#i know this shouldn't bother me so much bc its just a silly little show but god does some stuff piss me off
fillipquesender · 5 months
Hi i'm going on a huge rant I know I should do it on the tsams confession thing but I'd rather do it on my own blog
Absolutely no hate to the creators by the way, this is just stuff that ticks me off :3
Completely fine if you like the stuff I stated!
VA's if you somehow see this uhhhh please ignore this entire post
I want to rewrite ruin's character as a whole so hes just canonical eclipse
Sadly no jigsaw but at least it isn't whats happening on tsams
God i want to go on a huge rant about how much i despise whats happening with the lore to get it off my chest but i just know that some people will take ir the wrong way and assume I want it to change and I hate tsams as a whole
I don't hate it as a whole but i dp kind of wish to say this
It kind of feels like that after the ruin dlc released that what the creators had planned was changed from it- for one their reaction to canonical eclipse, which was them saying 'no' over him being nice- and the fact that ruin i think was originally supposed to be canon eclipse with how he acted after being 'cured'
Does it feel like they hate canon eclipse or at least dislike him? Yes, yes it does
Does it feel like the lore is rushed a bit now? Honetsly kinda
Is the excessive amount of angst overwhelming? For me at least, it is (hence why i've stopped watching and moved to laes)
Also it would be so refreshing if it didn't seem like this was the whoke "all eclipses are bad but solar" because i know thats not true
A character does not need to have a bad backstory to be rude or nice or whateverz but it feels like that way in tsams which ticks me off so much FOR INSTANCE, BASICALLY THE ENTIRE FAMILY
They could've turned out rude but didn't because THEY CHOSE NOT TO
I think i rememver ruin saying that solar was a rare eclipse but idk if thats bc hes nice or bc of the change but if its bc hes nice im gonna scream
Uhm uhm what else uuhhhhdhdhdhhe
Oh yeah the fact that ruin straight up doesn't give a shit about his actions it pisses me off
He watched his friends suffer for ages, and you'd think hed have some remorse because he wouldm't want that to happen to anyone else, but nope! Bro he seemingly didn't evej care when all the family was greiving
Dude i really do hope the VA's don't find this i feel bad enough making this post but i gotta let off some steam 😭 if they see it i'll just feel worse than before
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shmowder · 1 month
hello lovely!!
i’m so sorry to bother you with this and you don’t need to respond if ur not in the right headspace or if u don’t want to ofc
but i’m just having a really bad panic attack right now and I didn’t know who else to go to??? i’m so overwhelmed and I feel almost manic. nothing I try helps calm me down at all. my anxiety meds aren’t working either.
I just wanted to thank u for ur blog and for being so nice bc I can use ur silly daniil posts and patho memes as a distraction to at least help a little bit.
ily lots -🥀
I'm very sorry. I've only just seen this ask, I wasn't awake by the time you sent it. I hope you're feeling better by now, I've been there, and I understand how horrible it is.
There are these videos I watch whenever my panic attack or paranoia fits get too much. They don't offer common advice–god knows I'm absolutely tired of hearing "oh just take a deep breath" every single time.
Instead, they explain the feeling of panic attacks out loud, giving a voice to your worst fears, then dismantle it calmly through a sound argument.
I hope they help you like they helped me.
There is this one about panic attacks
And this one about shame
This one about anxiety attacks
And this one about loneliness
If you want, this is kinda of what I imagine Dankovsky might tell you during a panic attack. It's never condescending. It's reassuring and keeps you feeling dignified while being soothed. It explains things rationally and offers you alternative views. Very word heavy, talks you through the worst situations and shows you how they aren't the end of the world.
Because Daniil would take you seriously. Instead of trying to distract you, he'd help you face the fear together.
"Lastly, don't avoid everything that scares you; don't let the panic reduce you. Don't accord the fear so much respect that you start to listen to its tyrannical dictates.
Answer the aggression within every panic attack with its opposite: with a deeply unconditional love for you, fear's unfortunate, blameless, worthy, and hugely loveable calm-deserving innocent victim.
All this, too, shall pass."
Is one of my favourite lines in the video. It shows you that you shouldn't just power through panic attacks. The answer was never to become stronger or have thicker skin or force yourself to endure the pain in silence. You shouldn't just be brave; you can't just roar your problems away.
But to oppose it with love, absolute love, and kindness, you extend to yourself. Don't dignify the fear or give it undeserved respect. It's fleeting, and you are so much bigger.
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