#i know it's a longin so if you don't want to it's all good buddy
virginbutstillahoe · 4 years
Positive 20 Questions Tag Game
i made a tag game again.  i’m bored, procrastinating, and certain we all need some more positivity right now. hell yeah.
1.) Name 4 fictional characters who showcase your personality the best, with explanations if you want.
- dean winchester (supernatural): i never shut up about his but dean is me y’all.  we both be out here, acting like we’re tough when we’re just jelly filled dorks, being nurturing as hell, making jokes to cheer people up, with a constant chip on our shoulders, and secretly just wanting someone to love us and love someone back.  
- maria vontrapp (sound of music): i know she’s not technically a fictional character since that’s based on a true story but whatever.  you know what i could name everything about her, but i won’t bc who has time for that.  basically just fucking listen to the song “maria” from that movie where all the nuns roast her and you’ve basically got my personality wrapped in a bow for you.  just an innocent ass train wreck that just wants to love everyone but doesn’t realize that manners are a thing.  that song is so me that my family used to sing it at me when i was little and they still do.  also when she blows the whistle obnoxiously at the captain and is just like “lol sorry captain didn’t know how i was supposed to address you :)))” super passive aggressively, me.
- tracy samantha lorde (the philadelphia story): okay she’s definitely classier and fancier than me but, the real vulnerable shit underneath all of her grace and beauty is samesies.  she basically is so intolerant of people being anything less than perfect because she’s so afraid of people getting close to her and seeing her flaws....cough cough.  she keeps everyone at a distance because she doesn’t want to get hurt. lmao.
- lilo (lilo and stitch): another fictional character that my family needed to point out was me at every turn.  my older sister and i actually used to say ohana to each other before bed because she was so similar to nani and i’m so similar to lilo and we fight EXACTLY like them.  lilo is just a little outcast who, once again, just loves everyone and wants to be seen and loved for who she is, but has such a hard time connecting to people because they don’t understand her and her aggressive way of showing her intense emotions.  my mama still calls me lilo sometimes.  i have a lilo plushie on my bed and a lilo sticker on my laptop bc i love her and she gets me.  
2.) Aesthetic?
-  bright colors, ocean waves, dirty and torn clothing, and wildflowers.
3.) Favorite musical/play? (If you’ve never seen a musical or play, one you’d be interested in seeing?
- into the woods.  it was phantom of the opera for most of my childhood and teenage years, but into the woods really just goes after the life metaphors and really makes  you think about the difference between right, wrong, and gray areas. like there’s a song about how adventure changes you and makes you view the world differently.  there’s another about how somewhere between mundane and perfect is where the best parts of life lie.  there’s another all about how important children are and how vital it is that you are careful what you say and do around them.  it just goes the fuck off. 
4.) What is the best compliment you’ve ever received?
- “you think about the world in ways i never thought were possible”
5.) How many times have you been in love?
- kind of 1? i’ve been into the same person my whole life but i’m constantly debating myself on if unrequited love can count as being in love with someone you’re actually with, if that makes sense?
6.) Embarrassing story or fact about yourself that makes you laugh now?
- when i was little, i secretly wanted to be an actress on broadway, so when i was home alone and would watch movies, i would pick a character in the movie and act out their parts as i watched like a crazy person lol.
7.) Favorite Disney/Pixar movie?
- favorite disney movie is lilo and stitch for reasons mostly mentioned in the first question, but the family doesn’t get left behind or forgotten and the outcast is not unloveable they’re just misunderstood messages just send me and really helped baby molly.  how obvious is it that i’m a giant sucker for an interesting message?
8.) Favorite flower or plant?
- black eyed susans.  they’re a wild flower with a similar beauty to daisies, but with a little bit of darkness in them.  
9.) What’s your favorite holiday?
- christmas biiiiiiitch.  it’s the one time of year i’m not worried that my house is haunted and i get to sing all the time and people don’t find it weird or annoying.  the snow is not the best but everything else makes up for it.
10.) Name three things that made you laugh or smile this past week.
- when i was laying in the grass today, a little tiny robin hopped over to me and whistled at me and it was a magical experience
- i realized i only have 3 more weeks of school until this hell semester is over
- my mom made my bed on top of me and if you’ve never had someone do that to you before, did you have a childhood? are you okay? also find someone to do it to you right now.
11.) What song would you play to introduce yourself to someone?
- either "thank you for the music” by abba or from mamma mia depending on the kind of person you are, or i guess the song “maria” that i mentioned before lmao
12.) Name something that truly makes you feel peaceful even at your most stressed moments.
- laying down in the grass on a nice sunny day and just listening the sounds of birds, bugs, and other surrounding noises.
13.) What do you, did you, or would you study at college?
- i am currently working on my masters degree in special education for elementary school ages.  i will probably go back and get a second masters in school counseling to help students with special needs who are in traumatic situations or are mistreated at home.  
14.) This is kind of a weird one, but which outfit of yours makes you feel most like yourself?
- my emotional support outfit as my friends call it is my toy story pajama pants with my guiness sweatshirt from ireland 
15.) What is a quote you live by?
- be fiercely and ferociously yourself.
i have also recently started to follow “you’ve got to lighten up, it’s just life.”
16.) Name the funniest playlist name you have.
- “the chocolate ganache” and i called it that because it’s full of songs that represent my soul and personality and chocolate ganache is what i like to think my filling would be if i was a cake.
17.) Make a reference to an inside joke you have with someone you love with zero context.
- bob hope and bing crosby
18.) What is a message you would give your younger self if given the chance?
- if someone doesn’t like you for who you are, tell them to fuck directly off.
19.) Who is your favorite family member? (If you have no good blood family members, feel free to mention someone in your found family) 
- my late grandfather.  i called him papa and he was basically my father.  he was smart, cuddly, serious, fiercy loving, and kind of dorky, but he was the best and i miss him every day.
20.) What’s a secret dream of yours?
- my childhood dream mentioned above still kinda lingers around in my brain from time to time, but i know it’s not possible for me.
tagging my friends (or at least i’d like to think we’re friends lmao) @navajolovesdestiel @victorian-sexstache @missjojo96 @multifandom-fanatic @day-fire @baby-in-a-trenchcoat7 @green-eyes-and-classic-rock, and @thetiredstuff and literally anyone else who wants to play.  for real.
if i didn’t tag you and you play, please tag me! i’d love to read through yours!
if i did tag you and you’re intimidated by the size of this and have decided, “fuck that noise” i respect you and i get it no hard feelings (:
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