#i keep trying to reconnect with artist circles on twt and oh my god every other post is 'looking for moots!' you goddamn clown
ghoul-haunted · 2 years
no grievances towards twitter in particular, since I use it to keep up with what friends are making and also get emotional about miserable video game men (read: browse through thirst trap art of miserable video game men), and I am very grateful whenever people reply or engage with something I’ve made, I do enjoy interacting over there, I just keep running into moots culture where people think being mutuals is a fast pass to friendship, and I keep thinking about that one time someone tagged me in a follow forever and then got really mad that I didn’t follow them back for it, and now I feel like taking shots at twitter when it’s really more of a Friends/Not Friends thing re: who gets to call me by what name
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