#i love buddie but y'all need to calm tf down
imbywimby · 4 months
hey guys!
is it too much to ask that you guys stop harrassing the 911 cast about buddie!
here's a great idea: ask the cast about the million other plotlines that their characters are a part of! stop ignoring everybody besides oliver and ryan! ask the actors about the hard work they've put their characters!
even in the latest episode - why don't we focus more on kenneth choi's AWARD WORTHY PERFORMANCE instead of just debating bucktommy vs buddie???
jfc everyone
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"Happy Birthday Baby"
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a/n: so like, we all been knew Jk's b-day was a week ago. But I still wanted to do something special :) hope you guys like it!
pairing: jeon jungkook x reader
genre: fluff galore, husband!jk
warnings: domestic husband jk, kissy koo scenes, and a booty smack lmao, lay off susan, calm tf down, I told y'all I don't write smut. also tooth-rotting family fluff uwuu.
word count: 3.5k,,,,,yoikes
You groan at the tiny amount of light seeping in from the window and try to roll over to find a more comfortable position when you feel your husband’s arms unconsciously hold onto you a little tighter. You need to pee, but you don’t want to wake up just yet. The early morning September air is cool, and you just want to snuggle deeper into his arms and go back to sleep, at least for another few minutes. Jungkook sighs sleepily next to you and you turn in his arms to face him.
Jungkook is still mostly asleep as he pooches his lips out to you and tries to find your own. You lean over and peck him on the lips, giggling when he gets a lazy smile on his tired face. A second later he croaks out in his morning voice, “goo’ morning baby.” You run your hands through his hair and play with it then kiss him gently on the lips before whispering yourself, “good morning sleepyhead.” Jungkook is still closing his eyes but his face brightens at your next words, “happy birthday baby boy.” You hear a tiny tired squeak of excitement from him then he buries his face in your chest, “I totally forgot.” 
You laugh softly, “since it’s your birthday, then sleep a little longer.” You start to pull away to go to the bathroom, but he tightens his hold on your waist. “Don’t go Y/N, stay with me.” He whines and tries to pull you back, “Jungkook babe, I have to pee.”
“No, I want birthday cuddles.”
“Oh Kookie, of course you can have birthday cuddles, but let me pee first.”
You get cut off by his lips smashing onto yours and Jungkook pushing you down into the mattress. You don’t fight it and just let him kiss you, because honestly you can never resist that boy. But when the kiss starts to heat up you push him away gently with both your hands to his chest, “Jungkook I really have to pee, please don’t start this now.”
He pouts but lets go nonetheless, so you untangle yourself from the bed covers and grab his over sized t-shirt to slip on over the spaghetti-strap and undies you’re currently in. You feel a soft smack on your bottom when you stand up and turn to your husband in surprise, “Jungkook! Stop that.” His eyes are still completely closed, and he just smiles to himself before pulling the covers more over him and snuggling further into bed. You shake your head and hurry into the bathroom to take care of business. You’re washing your hands when a wave of nausea comes over you. You know exactly what it is and hurry to turn the fan in the bathroom on and keep the water running so Jungkook doesn’t hear you throwing up. It isn’t too bad this morning so after about a minute or two you already feel better. You found out a week and a half ago that you were pregnant with your third child. You wanted to surprise Jungkook with it for his birthday, so you haven’t told him yet.
When you open the bathroom door and peek your head out to see Jungkook has fallen asleep again, you smile to yourself. That was your plan and you’re really glad it worked. You grab your pajama pants and pull them on before tiptoeing out of the room and shutting the door as quietly as you can. You look at your phone and see that it is about seven-thirty in the morning. The kids are still sleeping so you walk down the stairs to start preparing one of the many surprises you have for Jungkook.
After a good fifteen minutes of making pancakes and prepping all the toppings you hear little feet padding on the hard word floor and turn to see your three-year-old daughter rubbing her eyes and smiling at you with her dad’s big bunny smile. She’s wearing one of her dress-up princess dresses that is pink with sparkles, and she has a blue and silver princess crown that has a small plastic heart at the top. You kneel at her level and she immediately wraps her arms around your neck and hugs you tight, “goo’ morning mommy.” You hug her back, “morning my love, you look so beautiful.” She blushes and straightens out the crown on top of her little head, “thank you mommy, I want to look pretty for daddy today. Is daddy still sleeping?” She whispers it as well as she can for being only three and you giggle and kiss her tiny pink lips, “yes babygirl, daddy is still sleeping just like a baby. I’m sure he will love your outfit when he wakes up.” Jin-soo giggles and sets her tiny hands on your cheeks, “boys are so lazy huh mommy? Tae-sun is still sleeping like a baby too!” You try to stifle your laughter and put your hand over her small mouth, “shh shh sweetie, we don’t wanna wake daddy up yet right? We still need to decorate his birthday breakfast. Should I go get Tae-sun so we can do it?” She nods excitedly and mimes zipping her mouth closed. You kiss her on the forehead and help her onto a stool at the little island in the middle of the kitchen, “stay here baby, I’ll be right back with your brother and then we can start, ok?” She nods and kicks her small feet in the air as they dangle from where she sits.
Up in your son’s room you see him looking through his clothes and blinking his tired eyes as he searches through what to wear. You grab his small glasses from his little bedside table and hand them to him, “here love, put your glasses on first and that will help.” The six-year-old boy smiles sleepily at you and takes his glasses before putting them on and hugging you good morning, “thanks mama, what do you think I should wear? I want to look good for daddy’s birthday.” Your heart melts at his sweet words and how much your little babies want to surprise and make their daddy happy for his special day.
“Hmm, let’s see, I’m sure we can find something.”
Your daughter is still in the same position when you come down the stairs but this time she has a raspberry in her hand and one in her mouth, “sorry mommy, I was hungry and-“ You laugh and take a paper towel to wipe her face, “that’s okay sweetie, we’re all ready to start now.” You go to grab everything so the two of them can decorate the pancakes for Jungkook’s breakfast when you hear them talking behind you.
“I like you clothes, oppa. You look like a prince.”
“Thank you Jinny, you look very pretty today too. I like your dress and crown.”
You smile and grab at your heart that feels like it’s going to burst. They are just too precious and you can’t imagine not having them with the two of you.
You turn back and set the plate of pancakes on the island counter then grab an empty plate and set it between the two little ones once your son has climbed onto a chair next to his sister.
“Yes, Tae-sun?”
“Did you make seaweed soup for daddy this year?”
“Of course love, it’s on the stove. Daddy loves seaweed soup, but he also loves pancakes so we’re gonna surprise him. Are you two ready?” They nod in excitement and at your signal to go, they start to build a little tower of pancakes with berries and whipped cream in the middle of each layer. You three giggle and joke around while you make the ‘best breakfast in the whole whole world for the best daddy in the whole whole lifetime’ as your daughter decided to name it. When the sixth pancake is put on the top you tell them it’s time to top it off with the last decorations. They put a bunch of messily placed whipped cream and berries on the top and Tae-sun fixes his glasses before he stares at it for a second, his chin leaning on his small fist, “it seems to be missing something mama.” You look back at it, a tall tower of pancakes with a few berries sliding down the piled whipped cream; it’s super cute and made with all the love in their three and six-year-old hearts. But, if they say something is missing then there is definitely something missing. You frown and put your chin in your hands and lean both elbows on the counter, “hmm, I think you’re right buddy. What can we put though?”
Jin-soo shouts and gets up on her knees to take a swipe at the whipped cream, eating it and looking like the cutest thing with berry juice and cream all over her face. You don’t bother to hush her because it’s about time for Jungkook to be coming down anyway, so you nod and run to the pantry to grab the only sprinkles you have; rainbow heart-shaped ones, and a few candles. “Good idea lovebug, ok you guys sprinkle this on then we need to find hiding places to surprise daddy ok?” They nod and dump a bunch of sprinkles onto the tower, “but mother, how old is daddy turning? Do we have enough candles?” Your son worries as you place a single candle in the middle of the stack, “it’s okay baby, daddy likes one candle just fine and mommy doesn’t have the number daddy is turning.”
“Is daddy old, mommy?” Your daughter inquires while licking the sweets off her tiny fingers, “no babygirl, daddy is turning twenty-nine today, he isn’t old. But he is getting to be a big boy huh?” You laugh at her widened eyes and tiny nod. Then they’re hopping down (getting their faces cleaned by you with a wet towel) and hurrying into the living room. You had stayed up late the night before to decorate some for Jungkook’s birthday and the kids marvel at the streamers and balloons, “mommy it so pretty!” Your daughter exclaimed happily.
“Thanks baby! Ok guys, where should we hide?”
“Y/N? Baby where are you?” Jungkook mumbles tiredly and stretches out across the bed trying to find you. Then he hears a small voice shout from downstairs and hushed voices along with feet running around. A wide smile spreads on his face and he sits up, rubbing his eyes and ruffling his bedhead. Suddenly he’s not tired anymore so he gets up to go to the restroom before coming back and pulling a white t-shirt over his head and putting his grey sweatpants on. He’s ready to see all three of his babies as he excitedly comes out of your shared bedroom. He goes to the stairs and smiles when he hears little whispers from all three of you as he starts walking down.
“Mommy! Mommy I hear daddy! Daddy is coming!”
“I know baby! Shhhhh, be quiet.”
“Mama, he’ll hear us if Jinny doesn’t be quiet.”
“It’s okay Tae, just be quiet and hi-“
Jungkook gets to the bottom of the stairs and smiles before turning the corner. Then he frowns in confusion when he sees it’s all dark and none of you are in sight.
“Guys? Where is everyone…. Y/N? Hey Tae, where are you buddy?”
You and the kids have your hands over your mouths, but you see your daughter react with a quiet giggle when her daddy calls out his nickname for her, “sweet cheeks? Are you down here?” You can tell they can’t keep quiet for much longer so you give them the signal. Your son nods and creeps from behind the couch to flick the light on and shout as you and Jin-soo jump out from the behind the couch.
“Happy birthday baby!!”
Jungkook flinches in surprise when you guys all jump out, then a huge smile breaks out on his face and he starts to laugh. Jin-soo runs full speed ahead into his waiting arms and he swings her up in the air before engulfing her tiny body into his massive arms, “thank you loves! Oh my gosh sweet cheeks, you look so beautiful baby look at you!” He’s taking in her princess outfit and he looks about ready to cry. Jin-soo leans in to take his face in her small hands and he kisses her on her little mouth before crouching and holding his other arm out for Tae-sun to come and hug him as well. The little boy happily runs over and squeals when Jungkook lifts him up in the air, his daughter in his left arm and his son in his right. Your son hugs Jungkook tightly and you smile at the sight; Jungkook’s eyes are closed and he is smiling really big as his son cuddles into his shoulder.
Jungkook pulls back and looks at his son’s little outfit, “Sunny you look so handsome! You’re getting so big, little man!” Tae-sun giggles and wriggles around until Jungkook sets him down again. Jungkook looks up at you and smiles, tears pricking in his eyes, “come here baby,” he whispers softly. You walk over and Jungkook pulls you into his chest, then Jin-soo wraps her small arm around you too. You feel Tae-sun wrap his arms around your legs.
Breakfast was eaten after a lot of gushing and oohing and ahhing from Jungkook about the giant tower of pancakes, needless to say he ate every last bite. Then you all move into the living room to open some presents. Jungkook is sitting on the big couch with Jin-soo in his lap and Tae-sun on the floor hugging Jungkook’s leg. Your husband has you pulled up next to him and has an arm wrapped around your waist. You have four presents in your arms, “alright who wants to give daddy his present first?” You ask as you hand the kids the presents they made for their father.
“Me mommy!! Me me me!!” Jin-soo is raising her hand and bouncing up and down in Jungkook’s lap. You laugh and look at Tae-sun, who just nods slightly with a tiny smile. You blow a kiss at him to which he grabs mid-air and sticks on his cheek, then you turn to your little girl, “alright, go ahead love.” She squeals and shoves the small present that is wrapped in torn pink and gold tissue paper, tape sticking out every which way, into her daddy’s hands. Jungkook laughs and gasps at the beautiful wrapping that she did herself, “this is beautiful Jinny baby! Let me open it now.” He furrows his brows in concentration not to ruin her hard work. When the little stuffed bunny and crinkled picture are revealed Jungkook looks ready to cry again, for the third time since he woke up.
“She made it herself.” You smile at Jungkook and Jin-soo nods, “yeah daddy, I made it, I made it! Mommy helped me though.” The tiny bunny is sewn up crookedly and little pieces of fluff are sticking out in some places, but it’s the cutest thing Jungkook has ever seen.
“You made this??” He looks at his little girl and she smiles proudly then nods, “mmhmm! I did!” He hugs her tightly and keeps kissing her chubby cheeks between each of his words, “thank you so much babygirl, I love it so much! It’s the best stuffed bunny ever!!” She giggles and cuddles into him, he looks at the picture and sees a giant golden heart on it. “Aww, princess I love it. Thank you!” She nods and smiles, before snuggling her face back into his chest. You look at your son and nod, “ok Tae-sun, it’s your turn! Thank you for waiting honey.” He nods politely and smiles before he hands Jungkook a flat present wrapped in blue paper. It’s not wrapped very well either but Jungkook loves it. He opens it up quickly and you see tears start flowing down his cheeks. You hadn’t gotten to see what your son made so you scoot over and look over Jungkook’s shoulder. It’s a picture that he drew and framed (now you remember him asking you for an empty frame about a week ago) the picture is a stick family, the tallest is obviously Jungkook, who is holding your hand and in his other arm he’s holding Jin-soo, then you are holding Tae-sun’s hand at the end. Everyone is enveloped in a big heart. Tae-sun fixes his glasses and explains, “I put everyone into a heart to show that we are always in your heart daddy. Do you like it?” You wipe your own tears away and look at Jungkook who is clearly trying to hold himself together. He motions for Tae-sun to come to him, then he pulls him as close as he can into his chest.
“Thank you buddy. I love it so much. These are happy tears don’t worry.” He laughs at Tae-sun’s concerned face, then Jungkook kisses him on the nose, “I couldn’t ask for anything better baby.”
You look at the picture again and almost gasp, you have a dress on and Tae-sun has drawn a little heart over your tummy, it looks like it might just be a pattern for the dress, but it sure looks like he was trying to get the new baby into the family picture as well
The thing is, you haven’t told either of the kids yet. You look up and see Tae-sun smiling at you, he comes over and pats your tummy, “I love you mommy.” He whispers softly before sitting down again. You sit there, speechless. Kids must have a sense or something, you think in your head before Jungkook grabs your hand to kiss it. You snap back to reality, “oh! I almost forgot! Here is my first present.” You hand Jungkook the bigger of the two boxes you wrapped and he wiggles his eyebrows at you, causing the little ones to giggle and you to roll your eyes, “open it, dork.”
Jungkook whoops in victory at the new headphones he’s been wanting because they will work perfectly for his game, at least that’s all you could pick up from his geeky rambling a few months ago. “Thank you baby! Thank you!” Jungkook hugs you and kisses you on the lips, then giggles when Tae-sun groans, “yuck, kissing.”
It’s a little later in the day and the kids are playing together in the backyard. Jungkook is laying on the couch with you in his arms, sighing happily. The other members are going to be coming for dinner later with their families and you’re all excited to get together again. Jungkook kisses your forehead, “I can’t imagine this day getting any better. Thank you for everything, I love you so much.” You hum and open your eyes to look into his soft brown ones, “love you too baby boy, but I have one more surprise for you.” His eyes widen and he watches you pull out the smaller box from earlier that day. He smiles and takes it when you hold it out to him, “what could this be?” He laughs. You shrug innocently and wait for him to open the ribbon. He unties the green ribbon and lifts the lid to see a positive pregnancy test sitting in a cushion of white tissue paper. He blinks and stares at it blankly for a good ten seconds before it registers in his brain. Then he takes you by complete surprise when he suddenly bursts into tears. Full on, cascading down his face, choking on his own breath kind of tears. You sit up and pull him into a hug, “Jungkook it’s okay. Breathe baby. I know you’re so excited.” You feel your own tears slide down your cheeks. Jungkook nods and a sob escapes his throat.
“Y-Y/N, I- I’m so ha-hap-“
“I know baby, shhh. I know it.”
Jungkook cries into your shoulder for a few minutes, then once he can collect himself he slides down to be face to face with your tummy to croak out in a weak voice, “hey there little one. I can’t wait to meet you. Mommy can’t wait to meet you either and Tae and Jinny will be so happy to have you. We all love you a lot, ok?” He kisses your tummy then comes up and hugs you again, “Y/N, I don’t know how to thank you for giving me this. This life. Everything you do for me, for us. You’re the best mother and wife and my best friend in the whole world. I don’t know how to say thank you.” You pet his head and smile, “just keep being the best daddy in the whole whole lifetime, ok?” He laughs and you feel him nod, “I promise darling.”
“Happy birthday baby.”
a/n 2.0: and I oof-♥️
:'D -chip
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womenofcolor15 · 5 years
MANIFEST EVERYTHING: Kamie Crawford Is The New-Cost On ‘Catfish’ & Season 8 Is Already INSANE!
Kamie Crawford is the new, permanent co-host of MTV’s popular series “Catfish.” And her first day as the official co-host …well, let’s just say things got SUPER heated. More inside…
From the pageant world to television! Kamie Crawford just inked a new gig!
If you're a fan of the MTV show "Catfish" then you know co-host Max Joseph dipped out on his homie/co-host Nev Schulman after seven seasons to further his filmmaking career. Since then, the show has featured guest co-hosts - one of them being former Miss USA Teen USA Kamie Crawford.
Fans, producers and execs apparently loved her vibe on the show, so she's now the new "Catfish" co-host!
HONORED TO BE THE NEW CO-HOST OF @CatfishMTV!!!! NO ONE will ever replace @maxjoseph, but I feel so blessed and excited to be @NevSchulman’s new sidekick!!!
SEASON 8 PREMIERE’S TONIGHT AT 8/7c!!! Your support & love means everything to me. THANK YOU!!!! pic.twitter.com/OeW6rdO64D
— Kamie Crawford (@TheRealKamie) January 8, 2020
It wasn't an easy road for Kamie - who was the first woman from Maryland to win Miss Teen USA - to land the gig. Chick worked hard for the spot, guest hosting on the show in 2018 & 2019. All of her hard work paid off because she's now co-hosting on one of her all-time favorite TV shows. She shared her journey on Instagram about how she made her life changing move to LA and leveled up! When she was first approached about the guest co-hosting gig, she thought she was being "catfished" herself. Ha!
"I got an email from @kroesnews asking me if I’d be interested in guest cohosting an episode of one of my all time favorite shows. TBH - I thought I was being Catfished my damn self, but I went along with it because YOLO," she wrote on Instagram.
"Fast forward to me being asked to come back again and again and again & I felt like my life was made. All of the support I got from fans of the show made me feel absolutely amazing, but I was just happy to be there for as long as they would have me. Fast forward again to July 2019 when I got the call from my buddy @nevschulman asking me if I was down to make it official as his new co-host & me crying tears of joy in the middle of Miami airport," she said.
The 27-year-old ended her caption with these inspirational hashtags: JesusIsReal #ManifestEverything.
Check it:
        View this post on Instagram
                  *DISCLAIMER: @mtvcatfish fans don’t come for me for this - you’ll find out on tonight’s premiere episode, it wasn’t me *shaggy voice* - @nevschulman did it!!! I MAX Story Time : In September 2018, the same week I made my career/life changing move to LA, I got an email from @kroesnews asking me if I’d be interested in guest cohosting an episode of one of my all time favorite shows. TBH - I thought I was being Catfished my damn self, but I went along with it because YOLO Fast forward to me being asked to come back again and again and again & I felt like my life was made. All of the support I got from fans of the show made me feel absolutely amazing, but I was just happy to be there for as long as they would have me. Fast forward again to July 2019 when I got the call from my buddy @nevschulman asking me if I was down to make it official as his new co-host & me crying tears of joy in the middle of Miami airport SO much has happened over the past few months and OF COURSE I wanted to shout it from the rooftops and tell all of you the tea but I had to keep it a secret and its been SO hard because you guys have given me the most incredible outpouring of love, support and acceptance and I am beyond grateful. I’m sorry I haven’t been able to share, but TODAY I CAN FINALLY SAY - I AM THE NEW CO-HOST OF @MTVCATFISH AND I LITERALLY COULDN’T HAVE GOTTEN HERE WITHOUT YOU My journey as a host has been 7 years in the making and this is the greatest, proudest moment of my career/life. I am so blessed and so honored to be able to be in this position. I also want to say for the record that NO ONE can replace the silver fox, the GOAT, the man with the cam - @maxjoseph & I’m not trying to!!! But I hope I can make him, Nev & Catfish fans proud as we move into Season 8 & BEYOND! Thank you all for the 5 millionth time, thank you to @kroesnews & @mtv for not catfishing me & for believing in me & thank you to our entire production crew @criticalcontent + Nev for welcoming me with open arms. LET’S F*CKING DO THISSSSS!!!! #CATFISH SEASON 8 BEGINS TONIGHT AT 8/7c!!!!!!! #JesusIsReal #ManifestEverything
A post shared by Kamie Crawford (@therealkamie) on Jan 8, 2020 at 9:21am PST
Congrats, Kamie!
  Just think of this as your initiation, @therealkamie. #Catfish pic.twitter.com/Ganu4Ji5W5
— Catfish (@CatfishMTV) January 10, 2020
  So, the first episode of Season 8 premiered Wednesday night and y'all! The catfish on this episode was on a milli. Chick had the worst attitude ever and even resulted in calling Kamie a "b*tch"... several times.
So here's what happened... **SPOILER ALERT**
  Imagine thinking you're talking to Tamar Braxton and your girlfriend, so you get on a plane down the coast to meet them, only to ... get flaked on. What a concept. #Catfish pic.twitter.com/r1AHVZzZP8
— Catfish (@CatfishMTV) January 10, 2020
  A woman named Red thought she had been chatting with a woman named "Jalissa" - who made claims that she was Tamar Braxton's hair stylist - for six years, but never video chatted. They would speak on the phone, but every time Red asked "Jalissa" to video chat, she would come up with some excuse. Red said was introduced to "Jalissa" after getting in contact with famed hairstylist/reality star Shekinah Jo on Facebook. Red also believed she was a group chat with "Jalissa," Tamar Braxton and Shekinah Jo. Chile...
"Jalissa" told Red she was in LA doing hair, so Red copped a plane ticket to go see her. When she gets there, "Jalissa" stops responding. Oh, and this wasn't the first time "Jalissa" flaked on Red over the six years they had been communicating.
Once Nev and Kamie get to LA to meet Red, they reached out to "Jalissa" to try and meet up. "Jalissa" said she had already left LA and was back in Texas, so Nev offered to fly her "back" to LA. That's when "Jalissa" revealed her real name as Ashley Taylor in order to get the flight booked. Bloop!
"Jalissa" aka Ashley - who said it was her first time even being in LA - pulled up on Red, Nev & Kamie in a park and soon as she stepped out of the car, Red was visibly devastated. Ashley looked NOTHING like the picture she was using to Catfish. Well, obvi. Once she walked up to them she was extremely rude and nasty and things got ugly.
Watch their heated exchange below:
Kamie did an exceptional job keeping her composure because Ashely was really doing the MOST.
During their second meeting, Ashley even admitted to having up to 3,000 different profiles due to the fact that she has been dealing with a lot of issues with a sick mother and not having real-life friends. Hmph. The 24-year-old catfish said she has been using fake profiles since the age of 12.
Of course, Twitter reacted the foolishness and defended Kamie in the process:
  How tf shorty mad, but you the one lying! And thennnn wanna call Kamie a bitch for telling the truth #Catfish pic.twitter.com/NevPyyuEMk
— La’Nayshaaaa (@Lanayshaaaa) January 9, 2020
    She really just came for my girl Kamie for no reason. Me when she called her a bitch : #Catfish pic.twitter.com/1VF0YY8p3D
— K (@Kaiilaa2) January 9, 2020
    blockquote class="twitter-tweet">
Kamie said don't come for me #CatfishMTV #Catfish pic.twitter.com/hYH1iMaal9
— Eslanda86 (@helen153425) January 10, 2020
    Oh nah you need to stop coming for Kamie #Catfish pic.twitter.com/yuKPAZdV9n
— Tasha (@laiina_) January 9, 2020
    Kamie deserves an award for how calm she stayed #Catfish
— dom (@beaulieu_dom) January 9, 2020
  Needless to say, Red blocked Ashley (in fact, she did it at the table during their 2nd meeting) and has moved on. Ashley told Nev and Kamie she's still out here catfishing, so be careful y'all!
In case you missed, YBF founder Natasha Eubanks chopped it up with Kamie on TheYBF Podcast where they dished on sex as a curvy girl, dating, IG Frauds (ha!) and more. Take a listen below:
The next episode of "Catfish" airs next Wednesday at 8/7c on MTV!
1. Parents of four black NYC students are planning to file a $12 million lawsuit against a school district after a teacher compared them to moneys in a class slideshow. STORY 
Photo: Kamie's IG
[Read More ...] source http://theybf.com/2020/01/10/manifest-everything-kamie-crawford-is-the-new-cost-on-%E2%80%98catfish%E2%80%99-the-season-8-premiere-epi
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