#i like to think yosuke would see it 'ironically' but he would genuinely love it
starlightnavis · 1 year
listen about my last post I was having a conversation with my partner about which of our Anime Malewives™ would go to see the movie and minato was one of them
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treya-barton · 5 years
For the ask prompt .w. .... Souyo 25 (shamelessly greedy for souyo that is all yep bless you ;;; Hal
Hey Hal, Happy Belated Birthday!  I hope you like your answer and it works as a small birthday gift ^^
Everyone seemed to think that Yu was great at reading people.  It was a well-known fact.  Yu seemed to know just what to say, or not to say, to get people through whatever hurdle they were facing.  It was why he was the leader of the Investigation Team, right?  Yu let out a soft sigh and rubbed his temple in irritation as he leaned back against the couch in his room.  If he was so good at reading people, then why was he in this predicament?  Yu found himself looking over at the drawer where he kept the origami paper and without giving it much thought he pulled it out and began to fold.  He didn’t know why, but somehow folding paper cranes seemed to help him organize his thoughts.
The source of his frustration was his partner.  That cheerful, carefree guy was causing Yu’s thoughts to be uncharacteristically jumbled, and he was starting to realize it was because he couldn’t read Yosuke. At least not like others expected him to.  Which was ironic, since before moving to Inaba Yu could honestly say he was never good at reading anyone.  He never really had interest in it, and he was starting to realize that the reason he began to garner an interest in understanding others was precisely because Yosuke had shown interest in him.  Sure, the rest of the school had as well since he was the “mysterious” transfer student, but while Yu had originally thought Yosuke’s interest had been shallow – and maybe, a small part of it was – it hadn’t taken him long to realize how genuine it was and how lonely that supposedly cheerful brunet actually was. In fact, the more Yu got to know Yosuke, the more he realized how little he truly understood about him.  And how much he really wanted to understand.
The truly frustrating part was Yosuke seemed to understand him perfectly.  If Yu was honest, when Yosuke wasn’t shooting off his mouth, he was painfully observant and should really be the one the others referred to as a mind-reader.  Sure, most of the time Yosuke’s emotions and facial expressions were pretty transparent, but sometimes he would carefully smooth his expression and give off a smile, and in those moments Yu realized he didn’t know what Yosuke was really thinking. And while his partner sometimes complained that Yu was too deadpan, he could tell that Yosuke always seemed to read his mood or understand his meaning in spite of others calling him expressionless. It’s what made Yosuke a perfect second in command since during battle he would move without Yu having to say anything – he just seemed to know what Yu expected him to do.  And Yu was starting to realize that, more and more, he wanted to be able to do the same back.  Yu set down another perfectly formed paper crane, before folding his hands in his lap. Why was it that he was so desperate to understand his best friend?
Yu’s eyes narrowed slightly and he unconsciously bit his lip before reaching up to touch the side of his face, thinking back to several weeks ago when it had been bruised by said best friend.  Yosuke had asked him to punch him, had said he wanted to be his equal, so they could really be partners, and Yu had been completely blindsided by the confession. He had always thought of Yosuke as his equal – they balanced each other out and Yosuke was great at strategizing which made him integral to planning for trips to the Shadow World, so when Yosuke had passionately declared his feelings of inadequacy Yu had truly been surprised.  And he was realizing that, although Yosuke now thought of them as equals or at least on the path to being equals, he was really the one who was inadequate in reading his best friend.  
Yosuke was a contradiction – people who didn’t know him would say he was selfish, when everyone on the IT knew he was the most selfless guy they knew.  He would at times fly off the handle and get defensive, then at others remain eerily calm even though he was truly furious.  He would smile even when on the inside he was falling apart. He would hang all over him even though he…  Yu suddenly clenched his fists, as an epiphany hit him.  Of course.  Yu wanted to understand Yosuke more because he was in love with him.  And because he wanted to know if he really stood a chance since as far as he knew his best friend was totally and completely straight. Yu hung his head, realizing how truly clueless he was when it came to reading himself.  If only the team knew…
Over the course of the following week, Yu found himself paying closer attention to Yosuke than usual. Every casual touch, every innocuous comment, every blush, every genuine smile…  Yu soaked them all in like the sunshine he believed Yosuke was.  He tried to find a sign – any sign – that he may be at least a little interested in him.  And the more he practiced the exercise, the more he was starting to slowly build up hope.  For one thing, Yosuke seemed different around him.  He could be guarded sometimes, especially at school where he was still known as the Junes boy, but when it was just the two of them it’s like the “true” Yosuke came out.  And his smile seemed brighter and more carefree when directed at him, although Yu supposed that could just be because he liked Yosuke.  
It was now Friday, and the two of them were sitting on the school roof at lunch.  Yosuke was currently chattering away while Yu listened, a normal, relaxing interaction as they both ate the lunch Yu had made them.  Yu was studying Yosuke’s expression as he talked, and realized that it appeared he was getting better at reading Yosuke after all. Although he had been laughing off some comment he had overheard someone say about him earlier, Yu could tell by the way he fidgeted in his seat and drew his shoulders inward that it had bothered him a lot, and when he was later bitterly complaining about some antic of Teddie’s the night before, Yu could tell by his tone how fond he was of the bear. Yosuke had then switched topics to his grades and how lame their classes were, and Yu suddenly realized that while he was mouthing off like usual he seemed anxious for some reason.  To both of their surprise, he reached out to give Yosuke’s shoulder a reassuring squeeze, before smoothly saying, “I think your grades have been showing a great improvement lately, Yosuke.”  They had, in fact, been getting better, and Yu had been noticing that Yosuke had been spending more time studying instead of slacking off lately.  He had been meaning to ask why, but had been too busy with all of his extracurricular activities to do so.
To his surprise, Yosuke flushed at his words and actions, before nervously placing his hand on the back of his neck.  Yu rarely got to see Yosuke this genuinely flustered, and he couldn’t help but think, “Cute” as his heart skipped a beat.  “I didn’t think anyone would notice,” he muttered to himself.
“I always pay attention to you,” Yu replied straightforwardly, and Yosuke quickly glanced up at him before looking back down.
“It’s kind of silly…” he admitted, and Yu tilted his head.
“What do you mean?” he asked.  “Ah, the reason why you have been studying?  I’m sure it’s not silly at all.”
“I…want to try to get into college,” Yosuke said, kicking his indoor shoe against the ground.  “In Tokyo.”
Yu was quiet for a moment as he processed Yosuke’s words.  His pulse was rapidly accelerating in a way that never happened outside of the TV. He realized he could understand Yosuke’s underlying meaning.  Yu was in Tokyo and Yu was obviously planning on going to college.  Yosuke had never seemed interested before but was now suddenly interested.  Yu felt faint for a moment and was reeling at the realization.  Yosuke wanted to do this because of him.  His mind began to clear as he noticed how tense Yosuke seemed, and he realized how his reaction may have come across.  Looks like although Yosuke could read him, he probably still needed to work on his expression a little.  “You want to go to college in Tokyo…?” he asked quietly, and Yosuke nodded nervously.
“I don’t think I could get into the same kind of school as you, but if I’m at least there it’s much closer than here…”
“And it’s not just because you miss the city?” Yu blurted out before wincing at Yosuke’s hurt expression. He really needed to work on his expression.
“Seriously dude?” Yosuke asked, before letting out a sigh and crossing his arms.  It seemed his ability to read Yu was acting in his favor. “I’m going to pretend I didn’t hear that.  Come by me again?”  He gave Yu a serious look, the one that always made his heart clench and his stomach squirm.  Although his warm smile gave Yu butterflies, his intent gaze made him start to feel hot in his school jacket even though it was chilly outside.
“Are you saying…you want to be with me?” Yu asked.  He realized that his words were suggestive, and that although he thought they came out thoughtlessly, they were probably intentional.  Yu could tell Yosuke’s knee-jerk reaction was to comment on it as he always did when Yu deadpanned something purposefully suggestive, usually to rile him up, but instead he stopped and gave Yu a thoughtful look.  Yu realized Yosuke was using those observation skills to read him, and for the first time he wanted to be the one to fidget under his partner’s gaze.  It was taking it everything in his power to keep himself still as Yosuke’s eyes swept over him.  
Yosuke suddenly leaned forward, causing Yu’s pulse to pick up, especially when he realized just how close Yosuke’s face was to his, closer than it ever had been before. Yosuke really was an attractive guy, and this close up Yu could really study his features, how his eyelashes were longer than he expected, how his bangs, which normally framed his face, kind of slid into his eyes when he was leaning over like this, how those eyes, normally wide and unassuming, could look smoldering as they locked gazes and how his lips…  
Yu’s mind began to blank as he realized that Yosuke’s mouth was so close to his he could feel his warm breath ghosting over his own lips, causing them to unexpectedly tingle.  Yu’s eyes slid shut and moments later he got Yosuke’s answer to his question in the form of his mouth softly pressing against his own, causing the tingling sensation to warm into something that was both strange and reassuring.  Yu had never felt anything like this before, but while it was a completely new sensation he also trusted Yosuke and realized that he craved more.  Yosuke sighed against his lips, causing his warm breath to flow into Yu’s half-open mouth, and the silver-haired teen found himself suddenly interested in exploring his partner’s.  Before he could act on his compulsion, Yosuke pulled away and returned to his seat, blushing furiously while looking incredibly nervous.
Yu was a little disappointed, but felt Yosuke’s cute, flustered expression made up for it a little bit.  “So…was that a yes or…” Yu started to asked, and Yosuke let out a frustrated groan.
“You’re such an ass,” he grumbled, before reaching over and punching Yu on the shoulder.  “What do you think?!”
Yu suddenly leaned forward, causing Yosuke to still in surprise, although to Yu’s complete satisfaction he didn’t pull away and seemed hopeful.  “I think…” Yu started to say, placing his hand on Yosuke’s face as his best friend stared back, eyes both hopeful and trusting, before they slid shut as Yu’s thumb traced over his lips.  He then leaned forward and returned the kiss, happy to realize that the warm, tingling sensation had returned, and that Yosuke seemed to be feeling something similar if the way he eagerly leaned forward was any indication.  This time they kissed for several moments, slowly taking the time to explore each other with long, languid movements.  When Yu finally pulled away, Yosuke hid his face in embarrassment against Yu’s collar as they both caught their breath.
“So…was that a…” Yu started to deadpan again, and Yosuke poked his side, causing Yu to laugh before wrapping his arms around him playfully.
“That was a yes,” Yosuke finally admitted, causing Yu to flush in embarrassment this time.  Yosuke looked up earnestly at him, before adding, “Next year is gonna suck, but I’m going to work really hard, ok?”
Yu suddenly felt the need to hide his own face, but he couldn’t with Yosuke looking at him with such expectation.  “I’m looking forward to it,” he finally said, giving Yosuke a small, hopeful smile. Yosuke’s face broke out into a grin, and Yu couldn’t help but feel his heart soar.
“Good.  You know I can’t let my partner down,” Yosuke winked, and Yu couldn’t help but hug him again, before burying his head into Yosuke’s shoulder. Yosuke hugged him back with a chuckle, and Yu somehow felt that confessing seemed to have taken a weight off of his friend’s shoulders.  Their moment was interrupted by the sound of the school bell, and they both reluctantly pulled apart while gathering their empty containers and drinks.
“We, uh, should do this again sometime,” Yosuke said in embarrassment, before beelining it inside, and Yu couldn’t help but stare after him in surprise before hurrying up to follow after him.
“When?” he asked, unable to hide the eagerness in his tone, and Yosuke quirked his eyebrow at him.
“I feel like I’m seeing a new side to you,” he said thoughtfully, but the smile on his face let Yu know he seemed to like it.  “How about after school?  I don’t have class…”
Yu eagerly nodded, and Yosuke chuckled before slinging his arm around his shoulder, and while he launched back into his normal friendly chatter, Yu could tell by the way he leaned a little closer than normal, Yosuke was just as excited at the thought as he was.
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