#i know that's not the same as being hydaelyn's chosen but its related. and all i could think of aklsdjf
scionshtola · 6 months
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3. How do they feel about being Hydaelyn’s chosen? (x)
Initially, Corisande was somewhat confused about being Hydaelyn’s chosen. Coming from Dalmasca and not being raised with Eorzan religion, they had never thought much about Hydaelyn beyond what they had come across in books. And they had doubts-if she truly had chosen them, why them? But they could not deny that they had newfound abilities, and the doubts and confusion soon gave way to their desire to use the gift they'd been given to help people. There was a kind of comfort in it as well, because it meant that leaving their village and their mother wouldn't be for nothing. This was reinforced when they learned the star shower they saw after leaving the forest was what awoke the Echo in them.
It wasn't always easy though, and there were times when Corisande wished she was not Hydaelyn's chosen. After her friends disappeared in Ul'dah, after she lost Haurchefant and other friends, it seemed distinctly unfair to her. What good is being Hydaelyn's chosen if she cannot save the people she cares about? But she bore it as well as she could, because what else could she do? Who else could do it?
Now though, they have a better understanding of why they were chosen. They know the love and hope Hydaelyn has for them and it might not have been fair, it might not have been a sign they were doing the right thing, but they have made their peace with it.
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