#i know aki is annoyed but i bet he slipped a chuckle
YGO 5D’s: Birds of A Feather - Chapter 4
He couldn’t forget about that night. No, no matter how hard he tries he just can’t forget about the incident that night. It really pisses him off. A knock was heard from his front door, and he walks over to open it, seeing it was Jack and Yusei. “Hey guys. What are you doing here?” “Well, we thought we could cheer you up.” Yusei brought his son over as well, holding a gift in his hands and hold it up to him. “For you Crow.” “Awww you shouldn’t have. Thank you Odin.” He smiled and kindly accepted the gift, opening it up as it looks like it’s a bird nest coo-coo clock. “R-Really, you shouldn’t have.” “Odin put a lot of thought into it. He actually made it himself.” “Wait, really!?” Yusei chuckles, seeing that Crow was taking it seriously. “Well with some help of course.” “I hope you wike it!” Odin smiled up at him, hoping he does like the gift. “Like it?...” Crow took a closer look at the clock, then looks back at the boy. “I love it!” “What am I here for?” Jack just had to interrupt the moment. “Because he’s your friend, and when a friend is down you should come to comfort him.” “Hmph,” He snorts. “He only got beaten by a little girl he should be shamed more than being comfort.” “Not just anyone Jack. She was known to outrun Sector Security. That’s no ‘little girl’.” “Guys! I know you’re trying to help me and all, but you don’t need to come and check on me. I’m fine. Really.” “Good! I’m off!” Jack just heads out the door, not even bothering to think twice. Crow’s phone starts ringing, and so he picks it up. “Crow speaking.” “Hey Crow,” It was one of the Sector Security officers. “You know that lady you caught a couple of nights ago?” Crow listens carefully. “Yeah?” “Well, we locate her. However if we try to catch her she’ll slip through our wall again.” “What does this have to do with me?” Crow just cocked an eyebrow, showing a puzzled look. “I’m sure you’re at home, right? She’s literally nearby your place. So if possible you can come in with a sneak attack.” “Oh… okay--?” Crow ponders on the idea. “So, can you do it?” “Well, sure but--” “Great! I’m sure you’ll get her this time Crow! See ya real soon!” And just like that the officer hung up. Crow just put his phone and thinks it over. “Something wrong Crow?” Yusei snaps Crow out of his thoughts. Crow just goes to get his helmet, and walks to the front door. “They found the girl, and want me to go get her since I’m the closest at the moment.” “Well why don’t they just go get her instead of depending on you. Something tells me that they’re too lazy to do anything.” Jack assumes. “Well I’m going to get her anyway,” The ginger-haired man puts his helmet on as he got to his Blackbird. “Besides, I would like a retry anyway.” Yonah is sitting against a mossy wall of an old building, taking a smoke break while looking over her shoulders. It became a habit since she was first seen by the public after a long time hiding in the shadows. She tends to freak out on any little movement she sees, and gets up to put up a fight. Most of the time it was nothing to be afraid of. She gets a little too paranoid when on the run, but she shouldn’t be blamed for it. She looks up at the sky, groups of pigeons standing on a wire, looking at all directions. “Daddy daddy, the birds are attacking me!” A flashback came showing little Yonah with a horde of pigeons all on top of her, taking pieces of her bread bit by bit. A middle-aged man sitting next to her just laughed and walked over to shoo the pigeons away. “There’s nothing to fear Yonah. They just wanted your bread. That’s why they’re standing all around you. Look.” He points at one area where the pigeons are cautiously taking steps towards her, hoping to get some food from the girl. “Oh…. should I?” She asked, moving away from the pigeon to her foster father. “You can if you want.” She pulled a piece off from the bread and threw it far away, the horde of pigeons goes towards the piece all together, fighting over the bit. “Haha, they’re funny.” “Sure they may be quite odd.” Yonah looks up at the man as he spoke. “But unlike a lot of people I find them very astonishing. So beautiful… like you!” He elbowed her gently. “Eww, dad! They’re gross! They just eat food off the ground.” Yonah whined. “Well that’s what they do. Without them the world would be a real mess. Besides being harsh to the poor things, you should thank them for their help.” Yonah takes it into thought, and looks over at the birds. “Found ya!” Yonah snapped into reality as she heard a voice from the end of the building, a man on his D-Wheel looking at her. He gets off his D-Wheel and walks over to her. She gets up in a cautious manner. Crow stops walking and takes off his helmet. “Now,” Crow places his helmet down, showing no trouble. “We can do this the nice, easy way. I’ll just escort you to the station. No harm--” Just in moment’s time she breaks into a run, leaving Crow incomplete with his sentence. He just sighs and facepalm. “...Or the hard way. That works too.” He starts running after her. As Yonah goes to make zigzag directions on paths between buildings, Crow goes to make shortcuts to get around and in front of her path. By the time that happens the girl cuts to a sharp corner, hoping to shake him off. As it felt like she was running forever, she stopped and turned around. No sign of the man, she sighed in victory. “Who’s the slowpoke now?” She grinned to herself, but just as she turned to the other direction, Crow was standing right in front of her, face to face. “I guess that makes you ‘the slowpoke’.” The other officers were able to come on time and arrest her, taking her to the the police car. “I have to say that was pretty quick.” The officer who called him earlier walked up him, patting him on the shoulder. “Even for someone who was on break.” “It’s fine, just here to do the right thing.” He looks at a far distance as the woman gets her head pushed under the car hood through the door. He had suddenly a different feeling just then. “Welp, thanks Crow. No wonder why you’re called the Bullet.” The officer then heads back to the others, calling it off for the day and getting ready to leave their location. Crow however hasn’t moved yet. He tries thinking back at the time he first encountered the criminal, and then to now when he just caught her. “What is with this woman? Trying to run away and yet not even defending herself…” He goes back home where Yusei and Jack still are, parking his D-Wheel in the garage. The two walked down the stairs, hearing him coming back. “So… did you find her?” Jack asks. Crow nods. “Yeah…” Jack continues asking. “And you caught her?” “Uh-huh,” Crow nods again, and this time not really saying a word. “Ha! I knew you could do it!” Jack finishes walking down the stairs and goes up to Crow with a grin on his face. “I bet she wasn’t even much of a challenge this time.” “That may be true…” Crow answered. “But… something doesn’t seem right with her…” “What do you mean?” Jack became puzzled. “So was she too easy? Maybe she wanted to get caught this time.” He shrugged. “I mean, she was probably drained from her previous flights. You know, weak and all.” Crow still ponders on the incident. “But still, she didn’t fight back like she did the last time I caught her. She looked more troubled than before.” “You’re thinking too hard on this!” Jack felt annoyed by his thoughts. “Look, she’s a criminal. You caught the criminal. Done. She’s now going to be in jail where she should be.” “Sure… sure.” Crow is mentally distracted, showing Yusei something’s wrong. “I’m sure it’s alright Crow.” Yusei looks over to his friend. “For now you should be more concerned on that donut thief that’s still on the loose.” The three just laughed. “Yeah, you’re right.” Crow smiled, and stretches. “Well, are you guys staying for dinner or something? It’s getting late and all.” Yusei puts his jacket on. “I don’t know about Jack but I’m going back home for sure. I told Aki that I’ll be back before dinner.” “Well I don’t mind staying--” Jack acknowledges to stay with Crow, just then he looks at the text from his phone he received from Carly. Seeing the expression in his face, Jack seems disappointed. “...Nevermind. I gotta get home.” “Alright. See ya!” Crow walks up to his garage door as Yusei and Jack gets on their D-Wheel to go home. They may be right. He’s probably thinking too hard. And so he forgets about his troubles and gets ready for his dinner for the day, and making sure he gets ready to go to work tomorrow.
Want to find the other chapters? Go find my tag #Yugioh 5D’s Fanfiction and you’ll be able to find the rest!
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