#i know nothing about her but I love Ryoko so much y'all
aliothbuzzsawshark · 11 months
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Imagine you're Ryoko and your best friend and maybe boyfriend suddenly ghost you, only to find out they were in a killing game and your boyfriend died
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meshugana1 · 6 years
Girls being turned into braindead cosplayers at a local anime convention?
   Morgan slide through the crowd as she usually did. Her slender legs gave no impression as to their direction between her long strides. Her dress drew the eyes of those lucky enough to catch a glimpse of her between blinks. Over the years going unnoticed came naturally to her, but in these places, it was only too fun not to make an appearance, no matter how brief. She could observe these places for years and never see the same thing. There were Deadpools beyond counting and more Thanos’s than the Avengers could ever handle. The unusual ones were her favorite. The Caskas’s and the Ryokos were few and far between, but they often had the most detail placed on them. That alone was worthy of her respect.
   But even more than the beautiful costumes that told stories all their own or the instant kinship two strangers felt if they wore complimenting uniforms,  Morgan loved the stories people brought with them. She had read signed editions of the original Ghost in the Shell and seen more Mobil Suit Gundam than even she could remember. She had no idea such vibrancy and beauty was out in the world. If she had, maybe she would’ve fought harder, perhaps so many things would be different.
   “Oh my God, Brandy! That’s so gross; you kiss him if you think he’s so hot.” Morgan heard as she, for the first time in a long time, felt a hard shoulder shove into her back. “Fuck, watch it, loser.” The tall woman said. Morgan laid on the ground, gasping elation from her open mouth. It has been so long since she felt anything, now a person had even spoken to her. So stunned by this miracle, she was that she nearly allowed her to leave. But as she leaped up and lunged at the girls arm her hand, as it had a million times before, passed through unhindered. Her heartbeat beyond counting for the first time since she read the first chapter of Dragon Ball.
   Caitlyn drew her hand up close to her chest, wincing at the sudden cold that passed through it. “Who were you talking to?” Miranda said. It wasn’t often she saw Caitlyn have a senior moment like that. “That little grey faced chick with the slit throat, duh? Now could you please tell me why we’re at this godforsaken place?” Caitlyn said. Her disdain for this sort of event was well documented. The odor alone was enough to convince many to stay away. “Because the food is awesome and cheap. Besides, there’s no entry fee if you have a costume.” Brandy said.“That’s what the name tags were for?” Miranda said. She would’ve preferred to simply pay the five dollars rather than argue as to what constitutes a costume with the ticket takers. Miranda glanced down at her “costume.” It didn’t vary much from her friends; all three wore a simple white name tag that proclaimed their assumed identities. Miranda bore the name “Aisha Clan-Clan” and had little to no idea of who or what that might be, she did hope that she wasn’t unintentionally appropriating something. Brandy’s tag proclaimed her as “Haruka Athena,” the only thing she recognized about that was the Greek deities name. Caitlyn had been dubbed “Mai Shiranui,” it sounded like the only named that actually might belong at this convention. “You better not have picked out something stupid for us,” Caitlyn said. “What do you care,” said Brandy, “we’re just here for the food. It’s not like we’re going to talk to any of these pathetic freaks.”
   Liars. These girls were all liars. How could they be so cruel to people they hadn’t even spoken to? To discard so much beauty and art and creation? These people could see her; they could finally see! How were they so blind? What had she ever done to deserve these frauds as the only people who could even interact with her? One of them had to be a witch, that or she had a lot of latent magical potential. Such a waste. But as Morgan stared at the girls, filling more and more with vitriol, a plan she had read in an old manga popped to the surface of her mind.
   "Pardon me,” Caitlyn heard a weak voice behind her say. When she spun about on her heel, she once again met the morbid little cosplayer. “What do you want, freak?” she said. She hated the culture surrounding the whole anime fanaticism, but she could still appreciate the skill applied in this girls makeup. It almost looked real. “Sorry, I just saw your name tags and I thought that was a clever idea. Very minimalist. Who are you supposed to be again?”“I don’t know; Brandy just got them off some website. What do you care?” Caitlyn said.“Oh no reason, I just heard you say you were here for food and there’s a ton of it over there for super cheap.”“Oh sweet! Thanks, kid,” Caitlyn said. The little girl smiled as she stuck out her hand expectantly. Briefly, thoughts of cooties entered her mind. But they disappeared as all the vitality seemed to vanish from within her as she wrapped her fingers around the girls. She felt her knees stake the floor and her eyes twitched in her skull. Her friends turned to see the color gone from her face. But when they approached her, her fit had ended. Caitlyn gasped for air and dubbed over, But she looked no worse for wear.
   “Cat! Are you ok? What happened?” Miranda said. She grasped her friend’s shoulder as she helped her to her feet.“I’m fine; I guess it’s the cleanse diet I’m on. Where did that girl go?”“What are you talking about, it was only you here,” Brandy said. Before Caitlyn could work up her catty rebuttal, there was an airy feeling around her. In point of fact, all the girls felt a sudden chill pass near them. The chill was countermanded by a sudden warmth spending from Caitlyn’s stomach. “Guy’s, I don’t feel good…” she said. Her scalp began to tingle and she scratched at it furiously. Brandy and Miranda watched as Caitlyn’s blond hair darkened, and watched still as it began to shoot out of her skull nearly reaching the floor. Both of her hands scratched at her growing tresses but did not alleviate the itch. She flung her head back, giving her friends a clear view as her modest chest ballooned out, popping several seams on her shirt. Then every string of her clothes seemed to instantly dissolve, leaving her naked for the briefest of moments until they began to reform. She wore a red Japanese style that left practically all of her legs, hips, and ass exposed, save for slim thong and the giant loose flowing red and white cloth that dangled behind her. Her chest, now nothing less than an H-cup, was barely contained by a top that threatened to release them at the slightest wrong movement. Her hair then spun atop her head and ordered itself into a high ponytail. Caitlyn still scratched her skull; a fire burned in her mind that would not die. But then her tired fingers stopped, and her arms fell to her sides. “Caitlyn?! What the fuck just happened?” Miranda said. Caitlyn had a glassy look in her eye, but suddenly she struck a pose. She produced a fan that matched her outfit from seemingly nowhere and declared “I, Mai Shiranui of the Shiranui school, will punish you!”
   Mirada and Becky tried to rouse her but all they could get her to say was “Me bouncy!” Miranda was so distraught; she failed to notice as her ears began to elongate. They became long and not quite elf-like, then took on a brown furred color. Her scalp began to itch as her hair turned a whitish blonde shade and lengthened all there way to her hips and a giant golden ring formed at the end of her new single braid. Her brown eyes turned blue as the burning in her head became worse. Her proportions did not radically change, but her skin turned dark and became brown. Instead of dissolving like Caitlyn’s, Miranda’s clothes seemed to blur. As if they reformed themselves too fast for the human eye to see. All that was left of her was her mind, and that was burning into ashes. She was dark skinned, but she was mostly clothed. Her chest was the only visible skin aside from her face, and it was on full display. Her bustier was white and her new, very short dress was green. Her arms and thighs felt so much muscular than before, even as the last bit of will was burned away she could tell how strong her body was now. Bandy was in horror as her friends became freaks before her eyes. And as she locked gazes with Miranda, Miranda declared proudly “Ctarl-Ctarl! Ctarl-Ctarl!”
   Brandy had no concept of what happened, but she knew enough to run. She forced her legs to move even as the burning came into her skull. She knocked over a girl in a school outfit as she dashed madly for safety, not even aware of where that might be. Her shoulder-length hair retracted into her skull and turned into a bright blonde combover. Her lithe body became sturdier with study muscle obscured by a thin layer of fat. Her beasts inflated almost in step with her gasped running, creating a massive window of cleavage. The burning in her skull became too intense. She stopped, her breath ragged and desperate for oxygen as she changes were carried out in earnest. Her hips pumped, her clothing vanished, and her body took on a look of a very youthful middle-aged woman. What cloth remained on her body shifted, and a cape sprung from her new shoulder pads. Her plump nether lips were covered by a skimpy blue thong that couldn’t be seen from between her cheeks. The golden crest on her chest left little of her ample new breasts to the imagination as the created a window both above and below her erect nipples. There was no fight left in her as her Hamas fell to the ground. The crowd around her waited, then she leaped up and declared “Eighth Wonder is here!”
   From the outskirt of the venue, a small girl could be seen enjoying the show as three new cosplayers flung themselves into their roles, genuinely embodying the characters they had become. Blank smiles decorated their faces as legions wanted a picture with them. Morgan only smiled, now she had the power to ensure people respected these places, and she was going to put it to use.
The end. Hope Y'all liked it!
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