#i kind of don't want to see them butcher some of my favorite characters y'know?
sekai-no-koi · 5 months
i do wish the graphics were better. or maybe just different? if they had to switch to a different style as opposed to point-and-click, i would've liked a 2D visual novel or something. also if they haven't improved on the graphics, the chances of the controls being the same are pretty high, right?
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dragonmarquise · 21 days
OK OK OK HEAR ME OUT!!! HEAR ME OUT!!! all the BRC crews, but like, they're slashers/murderers, and the BRC crew is basically the main cast y'know???? I feel like solace should be the final girl
This is gonna be a fun one! I like horror stuff, but admittedly with slashers I tend to just read about them, since seeing the gory stuff makes me ill. ^^;
Still! Even just reading about a lot of these kinds of movies gives a lot of ideas, so I'm working off of that!
Also sorry I’m posting this the next day! I finished this yesterday, but I wanted to proofread it first and got too sleepy to finish it last night. ^^;
So with BRC as the main cast (I’m assuming just the original 5? Tryce, Bel, Felix, Vinyl, and Solace), horror movie logic dictates that usually the comedy relief character dies first. Then again I have no idea if that’s still a thing in horror movies these days. :u
But anyways, I feel the character who probably fits that role is either Felix or Solace. Because, Felix gives me the impression of a chill guy who cracks jokes every now and then. And Solace is Solace, the comedy is mostly in his bad luck and/or his status as a Sad Wet Blorbo, lol
imo Solace’s bad luck could actually work in his favor, basically him bumbling/tripping/etc. while avoiding death in more and more ridiculous ways as the movie goes on. To the point where he just happens to be the Final Girl!
But if we go with “comedy relief character dies first” and Solace gets that role, then I nominate Vinyl as the Final Girl. I feel like she’d be great as the Final Girl and actually manage to finish off the villain!
I guess the rest of the non-rival BRC members (Rave, Mesh, Shine, Rise, and Coil) get to be the background characters that get killed off along the way. Or otherwise they manage to escape just in time, but don't play much of a role in stopping the villain in the end. Whoops, sorry guys. D:
So with the main cast established, let’s move on to the crews! I’m gonna be predictable and start off with Devil Theory, specifically with my OCs. *u*
Daishō is a lover of horror media, so he goes all in on being a slasher movie villain! Serial killer who recreates elaborate deaths from his favorite horror movies!! Also involves plenty of knives and butcher themes, maybe.
Sai and Nunchaku tag along as minions, also a bit of a “If we didn’t help him, he might end up worse” kind of way. Cool motive, still murder though. Going by a horror movie structure, they’d get killed off before the main cast (or what’s left of them at that point) can take down Daishō directly.
Bō stays out of this whole mess because he hates horror stuff, especially gory stuff. He might play the role of someone warning the main cast to leave before it’s too late… before getting killed off by Daishō as a “traitor”. Yikes. D:
Now for DOT EXE... probably stuff involving hijacking robots and machines? Like that big incident in the mall in the Child’s Play remake from 2019. All the electronics go haywire and kill people, oh no!!
For my versions of the crew, Twoson and Fourside in particular would go all in on being evil serial killers like this. Like with Daishō, they’re big horror media nerds. Also they both probably kill off the other DOT EXE members when/if they try to get in the duo’s way too. I just can’t imagine the other members being okay with this, like how Sai and Nunchaku are okay with going along with Daishō’s plan. :o
With the Franks, maybe something like the Prince tricking people into thinking they’re getting life-saving surgeries free-of-charge... but then just harvesting them for organs and spare body parts for some experiments the Prince is carrying out. Or otherwise just sending out the Franks to kidnap people for “surgery”. I guess something like the doctor from the Mad Father game, just without the “turn people into dolls” obsession… or maybe have something like that too?! Or otherwise it’s just experiments to improve his skills and eventually advance humanity overall.
He insists he’s doing it for the good of humanity, but, y’know, he’s still tricking and killing people in the process. The Franks here are his minions, made from the body parts of former victims, and like I said being sent out to find more "test subjects".
So then for Eclipse, uhhhh, make them witches I guess?? Has there ever been a slasher with a witch as the villain? Gory magic! Surely there’s been at least one movie with that kind of idea.
Or if not that, then serial killers who leave astrology-themed “clues” at their murders, but really the clues are just to lure in more victims. Heck, combine the two! Why the hell not. Either way, they mostly target men who are genuinely heinous people, especially those who managed to escape punishment/jail time/etc. Basically a “the villain has a point though” kind of thing.
Sometimes they mess up and target a man who turned out to be completely innocent, or even the wrong guy entirely, but they don’t see it as a big deal. You could take this as a “He probably would have done something bad sooner or later anyways” thing, or otherwise “Well, you can’t make an omelette without cracking a few eggs. Or heads in this case.”
And now finally, FUTURISM! I’m thinking psychological horror mixed with slasher stuff! DJ Cyber and his crew basically messing with people before killing them off, stalking them for weeks or even months to get a good idea of their personality, background, etc. and then use it against them.
Maybe even go Saw with it, elaborate traps where they have to earn their survival or literally die trying! If we go with Solace surviving just on his weird luck alone, I can imagine some genuinely hilarious ways he can narrowly avoid death in this situation, lol
I think that’s about it for my ideas on this topic! This was a fun one to think over, thank you for sending this in. :D
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