#i love talking about shenko and morals and sacrifices and how much they'd be willing to lose it drives me Nuts
shadowglens · 2 years
1 and 37 for kaidan and noa maybe? 💖
1. how do they fall asleep? wake up? any daily rituals?
sleep is hard for both of them, especially post-war. noa shakes herself awake at 4am just as the sun is creeping towards the horizon most mornings, if she even slept at all, and while kaidan has trained himself to sleep for at least four or five hours a night, he very rarely wakes refreshed. noa tends to lie on her back staring at the ceiling most nights and kaidan will dig himself against her side with all their sheets and blankets wrapped around him.
if kaidan has the time in the morning he'll work out with noa (which post war, consists of a brisk walk or maybe a light jog with their rescue dog bruno, if she's feeling up for it). he always cooks, even if noa struggles to keep the food down some mornings, and noa always makes them their coffee because if she doesn't have a Task she'll start caving in on herself. kaidan lets her be, and just kisses her on the shoulder before heading to the admiralty board or a council meeting (it depends on the day).
37. how much would they be willing to sacrifice for the other? any lines they refuse to cross?
both of them have fairly steadfast morals, kaidan moreso, but in saying that they'd also do a hell of a lot to protect each other. noa is more likely to compromise herself to keep him safe, is more likely to sacrifice something she couldn't really stand to lose, but there are still lines even for her. she likes to think she'd put him first above everything and anything, and maybe she would - the galaxy has always come first though for noa, above rules and other people's opinions and her own life, so i don't think she'd sacrifice the world for him. it would be a close thing though.
kaidan just wants to see her safe and whole and happy, but there are deep rigid lines in the sand that he will not step over, not even for noa. thankfully he's never been in a situation where that belief has been tested, not really. leaving her behind on earth was hard, but he still did it. he wouldn't have sacrificed the lives of her entire crew just for the chance to save her, no matter how much he might have wanted to. the lives of the many over the lives of the few and all that.
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