grab onto you and take you away somewhere you two could live far away from this mess. He wanted to take the chair next to him and throw it at Yuna, but he couldn’t do any of those things.
“I hope you’re happy,” he croaked out, no longer staring daggers at the witch in front of him. By now, his eyes only reflected the sadness his heart held. His heart was breaking, and there was nothing around to hold it together anymore.
For a second, Yuna felt her heart breaking for him. Looking into the sorrowful eyes of the person you loved the most, knowing you broke them, was enough for even her to feel a twinge of regret. But she brushed it off as quickly as it came, and replaced her regret with rejoice. Taehyung didn’t notice her walk away, and he didn’t notice people continuing to make conversation. He just stood in front of a painting he wasn’t actually studying, and held the tears in for when he would be alone once again.
You received a call later that night that they had made a mistake, and that the suspension was a misunderstanding. They had offered compensation for the trouble, and probably to keep you quiet, but you declined. You were just sad that you had to take an early leave from the gallery opening. You looked at the time and figured it would be over already. So, you decided to dial Taehyung’s phone.
It was still some getting used to seeing his contact name again, after years of empty silence. The phone rang, and rang, and rang, before going to voicemail. You didn’t want to pry, so you didn’t call again. You could always call him in the morning.
It’s been two weeks, and you haven't heard anything from Taehyung. By now, you have passed the point of denial and you have accepted that things might be going back to the way they used to be. The moments of being best friends again were so fleeting that it almost felt like a dream. As if it had never happened at all. You wanted to resent him. You wanted to blame him for always leaving you in the dust without any reason or explanation, but you could never find it in yourself to hate Kim Taehyung. And while you knew it hurt, you would let him do it a thousand times.
Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into days, and before you knew it, Taehyung’s ghost had been haunting you for three months. You spotted things that reminded you of him from time to time. Almost every other day you passed the cafe you went to with him on your way to the South campus. Once or twice you passed his apartment building, but you figured he was long gone by now. He probably went back to his actual condo back in the bigger city, miles and miles away. Your mind often strayed back to the painting you fell in love with all those nights ago, and just how true the message truly was. It didn’t matter how much you love the person, and how much you’re willing to fight to get them. Whether or not you could save someone from floating away didn’t only depend on one person's feelings. Sometimes, even the deepest love couldn’t beat the ocean tide.
Don’t think about him. You told yourself, grasping tighter onto your coat as the days grew colder, along with your heart.
“Fuck!” Taehyung yelled, grabbing an expensive vase and throwing it across the room, shattering against the wall with a crash. Shards of stained glass littered the floor, along with many other broken items that cost more than he could imagine. After nearly half an hour of acting in a fit of rage, Taehyung finally collapsed on the ground.
Falling onto his hands and knees, he didn’t even flinch when the sharp pieces of destruction pierced the skin of his palms. No physical pain could amount to what he was feeling inside. He hated everything. He hated himself for being a coward, he hated Yuna for ruining everything, he hated the world for giving him this life. The only thing he didn’t hate was you. You and your stupid, perfect self. He always told himself he couldn’t imagine a life without you, and here he was, walking out on you for the second time. He wondered what you thought of him, if you despised him as much as he did himself. He wondered if you cried, or if you didn’t care at all.
In the corner of his eye, Taehyung spotted a piece of the wreckage he caused. He slowly crawled over to it, sitting down and leaning against the wall behind him as he held it up. It was a picture taken over four years ago, a photo with just you and him. It was right afterschool, and you two were both wearing those disgustingly colored uniforms you never missed a day complaining about. You two were beaming at the camera, not looking a hair short of pure joy. Taehyung’s arm was around you, pulling you so close that your outer leg was lifted off the ground, but neither of you seemed to mind.
The photo sat in a frame, the same one it had been in since you got the photo printed for the two of you to have all those years ago. You had given it to him as a gift, and now, the protective glass had broken off in bits and pieces. Seeing this, a visual of just how much he broke your friendship, forced Taehyung to finally give in to his tears. He cried, and cried, and cried more even as the blood from his hands smeared across the white frame around the edges. What more could he do than cry? Tears and blood were all he had left.
Reaching into his pocket, he grabbed his phone. He didn’t care that blood was getting on the screen, he simply ignored it and searched for your contact name. His finger hovered over the call button, and it stayed there as the minutes ticked by. In the log below, you had called him over 20 times, all of which he ignored. He wouldn’t even be able to count how many messages you sent, each one digging a deeper wound than the last. But it wasn’t your fault. None of it was. You were just caught in a game you weren’t meant to participate in, and you didn’t even know it. For the second time in his life, Taehyung felt a pain he wouldn’t wish on anyone. It was the pain of loving someone so much you didn’t know what to do without them, as you were forced to let them go.
Taehyung’s arms were outstretched, swimming past the point of exhaustion, as you sank lower and lower into the black void he feared he couldn’t save you from. And it’s your fault. He reminded himself. It always was. He was so used to letting you go, but he hated losing you.
He swiped across the phone screen frantically, calling the second person he wanted to talk to the most, but for completely different reasons. It only rang twice before the call was picked up.
“I see you’ve finally come to your senses—,”
“You did this, you bitch. You did this to me,” Taehyung sobbed into the receiver, ignoring the burn in his throat. “I’d rather die. I don’t want to feel this way anymore. I don’t want to hate myself anymore. I don’t want to cry anymore. Take me away from here, please,” He cried. Both Yuna and Taehyung knew he wasn’t talking to her anymore, he was talking to someone much bigger than that. She didn’t know what to say, but it didn’t matter. He kept going.
“I want her to love me, I want to love her with everything I have. Why can’t I save her, why, why, why,” With every word, he hit his head backwards against the wall. It wasn’t enough to damage, but it was enough to make him feel something other than grief.
“Taehyung? Taehyung where are you?” Yuna asked, hearing the thumping through the phone. She didn’t want this to happen. She wanted to take everything back if it meant he would stop. Without responding, the phone line was abruptly cut off. In a state of panic, Yuna knew the line had been crossed. If she truly cared about him, she knew she had to stop. But Yuna feared it may have been too late.
This is it. Yuna thought. This was the end of the road for her. Subconsciously, she always knew it would end like this. This was just the first time she truly accepted it.
“Y/n, y/n you have to listen to me. Taehyung is losing it, y-you have to find him. Don’t ask questions, please f-find him,”
With that, Yuna hung up. You barely registered her words before you dropped your pencil on the table and dashed out the door. The only place you thought to look for him while you mind was so plagued with worry was his apartment three blocks away. It only took you ten minutes to run over, and you prayed he was still here. An elevator ride had never felt so long before. Remembering the code, you burst into the apartment. The first thing you noticed was the immense amount of broken shards littering the floor of the apartment.
“Tae,” You called out, spotting him sitting on the floor, leaning against the kitchen island. His head was slumped downwards, but when he heard your voice he slowly lifted it up.
Was he dreaming? Was he so close to insanity that he dreamt you up so vividly? He couldn’t say anything as you rushed over to him, frantically searching his body for the source of the blood. You were relieved to find visible cuts on only his hands. But only for a second, before the pain of seeing him like this tore your heart in enough pieces to pair with every broken piece on the ground.
You dragged your hands up his neck and wiped the blood from his face as best you could, pulling his head into the crook of your neck. You let him cry on your shoulder, and you couldn’t keep the tears from falling down your own face.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, it’s all my fault,” his voice cracked as he pleaded for your forgiveness. You shushed him and continued rubbing his back soothingly. “I didn’t want her to hurt you,”
“I know, Tae. I know,” you whispered. You didn’t know, but it was all starting to make sense. It didn’t take a genius to know Yuna was behind this. The both of you felt so stupid for letting it get to this point, and letting her manipulate the two of you into submission. “It’s not your fault. Don’t say that,” you pleaded, knowing the guilt was overtaking his mind. His body was heavy, and his arms were squeezing your ribs. You both sat there, vulnerable and exposing every part of your pain to each other, but you didn’t mind. For the first time in over ten years you didn’t care about any of that anymore. The walls of worry finally broke away.
“I won’t hurt you anymore,” he promised, and he truly meant it. If he could control it, he would never be your source of pain for the rest of his life. His heart was hammering and his head was pulsing in pain, but he struggled out the next few words.
“I love you, Y/n.”
It was your turn to start sobbing. You sobbed harder than you ever had before, even when this was the most relieved you’d ever felt. Words seemed meaningless for all the things you wanted to express to him, but all you could do was say it back.
“I love you, too,”
“Guess what,” Taehyung said, plopping down on the bed next to you and successfully interrupting you from your reading. You raised an eyebrow at him, feigning a look of annoyance. “I love you,”
You blushed no matter how many times you heard him say it, covering your flushed face. He chuckled, slyly moving your book to the side of the bed. You received no warning before your entire body was crushed under his weight, and he sighed in content as you laughed hysterically.
“Get off of me fatso,” you giggled, but you made no move to push him off.
“Not until you say it back,” he demanded in a harsh tone, though you knew he was joking. Still, you refused. His head dipped down close, his lips brushing the shell of your ear. “What is it going to take to hear you say it,” he murmured, his head nudging yours softly.
“Well, I did want that new—,” Before you could finish your joke, his lips were pressed against yours. Without hesitation, you reciprocated the passion he was transferring to you through his kiss. His curly black hair tickled your forehead as he held himself over you, and you whined as he sucked on your lower lip. The room and atmosphere got hot very quickly, and both your brains still could barely comprehend that this was your relationship now. You could kiss each other, touch each other, and say exactly how you felt all the damn time. These three months together seemed to erase the years of pain you two had survived, and now all you needed to worry about was the next time you would be able to see each other.
Always the impatient one, your hands wandered down to pull his shirt over his head. His lips were persistent, only leaving yours for a second before he went back to drinking you in. You were dangerously addictive, he thought. There wasn’t a point he could imagine where he would get tired of you.
“I’ll never get enough of you,” he spoke through your lips, his voice vibrating through you. It thrilled you to no end. He flipped you two over, forcing you to straddle his lap as you peeled your shirt off as well. His hands scorched your skin wherever it went, burning both your bodies in a blazing fire of want and need. Your hands threaded through his hair and he groaned as you felt at the strands. His hands dug into your hips, pushing you harder onto his bulge. This drew a whine from both of you.
“I want you so bad,” you pleaded, and you groaned frustratedly as you felt like there were too many articles of clothing still being worn.
“Do you, baby?” He asked mockingly. Your whining painted a smirk on his pretty face. You could tell he was trying to tease you, probably because of your refusal to cooperate with him, but you knew he wouldn’t deny you of anything. Not after he did so for so long.
“What exactly do you want?” He asked, detaching his mouth from yours so you could respond. As you opened your mouth, he gripped your waist tightly and bucked his hips up into you. You moaned out properly for the first time that night. “That won’t do. You have to tell me, or you won’t get anything,” he had an infuriating, smug smile, but it didn’t stop you from begging.
“I want you to do anything you want to me. Use me to feel good, Tae, please,” He growled at your words, flipping you over once again, your back bouncing off the mattress from the amount of force. He worked at sliding your pants off along with your panties, motioning for you to take your bra off. Your heart raced in anticipation, and your breathing was ragged as you stared down at his head between your legs.
“You want me to use you as my little fuck toy, don’t you?” He asked, leaning so close to your pussy you could feel the hot air blowing gently on your slit. You nodded your head, too breathless to speak. “You’re such a good girl, then I’m going to give you something,” He dipped his head in and sucked at your aching clit. The attention to your bud made you moan and thrash around, but his arms held your hips down, forcing you to take everything he was giving you.
“That’s it baby, take it.” His soft lips encased your bud as his tongue darted in every direction, stimulating you until your nerves were on fire. Taehyung hummed into you, driving you crazy. He could do this for hours, he thought to himself. And just when you felt like you couldn’t get enough, he shoved his tongue into your hole and brought his hand up to rub tight circles on your clit.
Nothing but his dick could’ve compared to his tongue prying your folds open, exploring your depths with a sense of urgency. His head bobbed back and forth as he thrusted in and out, your juices flooding his mouth. The sounds coming from between your legs were both pushing you closer to the edge and making your cheeks tinge red. His mouth slurped and sucked at you, and your arousal sounded wet and abundant. The way he ate you out was messy and unforgiving, not caring about being precise or articulate when he wanted to go fast and hard, overwhelming you from the beginning. So far he was succeeding.
“It’s so good, I’m close,” you told him, and it prompted Taehyung to speed the circles on your bud. His entire arm moved to rub your clit, flexing to push down harder. The pace he set was what you would’ve used if you wanted to get off as quickly as possible, causing your back to arch off the bed as you cried out. Your hands strangled the sheets and your eyes shut. Just a few moments later, with his name on your lips, you released on Taehyung’s tongue. He groaned happily as you gushed onto him.
“You’re so good, so fucking good,” he groaned, his breath labored. He gave neither of you a break, however, and he dipped his head back down to continue his assault on your folds.
“Tae, I’m sensitive,” you moaned, trying to push him away. He wouldn’t budge.
“I want more, please, let me eat your pussy,”
Who were you to say no to that? As he attached back onto your swollen clit, you rolled your eyes back and screamed. Without his tongue stuffed inside you, you felt your juices drip out and onto the sheets. The second time around it didn’t take you long to come. He attacked your bud with everything he had, sucking and biting and licking it until you couldn’t take it anymore. But still, he kept going and wouldn’t stop until you were coming on his face. He dipped further down and swallowed your juices as they dripped down his chin. He only stopped when he was satisfied with the way your legs shook around him, and he had his fill of you.
“You’re so good to me,” you pant, kissing from his cheek down to his collarbone. He exhaled sharply from his nose, tucking his head into your neck.
“Do you love me now?” Despite the fact that he ate you through two orgasms, you couldn’t help but laugh. He was more stubborn than you sometimes. “Depends on how well you fuck me,”
“Is that a challenge?” the darkness in his eyes only slightly scared you, but only because you weren’t sure you were ready for him. Nonetheless, you tugged at the waistband of his shorts to get him to take everything off. He sighed when he relieved himself from his confines, his large dick springing up and slapping against his pelvis. He spit into his hand aggressively, pumping himself a few times before pressing his tip to your entrance. You moaned in excitement, looking up at his face as he watched his cock slip into you. Even now, you couldn’t understand how someone could be so beautiful. Kim Taehyung truly was a man of your dreams.
His length seemed endless as he kept pushing in further and further, until his hips finally pressed against your clit and the head of his cock pushed roughly against your cervix. You grabbed at his arms and back. trying to stable yourself as he filled you to your max. Taehyung groaned as he felt your walls pulse against him, trying his hardest not to lose control and pound ruthlessly into your pussy.
“You’re so big Tae,” you whined, growing louder as he began moving out. He pulled back so slowly you could feel every inch of him as he left you, getting close to completely pulling out before he slammed back into you. You screamed in ecstasy, giving Taehyung the confidence to start properly thrusting.
“You’re so tight, fuck. I can barely move with your pussy clenching around me. What about we loosen you up?” Your brain was mush, barely processing his words before his fingers went back to toying with your flushed clit. Taehyung truly did feel your walls lessen its grip on him, allowing him to pummel into you harder and faster. You could barely speak, the room filled with your screams and Taehyung’s occasional growl when you clenched down.
Seeing you like this, completely fucked out and skin glistening in sweat, made him want to ruin you. He pushed himself from his position hovering above you, kneeling on the bed with his hands holding your hips slightly off the mattress. The new position allowed him to hammer into you, and it felt like your pussy was being torn apart on his cock. It felt so good, you began seeing stars.
“You feel that?” Taehyung groaned, taking one of his hands and pressing his palm into your lower abdomen. He could feel the ridge of his cock every time he pushed into you, and it nearly hurtled him into his own orgasm. “I’m so deep, aren’t I? Fuck, that’s so hot. I’m going to come soon,” You nodded your head in acknowledgement, but you didn’t have to tell him you were close. You were sure he already knew.
You were amazed he had this much stamina, his cock pounding into you for so long and so incredibly hard. The bed creaked underneath you as it shook from the power of his thrusts, Taehyung looking down at where you two were connected. He nearly came as he watched his length slip in and out of you, your pussy coating his dick with your arousal. It only took a few more thrusts for you to come, your pussy clenching sporadically on his length. The pulsing sent him over the edge, and he rode both of your orgasms out with achingly slow grinds of his hips.
When he finally pulled out, he watched as his cum leaked out of your entrance, and nearly got hard again. He had to hold himself back from cleaning your dripping pussy with his tongue, knowing you were past the point of sensitivity. He got up to grab a towel, cleaning the both of you up before tucking himself into bed with his arms wrapped around you.
“I love you,” you murmured, pressing a feather light kiss on his cheek. He flushed, but he still had the nerve to smirk with his cheeks painted red.
“See, that wasn’t so hard, was it?”
You both laughed, but were quick to lay in silence in each of your own thoughts.
Taehyung felt the lightest and happiest he’d ever been, being with you. It boggles his mind that the two of you loved each other from the beginning, and never noticed. There were regrets he had, yes, but the peace of mind he’d obtained after everything that happened made up for every mistake he apologized profusely for. Not only to you, but to himself. At his lowest points, he would become his biggest enemy. Having you by his side never failed to provide him the comfort he needed, and he vowed to himself he would never let you go again.
I swear I’m different than before.
After coming to realize everything what had happened behind your back, you were relieved at your revelation that it wasn’t you at all. The lack of explanation for why your friends had shut you out for so long came with a lot of self doubt and insecurity. You spent many nights wondering if it was your fault, if you were driving people away. But with Taehyung’s arms wrapped around you, his chest pressed against yours, you knew things were meant to work out for the two of you. It may have taken a while, with enough heartbreak to last a lifetime, but if it meant you could keep him like this for the rest of your life, you wouldn’t have had it any other way.
You learned how to lose someone before you could have them.
But you always came back, because that’s the kind of love you two had.
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angeryboy · 4 years
Part 4-Boss Fight
Tomura turned on the news, giggling at the mention of the training camp fiasco. You hadn't looked at it the whole time they were there, but it was starting to come to light how much damage they did. Why did they want this one? You turned and looked at his tired face.
"I'm really grateful for all the publicity we've been getting. Hey, don't you agree, Katsuki Bakguo?" Tomura took on an entirely different tone. He seemed condescending and decidedly psychotic. Nothing like any other time. Was this the act he put on for others? "I'll ask you one more time, aspiring hero Katsuki Bakugo. Will you join me?" He held out his hand, but Bakugo just stared  angrily.
"If you're gonna talk in your sleep,you should just go to sleep and die." Jesus, this kid was out of his mind talking like that to a bunch of people with the strength and willpower to kill him.
"It's so strange," Tomura continued like a kid hadn't just told him to die. "Why are the heroes being criticized? The way they were dealing with things was just a little off the mark. Is it because it's their job to protect? Everyone makes a mistake or two. Are they supposed to be perfect? Modern-day heroes are so uptight. Don't you think, Bakugo?” There were goosebumps forming on your arms. Why was Tomura talking like that? It was unsettling, but Bakugo didn't look even a little bit impressed.
Spinner weighed in as well, drawing your attention back to Bakugo. "Once heroes receive compensation, they aren't heroes anymore. That's Stain's teaching."
"The strange system of transforming people's lives into money or glory, the society that sticks to those tight rules, the citizens who blame the losers rather than encourage them, our fight is to question: What is a hero? What is justice? Is this society truly just? We'll have everyone thinking about it. We're planning on winning. You like winning too, right? Dabi, release his restraints." Tomura pointed at the huge metal cuffs on Bakugo's arms.
"Huh? This guy's gonna fight, you know." Dabi's arm's crossed and his eyebrow raised. He was right. This kid was shameless and a bit reckless too.
"It's fine. We need to treat him like an equal, since we're scouting him. Besides, you can tell if you'll win or not if you fight in this situation, right, U.A student?" Dabi's immediate reaction was to force someone else take the risk. "Twice, you do it."
"What, me? No way!"
"Do it."
"Man.."Twice groaned as he cautiously lowered himself to the same level as the cuffs, key in hand.
"I do apologize for using such forceful methods. But please understand that we are not just a mob trying to commit crimes." Bakugo's eyebrows furrowed together in disgust. This was, without a doubt, the strangest attempt at recruiting you'd ever seen. You scanned the room a few times. Everyone was just...staring at Bakugo. And waiting.
"We didn't kidnap you by accident," Twice muttered as he fiddled with the locks. That was the first time you noticed. Bakugo looked scared. You'd almost forgotten he was just a 15 year old boy, but when his eyes widened at the explanation, you felt it.
He looks so..scared. No, not scared. Hopeless? Nervous? 
Your thoughts were drowned out by Tomura picking up the spiel again. "Even though our situations differ,everyone here has been restricted and suffered because of people, rules, and heroes. I'm sure you also-"
He was interrupted abruptly, Bakugo shoving a knee into Twice's face, and landing an explosion right in his. Your breath caught as his hand apparatus hit the floor. Your heart was in your stomach at this point. It'd take a lot less to make Tomura kill someone.
"I listened quietly to your endless talking. Idiots can't get to the point, so they're always talking for a long time. Basically, you mean 'we wanna harass people ,so please join us,' right? Don't bother. I want to win like All Might. No matter what anyone says, that will never change!" The U.A press conference droned on in the background, Eraserhead finishing his sentence with the thought that you guys had no idea what you were getting into. Bakugo chuckled. "You said it, U.A and Mr. Aizawa. That's how it is you damn scum of a league!" He looked around the room more a couple times, surveying everyone."Just so you know, I'm still allowed to fight!" He growled.
"You know exactly what your position is, huh? What a smart boy!"
Magne's right. He's not bluffing. He has a plan. But he knows he can't fight us all at the same time...it's fear. Holy shit, it's fear. He's terrified.
"No, he's an idiot."
"Clearly he's not, Dabi," you mumbled, too quiet for him to hear.
"I'll stick you," Toga threatened. The atmosphere was tensing up, and Tomura still hadn't asked you to move a muscle. 
"Even if he wasn't going to join us, he should have pretended we were winning him over..He's done it now."
"I won't do something I don't want to even if I'm only faking it. And I don't wanna be in an annoying place like this for very long." Your heart was racing. Tomura hadn't moved a muscle since he got blasted, hair covering his face and making his expression impossible to read. And Bakugo wasn't exactly being an exemplary hostage, throwing insults out left and right. You were worried Tomura was going to snap. Soon enough, his right hand raised as he called on All for One.
"Don't, Shigaraki! Calm down!"Kuogiri made a move for him, but it proved to be unnecessary. His hand simply swung out in defense, clearly motioning for everyone to stay in their places.
"Don't touch him, any of you." He reached rather calmly for his hand on the ground, much to your relief. "This guy is a valuable piece." The breath you were holding escaped in a hiss. You were ready to take off when Tomura finally called on you.
"Himaro. Now is the time to prove yourself useful." You uncrossed your arms. Your legs may as well have been made out of jello. Bakugo made direct eye contact with you right as you activated your quirk, but you couldn't find the words. You were choked up, nothing coming out of your open mouth. He kept staring, giving you plenty opportunity to tell him what to do. But that damn look in his eyes...you knew it all too well. The look of knowing you weren't going to be strong enough.
"Himaro!" Tomura called roughly, taking you out of your trance.
"Don't come near me!" Bakugo's voice faltered, not nearly threatening enough to put you off.
You have to do this. You have to.
"I need you to something for me." His eyes glazed over as you worked up the courage to continue. He didn't move. The room was silent and you could feel Tomura's eyes on you.
Think of something! Say anything! Tell him to join the league-
There was a knock at the door before you could collect your thoughts. "Hello, this is Pizza-La, Camino Store," A voice called from the door. Everyone stopped in a moment of confusion. Before anyone could react, All Might busted through the side of the wall with several other heroes in tow.
"Kurogiri! Gate!" Tomura shouted above the commotion. You tried to cut through. The least you could do now was stop them from getting any further, but before you could reach, something wrapped around your entire body, covering you in darkness, covering your eyes.
"Keep her face covered Kamui! She has a hypnotism quirk!" You didn't recognize the voice shouting out, but you heard a loud crack. A hit to someone, you were sure.
"Dabi!" Yuna shouted, the wind kicking up ferociously. "Don't think you fucking won because you have us tied up!" The sound of wood cracking filled the air, and you could only assume Yuna was free. Struggling against the wood was useless for you though, and now you couldn't use your quirk either. The sound of Yuna gasping hit the air, followed swiftly by a loud thud, then nothing else for a long moment. "You son of a bitch!" She shrieked. Another crack of wood and an even louder thud. It was getting hard to breathe with the wood constricting your chest and covering your face. 
When you came to, a strange black liquid was bursting from your mouth freely, a sting in your eyes from the pungent smell and taste. Your eyes opened to a night sky, and All for One was in your view, holding his arms out to Tomura.
All Might had trailed after with impressive speed, trading blows will All for One in an instant. In the aftershock, you were nearly blown away. The damage was extensive now that you could see it. Dabi was knocked out, Kurogiri was knocked out, Yuna seemed to have a deep gash across her forehead bleeding profusely, and that kid... Still so determined to survive, and still so terrified. The whole League had him surrounded, but they weren't paying him much mind, looking over to All for One and waiting for a command.
The least I could do is make up for my mistake. 
Your hand found his shoulder, whipping him around. For some reason he didn't even try to push you off.  "You- Why aren't you fighting me?"
"As if I'd fucking tell you!"
"It doesn't matter. I need you to do something for me." His stance relaxed again. It was a long moment before you spoke a command. You sighed.
I have to do this now while no one is paying attention. It's the least I could do. Thank god Tomura isn't listening.
"If you see a chance to escape, do it. And if you don't, please don't be afraid." You hoped you'd said it quietly enough that you weren't overheard.
"Himaro! Get ready to fight!" Spinner called. When you turned, All for One had forcibly activated Kurogiri's quirk.
"Go, Tomura. Take your comrades and your hostage and get somewhere safe!"
"Shigaraki! Take your piece and let's go!" Mr. Compress yelled with urgency after noticing that he hadn't moved and inch.
"Get him!" Everyone closed in. Only you seemed to notice the dull hypnotic fog in his eyes as he shrank back, clearly ready to fight for his freedom.
Time to put on an act. I hope I was born to be an actress.
"You son of a bitch! I thought I hypnotized you!" You charged for him, stopping short of his landing. Before you could see his face clearly, a green blur shot across the sky, and a yell came from the the group far above your heads. Bakugo's hands moved down to his sides and he shot off toward them like a rocket. Magne began magnetizing her body, getting ready to shoot Twice off after him.
"Go, Twice!" He shot off into the sky at much the same speed, stopped by Mount Lady popping up to block him.
"Go, you stupid kids!" She shouted as she hit the ground with a huge thud.
"It-didn't work? It didn't work on him? It didn't fucking work!?"There was a ringing in your ears as your heart beat out of your chest. All for One threw you all one by one into the portal as you bounded off towards them.
"Master? Master!" Tomura shouted as you all landed roughly on the ground of the hideout. Tomura rushed over to you, eyes wide with anger.
Your eyes shut quickly. You failed again, and this time it was on purpose. Why? Because you didn't want a little kid to get hurt? This was literally a league of villains, and here you were, unwilling to be one.
"You...you did this! This is your fault!" He screeched. "I knew I couldn't trust you! If you would have just done what you were supposed to do he would've been ours before the heroes showed up!" His screams pierced the air and his hand went straight for your throat ,wrapping four fingers around it and constricting the blood flow as his palm crushed your windpipe. "Because of you my master is fighting all alone! This is what happens when you betray me." His words came out in a hiss, teeth bared.
You were frozen in shock, too scared to move and too embarrassed to stick up for yourself, consciousness fading as he cut off your air supply.  Trying to grab for him proved useless; he just swatted your weak hands away with little effort.
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