#i learned that tumblr's alt texts don't work with all screen readers and that sucks so i'm gonna do ID's in the body instead ๐Ÿ‘
jetlagupdates ยท 10 months
Sam tweeted about the S7 premiere tonight!
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[Image ID: Tweets by Sam (from Wendover) @/wendoverpro. They read:
"LA Jet Laggers! Can't wait to see you all tonight!
For those who were not able to get a ticket, we will be doing a standby line to fill any seats left open. Details below...
We do expect some seats to open up, but it is very likely that we will not be able to accommodate everyone so if you decide to come, be sure you're prepared for the possibility of disappointment.
The event starts at 7:30, so we will likely start letting the standby line in right around then. Look for signs at: Harmony Gold Preview House
7655 Sunset Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90046"
End ID]
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