#i kimda hope a little that they dont know
eremiie · 4 years
Hey! I’m one of your new readers/followers and I can say I almost read all your post/fics, they’re so good- by far you are my favorite writer! Please keep writing, it really suits you, I love how you make your own realites with the characters :)
I know you aren’t doing Matchups right now, but this is for more later when you start them again, (Take your time, there is no pressure)
This is a bit of a description of myself.
I am 5’0, quite petite, a mix of hourglass and pear shape body, my breast are just in between of an a and b cup if it makes sense, I would say my bottom is decent LMAO, my hair is ebony black that reaches 3 inches past my shoulders, it’s sort-of has capes is that’s what it’s called- I’m hispanic with pale like skin, my lips are pinkish and medium sized, I have long lashes, and a small/medium nose.
My zodaic is Aries, Aries sun, and my Leo moon. My personality type is also INFJ-T.
My personality is kimda confusing but I make it work- Im very affectionate with people I habe deep and close bonds, I don’t really like telling random people about my trauma or past events nor my feelings but I do definitely try and help others if they need someone to talk to. I have a really serious rbf which kinda gets in between people thinking I’m looking at them in a bad way- I have an “I dont care” personality because sometimes I really dont care but most of the time I do I just have no way of really showing it, I get random outbursts of energy at some times, I also like making my close friends feel special and I try my best to show them my gratitude and my love for them, I have a bipolar disorder that also gets in between me and my close friends, at some points I feel like getting bored of them and even feel like ghosting them, and I feel a need to start arguments with everyone, but I try my best to prevent from that happening :) Some good traits of mine are that I care a lot for others, I try and help people when they need help, I don’t pressure people into situations or into things they don’t want to do, I give really good advice, I sometimes learn from my mistakes and know how to fix them in the future// Some bas traits, half the time I always know I’m right and I brag about it, my past mistakes and failures still stay in my head even if it happened years ago, I sometimes hurt people’s feelings on purpose or on accident, at times depending how I feel I won’t really care about anyone around me only myself, I always want to put up a fight to prove my intelligence and strength, I lie but I’ve realized I do it to leep myself balanced and my reputation with others, other than that I lie just for my enjoyment because I find it funny when people believe me, but I use it to my advantages. I take time to see what people like in others so I can do the complete opposite so they wouldn’t want to be friends with me, I don’t want to end up hurting them with my brutal words, I try my best to keep my circle small.
My love language is touch and gratitude, I love to remind close people of mine how much they matter to me and that I’ll always be here even if we don’t feel the same for eachother, I will still be here to make them feel wanted and special. If I had a partner to show me a love language, it would probably be anything they want, I’m a people pleaser, I wouldn’t judge them for how they show their love towards me, if it’s harsh, cringy, or just not showing enough, I wouldn’t really care as long as I remind them they matter a lot to me.
Some of my hobbies are running, going on adventures/places, hanging out with a small group of friends (I’m really extroverted I just don’t like interacting with others, I find everyone annoying.)cooking, cleaning, a lot of cleaning, I just dont like having a messy place, it makes me feel uneasy and lazy, I also like competing/competitions.
Some turn offs are when people lie, it’s so easy for me to tell and it gives me second hand embarrassment, another is being a little too clingy or a pick me person, acting like a baby, such as saying “pweese” or crying about EVERYTHING.//Some turn ons for me are when people remember the small details of me and in the things I like, when they take me places, often remind me how much they’re happy to be with me, letting me work on my own problems if I want to, keepinng up with me, being patient with me, putting up with my bs, insulting me, I know it’s kinda weird but I find it nice, good spelling and grammar, I don’t know I just find it attractive- not judging the type of person I am, arguing with me, <—-I really love arguing and even more if it’s with my partner.
Sorry if that’s tmi, I just wanted to make it easy for you to get to know me, again take your time! I really love your writing style and your page :)
hi thank you so much!!! i appreciate that you enjoy my work so much <333
but can you copy and paste this into your notes or somewhere where you can send it again for another time because having to sit it in my inbox takes up inbox space, tysm!! (plus matchups won’t be open again for a while, i hope you don’t mind)
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Sorry this is late! Hope y'all enjoy anyways. @marithlizard and @maripr wanted to be tagged, so here ya go.
For those of you who dont like to watch videos:
Question 1: What is the most challenging part about playing Ozpin?
"Ya, ya know see, that's a really good question. I think um, the most challenging part about playing Ozpin is the nature of his voice is though, kinda litty (I cant tell if that's what he said) thats its um, its challenging to find… hes not shouty or anything. So if I have to express a lot of different emotions I have a narrower band then the characters I play that are weirder or most expressive, right. He always sounds calm and kimda put together. But then the final of the different notes in between there can be a little bit… That's probably the biggest part. Great Question." -Shannon
Question 2: What's your favorite Ozpin ship?
"Its so funny, you are now the second person that has asked this question and um, I don't know any of them. I don't personally have a favorite one. I'm always like 'hey whatever you want to ship. Thats cool with me. Like, whatever your deal is.' I dont want to say that's better or this is better. But there was one that I had never heard of before that was this person's favorite its Ozpin and Professor Oobelck?" -Shannon
"Uhhh… Coffee Mocha." -Me (I said coffee instead of café…)
"That's the one! What was that ship name and I just…" -Shannon
"I like the cloqwork ship. Uh, Ozpin and Qrow." -Me
"I love it. What are some other ones? I don't even- I don't even know what else is there." -Shannon
"There's an Ozglyn one which is Ozpin and Glynda. There is the new Ozpin and Theodore one now that Before the Dawn is out. There is…… Ozpin and Ironwood…" -Me
"And what is that called?" -Shannon
"Its like Ironclock or something." -Me
"Ironclock, ok." -Shannon
"There is probably a Ozpin and Lionheart one…" -Me
Question 3: If you could pick a happy ending for it, what would Ozpin's ideal happy ending be?
"Oh…. I can't say because I know what actually the ending is which is also my ideal happy ending and if I say it your gonna be like 'Ah! Shannon spoiled it.' Later and I did it (not sure if that's what he said but I'm going with it.) Just lines up with ya ok. That's great. So… I gotta keep you guessing." -Shannon (is this good news? I'm takin it as good.)
Question 4: Um, so I'm told that you did artwork. Do you have any new artworks coming out for your art?
"Uuh. Its mostly just personal stuff. Nothing big time. But I got a twitch show that's gonna be coming up in about a month so do you guys like critical roll?" Shannon
"I love critical roll." -Mom (Guys, what is critical roll???)
"Well ok then, if you like everyg (I dont know) we've got one coming up." -Shannon
"I actually have a friend that works with uh uh was it critical roll? (Mom, pls stop looking at me) I think it was she was like the HR manager or something." -Mom
"Oh, that cool. Awesome. Well, that's great. Ya so, that's what I got coming up. Well, stay safe in the quarentine. It looks like a lot is cooling down (listen guys. I have no idea anymore I'm trying.) I will hoepfully see you soooon!  Byeee!!!" -Shannon
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