#i like kurusu and slater and descante and (lists them all
antihibikase2 · 9 months
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Request a drabble using this prompt list!
"I swear, it's like he has eyes everywhere. I can't even buy a lump of cheese and a loaf of bread without him breathing down my neck."
Mumbles Piper, taking a swig out of his mug of Moomoo Milk before slamming it on the counter.
"Every piece of gold, every purchase we make-"
"All is accounted for, he's quite good at what he does. He's always been like that, even back at Mistralton."
Antoniou muses, swirling a mixing stick into his cup of coffee. Compared to the rest of the party, concerned at best, annoyed at worst, he was glowing with pride.
"It is quite impressive, actually. A true student of the Mistralton branch."
"Impressive?! It's creepy!"
Kurusu glances from the other end of the counter, fist clenching into a cup of hot cocoa.
"I make one purchase at some small store downtown and he's on my case all night about it! How is a chocolate bar going to 'financially murder the entire party', and how is it my fault entirely?!"
"A chocolate bar is nothing,"
Abbot laughs- he's the man behind the counter, the one preparing the party's drinks.
"I was in a rush to buy herbs and medicines- you know, so I could do my job as an apothecary; next thing I know, I've built up quite a tab in the store. No problem, I think, I'll pay it all of- but since Ohashi hasn't heard of these purchases, and I've amassed quite a debt, well,"
He pours a questionable liquid into a mug, a murky, sparkling gray.
"I learned my lesson- though I'm not allowed to experiment any new formulas for the time being, on account of Ohashi banning me from using the party's funds."
"Serves you Right,"
Abbot glares, but doesn't argue.
Lobanov takes the curious concoction, swirling it in his hands.
"He's a Little Debt Collector, That one. Very Terrifying- but What do you Expect, he is a Merchant of Plasma Harmonia Academia."
"I think he's doing a really good job then,"
Grumbles Descante- his own choice of drink was a simple, freshly squeezed lemonade; and he hoped Abbot didn't add anything to it.
"Representing the academy's business majors, I mean. Don't we have to pay him three pieces of gold daily?"
"The staff at Aspertia would put down donation boxes,"
Slater whispers under his breath, lips pressed against the rim of his teacup- his choice of drink was Pecha tea with coconut milk.
"It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't, um, mandatory."
"Little bloodsucking parasites,"
Technamare puts up his smoothie for Aibert to drink from- clearly annoyed at the mention of collecting fees.
"Opelucid wasn't any better- an entrance fee for the exams, the tuition, they didn't even offer scholarships, when they're the branch that'd benefit from having one!"
"Nice to know that, aside from running cults, planning deaths, masterminding this whole ordeal while carrying out this so-called god's will-"
Abbot slides Kurosawa his drink- a cup of Iapapa berry juice.
"-they're also stealing money from us."
Piper rolls his eyes. "And you guys say I'm the traitor-"
Technamare immediately looks at the thief. "You literally are-"
Piper waves his hand dismissively. "Yeah, fine, it was a one time thing-"
Descante, furrowed eyebrows, speaks up next. "You tried to kill Slater-"
"Well, I stopped doing that! Unlike Ohashi who bleeds us dry every time!"
"Who's bleeding who dry?"
The rest of the party goes quiet.
Stepping inside Abbot's private bar, Ohashi steps in with the sound of his wares jingling inside his backpack- as a merchant, he carried business as usual even as the party were labeled fugitives and heretics by the rest of the world, and maintained steady connections.
Out of all of them, it was no doubt Ohashi worked the hardest.
Everyone turns away- completely unwilling to fess up.
Ohashi needs no confirmation, however.
"I take it the ingredients used for everyone's drinks were part of yesterday's trip to the market, Abbaticcio?"
"Right," There's a peaceful smile as he wipes a glass- it's hard to tell if it was fake or not. "No need to worry about that."
"Hmph. You say that,"
He glances at everyone.
He must have some sort of innate magic ability, Piper thought, because his glare was the iciest it's ever been- and the way it quickly melts into something, one of seething rage-
"-but while you lot were here gossiping amongst yourselves, I've observed there's been discrepancies between the reported expenses and our current budget."
"Kurosawa, Piper, Kurusu, Lobanov-"
The rest unmentioned quickly rose to their feet, scampering upstairs. Abbot hastily throws the last of the cleaned glasses into the shelf and makes a run for it.
"-meet me outside. We need to talk."
Kurusu looks like he wants to argue- but shrinks back when Ohashi stares into his exposed eye.
With a shrug, Lobanov takes one last sip of Abbot's strange drink, stretching his muscles and walking outside with Kurusu clinging to his coat.
"What did you buy?" Kurosawa asked. "You're the one always in trouble with him."
"You're in his bad books too!"
"It was probably some bandages I brought in a rush!"
"Like hell it was!"
"Both of you,"
Placing gloved hands on their shoulders, Ohashi leans close.
"Like it or not, I'll never part from your side,"
It was less of a reassurance- especially with how tightly he squeezed.
"So while I'm around, you better pay your dues. Otherwise,"
Somehow, out of everything we've encountered so far-
"You'll know why they warn you about making a deal with the devil."
-why is Ohashi the scariest?!
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