#i love long hair khura'in lawyer apollo
mintae-chii · 2 years
fuck it (doodle dumps all over you)
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blackhakumen · 4 years
Mini Fanfic #658: Home At Last (Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney)
3:43 p.m. at the Los Angeles' Airport......
Apollo: (Takes a Deep Breath Before Smiling Softly) I'm back home.
Ema: (Making her Way Beside Apollo) Feels good, doesn't it?
Apollo: Yeah. I know it's been two and a half years since we were both was gone, but it almost feels like an eternity.
Ema: ('Sigh') Tell me about it. But at least we still managed to make it through to the end. (Gives Apollo a Playful Smirk) I bet you been dying to see a certain fireball after all this time, am I right?~
Apollo: (Smirks Back at his Friend) Like how you've been dying to see a certain "Fop" again?~
Ema: (Eyes Widened and Blushes Before Looking Away From in a bit of a Pouty Fashion) Don't sass me, Justice.
Apollo: (Shrugged Sheepishly) Hey, you're the one who taught me to be this way.
Ema: Which is already proven to be a huge mistake....
Apollo: (Chuckles Lightly) Okay. Okay. I kid. (Smiles Softly) Really. I'm just.... really glad you were you in Khura'in with me. I know you have your own reasons of being there and all, but.... it was great having you around.
Ema: (Turns Back to Apollo with a Soft Smile) I'm glad too, Apollo. Back when I was assigned to come to the town, I immediately thought it would life sucking and boring, but you being there somehow made it worth while. So I thank you for that.
Apollo: It's no probl-
??????: (From a Distance) APOLLLOOO!!!
Ema: (Recognizes a Very Familiar Face From Afar) Back on the topic of your fireball....(Points at a Far Distance) Isn't that her over?
Apollo: Huh? (Place his Hand on top of his Forehead, in a Salute Like Fashion, and Takes a Look From a Distance) Athena? S-She's already here?
Ema: From the sound of her voice she is. But I can't exactly tell from a these people in the far back.
Apollo: I'll try something....(Bring his Other Hand, With his Truly Bracelet On, in the Air and Starts Waving it Around)
Meanwhile From a Distance.......
Athena: (Noticed a Hand with a Very Familiar Gold Bracelet, Waving at her From a Far Distance) ('GASPS') APOOOOLLLLLLOOO!!!~ (Quickly Made her Way to the Waving Hand)
Back to Apollo and Ema.......
Apollo: (Noticed Someone with Orange Hair Making her Way to the Duo While Continuing Waving his Hand) Someone's coming.....(Gasps at a Familiar Face From Afar) I think that's her!
Ema: If you're certain, then go to her. I'll catch up eventually.
Apollo: (Nodded) Right! (Quickly Make his Way to his Fireball Tiger) ATHEEEENAAAA!!!!
And with that, the two defense lawyers from both sides, ran as fast as they could to make it to each other's arms, after their two and half years of long distance relationship has finally come to a close. It was a romantic, touching moment in the eyes of most people who are witnessing the scene, as the couple almost close to one another. That is until......
?????: (Immediately Manage to Rush Place Athena) Oh Polly!~ (Hug Tackles Apollo Into the Ground)
Apollo: (Wince in Pain from the Sudden Hug Tackle) What in the- Huh? (Noticed Another Familiar Face Hugging Him to Deal Life) Trucy? Is that really you?
Trucy: (Looks Up at Apollo with Tears in her Eyes) POLLLYYYYYYYYY!~
Athena: (Glares at Trucy) Damnit, Trucy! I thought we agreed that I would hug him first!!
Trucy: (Glares Back at Athena While Still Hugging Apollo) Well, I'm sorry that I couldn't help myself! You know how much I missed my big brother!!
Athena: Yeah? Well, I missed him a lot more than you think! So I have every right to hug him first!
Trucy: Well, I disagree!!
Athena: And why's that!?
Apollo: GIRLS!!!
Athena/Trucy: (Turn Their Attention on Apollo) Yes, 'hon/Polly?
Apollo: ('Sigh') Calm down, will ya? You're making a scene with your screaming already? (Turns to Trucy) Truce, could you please let Athena hug me next? I know it's too much to ask, but she has been searching for me first.
Trucy: (Pouts at Apollo For a Few Seconds Before Finally Letting Go of Him) Okayyyyy....(Gets Up From the Ground) You two can hug now....(Points at Apollo in a Determined Manner) But you owe me a lot of cuddles, mister! Better not have any plans after this, cause we're having ourselves a Cuddle Party once we get back home!!!
Apollo: (Chuckles Lightly While Getting Up Himself) I can't wait. (Gives Trucy a Kiss on the Forehead) I missed you.
Trucy: (Gives One Last Hug to Apollo for the Time Being) I missed you too, Polly. (Gives her Big Brother a Big Kiss on the Cheek Before Finally Letting Go of Him)
Apollo: (Spread his Arms Wide Open) Okay, Tiger! I'm ready whenever you- (Immediately Gets Pulled into a Tight, Yet Loving Hug from his Girlfriend) ARE!!... ('Heh') S-Someone has gotten herself stronger as of late...
Athena: (Gives Apollo a Playful Smirk on her Face) And you've gotten a lot more handsome the last time I saw you~
Apollo: You really think so?
Athena: (Happily Nodded) Definitely. It makes me love you even more~ (Gives Apollo a Passionate Kiss on the Lips) ('Mmwaaah') Welcome back home, Polly~
Apollo: (Smiles Softly) It's good to be back, Tiger~ (Kiss Athena Back on the Lips)
Trucy: (Smiles Softly While Staring at the Couple Kissing One Another) ('Sigh') I love those dorks.....
???: It hasn't even been an hour yet and those two are already smacking each other's lips?
Trucy: (Gasps Once She Turns and Sees a Very Familiar Face) Ema! (Rushes Over and Gives Ema a Hug) It's been so long!
Ema: (Chuckles Lightly) Hey there, Truce. (Ruffles the top of her Hair) You've grown a bit since the last time I saw you.
Trucy: (Giggles Softly) Yep!~ Were you able to take care of Polly just like I asked?
Ema: (Rolled Yes, Truce. Your Polly has been taken care of. I made sure he doesn't over work himself like usual.
Trucy: Thank you.
Ema: No prob- (Noticed Someone Covered her Eyes) lem. ('Sigh') Okay.
??????: Guess who?~
Ema: (Already Figured Out the Voice Behind Her) Let me guess.... It is a certain "Fop" I need to kick in the ass?
Klavier: (Chuckles Lightly Before Pulling his Hands Away From Ema's Eyes) My~ (Made his Way in Front of Ema) You're detective skills have certainly improved a lot as of late, Fraulein~ What's your secret?
Ema: (Shrugged) Eh. Your voice is too hard to forget really. (Slowly Starts to Smile Softly) Still...(Hugs Klavier a bit Lovingly) It's really great to see you again, Klavier.
Klavier: (Happily Hugs his Girlfriend Back) Likewise, my dear~ Your as beautiful and lovely as ever~
Ema: (Smirks Playfully) And you're even more of a Fop than I remembered~
Klavier: (Chuckles Lightly) I missed your blantent sense of humor~
Apollo: Klavier, is that you?
Klavier: (Turns to see Apollo Staring at Him) Ah, Herr Forehead! (Places his Arm Around Apollo's Shoulder) It has been so long, my friend.
Apollo: (Chuckles Lightly) Same. Seems like you haven't changed a bit the last time I saw you.
Klavier: I can say the same about you. You haven't over work yourself during your time at Khura'in, have you?
Apollo: (Rolled his Eyes) No, I haven't. I was able take some breaks every now and then..... Mostly due to your girlfriend keep chewing my ear off to do so.
Ema: (Glares at Apollo) I can hear you loud and clear, Justice. Your physical and psychological health are a lot more important than you could ever realize. Plus, your sister and girlfriend would literally kill me if I didn't make sure you get yourself some R&R.
Athena: Yeah. We would actually.
Trucy: (Proudly Nodded)
?????: 'Eyyyyy, Justice! It's been a long time, my guy!
Apollo: (Smiles Brightly at Yet Another Familiar Face Making his Way to him and the Gang) Wocky! How's it go-
Trucy: (Smiles Brightly) Wocky!~ (Makes her Way to Wocky and Hugs Him) You finally made it!~ The traffic didn't cause you too much trouble, did it?
Apollo: (Starts Getting Very Confused on What's He's Looking at Right Now) Wait. W-What's happening here?
Athena: (Starts Looking Away in Nervousness While Twiddling her Fingers)
Klavier: (Chuckles a Tad Bit Nervously While Having his Hand on the Back of his Head)
Wocky: (Starts Blushing While Smiling Brightly) Nah. I was able to manage through. Why? You were worried about me?
Trucy: (Happily Nodded) Mmhmm. I just didn't want anything bad to happen to you on the road, Wocky-Kins~
Apollo/Ema: (Eyes Widened) Wocky-Kins?!
Wocky: (Chuckles Lightly) C'mon, Truce~ You know I wouldn't let myself get hurt that easily. I ain't the heir of my fam's name for nothing, ya know?
Trucy: (Pouts at Wocky) That maybe so, but your safety is still important to me!~ (Gives Wocky a Kiss on the Cheek) I love you~
Wocky: (Blush Turns Bright Red) T-Thanks!~ I-I-I love you too, Truce-
Apollo: Alright! HOLD THE PHONE RIGHT NOW!! (Makes his Way to the Duo) Trucy, Wocky, what is going on here?
Ema: Yeah. What's with the hugging and the cute pet names and the kids on the-(Eyes Begins to Widened) Wait.......(Starts Looking at Both Wocky and Trucy Back and Forth BeforeShe Sudden Dropped her Bag) OH SHIT! Ohh shit! (Burst Out Laughing While Having her Hands on Apollo's Shoulder for a Couple of Seconds) Oho shit! NO! No! That is NOT happening right now! NO!!
Apollo: Okay. I'm completely loss right now.
Trucy: Now, Polly, I know this might come as a shock to you, but....The truth of the matter is that-
Apollo: (Eyes Widened at Wocky in Complete Shock) YOU'RE DATING MY SISTER!!!?
Ema: (Begins to Laugh Even Louder) AHHHHAHAAHAHAHAHAH!~
Wocky: Uhhh....(Smiles Very Awkwardly) Surprise.....
Apollo: (Slowly Starts To Glare at the Poor Man) How long?
Wocky: What?
Apollo: How long have you two been dating?
Wocky: Uhhh...Months?
Apollo: ......................
Wocky: ('Sighs in Defeat') Over a year.....
Ema: (Dancing Around While Mock Singing) Wocky's been dating your sister!~ Wocky's been dating your sister!~ (Immediately Turns to Athena and Klavier's Obvious Guilty Faces) Oh! And you two fuckers knew about it this entire time, haven't you!?~
Apollo: (Slowly Turns to.the Duo as Well) What?
Klavier: (Shrugged While Chuckling Awkwardly) Guilty as charged.
Athena: Sorry, 'hon.
Apollo: (Sighs Before Turning Back to Wocky and Trucy) Well, you two.....What you gotta say for yourselves?
Trucy: Wellllllll.....(Giggles a bit Awkwardly) Funny story actually. You see uhh.... ATHENA!! CARRY YOUR MAN!!
Athena: (Nodded) On it!
Apollo: Wait. WHAAAAAAHHHH! (Immediately Gets Bridal Carried by Athena) Athena!?
Athena: (Carries Apollo in her Arms) Sorry, Pollo. It has to be done! (Turns to Trucy and Wocky) RUNNNNN!
Trucy: (Grabs Wocky's Hand and Starts Running) Come on, Wocky!
Wocky: Uhh okay! (Follows his Girlfriend Before Turning to Apollo) Sorry, man!!!
Apollo: (Yells at the Newly Couple) STOP!! I JUST WANNA TALK TO YOU GUY!!!
Apollo: ('Groans') TRUCY!!! (Turns to Athena) Athena, let go of me!
Athena: (Immediately Shook her Head No can do, babe. I can't let you chase them around like a madman.
Apollo: I wasn't gonna chase them down! I was gonna to talk to them like proper adults!
Athena: (Raised an at Apollo) Were you really?
Apollo: ('Sighs in Defeat') Noooo...I wasn't.....
Athena: Thought so. ('Sigh') Look, I know the news itself was shocking and all, but I promise you that Trucy and I are going to explain ourselves once we get back to.the office, okay?
Apollo: ('Sigh') Yeah. Okay. Can you.....let me down now or....
Athena: Noooope. I'm still gonna carry you.
Apollo: What? Why? I'm not gonna chase after them or anything.
Athena: (Smiles Brightly) I know you won't. I just missed carrying you like this. (Gives Apollo a Seductive Smirk on her Face) And I am not gonna ruin this golden opportunity, Polly~ (Begins to Kiss Apollo's Cheeks Repeatedly)
Apollo: (Immediately Starts Blushing) Athenaaa!~ You're already embarrassing me in front of my apparent friends....
Athena: Let 'em stare. (Starts Walking While Carrying Apollo in her Arms) I don't give a damn either way~
Apollo: I swear you're impossible sometimes.....
Athena: Love you too, honey~ ('Mmwaaah')
Apollo: (From a Distance) 'Thenaaa!~
Klavier: (Chuckles Lightly) Those two never fail to amuse me. (Turns to Ema) You're enjoying the show, Fraulein?
Ema: (Chuckles Lightly) Oho you...have no idea right now. This is the best thing I've watched since forever!
Klavier: I can tell~ And I'm guessing you're still not over the whole "Wocky dating Trucy" fiasco, haven't you?
Ema: (Puts on an Evil Smirk on her Face) Oh hell no. We are gonna have ourselves a conversation with that boy once we get back home.
Klavier: (Smiles Brightly) Can't wait.
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