#i like leon and poletti's interactions. they are. something.
applebunch · 2 years
poletti: oh hey i think this is gemma's crystal ball. lemme take a closer look at i-
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leonstamatis · 6 years
waveridden replied to your post: unreliable narration in Greater Boston
additional point (that i’m not 100% sure how to work into your overall point here but i feel like there’s something here?): leon’s interference tends to backfire specifically b/c he can’t see what people are feeling. his “danehy” pneumatic tube, which was meant to save both nica and tyrell but accidentally hit a pressure point for nica and caused her to spiral, and as of the newest episode, his miscalculation that poletti would act rationally/not be as guilty as he is completely messed up his plan to free isaiah. (did you know there was a character limit to replies because i did not) (also, hypothetical question, do you think The Narrator could interfere with the story if he so chose?)
well okay 1) i did know that actually 2) UNCLEAR. we’ve talked about this before, right, about how the Rules For Ghosts are unspecified in this universe. we don’t know the limits of leon’s capabilities or the explanation for them. how come michael can see him and talk to him sometimes but not others? how is he tied to both the crystal ball and the pneumatic tubes? how is he able to “see” other things when the ball is located at third sight? these questions are never answered
likewise, we don’t know what The Narrator IS. if he is a ghost, maybe he could also interact with some of the characters in specific ways! but, given that he has access to information that leon doesn’t whilst also not knowing the things leon knows, it’s. i am not entirely certain that he is a ghost, and therefore his connection with the living characters is even LESS defined. no one at third sight is like “hey maybe i should ask a narrator to describe how these events will play out.” but given that leon CAN communicate with The Narrator, he must hypothetically exist in this universe somehow. maybe he exists in a pocket dimension, a la anthony in the black room! maybe he’s not actually human! i doubt those options are real/practical, given the show that we’re working with, but. if the Rules For Ghosts are unclear at best, the Rules For The Narrator are hardly defined at all.
All we know is this: 1) he can either read minds or understand motivations 2) he and leon can bicker like an old married couple despite leon’s lack of. living-ness.
thank you for coming to my ted talk
ADDENDUM: yes dear that first point is very good and like. it is relevant, in a tangent sort of way, that leon, in his attempts to engage with the living, would be far more successful if he had the information that The Narrator seems to.
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