#i mean this guy thought having a giant baby as his minion would bring him victory
Din Djaren x force sensitive reader - A Moment Of Bliss
Summary: You’re trying to meditate but your boys have other plans for you.
Warning: child being cute, fluff, SMUT, Din being the best space husband
Side note: wrote this before I learned the child’s name is Grogu, that is all.
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You and your small clan of two have been stationed on a beautiful rolling grassland of a planet, ginormous stocky umbrella like trees sprouting from the flat land every couple miles from one another. They’re honestly quite the sight to behold, and something that you’re grateful for considering there’s no sand in sight. Honestly the most blessed thing of all that this wonderous planet has to offer, you can’t say you’re a real fan of the desert by any means.
Although you’re not exactly fond of the real reasoning why you’re here, it just so happened that Mando had gotten himself into some trouble when he captured the last bounty. A trafficking lord who just wasn’t as clever as he thought, earning himself some chains and a go around in a fun little thing called carbonite.
Nonetheless, his minions had tracked you two down after the bounty had been cashed in, slightly damaging the Razor Crest before Mando was able to lose them with some quick witted maneuvering. But you’re certain they’re still hunting you guys somewhere close by in the galaxy. 
So for the time being, Din has decided for your band of three to lay low on this beautiful planet until he’s sure that the petty criminals have given up, or until you both get bored enough and decide to finish them off yourselves.
Which is all fine for you, what could be better then a tiny vacation away from shady scavengers and untrustworthy pimps? Nothing really, so to make the most out of your fortunately unfortunate escape/ temporary vacation. You’ve chosen to spend your afternoon helping the child practice his growing powers. Although it appears the little guy is more interested in a shiny purple crystal that he found minding its business on the gravely ground.
Sitting yourself in a criss cross position upon the soft grass, you close your eyes as you prepare to meditate when suddenly the child makes the most adorable babbling sound, with an amused smile you open your eyes to look down at him, “I’ll let that slide.” He gurgles while tilting his head to the side, his big green ears flopping ever so slightly as he possibly considers your comment.
Watching him decide to sit down and instead play with the purple crystal, earns a little smirk upon your face as you shut your eyes once again. This time he doesn’t do anything to break your concentration, so taking the blessed opportunity you’re finally able to zone in on the force. Laying your arms onto your folded legs you open your palms, feeling the world around you, sensing the energy flowing in as you begin to rise from the ground.
The child watches in silent awe as small fist sized rocks begin to float and flow in circles around you, your contact with the grass no more. For a couple minutes you’re able to sustain your deep meditation, then a tiny little coo is heard from below as it shuffles in the dirt. You almost lose focus at the intruding noise, but your zoned out enough to come back to the welcoming bleary void of the force.
Another couple minutes go by before an adorable noticeably louder coo pricks at your ears, letting out a huff, you remain in the air, the pebbles and rocks around you keeping themselves suspended just the same. You focus even harder, letting yourself feel weightless and in control as you levitate above the grass, the child deciding to coo and babble once more.
“Shut up you’re gonna break my concentration,” You whisper softly as you carefully continue to levitate mere inches off of the ground. Just then the child suddenly lets out a loud messy sneeze, your face falling in irritation, “Aaaand it’s gone.” You deadpan before falling on your butt with a hmph, the little guy giggling in amusement. You fake glare at him before falling back into the soft grass as you look up to the blue sea of sky when suddenly a dark shinning shadow towers above you.
“How’s the meditation going?” Wonders Din as he joins your little party from where he once was, tending to the ship that is.
Sighing, you pull yourself up from the grass and into a proper seated position as you turn your attention to Din, “Not terribly.” You reply with a love struck grin as you lightly pat the grassy spot next to you, “Sit with me?” He looks at the area before bringing himself down to your level.
“Couldn’t hurt to relax for a minute.” Inquires Din as you roll your eyes.
“We’re being hunted Din, I think this little get away vacation of ours calls for a bit more then just a minute of relaxation. Don’t you agree?” He turns his helmet to you, the black T of his armored face showing you back your own distorted reflection.
“Gives me time to work on the ship.”
Nudging his arm that’s mere inches from your own you look at him with a smile, “Okay so that’s how it’s gonna be, you’re just glad to be working on the ship?” You muse with a fake scoff while shaking your head at him, “I should have known.”
“What? No that’s not...that’s not what I meant Y/N.” He rushes worriedly as you scoot yourself closer to him.
Softly chuckling at his quick reaction, you lean into his side as you casually lace his gloved hand with your own, “I know what you meant. But just cause I’m me, I’d rather have you in my arms then fiddling with that hunk of metal.” You explain before setting your chin against his beskar covered shoulder. You can’t see it, but he’s smiling underneath that helmet of his, looking deeply into your loving gaze.
Snaking your arms around the one closest to you, he ever so slightly leans into your touch, “Please take off your helmet so I can see those enticing dark eyes of yours. Please?” You urge with a light squeeze of his arm, “I can’t exactly kiss you like this...no ones around to see anything....and anyways we’re married so I automatically get a free pass.”
He gently squeezes your hand before reaching his arms up to his head, you hear a soft click and a whoosh of air as he pulls off his helmet. A blissful smile breaks out onto your beaming face as his fluffy brown locks appear before you, styled every which way as they embrace their new freedom.
He sets his shiny silver helmet to the side before pulling off his gloves as his dark irises find your face, you’re unabashedly biting your lip while you take in every single feature of his handsome face, “It’s a good thing you wear that helmet of yours,” You lean in close, “cause all the ladies would be fighting each other for a chance to get with you. There’s no doubt in my mind.” You muse as the most adorable of smiles graces his stunning features while he leans his head against yours, his cheeks flushing in embarrassment.
“I have a great suspicion that you’d fight them before they even had a chance to breath in my direction.” Retorts Din as his hands gently grasp your own.
“What? No way.....okay....maybe yes.” He smiles brightly before pulling back, only to let go of your hands as he engulfs you into a giant hug. You quickly squeeze back as you push him into the grass, laughing as the both of you fall onto the soft earth.
Your eyes find his shining dark ones as you lean in close, “We should stay here, disappear from the rest of the galaxy and go M.I.A forever.” He kisses you in reply, his lips are soft and inviting as he holds you impossibly close, the scruff of his day old unkept facial hair scratching your cheek.
He slowly pulls away, earning a pout from you once he’s able to see your face again, “That does sound appealing, but I know you’d get bored with the calmness. You like adventure too much to stay in one spot for very long.” He says with a knowing look as he leans in to plant soft kisses over your cheeks, “I know you Y/N.”
Rolling your eyes you lean down to kiss his nose, “That you do, Din. Sometimes annoyingly so.” You reply before breaking out into an abrupt laugh as you watch him study your face lovingly.
Suddenly you feel a little nudge by your boot, shifting your gaze away from Din you look over to your feet where the little womp rat is. He’s smiling adorably as he babbles some more, stretching his little arms out for one of you to take, making a cute grabby motion with his hands.
Heeding to his silent yearning you sit up to gently pick up the beaming child, “Oh and how could I forget you, my little green bean....you can have all the cuddles too.” He squeals in delight as you hold him close in your lap, Din scoots over so his head is by your thighs as he gently pets his little green son on his wrinkly head.
Running your fingers through Din’s helmet hair you make a funny face at the child causing him to laugh, “I guess staying here for another week couldn’t hurt. I’ve got my two favorite people in the whole galaxy....no need to rush things.” Mutters Din as he looks to you with the biggest heart eyes while you stick your tongue out at the child.
“I’d like that very much, our little green boy....you and me, alone, a ship all to ourselves...no one to bother us.” You add, a suggestive tone laced throughout your sly voice, Din’s eyebrows raise in interest at your intriguing words, much to your amusement.
“And I have time to work on my ship.” Replies Din, side eyeing you to see your reaction to his lackluster comment.
Shaking your head you lightly tug at his tangled hair while he laughs, “You little shit. I’m the best thing that’s ever happened to you...you fucker.” A giggle escapes from your lips as you try and keep a serious face, Din attempting to do the same, though you’re both about to crack.
The baby starts to babble, as he wiggles his little body from side to side in an attempt at gaining back the both of your wandering attentions. Not being able to handle the sheer silliness in the atmosphere you let out a loud burst of laughter, Din following suite.
You watch as the sides of his eyes crinkle in joy, his belly rippling with each new inhalation and exhalation of air, “Din, would you like to see what we’ve been practicing on?” You ask as he finally calms down again.
“You’ve been practicing with him?” He asks with a smile, “I’d love to.”
Turning to the child in your lap you grab his sides before gently setting him onto the ground, “Okay little guy, remember you’re training....what we we’re doing yesterday. First we stick our hand out....and then we focus really hard on wanting to lift up the rocks. Okay.” The child coos in excitement as he lifts his clawed hand out to mirror your own, “Now close your eyes and feel...feel the power around you, the wind, the earth...call to it, let it flow.”
He suddenly lets out a little tut of determination as he does his best to focus, Din watches silently in anticipation for what may happen next. A beaming smile breaks out onto your face as a couple tiny pebbles begin floating off of the grass, the child lets out an excited babble as he celebrates his achievement, “You’re doing fantastic my little love, I’m so proud of you.” He coos even more as you gush in amazement, the pebbles falling to the grass as he gets distracted by your words of encouragement.
“But can Y/N lift some little stones?” Jokes Din as he gently nudges your arm, you raise an eyebrow to him before using the force to lift him a couple inches off of the grass. His eyes go wide for a second, clearly not expecting you to mess with him before you drop him onto the soft grass once again.
He lands with a dramatic huff, you look to him and your heart skips a beat as he eyes you up like a wolf to his prey, you swallow just as he suddenly tackles you into the soft green grass. You fall back with a yelp as your Mandalorian pins you to the ground, his beaming face so close to your own as he stares into your eyes with his dark ones.
“You think you’re real funny, hmm Y/N?” His voice is low and husky, his breath fanning your smirking face as he attempts to take the upper hand, “Cause that kinda hurt my arm.”
You simply roll your eyes, “I’ve seen you get swallowed by a Krayt dragon, you reckless man. Tough it out my love, you don’t want to make a bad impression on the little guy now do yo...” His soft lips are suddenly on yours as he shuts you up with his soft plush lips. The child waddles over towards the Razor Crest, uninterested with training and with whatever wrestling game you and Din are becoming entangled in.
You smile into the kiss as Din rests his weight in between your opened thighs and stomach, he rests his forearm upon the grass as his other hand caresses the side of your face. You bask in his body as your hands feel through his soft wavy locks, he moans into your mouth at the pleasant sensation, earning an amused chuckle from you.
Your opened mouth giving him enough space to stick his tongue into it as he teases you, you answer back just the same, your tongues dancing in the dark as he consumes you. He feels rather nice, you can’t help but to begin feeling a bit heated in your nether regions from the close proximity in this compromising position he has you in. Your body erupts with electricity as he starts to grind into you, the slow small friction against your clothed womanhood sending you into another realm of pleasure, and he’s not even inside you yet. 
“Right in the grass?” You mumble against his lips as he bucks against your hips, the sensation driving you insane.
Knowing exactly how it’s making you squirm, he feels rather proud of himself, “Ships too far.” Mutters Din between kisses as he reaches down to unclasp his belt.
Your lips stay locked, a surprised gasp leaving your mouth as Din tugs down your own pants. He sits up and quickly makes haste with discarding his armored torso, flinging off top clothing and undershirt as you lift up your arms for him to pull off yours. The fabric falling to the grass as the both of you take in each other’s nearly naked bodies, your thin undergarments the only pieces keeping you away from total bliss.
He rests himself upon his bent knees while dark pleading irises stare into your own, he’s asking silent permission to disrobe you of all clothing. A smile breaks out upon your flushed face, nodding in a silent yes, his eyes flash with excitement and lust as he reaches over to tug at the edges of the tight fabric, he gently pulls off your bra. Your breasts bounce once they’re free from their constraints, Din’s brows raising in excited surprise before leaning down to kiss each one before he captures your lips with his once more.
Din you have no idea what you do to me.
Deciding you’d quite like it if both of you were naked, you pull away, Din’s face following yours as he pouts. In reply to his protests you fall back into the grass, “My undies aren’t gonna take themselves off.” You muse with a lustful gaze upon your man, god you already feel so wet, Din’s most obviously hard and you’re so ready for him.
His cheeks are flushed as he gently grasps the hem of your underwear on either side of your hips, you lift your bum up when he slides them down your legs, abandoning them in the grassy field. Your heart soars when he leans down to plant a kiss on the inside of your bare thigh, then another and another as he trails up to your knee. He pulls away to look at you once again, his face a mask of pure love and adoration as he shimmies out of his bulging boxers.
Biting your lip, you lean up to meet his lips, he kisses you deeply as he rests his calloused hands into each one of your knees, ever so carefully he parts them. Your nerves sending a wave of heat into your core for the anticipation of what’s to come, both literally and figuratively. If not for the current events you’d be laughing, your wandering thoughts quickly dissipating away once he pushes you back so that you’re laying in the soft earth as he locks eyes with you.
Giving you the most beautiful of smiles he kisses your abdomen, then below your bellybutton, up to your stomach, and in between your breasts. He’s hovering annoyingly close to you. You arch into him, the skin of his torso meeting your exposed womanhood, a moan escapes him from the wet contact against his stomach. You let out a breathy laugh as he squeezes and kneads your left breast, his mouth consuming the other one, his tongue working wonders as he sucks and licks at your perked nibbles.
Your hands tangle in his wavy dark hair as he continues his pleasurable assault in your breasts, his fingers may cause a little discomfort as he squeezes but you’re enjoying it too much to give a shit. His hot wet tongue dances in circles around your skin, he lets go of your breast to then lick up your turned neck. Doing everything in your power to keep it all inside, you bite your lip in an attempt at suppressing a moan, your voice breaking free once his hardened member rubs past your entrance without warning.
“There’s that pretty voice of yours.” Mutters Din before capturing his lips with yours, his hands held firmly against the ground as he holds himself up inches from you.
How annoying you can be, Din. Just get closer you idiot. 
You feel so warm and fuzzy, his body mere inches from your wanting skin, your legs already open and ready as his length stays firm only centimeters away from your lower abdomen. Tugging at his hair, he parts from your lips as a confused expression crosses his features, you simply chuckle, “Stop making me wait my love, I’m ready for you.” His eyes closing in bliss as you purr sweetly into his ear, “I need you in me, now.”
Heeding to your straightforward command, he reaches a hand down as he guides his hardened cock to your awaiting entrance. He rubs it against your clit in a teasing manner before he slowly pushes into you, your hands flying to his muscular back as your walls adjust to his length. With a soft moan from his sweet lips, he fills you entirely, for a couple seconds does he pause. Letting himself enjoy the sensation of his cock inside you as he presses butterfly kisses all over your face.
Yes, fucking finally.
Not being able to stand it anymore, you buck your hips into him, this giving Din the cue to start working his magic. He completely pulls out of you before slamming himself into your slickness once again, a gasp leaving your lips as he does it again and again and again. Until he decides to keep himself flush against you, his new close contact vigorous thrusts sending more waves of euphoria coursing throughout your entire vessel. All that’s heard in the breeze is the sounds of your moaning and the slabs of skin on skin as Din pumps relentlessly into you.
You’re honestly rather glad that those bastard scavengers ran you into hiding on this planet, it had been a while since you and Din had had any real intimate time together and this was the perfect opportunity. Humming in pleasure, you kiss his scruffy cheek as his head falls into the crook of your neck, “Din I fucking love you so much, you have no idea.” More deep strokes are thrust into you as he kisses the side of your head.
“Y/N ni kar'tayli gar darasuum.....” His all he manages to mutter as another satisfied moan escapes him. You chuckle at how absolutely adorable and hot he’s acting right now, another thrust into you emitting a moan from your lips. He feels so good with how he’s treating you in this special moment, your two bodies colliding like stars in the sky.
You suck in a breath as a warmness builds in the pit of your stomach, you can feel your orgasm slowly rising with each and every pump into you. Din hums as he pushes you into the grass even more now, you can tell from how much more rigorous his thrusts are becoming that he’s on the edge of paradise. 
And soon after he grunts, does he spill into you, the new added sensation enough to drive you wild with bliss. Your own high finally reached as your body shakes with euphoria and the last sloppy thrusts that he’s giving you freely.
A whimper escapes from your mouth as he enjoys himself inside of you for a couple more seconds before he slowly pulls out and flops by your side on the soft grass. He’s breathing heavily as you let the cool breeze fan over your sensitive swollen womanhood, the wind doing wonders for your hot sweaty skin as you try and calm down from your buzz. You close your eyes with a satisfied smile upon your content face as Din turns over to you with an equally joyous grin.
You listen and feel as he scoots himself against your side so that he can rest his arm over your stomach, his scruffy face inches from your cheek as he gently kisses you before resting his head against your temple. You lift your arm up to lay it over top of his as he hugs your side, doing his best to keep you as close to him as physically possible.
A pleasant sigh departs from his pouty lips, fanning the side of your face as you smile, “Y/N, you are very special to me...I just thought that you should know. Incase you ever forget.”
A small chuckle escapes you at his soft words, “Din I don’t think I could ever forget, you mean more to me then all the stars in the sky...more than the most valuable gems to ever exist or even my lightsaber.” He kisses your temple once again, “I believe the force has brought me to you my love, and I’m forever grateful for that.” You voice is a soft whisper on the breeze, yet he hears it all the same.
“Y/N I love you more than life, you are too sweet my beloved.” Your heart skips at his truthful reply, a small lump in your throat forming as he presses his nose against your hairline.
You turn your head to see his face better, he locks eyes with your own as a shy smile appears on his face, “Din Djaren you’re going to make me cry, shut up.” You muse with a quick kiss to his lips, looking into his dark brown irises like they hold all the answers to the universe.
He smiles against your cheek, kissing you there once more, “Never.”
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sanchoyo · 3 years
danny phantom, season 3, episodes 7-13 thoughts! cannot believe im finishing this series so fast. ...cannot believe it ended like that...uh. one of the weirdest finales to a show I think I've seen, it really stood out against the rest of the series, and not in a good way, in my opinion. I paused to yell in caps lock...several times, I think, out of anger... BUT. ANYWAY, HERE WE GO.
see prev episode thoughts in this tag <3
-the fentons putting the kids to Work in the lab, with NO SAFETY GEAR. AT ALL. THEY JUST GOT BACK FROM SCHOOL AND ARE TIRED!!! and when jack asked how danny his day was and danny tried to say it was bad jack cut him off :( for the 400th time, i am stealing these kids.
-maddie and jack IMMEDIATELY SELLING THEIR LAB AND WORK FOR A LOT OF MONEY. and danny cant get into the portal anymore, oh no!!! he could always just steal vlads I Guess.
-THEY ARE VLADS NEW NEIGHBOR. OH MY GOD. this is a sitcom format. a butler came with the new mansion. i would absolutely try a kiwi fudge milkshake, why is the butler disgusted.
-the..guys in white bought the lab to shoot a missile. into the ghost zone thru the portal. bro i hate these guys
-jazz straight up setting her new bedroom up in the library. i am very very jealous
-I like how the 14 year olds very quickly realize if the giw destroy the ghost zone itll destroy OUR ZONE because its just. like. the other side of the quarter so to speak. and the giw, a fully funded government agency, didnt consider that...(or worse, are willing to risk that anyway...)
-a...graphic novel version of the constitution? what in the world have you been READING SAM
-'cool, I always wanted to be called a meddling kid!' scooby doo reference...
-can they keep the butler. I love him.
-ecto latte....I also want to try that. is ectoplasm edible...
-youngblood is also into astronaut stuff, thats really cute. and him being like 'phantom, dude!! :D' ALL EXCITED. THATS ADORABLE.
-the slapstick comedy of the giw slipping and falling and running into shit in the lab. is funny, but also, because this lab has NOOO safety codes in practice. god its a wonder dannys the only one to have died here...
-JOHNNY, SKULKER AND YOUNGBLOOD HELPING DANNY!!! I keep saying it but the other ghosts helping him. is my fav thing in the world. and, it's a really good thing the missile in the real world was harmless...otherwise the fentons wouldn't have had a home/lab to come back to...
-WULF WANTED POSTER!!! we havent seen wulfy in so long :( very funny the box ghost is offended by how much these ghosts are wanted for. first off, what do ghosts even DO WITH MONEY. does the ghost zone have its own currency??? what are ghosts BUYING
-the box ghost is So Funny, im so glad hes still got his bubble wrap. u are VERY wanted in THIS house box ghost. you are SO scary king. dont give up on ur dreams
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-this needs to be a meme format. I made a transparent version, very very messily, for future use.
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-this is a Fellow and a Friend
-box ghost accidentally bringing lunch for everyone, and giving people at the mall free shoes. SHOES ARE SO EXPENSIVE, ID BE SO GRATEFUL. helpful king. i feel SO bad for him lmao, he's putting in SO much effort. he wants the evil aesthetic So bad but hes Just Too Silly. I understand your plight, box ghost....
-oh my god. pandoras BOX. 'THOSE OF US IN THE BOX TRADE' HOW MANY ARE IN THIS BOX TRADE. I WANT IN. pandora is a multi-armed ghost goddess and i love her.
-box ghost...where did you get the cowboy hat. I respect it, i just want to know
-JAZZ COMING IN WITH THE BAZOOKA TO FIGHT THE 10 HEADED DRAGON!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!! and the rest of the fentons I Guess
-ignoring the sam/danny moments. I simple do not see them.
-...why doesnt danny just fly over the maze. or do the whole 'real world people act as ghosts in the ghost zone' and turn back!!! I know its just to show off the ghost greek monster designs. but STILL.
-danny being like. um. hi pandora. i found your box. >< polite...PANDORA IS SO GIANT. GIANT GHOST WOMAN. SHES GOING TO BEAT BOX GHOSTS ASS. another ghost thats nice to danny to add to the list :) and HER FORCING BOX GHOST TO APOLOGIZE. and having sandwiches with danny after making box ghost clean up. I LOVE HER.
-okay, when dash pulled out danny's seat and was calling him buddy, for half a second I was like 'this is a prank, hes gonna pull it back' BUT THEN FRIGHT KNIGHT MY BELOVED IS BACK. AND EVERYONE STARTS CHANTING FOR DANNY TO BEAT HIS ASS WITH GHOST POWERS AND DANNY DOES WAY TOO EASILY, and im like, yup, this is a dream LMAO
-danny is getting an A+ in science :) my smart son
-DANNY WAKING UP FROM THE DREAM RIGHT BEFORE KISSING SAM AND BEING LIKE 'that was a dream...no, a NIGHTMARE!' same. not to be a hater but, shouldve been val. maybe I am a hater
-...danny running and checking the 'tapes'...why is his whole house constantly being recorded. hes been in ghost form/fights plenty of times in his house. does he have to run and wipe the tapes after?? every single time?? god
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-letting this image speak for itself
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-this is SO cursed
-NOCTURN'S DESIGN FUCKS SO HARD. the Venice mask vibes. also his space pattern not moving while the rest of his animation does is big chowder vibes. but this guy is basically the sandman but Evil, huh. I love dream plots. also, nocturn's design feels very similar to clockwork, like, red eyes and a scar over the same eye, but also just the purple, and the Cosmic Vibes. I want to see them fight. anyway nocturn's va was also avatar roku AND alfred in several batman cartoons.
-the 'sleepwalkers' designs were super cute in shape (kinda remind me of oogie boogie! pillow-cased shaped, which is appropriate for the 'king of dreams's minions) until I looked closer at their eyes. why do they look sewn shut!! (they open their eyes a few times, so they aren't, but they look like it...)
-I like how this show has been pretty consistent (with a few exceptions) about a Ghost Being Huge (or getting larger) = Very Powerful
-2 months of summer camping??? wtf, do camping things usually take that long?? I've never been to a camping...thing like that. but isnt that basically their entire summer??
-'the entirety of nature is your bathroom!' and thats why I do no camping despite loving nature LMAO.
-sam, at least TRY TO BE NICE TO THE OTHER GIRLS YOU'RE GOING TO BE SHARING A CABIN WITH. also, the amount of times people in this show have their SHOES ON THE BED!!! IM DISGUSTED
-swamp creature Is A Ghost. Big Foot is a Ghost. starting to think in this universe, every single cryptid or legend is a Ghost Actually
-paulina crying not only because star is missing, but because SHE FORGOT HER SUNBLOCK AND SHE BURNS SO EASILY!!!! okay girlfriends
-ghost cops are the real monsters at the camp. i.......I mean. fair. no one missed you walker
-WULF!!!!!!!!!!! WULF IS BACK!!!!!!!! MY FRIEND WULF :D MI AMAS VIN!!!!! kaj danny lernis Esperanto :)
-'relax kid, we arent here to do any harm' *immediately shoots danny* yeah. ghost cops. and also danny bringing walker 'wulf' and walker IMMEDIATELY SUCKING DANNY IN A THERMOS. FUCK OFF
-haha walker Bald. and haha walker Frozen Now
-the fenton thermos can...reverse its polarity to close portals? okay
-ohhh they end the ep with them star gazing, thats pretty cute...
-dani is back! ...with a new voice actress? wiki says AnnaSophia was in 3 diff movies in 2007 when this aired, so she was probably too busy... (including, bridge to terabithia aka the movie that ripped my heart out that I mentioned in the first ep Dani was in...kinda wanna rewatch it now)
-shes still scared of vlad, who's still being creepy and spying on her. 'shes hardly going to come home to daddy!' I WONDER WHY. also does vlad's cat look more evil than last time? love the concept of him going shopping for cats and being like 'give me your most EVILEST looking cat, please, so I can pet it in my spinny chair dramatically!' ...oh god white cat hair on his black suit. I have a black cat and her hair is still way too noticeable..
-vlad has a big 'valerie' button in his office. can he be pressing that button every episode, thanks
-'theres a GIRL called dani phantom?' yeah valerie. no relation, obviously, even with her looking EXACTLY like danny. so sad valerie just wants to help her dad and her get out of the place theyre in now and vlad using her. ill MAUL HIM
-dani having to STEAL FOOD. :( and valerie immediately being like oh poor kid :(( and trying to help her!!! and then dani immediately helping valerie!! this episode is starting SO well
-...and then valerie catching her. DAMN IT. and being surprised dani knew danny?? HELLO VALERIE I KNOW YOURE SMARTER THAN THIS. I AM SO SORRY THEY WROTE YOU THIS WAY. I STILL LOVE AND BELIEVE IN U !!!
-valerie lying her ASS off for a chance at gettin danny. ok <3 also 'they couldnt catch a ghost if it was living under their own roof' JSDHKJHNK
-danny. why dont you just tell valerie!! this would be so much easier if he was direct. there is NO way valerie would hurt danny (fenton) she'd be HORRIFIED. esp since she got on board helping dani!!
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*is held* :)
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-look at valerie and danny. flying together. about to go beat vlads ass together <333
-...fucking vlad convincing valerie hes a good dude with his stupid duplication. FUCK. DANNY JUST TELL H E R
-jesus christ how many times has danny had to watch loved ones die. even if she didnt stay perma-dead. glad they fixed her...
-valerie and dani pranking danny when he came out, oh :( cute...them havin fun and laughing together...babies
-BUT THEYRE JUST LETTING DANI LEAVE, AGAIN??? SHE WAS PREVIOUSLY STEALING FOOD. CHRIST GIVE HER A PLACE TO LIVE. OR A FAMILY. actually, I think it'd be really cute if, since danny isnt ready to out himself, dani went and lived with valerie?? dunno if her dad would have the money but,, it'd be a cute concept. big sis valerie...
-'tomorrow, it's game on!' 'and ill be ready to play!' THE FLIRTING....DANNY/VALERIE REAL
-oh my god,, valerie found out about vlad in the end. But he doesn’t know she knows!!! the DRAMA!!! HOLY SHIT THAT ENDING.
-this episode was. SO Much and probably one of my favorites out of s3. (I mean, there has been a gross lack of valerie this whole season, so thats not a hard choice to make...)
-the title screen looks different! so no title card...
-vlad has his own fucked up satellite that looks like him?? okay. why does the animation look so different?? are they mixing cg in?? for what. anyway, vlad and the gang in SPACE. danny is 100% living his astronaut dreams rn
-wait oh my god. vlad is the final series boss, isn't he. I half expected a fake out, for another boss to show up midway, and for him to finally have to have a real truce with danny for this ep. ITS THE FINALE. VLAD FEELS SO UNDERWHELMING.
-And it's like-- his character isn't bad, i just feel like..he has more potential! they WANT him to seem like some smart super evil genius, but the way he's written makes that SO hard to believe...but the solid backstory and design is THERE and its FRUSTRATING.
-my grandpa technus is in the finale too :) 'well look on the bright side, at least im not downloading them illegally!' he says while stealing dvds. feels like hes calling me out. im watching this series on a bootleg website lmao. anyway, him turning the tech into a transformer. love that
-mASters BLASters sTOp diSAsterS shut the fuck up. you will never be valerie or danny. bite chomp kill. violence
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-like this if u crie everytiem
-my god the 3d/cgi mixed in looks SO BAD IT DIDNT AGE WELL AT ALL
-the white stripe in dannys hair kinda rules tho. did he just KILL HIS GHOST HALF??? 'revert his human half back to normal' UM. you ever unkill yourself. why are his friends/jazz so mad about it, he'll be in a lot less danger!! christ. they can still hunt ghosts!! as humans!! if they want to!! hes 14 if he wanted to be normal. let him. vlads stupid little team has things COVERED apparently. why are they acting like this. jazz would never act like this. is this fake whats going ON
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-oh my god jack was in a college band. vlad was also in the band. what did instruments they play. i didnt need that headline to tell me they sucked, but i want to KNOW MORE REGARDLESS
-valerie was here for 0.3 seconds.
-sam calling danny selfish. the audacity. no one is stopping YOU from hunting ghosts, girl. valerie does it!!
-I'm halfway through the episode and incredibly underwhelmed so far.
-why would they send jack and 3 teens to space to destroy the asteroid. why not professional astronauts. not even the 3 teens that have already been to space this episode...
-jack getting beat up by teenagers. ON TV. IN SPACE. I GUESS. I GUESS EVERYONE AGREED TO SEND JACK BECAUSE..VLAD SAID SO? we know it was to embarrass jack, but why would everyone agree. why didnt any other space program Do More or whatever, they sent like, 3 rockets/missiles tops?? no way
-danny attempting to punch vlad in the face. i WISH HE WOULDVE LANDED THAT HIT.
-jack just now, on the last episode GETTING TOLD HE MADE VLAD A GHOST. THIS SHOULDVE HAPPENED WAY SOONER. jack's reaction was one of the only times in this entire show hes seemed human. 'an old friend? no. you? yes.' GET HIS ASSSS ACTUALLY. HE STRAIGHT UP LEFT VLAD IN SPACE. GOD DAMN. that is a Murder! I mean, I guess vlad could fly back to earth, but...I mean, he'll have to, right? no food in space. (that we KNOW of...)
-'thE WHolE EArtH, INTangiBLe?!' oh my god.
-...the white strand of hair somehow still had ghost dna, I guess, and getting blasted turned him back into phantom. I GUESS. I GUESS.
-the fentons being the first to clap for danny despite not knowing hes phantom...that was sweet. and very sudden character development, not at all gradual over the course of time or episodes like it probably should have been...
-sam and danny kissing. IT SHOULDVE BEEN VALERIE, BUT OKAY, I GUESS. also, its a little underwhelming, considering theyve kissed already...
-ALL of the ghosts being ready to beat danny's ass? really. no they wouldn't, they've worked together before, and some of those ghosts are friendly!! cringe. why is the last ep written like this. I mean they came thru at the last minute but. was really cringing for a minute there, why did they write it like that
-valerie is there for another 0.3 seconds! ....she should've been more involved. dani is also there! for also like 0.3 seconds. almost fast enough to miss. (btw, I think shes still homeless at this point, are, we going to...do ANYTHING ABOUT THAT IN THE LAST 5 MINS OF THE SHOW)
-the cgi smoke or whatever it is. this whole post is me saying the cgi is bad, but IT IS.
-'danny or should we say. DAAANNNNY.' this is like the 3rd or 4th time hes been outed damn, but to the whole world, again. and valerie saw, and is just. an extra in the bg clapping. bro im so mad.
-i think. this is still linked to the dream ep a few times ago. hes still dreaming. this is a plot a 14 year old would write. this feels like a bad fanfic. so much got rushed, and not tied up. vlad wasnt really even the villain this episode, a fucking. non-being asteroid was.
-they kiss again. ok. sure. whatever at this point.
-VLAD IS NOW A FREE-ROAMING SPACE NOMAD. I GUESS. THATS. SURE. WHATEVER. THE END, I GUESS. cannot believe I'm saying this, but: they did vlad dirty.
-IF YOU'RE GOING TO MAKE HIM A VILLAIN, MAKE HIM A VILLAIN!!! DON'T MAKE IT A METEOR!!! STOP BEING WISHY WASHY WHO WANTS TO SEE DANNY VS ASTEROID!!! I didnt even WANT vlad to be the final villain because his character is SO back and forth (esp this season.) but he has done some FUCKED UP SHIT AND I WANTED THE WRITERS TO DOUBLE DOWN, PERSONALLY, IF THEY HAD TO MAKE HIM THE FINAL BOSS. the cabin ep where he basically held danny and maddie hostage? FUCKED. THE DANI THING? FUCKED. FUCKING COMMIT AND MAKE HIM ACTUALLY SCARY OR HAVE HIM FUCK OFF AND AGREE TO A TRUCE!! WHAT IS THIS DYING IN SPACE NONSENSE. (and, he will (fully) die out there, right? still half human, still needs food and water. I imagine he'll like, slowly half-die but this time his human side is dying. will he come back 100% ghost? we dONT KNOW. WE DONT GET TO SEE, ITS PLAYED LIKE SOME FUNNY THING AT THE END, THEN THATS IT!!! WHAT!!!)
-I don't know how to articulate how FRUSTRATING THAT IS. having him basically out himself and ''hold the world hostage'' does not track at all in my brain. like. he's always been scary because he is HUMAN, TOO. like, if he was 100% ghost, he'd be LESS scary, but vlad MASTERS has more power and influence than vlad PLASMIUS because of his position as mayor, his money, too, and his (supposed, s3 made me doubt it) intelligence/manipulation skills, and his being in good graces with jack made it HARD FOR DANNY. him outing himself for,, money and to 'control the world' i guess?? MONEY WAS NEVER HIS LIKE, MAIN GOAL. yeah obv he likes money and is materialistic and values his Rich Life, but hes got billions, the end goal? 1. getting maddie (and or danny as his son, but to me he always treated that as secondary) 2. ruining jack. this feels like they wanted to say 'oh he just wants POWER' which is. HMM?? OKAY?? obv he /does/ want power (usually over certain ppl, tho), but seeing him try to get it like this FELT WEIRD SOMEHOW. weird like the ep where he tried and failed to take over various historical civilizations, because like,, how is that realistically going to do anything for him?? just, being in that time forever and never seeing maddie aka Goal #1 again?? HELLO??? this was like that, but worse
-this was such a weird ending to an entire show. why did season 3 only have 13 episodes?? why did it feel so weirdly paced?? WHY WAS THE ENDING LIKE THAT. I think. I am going to pretend I did not see that. fucked up, dudes. I'm like...hm. I shouldn't have watched that because now I'm mad. valerie sweetie im SO sorry you shouldve been more present. it felt like..if they knew this season was going to be short, and the last season, they should've spent more time wrapping up EVERYONE'S plot lines for the entire season. imagine how cool it wouldve been if every single ep of season 3 was working towards something, a big, nice wrap up at the end, with nothing feeling TOO rushed because they'd been heading towards the End for the whole season....
I will probably end up writing a follow up full series thoughts post. In a couple of days so I can sit with my thoughts. BUT. overall, I really liked the show! (ignoring the finale and some of the moments that aged pretty poorly...) it was charming and a fun concept and very fun to watch in general :) and I am pretending the finale didnt happen <3 and I’m gonna dive RIGHT into the dp tags and mix fanart and posts in my queue, very excited to run and look at that 🏃🏻 (and, of course, make more fanart myself hehe >:3)
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hazbinextgeneration · 3 years
Into The Casino Ch10
Warning: Mentioning of past abuse -This takes place about 3 weeks from last chapter- Could you call someone having an interest in you weird if they were also your boss? Yes. Yes you could. And that's what exactly she felt when it all began. Slowly but surely. Cyber introducing her to a few new strange foods. She quite liked the soft foods called iced-creams, she never knew one food could come in so many flavors. The wide eyed look she gave to everything made Cyber chuckle and Lou smirk more in triumph whenever she reported back to him. Oh who said flattery couldn't get you anywhere? Right now it was one of his biggest tactics to help him win this little game of his. And he was surely making a very good win streak thus far-...But maybe with a few minor set backs.
Perhaps he was a bit too eager in the beginning of this just a tiny amount, she still flinched away whenever she attempted to kiss her hand. Or ducked whenever he made any sudden movement near her. That wide eyed startled look was now fairly common. And she still wouldn't accept his advances too easily. It was starting to become tiresome these days, but he could wait. He had all eternity and beyond to wait of course, but wanting and waiting were too separate things and if he saw an opportunity to speed things up you sure as hell he wasn't about to back down from a challenge. Especially since so much was at stake now. Luckily he had the perfect person to sneak info to him now. "So? What's wrong with you? You look more tired than Disease with a hang over." Cyber smiled as the pony groaned and landed her head onto the desk. Ears flopping to the sides of her head. Making Cyber raise a brow. "So Im guessing things aren't so hot?" "I-It's so....uncomfortable for me!!" Her voice replied muffled by the desk her head laid upon. "He's been having me clean everything of his and running back and forth doing all these chores!" He face looked up from the desk but still laid on it. "And I-I-it's not helping when he's constantly flirting with me!" "Is that so bad?" She leaned onto the table and smiled. "Lou's a pretty smart guy for someone resembling a walking leaf." She chuckled at her own joke, but shrugged. "But what's so wrong about him likin' you? I mean, I would think having a rich guy like you and getting a bunch of free stuff was every girl's dream?'' "THAT'S THE PROBLEM!!" The desk chair was pushed back with a noise and she stood up to give Cyber an...almost scared look. "I-I don't WANT any d-dresses, o-or fancy jewelry, o-or....Or ANYTHING flashy. Just some food and a room is q-quite enough!!" Cyber paused, before shaking her head and smiling. "Well, all he wants to do is show his interest for ya-" "I don't want any interest in me!" Her purple eyes became wide and looked at cyber with...fear? "I-I don't want to be forced to..." She stopped. Breathing heavily and blinking. Cyber rose a brow as she sat back down and stared at the desk. "B-be with someone again." Cyber blinked at her before getting a thoughtful look on her face and hummed. "Im taking it the uh...other guy wasn't too friendly huh?" She flinched and curled in more. Just shaking her head no as her answer. Cyber hummed. "Look. I'll...have a talk with the boss and just tell him to ease up on the whole wooing you stick, ok?" She didn't answer. Not that Cyber was expecting her too, with a sigh she reached out and patted her hands in a reassuring manner. "It'll be alright." It was....kinda alright. Lou's face gave her a look of confusion as his brow rose and he gave Cyber a look as to what information was actually laid back to him. She stood there waiting for an answer from him but it seemed the plant man was calculating his next move as she spoke. He always did seem one step ahead didn't he. Without another word he slowly reached for the cup of coffee beside him while looking back down to the papers he was holding. Probably another sucker signed their life away to the powerful demon. Making him one percent more powerful than he last was. One percent more dangerous. And he wasn't afraid to show it if needed. "....So, what you're telling me is that you think this..."He waved a hand, "Mysterious other lover used to be-....What exactly?" "To put it bluntly I think she was...forced into a pretty unhealthy relationship, and the guy left some bad views on guys showing interest in her...If you get what Im trying to say here." "I think I have a pretty good idea, Cyber. And trust me when I say that I have no problem with adapting to what's thrown my way. I've come to get used to that down here." He went back to the paper and smiled. "Have a little more faith in me." "Trust me I do. Buuuut-" She leaned into the wall and sighed. "I would suggest handling this case with some care. She ain't the usually hard to get woman who eventually swoon into your arms." He laughed and gave her a serious but calm look. "Oh, you don't think I know this already? You wound me Cyber.~ Really you do.~ But there's a fortune just lying under my feet and you know once you give me a shovel, there's no stopping me from getting to the buried treasure.~" She hummed and nodded but her eyes shifted back to the papers he was holding again and rose a brow. "...Is that what I think it is?" He only smiled and pulled the first paper from the stack in his hands out, shifting it around for her to look. It was a purple pink color instead of white like the rest of the stack and in fancy gold writing words curved and danced into sentences as her mind scanned over the whole thing...And smirked. "I should've known." She pointed at it. "Your old pal still throwing those once a year ball parties?" "Oh, you know Cyrus. It's a great way to lure in big hot shots. Scrounge up a few deals- " He looked back down to the paper as he turned it back to his face. "Scope out competition. ..Maybe bring along a guest?" "I don't know if that'll be a good idea-" "Why not? She came from a privelidge family before coming down here." He took another sip from his cup. "It should be her kind of crowd." "...She doesn't seem like the kind to fair well in that kind of environment. But it's your call of course." "Yes. And don't forget that...." The papers were shuffled and the chair made a scraping sound as he slowly stood up and reached for his hat. Placing it on top of his head and turning to her. "I think it's been a while since I've gone out anywhere...Cyber, when's the last time I've actually gone out anywhere to enjoy myself?" His eyes glanced out the window and looked out at the other giant buildings from his tall window view. Homes. Other businesses. And all those little lives just below him. All waiting to be groomed and be ruled under the iron fist of his hands. Oh! His mind was already disecting and gutting the whole neighborhood. He didn't want too much, not yet. After all if someone else more powerful caught wind of his little pet, there could be trouble. If he just took over a small portion of the city, barely anyone would notice since it literally happened ALL THE TIME down there. ....He'll make it too his liking. First thing gutting that disgusting workhouse in the middle of the square and making it into his own giant personal garden, his own garden on the top floor was beautiful, but his little babies could use the bigger room. And he'll add cut marble walkways, all kinds of exotic plants especially roses.Maybe he'll even get one of those multicolored roses with different colored petals. Midnight could fix a dome to keep everyone out he didn't want, or perhaps he'll cash in one of the favors his colleges owed him? And of course he'll add a fountain, small pond, he was sure there was somewhere he could purchase some small not too dangerous fish. And of course hell need some bees to help pollinate, and butterflies. They added to the colorful asthetic of it all. He had a lot of work to do. The rest of the buildings he knew exactly what he wanted to do with them. He'll knock them all down. Make ONE giant living conditions for his loyal subjects living under him, but he'd make them work in turn for his 'protection'. No soul was useless if you knew how to work. Then of course there was the wine brewery, MAYBE he'd let his top three minions pick one buildings for themselves. Midnight would benefit greatly from a whole lab to herself. She didn't care about power, as long as she got to do her experiments. Disease...he had no idea. Probably a giant bar or something...On second thought, he could make a bar attached to the brewery and have Rouge run it for him. She'd like that. Cyber might want her own workshop....Not that he cared about his minions or anything. He just wanted to be sure they were rewarded for their loyalty. After all loyalty gets rewarded....And of course he wouldn't forget his little pet.~ He'd make sure she'd be very rewarded for her work. Just let him pull the strings and be a good girl and they'd all get along just fine.~ He could feel Cyber thinking behind him before she spoke again. "Around...five months before you even met Amalfia." He chuckled. "Almost a full year. Tsk, tsk. This won't do at all. I think I deserve some quality time with my dear fiancé. Don't you?" A hiss came instead of her voice as an answer and he turned around raising a brow. It wasn't Cyber who was hissing at him, but a giant plant in the corner. It's petals flared open and it's one eye blinked at him. "Hmm? Rita? What's she-..OH! Of course." He walked over to the door waving the plant off and it closed as immediately as it came. "It's about time she came back with a reply to my little proposal. Though I didn't expect it now. Better make this quick after all.~" The door opened and he motioned for Cyber to follow. "It's best we wrap this up fast. After all. I can't wait to show how much better a man her new suiter really is.~" ......................................................................................................................................................... Within the hour Cyber had left, she had simply gone back to work with the small stack of chores she had been given. Blank purple minds glazing over the small list in her hands, when she smelt it. The faint smell of smoke. Which was strange since the living courters was a none smoking area, for the safety of Lou's precious plants, he made that very clear to her. Which meant something was on fire, the thought made her panic for a moment. Maybe one of Midnight's spells went wrong, or Disease did another oops. But all that stopped when she saw it..Or HER. Heels clicked against the floor and fancy tail feathers swished behind her as the small woman made her way down the hallway. Cigarette and burlesque like someone that just walked out of the 1920s. The small lady looked bored but her eyes peered up as soon as she made contact with who she presumed was the secretary. The two ladies looked at each other until the smaller one sucked on the end of her smoke and blew it up at her. Making her cough. "Well?" She coughed a few times waving a hand in front of her face and looked down to her. ''W-Well what? Don't you k-know L-Lou doesn't a-allow smoking?" "He knows I was coming, would've been here a lot sooner, but recently some very good clients have been...'investing' with my establishment." Her red eyes glazed over her again and she huffed. "Why don't you know this? Aren't you in charge of knowing his schedules?" Her ears went back in guilt and her hands gripped the small list tighter. "W-Well...Im still getting used t-to everything here. Im sorry, Ma'am." The woman gave another look over her. Smoke coming out of her mouth and a brow raised. "...You said you're new?" "Um. Y-Yes?" .....She snickered and gave a couple laughs. Looking at the top of her head where two little ears flickered and a horn jutted from her forehead. Was this the new pony that Charles and Rubix spoke of? How amusing. She certainly didn't look like much, guess Lou needed another pretty face to help put on the act. "Oh, so you're the pony Rubix spoke of." "Rubix?" "He's Charles's husband, and one of my best workers." Her face lit up in realization. D-Did she mean the white skeletal man they had a run in with a few months back? "..D-Do you mean the small one eyed man?" She hummed. "You work fast. Keep that up and maybe he'll-" "RITA!!" Amalfia jumped and whirled around and spotted the very plant boss himself walking down the hall with a smile hands behind his back and Cyber on his heels. Rita just calmly looked up at him and blew another puff of smoke once he got got enough to look down at her. "Still ignoring my rules I see? Then again it's hard to see you anyways." She rolled her eyes at his jab at her appearance. "Let's cute to the business. Im here for two things. The main one being your question. You want to use some of my people for entertainment?" "That was the idea, yes. You took long making up your mind. Have you decided an answer?" "I have and it's no." "Marvelous!! That wraps up things now doesn't it!" Rita rose a brow. Wasn't he going to argue or try to use sarcasm to make her change her mind. But he waved a hand and looked to the pony who jumped slightly. "Now, if you excuse me I wanted to treat my dear fiancé here to a dinner out. Dear, why don't you go with Cyber and put on something nice to wear?" "B-B-But I haven't finished-" She was pulled up off the chair and pushed away by Cyber before anyone could say another word with an eye roll from the computer. Lou in the meantime dusted himself off and noticed Rita watching the two ladies leave before looking up at him with deadpan eyes. Pulling the cigarette outta her mouth and puffing it out. "You? Fiance? Heh." She shook her head and rolled her eyes. "And what makes you want to suddenly settle down?" He simply chuckled and inspected his red talons. "Can't a man settle down and want a little lady of his own?~ You act like I'm not sincere with this." "Because you're not," she bluntly stated crossing her arms, "The famous dealer of the most popular casimo in the whole endless plain of the second circle of hell and out of all the high powerful people you choose to settle with, it's a rat with hooves?" She looked back where the women disappeared off too. "What makes her so special?" He chuckled. "Oh, I have my reasons.~ And could that be jealousy I hear from you dear Rita?~" "Not even in your dreams. Who cares if you decide to crush another heart? I have other things to do before I leave-" "Rouge is handling the bar today.~" "I DIDN'T ASK YOU!!....*Ahem*" Her tail feather ruffled up with the shout and she smoothed them out and turned around. "Im going to grab a drink since you obviously wasted my time with your question." "Please don't forget to pay your tab or it'll come from Rouge's pay.~" She rolled her eyes but didn't say anything else when she left. He...maybe wouldn't do that, but his little threat always ensured Rita paid whatever she was due. One thing he could always count on working, but he had bigger fish to fry right now. .............................................................................................................................................................................. The waiting in the lounge was possibly one of the most nerve wracking things there....Well make that one of the least. What she didn't like was being forced into some fancy get up and practically sweettalked into wearing that small rose studded ring on her finger, how weak was she to let Cyber sweet talk to her like that. God she really was pathetic wasn't she? No wonder she landed herself down here in the first place- She groaned and reached her hand up to rub her face- "I wouldn't do that if I were you." The unicorn gave a small squeak and jumped a few feet away. Turning around and the familiar smell of cigerette smoke and red eyes hit her senses. Rita gave an uninterested look at her and rose a brow at her reaction. Ears back and hunkered down into a pose like a submissive hellhound. Making her scoff and roll her eyes. Oh, boy. Lou must've been pretty bored to start swooning someone even below Disease. "You'll smudge your make up." Amalfia blinked and could only watch as the woman gave her a studying gaze and ever so slowly walked behind her, twisting her neck to follow her. Flinching when she pulled at a wrinkle in her dress and tugged at another. Srill continuing to slowly look her up and down and study her. "Rita, you probably heard about me from the weed. Name?" ....She blinked. "U-Um...Amalfia. L-Lou didn't mention you before-" She chuckled. "Lou hasn't mentioned me? Here I thought we had something special." She blinked and watched as she stopped right in from of her. "W-Well he knows Mr. Charles-" She gave off another laugh. "Oh! Trust me. Those two know each other very well. They have past connections through their second businesses...Still do." Her brow rose down at Rita at the smiling woman. "W-What?....What second business? I thought he just owned the casino." Rita just smiled with a chuckle, rolling her eyes. "Oh deary me. It seems I've said far too much. You're pretty easy to talk to, Sweetie." She reached a hand into a purse she had slung over her shoulder and pulled out a small pink card with gold writing. "My card. Pop by my place sometime. It's good to find some half decent company 'round here." ...Amalfia slowly took the card from her and she turned. "Even if you do look like a half washed up tramp. No offense, but that eye shadow job is NOT helping." ...One of her hands went up to delicately touch her face and Rita took that moment to leave, so when she turned back around the peacock tailed woman was already long gone. She blinked and looked down to the small pink card in her hands. On it was engraved an address and the name of some fancy sounding club. Sighing, she put the card into one of her pockets- "Dear!~" She jumped and whirled around to the sight of the plant demon, only this time he was adorned with a black cloak thrown over him. Giving him more of an villain appearance, behind him was Cyber looking the same as always. "Are you ready, Pet? Im so sorry if I kept you waiting, but I had to take care of a little dispute in the gaming courters." His eyes glazed over the outfit she was wearing and smiled. "Ah! And did I mention that you look absolutely lovely in that outfit.~" "....Thank you." Well, not certainly quite what he was expecting but she didn't look away from him this time. So that was one thing he should work on more. "Shall we then?" He gestured towards the exit and they were off.
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tosikoarts · 4 years
SFW Alphabet | Shiraishi Yoshitake
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Long live the King! You can check tosikowrites tag for more. Warning: there’s a lot under the cut.
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Relationship for Shiraishi is more about friendship with intimacy than a long tradition-based order of courtship and conventions. His affection does not manifest in standard gestures like buying flowers or singing serenades, acting all gentlemanly and saving the day pompously like a romantic novel protagonist. If he ever does anything from list above, it is his daydreaming that he doesn’t try to bring to life.
One of Shiraishi’s main goal in the relationship is to keep his partner happy, and the main sign that they are happy is their shrill laughter. It doesn’t matter if they are laughing because stray toothy animal bit his head or because the joke was funny (yay!), mission accomplished and he is satisfied.  Seeing them cry is worse than being hit hundred times with a baton.
Every single soul in the one kilometer radius know whom Shiraishi loves and why he loves them and how amazing, adorable, lovely, cool they are. Sugimoto and Asirpa are making earplugs because Shiraishi can’t shut the hell up. He managed to piss off the men who kidnapped him with bragging about his loved one. Kiroranke puts maximum effort not to bury him in the nearest snowdrift. His admiration doesn’t die down through years.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
The best friend to get dumb with. Sing inappropriate songs, prank others, annoy boring elders and all this jazz. His jokes are never offensive because Shiraishi wants to have good time only but they are unpredictable and never repetitive. His instinct of self-preservation goes m.i.a. in the process so it’s literally life-saving to have a reliable person by the side.
If you need a friend to gossip with Shiraishi is you best choice. He got hot tea on everyone, I mean e v e r y o n e, from old man Hijikata to naïve Koito and he needs best friend to spill it. Damn, Shiraishi is definitely that bih with neon acrylics and golden hoops.
Probably the friend that introduce you to people and brings you into new circles. Wide range of characters, social statuses, affiliations gives a chance to meet potential partners. There is one unspoken rule though: you come here as Shiraishi’s bff, you leave this place as Shiraishi’s bff.
Speaking of which, he comes across as possessive friend. Restriction of other’s social circle and constant need in validation aren’t his behavior traits, but Shiraishi is sensitive to subtle changes in communication. Sole possibility of losing the established connection gives him extreme anxiety. To avoid it he can make concessions and sacrifice his own interests for them.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Eeh, indifferent? He doesn’t seem like a big fan of cuddling but will do it on occasions. When lights are down and they are in a private of the room, Shiraishi may spoon them to feel the comfort of another person and a little bit of safety he finds in their touch. He doesn’t have a preferred position as well: whatever his loved one wants he will do without hesitation.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
The closest home equivalent that Shiraishi knows is a dark prison cell and this is how he sees the stability in its best light. Yep, same food every day, funny inadequacies behind the adjacent wall, and a guy in not-so-sexy uniform who checks his asshole now and then. What a paradise. Seriously, he needs time to get used to concept of comfort zone. Maybe, after few years Shiraishi himself will offer to find a cozy place for both of them. Average cook. Doesn’t know how to hold a broom.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Breaking up with Shiraishi is a whole three-ring circus because he is hot and then cold, yes and then no. Get ready to prepare sad clown look for both you and him because it will be a long story: as soon as the idea settles in his head, Shiraishi will turn into giant wreck. Everybody around notices him walking in circles as well as asking Sugimoto how to properly show person that he is not interested. Of course, he ignores rational “just tell them, set a record straight”. Of course, Shiraishi plays dumb and tries to distance himself in all ways possible and impossible. The only way to end this agony is to break the relationship yourself before the mutual sympathy and respect turn into disgust and tension.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Doesn’t experience a burning passion to get married but doesn’t completely discards this possibility either. If person seems to be the only one, the meant one, Shiraishi will pop a question after 3-4 years of stable relationship. Cruel push and pull game, sudden break ups and get backs together kill his will to settle down. He may stay with them but Shiraishi will never bring up thought of marriage, wedding bells, and family.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Even the prison could not knock softness out of Shiraishi: he is utterly gentle with his partner, dreading hurting them or jeopardize their life with the hunt of tattooed skins. Choosing the right words is a little more complicated so translation of an emotional mess in his head does not always convey implied sentiment. That’s the reason why Shiraishi may be unintentionally harsh when it comes to serious conversations: he is torn between being tender and showing firm character.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Somehow, loves hugs but rarely initiate them. He is almost always cold, his skin feels cold and rough like papyrus paper, therefore, his partner frequently serves as a living heater. When they are busy with work or chores, Shiraishi catches their hand and embraces their arm, practically immobilizing it. Hints fly left and right when Shiraishi wants a hug: he really comes to the partner with puppy eyes and  index finger pointing towards one another because no, he won’t go for it himself, he want his loved one to do it.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Mentally, he already did it when they met for first time but it takes at least a month for Shiraishi to say three magic words aloud. Two would be even better. He's not serious enough to wait for the friendly phase of a romantic relationship when people have already got used to each other. The longer the relationship lasts, the more serious Shiraishi gets though. You can hear it in the changing of his voice when his playful “I love you so so much” shifts to calm and earnest confession.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Easily jealoused walking disaster that will follow his partner like a poodle if they give him a reason to doubt their faithfulness. Sometimes Shiraishi overreacts, he even thought Sugimoto was looking at his loved one somehow weirdly but quickly brushed this idea off just for it to come back to him next day. Shiraishi gets extremely needy and tries to show everybody that this is HIS person. He is NOT sharing. They love ME. He gives them extra kisses, hugs, grabs their hand and squeezes it few times, smiles at them as much as he physically can.
If his loved one is the one being overly flirtatious, Shiraishi feels awful. Wave of insecurity knocks him off the feet and he doesn’t know what to do. He is overthinker so without proper explanation Shiraishi comes up with the worst scenarios possible. In this case he distance himself until person reassures him in their relationship.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
In the beginning, Shiraishi seems the worst kisser in the world. He has little experience, almost no experience to be honest: yujo do not have time to teach clients the art of kissing. So, yeah, he is pretty average, goofy, sloppy and eager. Wants to kiss everywhere anyhow.  
After a little bit of training his kisses become more sophisticated, and Shiraishi himself doesn’t try to jump on his partner with smooches. He is still impatient when they put their hands on him and tends to get touchy even in public places. When Shiraishi gets in the mood for kissing session, he is unstoppable.
There is a sweet spot right under the earlobe kissing which send Shiraishi on the cloud nine. One kiss and he surrounds to the will of the partner. Ask whatever you want. Besides that he doesn’t care where to be kissed. Likes to give his partner gentle pecks on the nose and cheeks.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
If you remember chart going around the Tumblr with categories like “wine aunt, great at babysitting, mediocre at babysitting” Shiraishi would fall both in “God is dead, house is on fire” and “Is a baby”. Kids absolutely love him because they are on the same level *cough cough* and he is overall funny guy unlike the most adults around. Shiraishi likes active games and never sits still. For every crying child he got a candy and few tricks in his sleeve. He would love to be a father one day so he has few more minions to annoy grumpy people.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
People who sleep in together stay together. This is the rule of Yoshitake house. No matter what time his partner wakes up Shiraishi wakes up later. Nine in the morning? He is in the bed until noon. Three in the afternoon? He is still sleeping, squeezing his partner tightly in his arms. Even after waking up Shiraishi stays under the blanket. He playfully asks the loved one if they want to keep him company and cuddle too but if they are in hurry, he will lazily crawl out of bed and cook something for them.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Prefers to spend night outside gambling or drinking, skinny-dipping, lying in the grass and telling fables with varying percentage of truth. In the cold season Shiraishi still likes to go downtown but mainly to meet old friends and have dinner with them and his loved one. Rarely he chooses to stay in the comfort of home. Shiraishi teaches his partner different board games, and soon playing turns into a competition. From time to time Shiraishi loses on purpose, gifting sweet victory in shogi/igo/karuta to the most significant person in his life.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
You don’t have to ask anything unless you want to spend next hour listening to Shiraishi’s biography. He will tell you about the relationship with parents, about childhood scar on the knee, about search of Sister Miyazawa, and what a bastards his cellmates were. The list is endless, and every day Shiraishi remembers one more story he forgot to tell. There are only two things that can stop him: firm “no, not now, Shiraishi” from the partner and lack of mutual openness on their part.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
It is impossible to piss Shiraishi off. His ability to reduce everything to a joke does not help only in advanced cases where person wanted to break his neck from the beginning. Even when his patience runs out, Shiraishi cannot explode in anger, he just grimaces, stomps, and spits sarcasm. In everyday life, he avoids conflicts as much as possible and does everything to find a convenient compromise so you won’t catch him slipping. He would rather go for a walk and leave another person to cool down than get involved in heated argument.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He doesn’t remember shit if his partner doesn’t indicate that it is important information. Worth remembering. Shiraishi, please, listen. At the same time he notices slight changes in their appearance, from new haircut to ring, and keeps in mind such details like eye color, favorite clothes, maybe, particular qualities like never buttoning shirt up completely or writing notes on the wrist. Anniversaries? Baby, he doesn’t remember what day it is today. Just give up.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
The first kiss. Not only did it happen completely by accident due to a bet, but it was so awkward and unexpected that Shiraishi forgot how kissing works. Yep, he froze feeling their warm lips on his, only eyebrows slightly raised up in disbelief. After this incident, Shiraishi could not stop thinking about them. God, he is disgrace, to embarrass yourself in front of the person you like. It could not be otherwise. To remedy the situation, Shiraishi pulled himself together, remembered the cheesiest lines in the reserve, and suggested to try again because he was astonished by their daring attitude. He has no idea what happened after that but that spontaneous kiss with a touch of childishness and innocence stayed with him forever.
Oh, one more moment! Meeting them after coming back from Karafuto. Honestly, Shiraishi didn’t believe he will make it out alive. Ogata or Kiroranke could slice his throat, hide the body, and tell Asirpa he left with his tail between his legs. Therefore, it is miracle to see their adorable face again.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Let’s be real, he is the one who needs protection. He also needs some ass-whooping for getting in troubles regularly too but that is not the point. Shiraishi rarely stands up against obviously strong opponents and chooses famous Joestar backup plan – run for his life with loved one under his arm. Another option includes involvement of threatening allies, mostly Sugimoto, to save them both. Sometimes courage overwhelms him, and Shiraishi comes up with risky but bold plan how to save them without outside help but it happens much less often.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Most of the time, Shiraishi hopes that everything will be fine by itself, every event will run like clockwork without excessive effort. Dates are unpretentious: no fancy restaurants, exquisite gifts, long intricate confessions of endless love, etc. To his credit, Shiraishi takes chores more or less seriously and does his best. For the anniversaries he transforms in person you've never seen before: dressed immaculately Shiraishi holds a small bouquet of bright moss phlox and box of sweet sakuramochis, his face glows with happiness and love, however, you can sense a nervousness behind the wide smile. On days so special, he is afraid to ruin the mood with usual tomfoolery.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Canonically, Shiraishi is not the tidiest person around. For some it may be stumbling block because constant battle with desire to throw him in hot springs and scrub ingrained dirt with the hardest sponge can be too tiresome. Also Shiraishi bites his nails until they bleed as well as pulls the hangnails until his fingers start to hurt.
A sense of proportion leaves Shiraishi as soon as a bottle of sake appears on the horizon. Even though he is funny and harmless drinker, he goes overboard with alcohol to end up throwing out behind the nearest pine.
Little lies always slip through the conversation no matter what it is about. When the truth is revealed, it is too late to blame him.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Shiraishi doesn’t care about his appearance but likes to get compliments on it. He knows bunch of tricks how to remove different stains from clothes in the wild and doesn't know how to avoid them. One look is enough for Shiraishi: he could wear his old prison uniform for life time because it is strangely comfortable and universal for any event. Except the pursuit by guards, of course.
Has mixed feelings about his tattoos. Living with them is to sit on a powder keg: you never know when the new man with the gold rush will try to scalp you alive.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Gets very, very attached to the friends and loved ones so break up feels like punch in the gut. Unlike the rest, Shiraishi basically refuses to let go. He gets clingy, keeps acting like nothing happened, like they are still the best friends, just to cover up growing emptiness inside. No matter how hard he ignores it, Shiraishi can feel how part of him fades. Sometimes even abrupt refusal doesn’t work, but it’s simply his way to deal with sadness.  After few weeks, he has an insight that things will never be the same and that when it hits him. Shiraishi tries to distance himself and it takes all of his strength since by this time he becomes easily distracted, irritated, and whiny. He needs months to get over it.
If they died or were killed, Shiraishi puts effort to maintain his clown image. Only closest people can notice small detail that give away his sorrow and melancholy. Doesn't attempt to get revenge. The time to recover increases to year.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Do you think Shiraishi went to jail so often because of negligence? Partially, yes. Besides the fact Shiraishi is being hopeless fool, he finds prison cell a great place to take a break from fleeting life. If you think about it time slows down behind bars. There’s no point to worry what tomorrow will bring, how to survive and make it through another scuffle, and his impressive skills guarantee him easy escape.
Shiraishi has joint hypermobility syndrome which helps him bend joints at unusual angles and even pull bones out of the fossae. Prolonged arthralgia is a side effect that Shiraishi had to deal with from the first conscious days. There are days when the pain becomes so excruciating that he just wants to lie still and stare at the sky for 24 hours.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Continuous scolding when there is a reason and when there is not. Yes, with his behavior it is difficult to resist the urge to say a couple of strong words or raise your voice, and Shiraishi is totally okay with it until rebuke becomes daily tradition.
Shiraishi's thoughts are always in motion, usually Brownian motion, his body twitches even when he tries to sit calmly in one place so stagnation in any form would be the death of him. This includes repetitive thoughts, boring behavior, and general passivity.
Shiraishi is genuinely upset if his partner doesn't like children. This is an inexplicable feeling, he really hurts if they ignore little ones or, worse, openly express dislike for kids.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
Prepare yourself to unexpected awakening in the middle of the night, you will have a lot of them. Shiraishi keeps running from guardians of the law even in his sleep: he kicks, turns, throws his arms out to the sides for the most part of the night. Accidental elbow blow to the nose is not uncommon either. Worst of all, he does not wake up after that!
In the morning Shiraishi likes to sneak closer to his loved one and just presses him onto them. Like, completely. He throws his leg over them, hugs them, presses his cheek to their back, and if it feels just right in winter, in summer such cuddle can be a real test.
Abrupt sleep schedule changes do not bother Shiraishi at all. His organism is so adapted to the crazy lifestyle that he stays fresh even after sleepless night, after waking up at 3 a.m. and going to bed at 3 p.m.
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thebibliomancer · 5 years
50 More Days of Comics! 33/50: X-Men #14 (1992)
Part 3 of X-Cutioner’s Song! Oh no!
I don’t think anyone ever sings and there’s not an X-Cutioner because that’s a different character entirely and this is all about tying up Cable and Stryfe’s stupid plot and I don’t particularly like either of those gritted teeth shouty muscle people.
At least Stryfe kidnaps Jean and Cyclops and yells at them on the Moon for abandoning a baby. Unfortunately that doesn’t happen in this issue.
What’s actually kind of neat is that the comic comes in the original X-Cutioner’s Song bag that lists the order of comics in the crossover and boasts an official Marvel TRADING card featuring STRYFE’S STRIKE FILE.
Tumblr media
Alas, the card is not in the bag.
I was actually debating whether to actually open the bag or just leave it forever to its plastic tomb (and read the comic on Unlimited so I could do this post) but the bag had already been torn open at the bottom.
Kind of cool to have the original bag though?
As X-Men events do, it just kind of mixes all the teams into a soup and doles them out an issue at a time which serves one (1) jumbled narrative where too (2) much is happening.
We’ve got X-Factor, X-Men, X-Force, and Uncanny X-Men all in this X-Cutioner’s Song and its X-asperating.
But in the previous times: ‘Cable’ shot Professor X with the techno-organic virus and Mr Sinister had Jean and Scott Cyclops kidnapped and framed Apocalypse for it.
In this issue, the X-Men demonstrate the importance of asking for help before complaining that other heroes never doing anything for mutants because when X-Force’s Valerie Cooper suggests calling in Reed Richards and/or Hank Pym to help treat Xavier’s infection, Storm poo-poos the idea saying that if Hank McCoy and Moira McTaggart can’t handle it no one can.
Because putting together many heads on the same problem isn’t actually helpful apparently. Because a plurality of views is bad actually.
I can see why Beast thought joining the Illuminati was Actually A Good Thing.
Out in the lounge, the X-Men and X-Factor dynamically pose because there are not enough couch seats to go around. But honestly its rude of Psylocke to dynamically pose in front of the couch, preventing someone from sitting down. Quicksilver and Iceman have to stand on the stairs because there’s no room!
Anyway, they decide to divvy up the various peeps roughly on Blue Team/Gold Team lines. One team to find Cable and/or X-Force, the teenagers he shaped into child soldiers even more than being a young X-Men related team already makes you. And one team to hunt down Apocalypse.
Bishop and Jubilee will stay behind at the mansion. Jubilee because she’s a teenager and the X-Men aren’t endangering teenagers! Today! And Bishop in case ‘Cable’ tries to attack Xavier again.
Meanwhile in Panama for no reason, Forearm and Reaper trade a mysterious capsule (that will transpire to contain the Legacy Virus) for polybagged Jean and Scott Cyclops so Stryfe can yell at them on the Moon.
In Egypt, Apocalypse is woken up way before his alarm was set for by his minions who want to tell him about the Scott and Jean abduction and how it was carried out in his name.
Also, Apocalypse speaks in a different, shaky font because he just woke up and hasn’t had his coffee yet. Its kind of cool.
Meanwhile above prose trying to sound deep, Blue Team heads towards X-Force’s last known location.
“The irony is not lost on the X-Men as their Blackbird craft flies over the skies of the Midwest towards a confrontation with X-Force. Hasn’t the area of the United States below them always been called the “Heartland” of the country? A place the politicians laud for its “higher values” and greater moral integrity? Ironic then, that the fight they face is, in many ways, one of values -- one of morals... a fight against the next generation of mutants -- to determine whether the method they are choosing in their pursuit of Xavier’s dream -- are right or wrong.”
Befitting that whatever that was, the X-Men and X... Factorites? aboard the Blackbird debate whether the ends justify the means and what the hell happened to the X-Force kids and they keep calling them soldiers which is really just buying into Cable’s narrative which they should not do.
Polaris: “I wonder how the soldiers could let the general turn them this cold -- this hard --”
Wolverine: “Maybe it ain’t Cable that’s turned ‘em this way, darlin’... maybe it’s just the way o’ the world that did it. Maybe the dream is dead. Maybe we should all stop pretendin’ it ain’t -- an’ accept the fact we’re livin’ in a nightmare.”
Maybe its the time that New York literally turned to Hell and one of their friends had to retcon herself out of existence to save it? Or the time that Xavier pissed off and left Magneto in charge and Magneto got pissed off that the kids kept going out after curfew and getting themselves killed and pissed off and then nobody was watching them and Cable swanned in to turn them into soldiers more so than was already a thing just because of the narrative forces of comic book stories?
And when any X-Man related person found out that giant gun man had taken over the band of impressionable death-prone youths AND WHEN XAVIER FOUND OUT the response was “oh thats fine, he’ll teach them to shave.”
A lot of nonsense had to fly to get us to this point.
Say what you want about Magneto’s tenure as principal of the school, he tried to keep the kids from being child soldiers. That makes him the only responsible adult that the school ever had. He also kept his murder impulses under control because he wanted to set a good example.
Meanwhile in space, large gun shouty man returns from some R&R in the future only to learn that while he was gone, not only was Xavier shot (which baffles Cable because thats not what the future said!) but also that it was him (which baffles Cable because you’d think you’d remember shooting a guy that history said wasn’t shot at this point).
I mean, c’mon, its Stryfe. He has Cable’s same face. I’m surprised he doesn’t open credit cards in Cable’s name and then ruin his credit score.
Back at the mansion, Jubilee tries to bond with Bishop but he’s too large gun grim gritty future man to notice at first. And by the time he gets his head out of his ass enough to thank her for bringing him coffee, all hell breaks loose.
Because while Bishop was outside flexing and posing with large guns, Sinister broke into the mansion and is holding X-Men dance instructor Stevie Hunter and X-Factor’s Valerie Cooper hostage and waxing Shakespearean about how he’s totally going to murder Xavier.
Mr. Sinister: “As I have already explained to Ms. Cooper and Ms. Hunter -- I have come not to praise Charles Xavier -- but to bury him! Bury him for the SINS of his failures! Would you care to be counted among those sins? Would you care to DIE for them?!”
Is Mr Sinister like the polar opposite of the doctor who insists everyone call him doctor?
On the X-Force side of the plot, they crash a ship. They keep it from being fatal by having Richter shoot earthquakes out of his hands to... cushion the blow??? The X-Men show up to ambush them but X-Force ambushes them instead.
Wolverine: “Stop thinkin’ of them as kids, Betts. We’re up against soldiers here!”
Shut the fuck up, Wolverine.
Anyway (one part of) X-Cutioner’s Song. I’m not enamored with it because its early 90s X-Men and has the early 90s X-Men problems.
As a neat bit of timestamp, one of the letters on the letters page asked about the X-Men movie they heard was being made and the answer was ‘yeah we don’t know when that’s coming out but you should watch the cool X-Men cartoon that’s coming out in the fall!’
That sure dates this.
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coldcomputersoul · 3 years
Marco vs. the Forces of Love Episode 15: Long Slow Goodbye
Summary: SEASON FINALE It’s a hoot and a holler when Star and the girls mourn the death of Marco. Apparently, things will never be the same at Mewni.
Star vs. the Forces of Evil belongs to:
© Daron Nefcy
© Disney Television Animation
[theme song]
[The episode starts with Ludo carrying a gold bar outside the cave from the previous episode]
[singing] ♫ Gold fever, got me high / Spinning my head without looking in my eyes / Gold fever at a time / We’re gonna get rich before I die ♫ come on girls hurry up, time is money… [laughs]
[Bald eagle and Giant spider carry 20 bars at time, but Giant spider gets too exhausted and stops halfway through the exit]
Hey, what are you doing? Move, move, move!!! you can laze around later...
[Giant spider stands up and keeps carrying the gold on its back]
[sigh] Why do I have to do all the job around here?
[They keep carrying the gold outside the cave when suddenly Mina and his army show up armed with bows and arrows]
Oh, shit...
[aiming at Ludo’s head] Alright Avarious, the game is over: You’re under arrest, put your hands behind your neck!!! 
[looking at his minions] What’s going on? I thought everyone left Mewni...
Not anymore, Toffee was destroyed and everything went back to normal...
Oh, come on!!!
[In that Moment, King River shows up]
King River:
Is everything okay Mina?
Yeah, don’t worry your majesty: I have everything under control now...
King River:
[grabbing a gold bar] Oh, thank goodness. I was so worried...
Hey!!! What are you doing? get your filthy hands off my gold!!!
King River:
Gold? What are you talking about? oh, you mean this?
[King River takes the wrap off and reveals that are really chocolate bars]
[baffled] Wait, so you’re telling me this whole stack of gold is nothing but chocolate?!
King River:
My secret stack of chocolate to be more precise, which apparently is not so secret anymore...
B-But how can it be? I mean, those things we’re so heavy...
King River:
Really? wow, you’re such a wimp… take him away.
[The guards handcuff Ludo and take him away along with Bald eagle and Giant spider]
I don’t get it, why do you have a secret stack of chocolate?
King River:
My wife don’t let me eat chocolate, she says that it makes me fat... [takes a bite] but what does she know anyway? you want some?
Uhm, no thanks, I’m okay...
[Cut to the citizens of Mewni returning to their homes. Meanwhile at the castle, Hekapoo explains to Queen Moon what happened]
[petting Nachos] ...and then they vanish into thin air. So far, that’s all I know about what happened...
Queen Moon:
But I still don’t understand how...
Look, I’m just as confused as you are, okay? stop asking me about things beyond my comprehension. Besides, this is not the right time.
Well, whatever it was it certainly fixed our previous problem. According to our research, the levels of magic energy are slowly but surely returning back to normal and people will be able to use magic spells in just a couple of weeks.
What should we do now?
Queen Moon:
I supposed we should revoke the martial law now that everything went back to normal; that is if you’re 100% sure that is safe to do so...
Don’t worry your majesty, now that Toffee is gone we can reinstate the citizens back to their homes.
Queen Moon:
Then so be it...
I’ll tell Sean to prepare the podium.
Queen Moon:
By the way: Where’s Star?
[Cut to Star, Jackie and Janna watching the giant crater that was formed after Toffee and Marco were disintegrated]
I couldn’t even say goodbye to him...
[grabbing Star’s shoulder] Star, I just want you to know that if you need a shoulder to cry on, I’ll be there for you anytime you need.
You can count on me too Star, just give me a call and I’ll be there for you.
[Star is too devastated to pay them attention]
[shedding tears] It should have been me Jackie, it should have been me instead of him...
Star, please don’t say that...
But it’s true. If it weren’t for me and my jealousy, none of this would happened.
Oh, come on Star, don’t put all the blame to yourself. We’re all in this together, remember? Star?
[Star keeps watching the crater while she gets on her knees. In that moment, Queen Moon arrives along with the Magic High Commission]
Queen Moon:
Star, Hekapoo told me what happened and I just want you to say I’m sorry. I know how important he was for you. Is there anything I can for you?
Can you… bring Marco back?
Queen Moon:
[scratching her head] Uhm, I’m sure he had his reasons to...
[getting angry] Answer the damn question: Can you bring him back or not?!!!
Queen Moon:
[sigh] No... no I can’t.
Then do me a favor and mind your own business.
Star, that’s not the way to answer to your mother.
[mocking her] “that’s not the way to answer to your mother” shut up...
Hey, leave Jackie alone, don’t vent your anger on us just because you don’t know how to deal with Marco’s death!!! [everyone gasps] I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to...
[Star uses dimensional scissors to open a portal and run into it while trying to hide her tears]
[facepalm] Oh crap!
So… I guess it’s not the right time to...
No, no, no ,just... do what you have to do, okay? the girls and I will take care of princess Butterfly... 
Okay, we’ll just make our research down the crater and we’ll let you alone… sorry about your loss.
[Omnitraxus and Rhombulus descent into the crater while Queen Moon comforts the girls]
Queen Moon:
First of all: I would like to express my condolences for the loss of Marco. Although I didn’t know him very well, I’m sure he would be glad to know that you’re all okay and I’ll make sure to pay tribute to him and his heroic sacrifice. Also, if there’s anything I can do for you, don’t be afraid to tell me.
[sobbing] We appreciate your kind gesture your majesty, but we have to deal with this all by our own...
Actually: It's Marco’s parents you should be talking right now, don’t you think?
Queen Moon:
Oh, you’re right: I forgot about Marco’s parents.
Well, if you’re gonna talk to them, you should do it like… right now, because it’s been awhile and they must be worried sick about their son.
Queen Moon:
Right… I better get going. I just don’t know how to handle this situation.
Just be honest and tell them the truth.
Queen Moon:
It’s not that simple, okay? You’ll understand when you’re a mother.
[staring at the ground] Sure I will...
Queen Moon:
Maybe River can help me with this, I’m sure if we go together we can handle this... 
[Cut to Marco’s living room. Mrs. Diaz is crying her heart out on her husband’s shoulder while Queen Moon and King River look at each other]
Mrs. Diaz:
[screaming] MY BABY!!! My precious little baby!!! Why? Why Why?!!!
Mr. Diaz:
[hugging his wife] Shhh… it’s okay, just let it out dear...
Queen Moon:
I’m... deeply sorry for what happened to your son Mr. and Mrs. Diaz. I can only imagine the amount of emotional pain you’re feeling right now, so I want to express my condolences to you...
Mr. Diaz:
And we thank you for your understanding and support at this difficult time your majesty. I’m sure Marco would appreciate it.
Queen Moon:
On the contrary: We are the ones who should thank your son for saving Mewni. He was a bold and brave young man who put others before himself.
King River:
Indeed, I had the privilege to know him personally and I can assure you that he was one of a kind. In fact: Our daughter loved him very much and she’s just as devastated as you are right now.
Queen Moon:
Anyway: The reason we’re here is to request your permission to make Marco’s wake ceremony on Mewni. I know for a fact that it’s not very orthodox to do these kind of events outside the family circle, but it would be very important for us...
Mrs. Diaz:
[sobbing] I don’t know, my... husband and I need to talk about it...
Queen Moon:
It’s okay, we understand that you need some time. In case you decide to change your mind, here’s my number...
[Queen Moon gives them her phone number]
Mr. Diaz:
We’ll consider you offer your majesty...
[Meanwhile at the kitchen, the teapot makes a whistling noise]
Mrs. Diaz:
Oh, it looks like the tea is ready, I’ll go for it.
Mr. Diaz:
Wait for me honey...
[Mr. And Mrs. Diaz go to the kitchen leaving Queen Moon and King River alone at the living room]
King River:
Well, I must admit it: you certainly know how to handle these situations.
Queen Moon:
Yeah, I guess, it could’ve been worse. I still feel bad for them though, I mean, losing your only child must be the hardest thing for a parent to endure.
King River:
Can you imagine if it had been Star instead of Marco?
Queen Moon:
I don’t even want to think about it...
King River:
That’s exactly my point. These are the kind of tragedies that makes you reflect about yourself and the thing you have done with your life so far.
Queen Moon:
Wow, that was a surprisingly deep comment River, I’m impressed.
King River:
Oh, so now you’re implying that I’m just a bumbling with nothing important to say.
Queen Moon:
[facepalm] Oh, please don’t start with that again...
[Cut to Echo Creek academy where Alfonzo and Ferguson are crying in front of a picture of Marco while Jackie and Janna try to comfort them]
[hugging Alfonzo] Why? why? why?!!! he was so young!!!
[hugging Ferguson] Now, who’s gonna protect us from the school bullies? we’re so screwed.
Guys, listen: I know this is a hard time for all of us, but we have to remain strong and move on...
Easy for you to say, no one picks on you because you’re a girl...
Now without Marco, we’re going back to be the school’s punching bags.
Oh come guys, you’re just exaggerating.
But it’s true...
Yeah, in fact: the only reason you’re talking to us is because we were Marco’s friends. 
Well, that’s a good point.
[poking Janna] Janna!!!
[Meanwhile, all the students gather around to pay respect to Marco by leaving flowers and other stuff next to the photo]
Oh man, this is so depressing.
You can say that again.
Poor Marco, he had so much potential.
Indeed, I remember when he broke Silver Hill’s swimming record like it was yesterday. Such a hard working guy.
But now, he’s swimming in heaven.
[In that moment, Brittney and the cheerleaders show to make an announcement]
[using a megaphone] Attention everyone: *ehem* As the head of the cheerleading team as well as the president of the school committee, it is my duty to inform you that regarding the tragic death of our classmate Marco Diaz, the committee will launch a donation campaign to help Marco’s parents to pay for a proper funeral. Right now, the Diazes are... going through a bit of a hard time economically speaking, so… make sure to make your donations today...
[Sabrina and Chantal hold the donation boxes as she speaks]
Put your money here, remember: this is for a good cause.
Thank you for your donations, God bless you.
[More people come around to donate money]
[donating a dollar] This is so sad, Marco was such a great guy.
Yeah, tell me about it...
[donating two dollars] Now Echo Creek will never be the same...
I get tears off my eyes just to think about it
[In that moment Principal Skeeves shows up completely devastated]
Principal Skeeves:
Oh, my sweet safety boy!!! What am I gonna do without you? where am I gonna find another student who can break another record for me? my entire career is doomed, DOOMED I TELL YOU!!!
[Cut to Janna talking to Brittney]
[crossing her arms] Okay Brittney, since when do you care so much about Marco and his family? What are trying to do, virtue signaling?
Janna, Janna, Janna… you’re getting the wrong idea, as much as I never really liked Marco, that doesn’t mean I’m gonna celebrate his demise making fun of everyone. I may look like a cold-hearted bitch, but even I have standards.
I was not aware of that.
Besides: Star is the one who I actually despise.
Speaking of Star: Where is she?
[scratching her head] Well, Star is… Uhm, how can I put it?
Star is... still too overwhelmed about Marco’s death. She needs some time alone, that’s all...
Oh that’s too bad, I wanted to comfort her.
Don’t worry, I’ll tell Star that you sent her your best wishes, that sure will make her feel better.
[hugging Jackie] Oh, thanks Jackie, you’re the best...
Don’t mention it, that’s what friends are for.
[StarFan13 gives 15 dollars and then leaves]
I hope you’re right about Star.
I’m just trying to think positive.
Yeah I know, but I can’t help but think that she’s the one who got most affected by Marco’s death. I don’t think she will get over it overnight.
I get the point, but you also got to understand that is Star that we’re talking about, you know how sensitive she tends to be when it comes to issues like this...
I can only imagine what must be going through her head.
[Cut to Star lying on the couch watching pictures of Marco in her cell phone. A dimensional portal opens and Queen Moon shows up]
Queen Moon:
Hey Star, can I come in?
[watching her cell phone] Yeah sure, do what you want...
[Queen Moon sits on the couch]
Queen Moon:
I... brought you your magic wand… [shows the wand]
[still watching her phone] You can keep it if you want. At this point I don’t even care...
Queen Moon:
Oh Star, don’t be like that. This wand is yours.
I’m serious mom, ever since I got that thing I’ve been causing nothing but trouble.
Queen Moon:
Well, we all make mistakes once in awhile...
Mistakes? I literally drove my best friend to SUICIDE, don’t you understand? as a princess and ruler I’m a total disaster. I don’t want to risk anyone’s lives anymore... 
Queen Moon:
Listen Star: Part of growing up is...
Oh, for the love of… [facepalm] why you always do this to me?!!! why can’t you understand that I DON’T want to be queen?!!! I never asked for any of this, so why you insist?
Queen Moon:
Because I want to help you.
Well, don’t do it. It’s not gonna work… [looks the other way]
[Queen Moon watches her daughter while trying to think of something to say]
Queen Moon:
Okay, so… I guess I’ll leave you alone then... [puts the wand over the couch] I’m gonna put this right here just in case you decide to change your mind.
[looking at the phone] Whatever...
Queen Moon:
By the way: The Diazes called me yesterday and told me that they agreed to make Marco’s wake ceremony here  by thursday here at Mewni. I would be nice if you show up  just to pay respect.
[Star tries to ignore her by using headphones]
Queen Moon:
Well, I already told you the news, so… I’ll see you then...
[Queen Moon uses the dimensional scissors to open a portal and leaves. Star gets so mad that she throws the phone away, then she takes the wand and uses it to destroy the room]
MEGA NARWHAL BLAST!!! [destroys a chair] WINTER STORM HYPER BLOW!!! [destroys a water cooler] STRAWBERRY ANNIHILATION!!! [destroys a desk] SUPERSONIC LEACH BOMB!!! [destroys a bunch of curtains] RAINBOW AVALANCHE!!! [destroys a bunch of posters] SUPER RAINBOW DOLPHIN SLAP!!! [destroys a bunch of random things on the floor] SHOOTING STAR EXPLOSION!!! [destroys a wall]
[Star ends up destroying everything in the room,so she decides to she lays on the floor and starts crying while holding the wand]
[Cut to Ludo being escorted to the Butterfly castle by Mina’s troops. Meanwhile, all the people around just boo him off while throwing rotten fruit]
Villager #1:
Villager #2:
Villager #3:
Villager #4:
[Ludo just keeps his head down to avoid all eye contact. The guards are having trouble keeping the crowd away, so they quickly enter the castle while everyone shouts at them]
[Meanwhile, Queen Moon is at the balcony watching the crowd outside the castle along with the Magic High Commision]
So… what do you think we should do now? I mean, we can’t just wait around with our arms crossed while half of the people keep demanding justice...
Queen Moon:
To tell you the truth Omnitraxus: I don’t know what to do in this situation… I just don’t know...
But you’re the Queen of Mewni, it is your responsibility... 
Queen Moon:
[Queen Moons starts breathing heavily while Hekapoo and Omnitraxus try to calm her down]
[massaging her shoulders] Come on, take it easy, there’s no need to lose your composure...
Yeah, we’re just talking.
Queen Moon:
[taking a deep breath] You’re right, I just… got carried away a little bit… I’m sorry for yelling at you Rhombulus, it wasn’t my intention.
You don’t have to apologize your majesty. I shouldn’t put so much pressure on you.
Queen Moon:
No Rhombulus, this emotional outburst was all my fault. Between this and the upcoming wake ceremony, I feel like my hands are tied. I can’t handle this decision all of my own.
Would you like me to call an emergency meeting?
Queen Moon:
Yeah, that’s a good idea. The meeting will be at 11pm at the Magic High Commission's HQ. We will discuss whether we should make a trial or just execute him. This time I want all the representatives to take part of this discussion.
Yes, your majesty.
[Cut to Sensei Brantley giving a speech to his new students (and Jeremy)]
Sensei Brantley:
[sobbing] My fellow students: I have two important things to announce today. First of all, due to personal circumstances regarding the... death of a very close friend of mine, the next class will be… excuse me… [takes a moment to blow his nose in a tissue]
Student #1:
Are you okay, sensei?
Sensei Brantley:
Yeah I’m fine, just… give me a second… [keeps blowing his nose] the next class will be suspended.
[Everyone react in shock except Jeremy who crosses his arms and look the other way]
Sensei Brantley:
However: Just because we won’t see each other next week, doesn’t mean you should neglect your lessons, so we’re gonna have a test for our next class.
[The students groan in response]
Student #2:
Aw man...
Student #3:
What a drag.
Student #4:
I’ve never had a test in my life.
Sensei Brantley:
Now, I know this sounds very unprecedented considering that we only had 3 classes so far, but that’s part of the challenge. You need to demonstrate you’re willing to give your one hundred percent on this class… that is… if you want to be part of… [starts sobbing again] the wall of fame...
[Sensei Brantley starts crying in front of the students]
Sensei Brantley:
OH GOD, WHY?!! This is the worst day of my life...
[Some of the students try to comfort him]
[crossing his arms] Pfft, big deal. Marco was a complete jerk his entire life and now because he’s dead all of a sudden everyone starts praising him like some sort of god. What a joke... 
[The other students stare at him with disgust]
What? I’m just pointing out the facts.
Student #2:
You’re a jerk.
[Sensei and the other students walk away and leave Jeremy alone]
Oh yeah? well… you’re a bunch of wussies!!! [stands up and leaves] God, I hate this town...
[Cut to the Magic High Commision discussing Ludo’s fate at the meeting room along with several representatives from different kingdoms. Everyone is chattering while waiting for Queen Moon]
King Pony Head:
So, if you take the HUGE amount of laws that he broke, he’s basically gone at this point… and the worst part is that it’s not even the real trial, is like a trial to determine if we approve a trial.
King Minotaur:
I know right? and to think we keep spending all our taxpayer money on this pointless nonsense. Oh man, the Butterfly Family need to get their shit together.
Pixie Empress:
I’ve heard that if he’s found guilty, they’re gonna hang him in front of the entire kingdom.
Queen Lizard:
Really? I thought they were planning to burn him alive...
King Minotaur:
Actually, that type  punishment was abolished a long time ago for being: “unethical”
King Spiderbite:
Oh yeah? and since when the Butterfly family cares about that? I mean, remember Queen Eclipsa?
Queen Lizard:
Wow, talking about the dark ages of Mewni.
Pixie Empress:
Well, it’s not like their predecessors did a great job either.
King Pony Head:
Amen to that sister...
[In that moment, Queen Moon enters the room and sits on her chair]
Queen Moon:
[using a gavel] Order, order everyone. This meeting is now session, so please be quiet.
[Everyone stops talking and pay attention to Queen Moon]
Queen Moon:
Okay... [reads a checklist] the first item we have to discuss is… oh yeah, the fate of the former prince Ludo Avarius regarding his... collaboration with the Brotherhood.
King Lucitor:
Let’s hang the son of a bitch!!!
YEAH!!! [everyone starts talking]
Queen Moon:
[using the gaver] Order, order please. This is not a laughing matter, in order to complete this whole process we have to check the facts first. I know it’s tedious, I know everyone here think this is the most boring thing ever, but nonetheless we have to do it. So let’s make this quick shall we? 
[Everyone agrees and proceed to sit down]
Queen Moon:
Good, now: The floor recognizes the commander of royal army and former prosecutor Mina Loveberry. go ahead Mina.
Thanks your majesty. Now, as we pointed out in our report, prince Ludo Avarius was caught and put in custody over the charges of: [reads a list] theft, kidnapping, extortion, invasion of private property, treason and collaboration with several terrorist groups including the brotherhood...
[Everyone reacts in shock]
Now, according to mewman law in Article 24, section 13, and I quote: [reads the quote] “any type of collaboration whether direct or indirect with any terrorist organization is punished by death penalty… ONLY if there’s proof that the defendant is either a double agent, OR a whistleblower”
[Everyone starts talking again]
Queen Moon:
[using the gavel] Order, order everyone...
However, because we still don’t know the level of involvement of prince Avarius with the Brotherhood and the fact that he barely met the constitutional requirements to be held accountable, the most reasonable thing to do is to bring the case to the court for further research. That’s all I have to say.
[Everyone starts arguing with each other]
Queen Moon:
[using the gavel once again] Order, order… wait for your turn to speak.
King Pony Head:
Ehem… your majesty: Can I have a word please? I have something important to say.
Queen Moon:
Okay, the floor now recognizes King Pony Head.
King Pony Head:
Thanks your majesty: Now, I think I speak on behalf of everyone in this room when I say that this whole presumption of innocence has no place on this particular case, wait, just hear me out. Ehem, the first thing we should ask ourselves is: What do we know about Ludo Avarius? We know for a fact that he was the former heir of the Avarius family throne until he was disowned by his father due to several acts of corruption as well as irresponsible behaviour. Am I right?
[Everyone agrees with King Pony Head]
King Pony Head:
Now, how do I know this? well the answer is pretty obvious isn’t it? all of this is common knowledge at this point, so if we also take into consideration the destruction of the avarius castle and the decrease of their royal income that by 2015 hit their lowest point, I think it’s safe to assume that prince Avarius intentions were very clear, and therefore we demand to put the matter to the vote on whether execute him or sentence him to life imprisonment.
Objection: That proposal is completely unconstitutional.
Queen Moon:
Objection sustained, now go back to your seat mr. Pony Head.
King Pony Head:
Pfft… whatever… [sits down]
Queen Moon:
The floor now recognizes the headmaster of the Magic High Commision Omnitraxus Prime...
Thanks your majesty: Now, I want you to pay attention to this. Rhombulus, bring me the charts please.
Yes sir.
[Rhombulus stands up and helps Omnitaraxus with his presentation]
Okay, this chart right here represent the quantified amount of magic energy that was used between the years 2013 and 2018. As you can see, there’s nothing strange about it until you reach this point...
[Rhombulus uses a pointer to show a huge decline in the curve that reaches almost zero]
This decline right here represents the amount of magic that was performed between the months of April through December of this year on a macroscale. By far is one of the biggest if not the biggest magic crisis we had since the great depression, however, if we take a look at the last few weeks, we can clearly see the curve slowly but surely rising up all over again.
King Rat:
Excuse me, but what this has to do with anything?
I’m getting there your honor, be patient. The reason I’m talking about this is because according to our investigation there’s a strong correlation between the crisis and the involvement of prince Avarius with the Brotherhood. The fact of the matter is that we don’t have enough information about the Brotherhood itself, BUT what we know is that the members of that cult were experts on the arts of dark magic and necromancy, to give you an example: They’re the ones behind the “All seeing eye” spell.
[Everyone starts talking about it]
Now, considering the involvement of prince Avarius with this cult, we can assume that he knows something that we don’t, therefore if we vote to execute him we might lose the opportunity to learn about this cult and all its history, that’s why I’m asking you to consider a trial. That’s all I have to say for now, thank you for your attention.
Queen Moon:
The floor now recognizes...
King Pony Head:
[standing up] Oh come on your majesty, this is ridiculous.
Hey you, sit down and wait for your turn to speak.
King Pony Head:
But nobody cares about a stupid cult that disappeared a thousand years ago, for all we know that Toffee guy was probably the last member of that infamous group.
[standing up] That’s not the point, we can’t just execute Ludo without a trial, there are legal procedures we must follow in order to have justice.
King Pony Head:
Okay, so answer me this one question: What’s the point of doing all these stupid meetings if you’re not gonna take our opinions into consideration? You bureaucrats are such a bunch of...
Queen Moon:
[using the gavel] Order, order please!!! we’re trying to have a debate here, PLEASE wait for your turn to speak for crying out loud.
[Neither King Pony Head nor Hekpoo pay attention to her]
King Pony Head:
You know: It’s funny how you still try to defend Ludo considering that he was partially responsible for the death of that kid Marco. Now, isn’t it true that you were in a relationship with that guy? because from what I understand you should be in favor of the execution. Just sayin’.
[Hekapoo gets so furious that he grabs King Pony Head by the neck and pushing against the table. Everyone else react in shock]
Now listen to me you dickface: first of all, whatever I do in my personal life is none of your f***ing business, so stay out of it if you know what’s good for you. Second: the only reason I support a trial is because unlike you, I’m not a populist buffoon that thinks is above the law just, and let me tell you something: just because you wear a crown doesn’t make you an authority on these issues. DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR YOUR ROYAL HIGHNESS?!!!
King Pony Head:
[sweating] Uhm, yeah. I… get the point.
[uncomfortable silence]
Queen Moon:
Eeeeeh… okay, how about a 5-minute break?
I second the motion.
I second it as well...
Queen Moon:
Then it’s settled. 5-minute break.
[everyone stand up and go to the coffee table except Hekapoo who leaves the room in a hurry]
Is she gonna be okay?
Queen Moon:
I don’t know Omnitraxus, but one thing’s for sure: we have to give her some space After all, the loss of someone you love is one of the hardest things to get through.
Mina Loveberry:
How much time do you think she needs? 
Queen Moon:
Only time will tell Mina. Only time will tell...
[Hekapoo goes to a private room to cry while looking a picture of Marco. Cut to Star sitting on a bench at Echo Creek’s pier watching the sunset. In that moment, Jackie arrives on her skateboard]
Hey Star, did you want to see me?
Yes Jackie, please take a seat.
[Jackie sits next to her]
Now, before you can say anything, I want to thank you for all the support you gave me these last few months. You’re a true friend and there aren’t enough words to express how thankful I am right now.
Wait, let me finish: The second thing I want to talk with you is about our current situation. You know, the whole pregnancy stuff. Because quite frankly, I don’t know how to handle it. I mean, I wanna have the baby but I don’t know how to tell my parents the truth. What should we do?
Well, to be honest: I don’t know what to do either. The fact of the matter is that I’m just as clueless as you because I’ve never faced a situation like this before. 
And you know what’s the worst part? the fact that these babies will grow without knowing their father. God,I feel so bad for them.
But there’s plenty of people who grew up without a father and they turned out just fine.
Yeah, I know, but I can’t help but feel that something isn’t right about that.
That’s perfectly natural Star, you’re just worried about the future, but please trust me when I tell you that everything will be alright as long as we have each other’s backs.
That’s what I’m afraid of: I’ve backstabbed so many people in my life, I don’t even trust myself at this point. It’s like… because I was raised as a princess I’ve always had everything handed to me, so I grew up with this idea of being entitled to happiness. I’ve never considered how arrogant I became until now...
But that’s a good thing Star. It means that you’re growing up as a person and you’re finally learning from your mistakes, and that alone is a great accomplishment.
I know, it’s just that sometimes I wish to be as wise as you Jackie.
Me? wise? you’re just exaggerating. Sure I have an average intelligence that helps me to solve certain problems, but I’m not THAT clever, okay?
That’s where you’re wrong Jackie. You’re an amazing person and you deserved to be with Marco. I’ve should get in the way between you and him.
Nonsense, you know for a fact that Marco loved you more anyone else. Me on the other hand: I was just one in a million.
But you won Marco’s heart fair and square, where as I was just her best friend that wanted to be more than friends, and again: this was all about my sense of entitlement.
Well, that’s the thing about love. It’s the most powerful feeling in the entire world. People tend to do stupid things when they’re in love.
It’s still not an excuse for what I’ve done to you.
Hey, don’t forget that it was my fault too for suggesting this whole open relationship idea. I’ve should push you and Marco do try it in the first place, because now Marco’s gone and you and I are paying the price, but hey: what’s done it’s done.
I guess you’re right.
[Star and Jackie take a moment to watch the sunset]
Isn’t it beautiful?
What are you talking about?
The sunset, it’s just… nevermind, at this point I’m talking to myself.
No, no, I agree: It is a beautiful sunset. This is a nice place to watch it.
That’s my point: When it comes to see the sunset, the place where you decide to watch it is very important. At least that’s how I see it.
Well, it makes perfect sense if you think about it. There are places that are better than others.
Actually, I prefer to use the word “different”rather than “better”, like… the real beauty of things is in the eye of the beholder.
That’s true.
What about you Star? Do you have a favorite spot to watch the sunset?
Well, not really. I never thought about it before.
That’s fine. There’s no need to have a favorite...
However: from the top of the royal castle it looks incredible, you can even see the moment where that teeny tiny line of sunshine sink into the mountains.
That sounds awesome dude.
Indeed, you should definitely check it out.
Maybe we can watch it next week.
Why next week? what are you…? oh I get it.
[Star gets in fetal position and keeps watching the sunset in silence]
Star, I’m sorry. I didn’t know that you...
No, it’s fine. I just… I don’t if I’ll be able to be there.
What do you mean?
This mourning process is very personal to me and to tell you the truth: I’m scared.
I know how hard it is for you, but we’re talking about Marco’s wake ceremony. You have to be there, you were Marco’s most important person.
But what am I gonna say? what if screw it up like always?
[Jackie gives Star a pat on the back]
You don’t have to worry about that Star. Don’t you get it?, everyone’s on the same page as you Star.
Sure, in fact: It would be very important for Marco’s parents to see you there. Right now, they need emotional support to deal with their loss. So they’re counting on you.
Wow, I... didn’t even consider that...
But it’s not just Marco’s parents: every person who had a strong connection with Marco will be there, including me, Janna, Hekapoo… and we all need each other to overcome this situation and move on. If you hold those emotions and run away from your problems, you’ll never be able to get rid of them.
I know, but I still need to think about it.
No problem, just... give it some thought, okay?
Okay. I’ll do just that.
[standing up] Great, now if you excuse me: It’s getting late and I promised my mom that I would be early at home today so, I’ll see you at Marco’s wake.
Bye Jackie...
[Jackie gets on her skateboard and leaves]
[thinking to herself] So they’re counting on me, huh? I don’t even know if I can count on myself… whatever that means. Oh, Marco, how I wish you were here right now.
[She keeps watching the sunset in complete silence]
[Cut to Marco’s wake ceremony. Everyone, including Marco’s parents, the students of Echo Creek, Principal Skeeves, Sensei Brantley, Princess Pony Head, Kelly and Tad are present. Cut to Alfonzo and Ferguson talking with Kelly and Tad]
...and even though I spent the whole studying for that test, as soon as it began my mind was on blank, like… I couldn’t remember a single thing.
That’s pretty heavy man.
Indeed, but luckily for me Marco allowed me to copy from his test. We both ended up getting an A+.
Aw, that sounds so noble.
Yeah, but sadly they got caught and suspended one week later.
Oh… well, I guess intention is what counts.
...and that’s not even the half of it, he went as far as taking the blame for it.
Wow, what a great friend. I’m really sorry about your loss. Our hearts are with you guys, right Kelly?
Yeah, I’m really gonna miss him. Even though we didn’t talk that much, he seemed like the kind of guy that always turn the other cheek to help his friends.
That’s basically Marco in a nutshell. So selfless...
So generous...
So cool...
So handsome...
[They stare at Kelly with a surprised expression]
What? Was it something I said?
[Cut to Jackie and Janna walking around while looking for Star]
Wow, this place is so crowded. We’ll never gonna find her.
Just be patient Janna, I know she has to be somewhere.
And how are you so sure about that?
I’m not, I’m just trying to be hopeful.
Hold on...
[Janna sees Brittney among the crowd]
Speaking of the devil
Oh come on Janna, can you just leave her alone?
Not in this life Jackie...
[Meanwhile Brittney is talking to some random girls when Janna approaches her]
...and then I told her: You can’t wear those shoes along with that dress...
Well, well, well look who decided to show up.
[sigh] Goddammit...
You know: If I didn’t know you, I would think that you actually liked Marco.
Ugh, don’t be ridiculous Janna, the only reason I’m here is because everyone at school decided to show up and… I wanted to show them some support. That’s all.
[sarcastic tone] Oh, what a charitable soul. You’re gonna make me cry. Boo-Hoo.
Look, why don’t you just go away and mind your own business? this is a wake after all.
Eh, good point. See you at school. [walks away]
God, what a creep.
[Cut to Queen Moon and King River talking with Marco’s parents]
King River:
I hope you don’t mind that we invited some of the villagers to your son’s wake. The thing is: What your son did for our kingdom was very heroic and... most of them wanted to pay respect to him…
Mr. Diaz:
It’s okay,actually: we never thought that so many people admired our son THAT much.
Queen Moon:
And just to be perfectly clear: We did our best to keep this ceremony as private as possible, but because we’re members of the royal family well… sometimes privacy is not an option.
Mr. Diaz:
Again: It’s perfectly understandable, and to tell you the truth: My wife and I already assumed the risk before we decided to come here. Right honey? 
Mrs. Diaz:
Yes, we both saw this coming, so there’s no need to apologize, in fact: a lot of the people we’ve been talking were very sweet and caring to us.
Queen Moon:
I’m so glad you feel that way.
Mrs. Diaz:
It’s never easy to lose someone you love, especially when... it’s your own flesh and blood, so… thank you so much... for this noble gesture.
[Mrs. Diaz tries not to cry in public, but the tears keep running down her face]
Queen Moon:
Don’t even mention it. We are more than happy to help you. Here, take this...
[Queen Moon gives her a handkerchief so she can clean her face]
Mrs. Diaz:
[blowing her nose] Thank you...
[Cut to Star lying on her bed watching old photos of Marco in her phone]
[thinking to herself] So they’re counting on me, huh? [sigh] I’m not in the mood for this...
[In that moment, Hekapoo knocks at Star’s door]
[o.s.] Excuse me princess, can I come in?
Yeah, whatever...
[Hekapoo enters the room and sees Star still lying on the bed]
I’m sorry to interrupt you, but a girl called StarFan13 is asking for you so I decided to check you out. Are you feeling okay? 
Yeah, I’m fine. [yawns] Just... a little bit tired because I couldn’t sleep well last night...
Mmmm, I see… so you wanna be alone, aren’t you?
I just don’t feel prepared to face everyone down there, that’s all.
Okay, you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to, but… I think it would be a nice gesture if you show up for a moment to… you know, pay your respects and stuff. 
That’s the tricky part for me: I don’t know what to do in these situations. I think you people will be better off without me.
But Star… I-I mean princess Butterfly, everyone wants to know where you are. That’s why I’m here.
Well you can do me a favor and send the royal message that I’m not available right now. Don’t ask why, it’s complicated.
Sure, I’m not not gonna interrupt you in your mourning process, but... before I go, let me tell you one last thing: You may think that you’re having a hard time, that by becoming a single mother your future will be uncertain and all your childhood fantasies will crash and burn to be replaced with the bitterness of adulthood, and sure at first you’ll resent everyone telling you to suck it up and grow a pair, but deep inside you’ll know they’re telling the truth and you have to adapt no matter what… so when all’s said and done ask yourself the question: Am I really the master of my own fate? Or am I just another sad, pathetic soul slowly decaying in a stream of self-pity driven my own selfishness? life’s too short and there’s only a handful of choices you can make, choose wisely.
[Hekapoo walks away and closes the door. Cut back to Jackie and Janna talking with Kelly and Pony Head at the dinner table]
Pony Head:
I just don’t know what to do with her anymore, it’s like… we’ve been besties since I have memory, and yet I can’t figure out what’s happening inside her head. It’s driving me CRAAAAZY...
Look, I just wanna know if you have seen Star and the only thing you’ve done is talking about yourself. Just get to the point and tell us if you know where she is...
Pony Head:
Well, I don’t know. Are you happy now?
[sigh] Nevermind. What about you Kelly?
I’m not sure. Last time we spoke, she said something about: “searching for her true self” or something like that...
Well Janna, at least we tried.
[Hekapoo shows up]
Hey girls...
Hi Hekapoo.
Where have you been?
Oh, I was just talking to princess Butterfly just a moment ago.
Wait, you know where Star is?
Yeah, but she’s not in her best mood, so I would suggest you to leave her alone, so she can...
Look everyone: It’s Star!!!
[Cut to Star going downstairs]
Hey everyone...
[All the people gather around to talk to her]
Hey Star, how you’ve been?
I’ve heard you are depressed for what happened. Is that true?
You want me to bake you a pie?
Is that a victorian dress?
People, people, people. I’m fine, okay? I appreciate your concerns, but for once I don’t wanna be the center of attention. This wake ceremony is about Marco, so stay focused will ya?
Okay, but... can I get you a soda?
Eh, sure. Why not?
Alright!!! just wait right here. I’ll be back in a minute.
[StarFan13 runs immediately to get a soda.In that moment, Jackie, Janna and Hekapoo show up along with Kelly and Pony Head]
So in the end you decided to show up.
Yeah, I just realized that if I’m gonna be mourning Marco, I’d rather be surrounded by other people than lock myself up in my room. Let’s just that loneliness is not for me.
That’s exactly what I was talking about. I’m so proud of you.
[Suddenly, Star notices someone among the crowd]
Wait a second: Is that Tom?!!!
[The camera cuts to Tom talking to some random people]
Eh, I think you’re just imagining things. Come on, let’s go to talk someone… this way... [points at the other direction]
Oh my God, it is Tom.
Aw, goddammit.
Okay Star, there’s no need to freak out about this...
What?!!! Are you kidding me?!!! he tried to assault Marco!!! What is wrong with you people?!!!
[whispering] Shhh, could you keep it down? this is a very delicate moment.
No, not this time Hekapoo. I’m sorry, but somebody has to say it… [walks away]
No Star, wait!!!
[Cut back to Tom having a conversation with some random villagers when all of a sudden Star shows up to face him]
[grabbing Tom’s shoulder] WHAT… THE F***... ARE YOU DOING HERE?!!!
[getting nervous] Eh Star, have you… met my new friends? they’re a couple of farmers that...
Cut it out Tom, that’s not gonna work this time.
Look Star, I don’t want any trouble with anyone, I’m just here to pay my respects, okay?
You’re unbelievable, I mean HOW DARE YOU to show your face here?!!! After all the things you’ve done. You make me wanna puke.
[showing up] There you are Star, Marco’s parents are looking for you to...
Let me ask you something: have you ever felt ashamed in your life? Or do you even have a sense of morality? you sick bastard.
[In that moment, Queen Moon shows up along with Marco’s parents]
Queen Moon:
What’s going on here?
Oh, and what makes you you high and mighty? you always manipulate other people to get your way and one calls you out.
Well, at least I’m not a sex offender, that’s for sure.
[Suddenly everyone around is looking at them. Tom gets even more nervous]
[facepalm] Star, you’re such an idiot.
Queen Moon:
Star, what are you talking about?
Oh, you’re not so tough now are you?
Star, don’t you even...
Shut up!!! now, I’m going to count to ten, and if you don’t turn around and get your ass out of here by the time I’m done. I’m gonna tell everyone what you did.
You wouldn’t dare.
One, two, three, four...
Can’t we talk like adults for a minute...?!!!
Alright, alright… I’m leaving now.
[Tom simply turns back and walks away without saying a word]
Queen Moon:
[to Star] You have a lot to explain young lady.
[Star leaves the room in a huff]
Hey Star, I brought your soda… oh...
Oh, boy...
[Cut to Star crying inside Queen Moon’s office. Jackie, Janna, Hekapoo, Kelly and StarFan13 try to persuade her to come out]
GO AWAY!!! I wanna be alone...
Listen Star, you can’t run away from your problems. Sooner or later you’re gonna have to face them...
That’s exactly what I told her.
But I just can’t help myself. I’m too prone to have emotional outbursts.
Yeah, we know. But have to learn to control yourself. What would Marco think if he saw you acting like a brat? Have you ever stopped to consider that?
But Marco is no longer with us. What’s the point?
That doesn’t mean you should just give up.
Yeah, you have your whole life ahead. Don’t throw it all away.
Well, what if I wanna throw it all away. Let’s face it, I may be a princess, but I’m no ruler material. And now everybody hates me for being so annoying and selfish.
Nobody hates you Star.
I actually love you.
You see? everybody here wants to help you, so stop playing the victim..
I’m not playing the victim,
Yes you are.
Uhm, Hekapoo: Don’t you think you’re being just a little bit rude?
No Jackie, I’m tired of playing these stupid games, don’t you get it? the only reason princess Butterfly keeps acting like a child is because we’re allowing it.
That makes a lot of sense...
Now listen to me princess: If you’re gonna keep ignoring us, fine… more power to you, but then don’t complain when everybody stops paying you attention.
[Star gets in fetal position]
However: If you change your mind and realize that the world does not revolve around you, you can join us at the funeral readings at the castle’s garden. Come on girls, let’s get out of here.
Okay, let’s go.
See you later Star.
But I wanna stay...
No, you don’t… [grabs her hand]
[The girls walk away to attend the funeral readings, except for Jackie who takes a moment to look at Star until before leaving. Cut to funeral readings at the royal garden. Sensei Brantley steps up to the podium to give his speech]
Sensei Brantley:
[tapping the microphone] Is this thing on? okay… Although I’m not a man of many words and I let my actions speak for themselves, I need to get this feeling off my chest, so I’m gonna keep it nice and short: Marco Diaz, out of all the students that came and went to my dojo, you were not only the most persistent and hard-working, but also you were the strongest… and keep in mind that I’m not talking about physical strength, but something more transcendental that is the power of the mind over matter, and even though you’re no longer among us, your bravery and will to fight for your ideals is something that I’ll always treasure inside my heart. Thank you.
[Sensei Brantley leaves the podium while everyone claps at him]
Queen Moon:
Okay, the next one on the list is Mrs. Angie Diaz, Marco’s mother.
[Mrs. Diaz steps up to the podium]
Mrs. Diaz:
I wanna read a poem that I wrote for my son… ehem… [reads a paper] The first time I carried you and looked into your eyes/You smiled at me like an angel flying through the skies/And so day after day and night after night/I kept you in my arms and held you tight/As aware I was for that dreaded day/ When time strikes you down and take you away/Will you remember the moments we shared?/When I slept next to you because you were scared/So if these words can reach you, wherever you are/Remember that you’ll always have a place... in my heart. Thank you. 
[Mrs. Diaz leaves the podium while blowing her nose]
Queen Moon:
Thank you so much for your words Mrs. Diaz. It means a lot to us. The next one on the list is...
Uhm, excuse me...
Queen Moon:
Star? What you doing here? I thought you wanted to be alone.
I... changed my mind. Can I... use the podium to speak my mind? Please?
Queen Moon:
Uhm, sure… I mean, it’s not on the list, but I guess I can make an exception this one time.
Thanks mom, I’ll make it quick, I promise.
[Star steps up to the podium]
Ehem… I… just a second... [scratches her head] the thing is: I didn’t prepare anything, so you’ll have to forgive me if I start to talk gibberish at some parts, and with that said I’ll start with my improvised speech… Well Marco was… a very special individual, I know that many of you already know that, but what many people tend to forget (myself included) is that no matter how special or unique you may think you are, there is always somebody better, and Marco well aware of that fact. That brings me to my main point: Humility. You see: no one is an island, and friends and family are your most valuable resources when you’re down and out, in fact I can recall so many occasions where I helped Marco to overcome his own problems, and I’m more than willing to bet that most you had the same experience. So I guess the lesson we can learn from this tragic loss is that although must be strong and resilient, there’s nothing wrong in asking for help… because in the end, that is our true strength. Thank you.
[Everyone gives Star a round of applause. Star takes a moment to contemplate the red moon]
[thinking to herself] Oh Marco, I just hope you’re happy wherever you are right now...
[An alarm clock sounds and Marco wakes up inside a somewhat futuristic bedroom]
[yawning] What happened? Was it just a dream or…? [looks at the time] Oh shit, I gotta go to work...
[He gets out of bed, puts on an orange jumpsuit and leaves the room in a hurry. Cut to Captain Murphy at the main bridge of Sealab running around in circles]
Captain Murphy:
Bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored...
[opening the door] Hello Captain.
Captain Murphy:
Marco! hey buddy, you wanna… I don’t know, hang out or play a game?
I’m a little busy here sir. Trying to keep a trillion-dollar research station running smoothly.
Captain Murphy:
Ooh, fun. I’ll be the mommy.
0 notes
cactuarkitty · 7 years
Random DA:O Thoughts - Pt 12.
Hi ho, hi ho, it’s off to Orzammar we go!
The shop keeper at Orzammar said his wares were guaranteed by his 24hr life time guarantee. LOL
Wow I’m shocked that the first scene I saw between the dwarves is of one being killed with an axe because he disagreed with him. Maybe I shouldn’t be shocked.
What is a nub?
Well a nub is a naked rat animal thing haha. Kinda cute. Collecting the nubs now.
The King has died. There are two dwarves, a noble and a prince who I are vying for the throne. You have to pick a side. I was sooo confused I really didn’t know who to choose. I ended up going with the Prince. We’ll see what happens haha.
I had to show two nobles some papers, proving that the other guy had promised them the same land for their vote. I’m pretty sure one of the nobles had Canderous’ voice from KotoR. :D
I had to travel into the deep roads to find one of the nobles. Found it kinda creepy. More of those baby raptors who squeak awww.
Every time I die and get swapped to Alistair or something, I have no idea what the hell I’m doing haha.
Oh yeah just searching the Dwarven palace and looting chests. Just another day as a grey warden. :P
Now I have to clear some gang out. That was fun! Quite cool how they have little secret quests. Like having to take the least expensive item from each chest to be able to access their stash. Also it made me laugh that the exit was out through a shopkeepers wall lol.
Dwarves carry lots of coin.
We’re off to find Branka. Her husband I guess joined our team. Yay I have the dwarf now!
I like how Oghren says sodding a lot. His beard and hair are so red :D
Ahaha he keeps making funny comments on Alistair’s and Norua’s relationship.
The deep roads quest is very long. Only thing that bothered me about it being so long is the fact I ran out of health potions and those roots to make them.
I found Huck. He is crazy, doesn’t want me to tell his Mum he’s still alive. So I won’t.
That whole bit with the dwarf lady saying some weird poem super freaked me out! :/ Creepy.
Eww what the fuck is this brood mother thing. Gross! So they’ve been feeding her heaps of dwarfs maybe.
Killed her. Focused on her with spells while the rest of the team fought her minions and tentacles.
I don’t really like Branka much.
The totem poll fight with the spirits was super hard! Probably didn’t help that I was low on health potions.
Oh so the other paragon guy is in a golem (I forgot his name). He wants me to destroy the anvil because to make the golems they had to take actual lifes. Wow so yeah I decided I’d destroy it and of course Branka wants to fight. -_-
Awww after I destroyed the anvil he committed suicide. I guess it wasn’t much of a life for him. He made a special crown for the next King.
As planned I chose Baleen and instantly regretted it! He ordered Harrowmont to be executed :O even after I said “I didn’t give you the throne so you could be a tyrant” he refused to change his mind. I’m actually finding him super annoying now. I actually had a memory of watching my ex play as a noble dwarf, and a picture in my head that someone had poisoned others. I think it was Baelen. I felt so bad I loaded and gave the crown to Harrowmont, who was like “I’m surprised.” cause I never tried to get their trust. Baelen attacked us lol. So now he is dead. Oh well.
I said to the new king I wanted my face on a giant rock ahaha
I think I only have a bunch of side quests before the lands meet stuff, so I’m kinda at that point where I dunno what to do. I don’t really want to go to the lands meet. Maybe I’ll buy some of the dlc to do in the mean time.
It’s weird but I wondering why I hadn’t gotten Leliana’s loyalty quest to do yet, since she is at full approval. Also when I talk to her there is no new convos. Someone said that she talks about your relationship with Alistair but it’s never came up. I found out that for some reason her approval being so high has locked out convos. I had to give her some rotten onions to get it down. Then she had more convo options. There was even a cutscene with her singing which I thought was beautiful. Kinda makes me wonder if I missed other convos cause I gave them too many gifts at once. Oh no I just did that with Oghren. Oops.
I think when I play again I’ll try to talk to them more often and space out the gifts a bit more. Like one gift per quest. This time I usually gave them about 5 gifts in a row lol. What if I missed out of Alistair convos by giving him too many gifts. I actually have about 4 gifts for him now which I useless since he has the gold heart now. Don’t really wanna mess with his meter.
Haha Oghren is drunk and he told me to sod off.
Did Oghren’s loyalty. Lmao of course it’s to help him hook up XD was very funny!
Now I’m doing Shale’s loyalty. It was a cool quest. So Shale used to be a female dwarf - interesting. I guess Shale is still a they/them since they have no gender, being a golem. Actually just now in a convo with Leliana, Shale said they weren’t a she… that they are a golem.
Don’t really have much else to do so I’m going to do the prep for the lands meet. I was relieved that it wasn’t yet the point of no return.
Ugh I hate Loghian so much! And that horrible Arl who he has under his thumb. He’s obviously a snake. Gonna enjoy killing them. No fucking way am I making Loghain a grey warden.
So a handmaiden elf needs us to rescue Queen Anoia. That bastard snake arl has her locked up. I knew he was creepy! I know he has Tim Curry’s voice and he’s good at playing creepy evil weirdos haha.
Haha we had to get dressed up as soldiers. I’d never seen Norua in armour before - she looks quite striking. Not as lovely as in her robes though. Of course I had her and Al kissing before they got into the castle.
AHAHAHA OMG! I intruded on a maid giving a guard a bj XD so funny! Now he is dead. I hope he enjoyed his last moments of pleasure.
I was so excited when I found all the treasure piles in the locked room :D
Whoa a guard just got strangled. Pretty graphic haha. Poor Norua took a step back all scared like towards Al. “Hold me Alistair!” “Come here, my love. Alistair has you.” Tee hee <3
Oh it was a grey warden who had been captured. Wow so King Cailan had asked about 200 grey wardens to come help. Damn that Loghain bastard! The grey warden seems cool. Alistair had met him previously at his joining. He just told us about a wardens stash… oooooh! Exciting!
Holy crap some of the fights are super hard! Had to load a couple of times.
Yay that Arl dickhead is dead! That was a hard fight too cause he had two mages helping him.
In the dungeon there was the real Arl. He seemed to be a bit of a dick but I let him out anyway. Zevran disapproved by 5 points. Also opened the door for a captured Templar. I feel so sorry for him :( he has lyrium withdrawal so isn’t right of mind. He was captured trying to bring Jowan back. God that Jowan all he does is cause trouble. I really dislike him. Anyway the Templar asked me to give his sister a message or a ring, I can’t remember.
Rescued the queen. Loghain’s second in command (can’t remember her name) stopped us when we tried to leave. I made the mistake of revealing the queen was with us. Then the queen said we tried to kidnap her :O Norua was NOT happy! Wasn’t until later she realised she wasn’t as subtle as she could have been. Oops!
Haha Norua and Al have been captured and are in the cell together half naked. Who’s great idea was that?!
I took Wynne and Leliana to rescue them. Hehe this mission was amusing! Some of the fights were quite hard. I summoned a spirit wolf with Leliana to help us. :)
Aww when we travelled back to the Estate, the spirit wolf died. Made me sad :( I thought it wasn’t an actual wolf. Maybe I can dismiss it while in combat. Kinda gross to have the wolf just drop dead then turn into a skeleton.
The warden gave me the location of the stash - woo!
He was SO happy!!!! He said he would cherish it forever. It was amazing! I’m so happy! Looks awesome with his Warden armour and Starfang sword too. :D 
Norua: “Who loves you, Al?” Alistair: “My sweet little rose petal.” <3
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tomeandflickcorner · 7 years
OUAT Episode Analysis- Mother’s Little Helper
Wow.  Did A&E really write this one?  I’m impressed.  Why couldn’t they have written like this when they made that awful Wish World two-parter? They even pulled off an impressive plot twist that actually surprised me.  Well done, you two.  Now let’s see if you can keep this up.
So we start off with Emma learning how Gideon abducted Killian and left him stranded in another realm, and is now preventing him from getting back.  And she is LIVID.  She even resorts to using the Force Choke Hold on Gideon.  That’s how far she’s been pushed, people.  Because it’s obvious that’s classified as Dark Magic, something Emma hasn’t used since she was freed from the Dark One’s essence.  But Gideon is all ‘please, you don’t scare me,’ and tells Emma that if she wants Killian back, she really has no other choice but to help him.
The next day, Emma and Snow, who has once again remembered Emma is her daughter, storm into Gold’s shop to let them know what they think of Gideon’s behavior, and are pretty much ‘control your kid, or we’ll control him for you.’ Belle, however, beseeches Emma to give Gideon a chance, stating her belief that there is good in him.  I’m of two minds when it comes to this scene. Yes, Belle is completely in character here, and I fully acknowledge this is her son they’re talking about here. But it is a bit problematic that Belle is essentially saying that Gideon shouldn’t be blamed for his actions because he grew up under the Black Fairy’s abuse.  You know, considering she’s talking to Emma.  It’s not as if Emma’s childhood was all glitz and glamour, after all. Granted her foster families never actively tortured her, but I’ve seen the cigarette burn on her hand.  And I noticed what looked to be a scar above her breast during the Captain Swan movie.   There’s enough evidence to suggest she was physically abused at some point.  I can understand how being tortured as a child can mess you up a bit, but that doesn’t give you permission to run around plotting to kill people.
Regardless, Emma agrees to give Gideon a fair chance and meets with him at the Storybrooke clock tower.  However, she tells him that if he wants her help, she needs some collateral.  Because she hasn’t forgotten that he did try to kill her a few days ago, so she has a right to be cautious around him.  As such, she has him hand over the Ruby Hilt Sword and the spell that’s keeping Killian away.  They end up going to the Sorcerer’s Mansion and begin a ritual that I think was meant to open up a portal to the Black Fairy’s realm so they could overthrow her. Or lift the enchantment keeping Killian away.    It was one of those two options.  But they’re disrupted by the appearance of a giant spider that proceeds to attack Emma and Gideon, with Gideon claiming the spider was sent by the Black Fairy, who figured out what they were doing and was seeking to stop them.
Now this is when the episode really starts throwing you for loops.  While they’re dodging the spider, Gideon actually apologizes to Emma for his actions.  Which is quite a novel concept.  Imagine a villain we just met who apologizes right off the back.  (In contrast, has Regina ever actually apologized to Snow, Charming and Emma for casting the Dark Curse and separating them?  No to mention the rest of Storybrooke, who were just innocent bystanders caught in the crossfire.  And has Rumple apologized to the Nevengers for the stuff he’s pulled on them?)  But right when Emma is trying to find a way out, Gideon pulls a fast one on her, revealing that this was all a trick and he was the one who summoned the spider, with the intention of letting the spider kill Emma.  So, Gideon teleports away, leaving Emma at the mercy of the giant spider. Despite her best efforts at fighting off the spider, Emma, who somehow forgot she could just teleport herself away like Gideon did, ends up cocooned by the spider.  When she loses consciousness because of the spider silk obstructing her airways, Gideon begins a different ritual that would enable the Black Fairy to enter Storybrooke.  Just when the portal to the Dark Realm opens up, however, Gold suddenly arrives at the Sorcerer’s Mansion and drives the spider off, freeing Emma from the cocoon in the process.  (And I think this marks the first time I was actually glad to see Gold doing something on the screen.  Congrats, Rumpy Rumps.  You’ve earned another gold star today.)
Thus begins the second PTA meeting with Emma, Snow, Belle and Gold.  Emma announces that Gideon has just used up his last chance, and the next time they meet, she will show him no mercy.  However, Gold insists that Emma isn’t being fair and whatnot.  In any event, it’s clear that lines are being drawn in the sand over this issue.  
Now, once again, I understand that Gold is concerned for Gideon and doesn’t want to see him die.  But regardless, I still wanted to Gibbs Slap him for accusing Emma and Snow for only seeing things in black and white and acting like Emma is being unreasonable for no longer willing to be lenient with Gideon.  After all, she gave him a chance and offered to help him.  But he responded by double-crossing her.  Emma has every right to want to defend herself against the person who is seeking to kill her.  And, at present, she is completely unaware of the plot twist that’s revealed in the episode flashback.
This episode also shows us how Gideon got to this point.  After the Black Fairy abducted him from Shady Blue’s care, she brought Baby Gideon to her realm, where she keeps stolen children as slaves and mine workers, forcing them to mine for dark fairy dust.  But instead of placing Baby Gideon into the mines, she decides to keep him as a pet of some sort.  During this segment, we also see that moment that Gideon referred to a few episodes ago, when the Black Fairy ‘tested’ Gideon with the opportunity to protect a friend of his.  Seeing this moment was as upsetting as I anticipated it to be, and it shows how nasty and sinister the Black Fairy is.  But I still say Gideon shouldn’t be so hard on himself for this moment.  Again, he was only a kid.  There was nothing he could have done, even if he had tried to interfere.  No child should be made to feel guilty for not standing up to their abuser.  That would be victim blaming, plain and simple.
However, we see that moment ended up breaking Young Gideon, as we then cut to him when he’s full grown.  At this point, he’s become the Black Fairy’s minion flunky, doing her bidding without question.  One day, the Black Fairy summons him to announce he has just turned 28 years old.  She then tells him that someone in the mines has stolen her vault key and tasks him with finding out who is responsible.  When Gideon goes down to the mines to punish the guilty one, he has an unexpected reunion with his childhood friend, the one he couldn’t save as a boy.  The friend in question is revealed to be called Roderick. Thing was, when I saw the episode, I thought they called him Mordred, as in Mordred of Camelot lore.  But I apparently heard wrong.   Anyway, Roderick beseeches Gideon to look inside himself and reacquaint himself with who he used to be before the Black Fairy instilled her programming into him. In the end, Gideon decides to help Roderick, who tells Gideon he heard tales of a brave hero called the Savior, explaining he planned to break into the Black Fairy’s vault in order to obtain a crystal ball that could be used to contact the Savior and ask for her help in saving them.  Because Roderick has found out that the Black Fairy’s reasons for mining dark fairy dust is because she’s planning to cast a terrible curse.  It turns out that the Black Fairy was the one who actually patented the Dark Curse.  But she never managed to perfect it.  Which is what she’s trying to do now with the dark fairy dust.  So if she success, she’ll be able to manufacture a Dark Curse that would make Regina’s curse look like child’s play.  Which is obviously a holocaust of bad.
Unfortunately, when Gideon helps Roderick break into the vault to contact the Savior with the crystal ball, the Black Fairy appears, revealing this was just another trick, and she had set Gideon up to test his loyalty to her.  To punish Gideon for his defiance, she proceeds to turn Roderick into a beetle, killing him before Gideon’s eyes.  To add salt to the wound, she then takes possession of Gideon’s heart, turning him into her Heart Controlled slave.
To this, I applaud A&E. Because I did not see this coming. At all.  And this reveal does complicate matters a bit.  It means that Gideon really isn’t acting on his own accord after all, and there might still be a chance to save him.  Although, this doesn’t mean I find fault with Emma for the ‘no mercy’ stance she’s currently taking with Gideon.  Because she doesn’t know about the Heart Control yet.  With the limited information she has to work with, she is not at fault with not being willing to give Gideon another chance.  Once she does find out about the Heart Control, she’s obviously going to realize that the rules have changed and she’s going to do what she can to free him from the Black Fairy’s control.  But until she discovers that missing piece of the puzzle, she’s only going to know that Gideon is the guy who is actively trying to kill her, kidnapped her True Love, and betrayed her when she offered him her help.  So of course she’s not going to give him another chance.
And to make matters even worse, the ritual Gideon performed to bring the Black Fairy into Storybrooke turned out to be successful.  Even though Gold stopped the spider from killing Emma, she lost consciousness just long enough for it to count, and the Black Fairy was able to slip through the cracks. So, the way things are shaping up, this is going to be quite an epic conclusion to this story arc, which I’m now dubbing the Black Fairy arc. 
 All I can say, is that I’m now wanting to see them find a way to de-age Gideon back to an infant when this is all over, complete with a mind wipe so he won’t remember anything that happened to him after Belle sent him away out of concern for her child’s safety.  Kind of like what they did with August back in S2.  If anyone should get a fresh start, it’s this guy.  Plus, Belle deserves the chance to raise her child in peace.
Meanwhile, in Subplot B, Regina is back in her vault, working on trying to figure out how to break Snowing’s sleeping curse, which she really should have been doing in the last episode, but we’re not going to discuss that can of worms.  Although, it did strike me as a bit irksome that she was talking about cleaning up the messes Evil Queen left and made no mention how she STILL hasn’t returned those hearts to their rightful owners.  Why bother bringing up the fact that she still has her heart collection if they’re not going to bother resolving that issue?  
Anyway, Henry is all ‘you can do it, Regina!  If you can’t do it, no one can!’  Which, again, is odd since Emma was the one who effectively cleaned up after Regina in S1 when she broke the original Dark Curse.  Out of nowhere, Henry suddenly goes into a weird trance-like state and ends up writing out a series of strange symbols that Regina can’t identify.  Wondering what it all means, they end up deciding to question Author Isaac, who has been residing in the psychiatric ward since the end of the Author arc.  Which kind of makes sense, as they sadly can’t ask Merlin and the Apprentice anymore.  Unfortunately, imprisonment hasn’t fixed Author Isaac’s tendency to be annoying, and he says he refuses to talk unless he’s given a car and allowed to leave Storybrooke.  (I guess Regina got rid of the town line barrier spell off screen?)  He also includes tickets to Hamilton among his list of demands, which is a slight anachronism, as that musical premiered in 2015 and the show’s timeline is still in in the late 2013 to early 2014 range. I know Adam tweeted something about how in this version of reality, Hamilton premiered earlier than it did in our world, but that just sounds like a made-up excuse to cover up their slip-up.
Regina eventually agrees to release Author Isaac and give him a car.  Which is something else that bothers me.  I realize everyone else had their hands full with the whole Gideon thing at the moment, and that Regina was concerned with what was going on with Henry, but releasing Author Isaac really wasn’t Regina’s decision to make.  At the very least, she should have discussed things with the rest of the Nevengers with everyone voting on the matter.  I’m just saying, the last time Regina made a decision without getting everyone else’s input first, it was when she decided it was perfectly okay to give Hades a chance and trust him with Zelena and Baby Robyn.  And look how well that turned out.
Regardless, Author Isaac takes his chance to drive away.  But before he does, he informs Regina and Henry that the reason for Henry’s trance was because the story within Henry’s book is nearing the end. Obviously, this means something climatic is about to happen, but it doesn’t quite explain what those weird symbols meant.  Or why anyone should be seriously concerned.  If you remember, there were probably hundreds of blank Storybooks in the Sorcerer’s Mansion.  Even if Henry’s Storybook is about to reach its conclusion, so what?  It just means you start a new story.  Because nothing ever really ends.  
And of course, we get the subplot with Killian, who is just as eager to get back to Emma as she is at getting him home.  He ends up approaching Blackbeard at a tavern somewhere, once again offering to trade the Jolly Roger for another magic bean.  Because Blackbeard managed to get his hands on another magic bean.  Where exactly does he keep finding these magic beans, anyway?  I thought they were supposed to be rare.  Apart from that, it’s interesting that Blackbeard knows that Killian made the original trade for Emma.  Which means that Killian was completely forthright with why he wanted a magic bean the last time. Meaning he didn’t give a bat’s behind if Blackbeard mocked him for losing his head over a woman.  Killian, this is why we love you.  
Getting back to the story, the two pirates begin to play a game of cards, agreeing that the winner gets the spoils.  Ultimately, Blackbeard wins the game, but that’s when Killian proves his craftiness, telling Blackbeard that the Jolly Roger is back in Storybrooke.  And if he wants to get it, he has to use his magic bean to bring them there.  In other words, Killian knew going into that card game that he was going to be returning to Storybrooke either way.  Blackbeard is not pleased by this turn of events, accusing Killian of being deceitful. And Killian is like ‘look who’s talking.  It wasn’t as if that was a fair card game.  No proper deck has 6 aces.’  So Blackbeard has no choice but to use the magic bean to open a portal to Storybrooke. But, because of the blocking spell Gideon set up, the portal doesn’t bring the two men to Storybrooke. Instead, they wind up in a completely different realm, which Killian soon identifies as Neverland (which has apparently stopped being a jungle island in Pan’s absence) when a horde of Lost Boys suddenly appear.
Now, this right here raises a few questions.  As Killian and Blackbeard are trying to get away from the Lost Boy horde, Killian explains that they didn’t bring all the Lost Boys with them when they left Neverland back in S3, and that they allowed the most savage ones to stay behind.  But if that was the case, it once again brings up the question of why they brought Felix back with them.  Felix was Pan’s right hand man/lapdog.  So he was therefore the worst of all the Lost Boys.  Why didn’t they leave him on the island, too? Granted the plot demanded Felix to be in Storybrooke, but from a logic standpoint, it made no sense.
Plot hole aside, Killian and Blackbeard, while running for their lives, come across a conveniently placed rowboat.  But Blackbeard uses an underhanded tactic to commandeer the rowboat for himself, leaving Killian stranded on the island at the mercy of the rampaging Lost Boys.  Question is, where does Blackbeard think he’s going? He’s in a completely different realm, so it’s not like he can just row his way back to the Enchanted Forest. Also, does Neverland even have another landmass apart from the main island? As far as we know, the rest of that world consists of nothing but endless ocean.  So I don’t know where Blackbeard thinks he’s gonna end up. That is, if he can even get past the Neverland mermaids.  Because as memory serves, they weren’t the friendliest bunch.  And I doubt a rowboat is going to offer him much in the way of protection if they plan on attacking him.  Blackbeard’s pretty much a dead man rowing here, I must say.
So, all in all, this was a good solid episode.  And it actually is helping me restore a bit of faith in A&E.  The only thing that bugged me with the episode is how they left Killian’s subplot off with him still running from the Lost Boys.  I know he’s going to make it out alright, so it’s not like it was much of a cliffhanger.   But that just felt like a strange place to place the bookmark.
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fionatlux · 7 years
So… that happened. I’m not going to say much on this platform about the series as a whole. There were a lot of ways in which the project was mishandled on many levels: promotionally, yes, but also on the level of narrative, dialogue, and character (to say nothing of my loathing for the CGI camera zoom). There were also good things about it: the gorgeous and talented cast, the sumptuous costumes, the locations; the innovations of the source material into what is, I would argue, a very tired tale. As flawed as it was, I have a lot of affection for the show. And if you want more Rosaline/Benvolio goodness, go read the book by Melinda Taub (delicious bickering) and then Prince of Shadows by Rachel Caine (the slowest of slow burns). 
Without further ado:
[Episode 1 / Episode 2 / Episode 3 / Episode 4 / Episode 5 / Episode 6]
Previously On
  The Gates of Verona
[An awkward party on horseback approaches the city gates.]
BENVOLIO: shit, I can’t believe Roz betrayed me!
ROSALINE: shit, I can’t believe B. didn’t notice that we were surrounded by armed guards under the command of a guy we knew to be plotting a hostile takeover of Verona!
PARIS: What a nice city. Pity about that giant column of smoke marring the roofline.
ESCALUS: Everything will be fine once I execute Benvolio!
Casa Capulet
[Everybody is happy to see Rosaline, who eyeballs Paris with dislike and suspicion.]
PARIS: See, I rescued her just like I said I would!
ROSALINE: You better not have hurt my baby sister or I will END you.
LIVIA: Rosaline!
[Capulet is a lot more excited to see Paris than he is to see his niece.]
ROSALINE: Livia, can I help you get dessert so we can talk in private?
[Nope. A carriage from the palace has arrived for Lady Rosaline! Because this went so well the last time she was summoned to the palace.]
  The Smoking Ruins of the Capulet Montague Cathedral
MONTAGUE: HOW DARE HE! Capulet has ruined generations of work!
[It’s generations of Capulet work, but whatever.]
LADY M: This means war!
  Casa Capulet
PARIS: Rosaline knows too much and is impervious to blackmail! Can I kill her? Can I can I can I?
LADY CAPULET: I seem somewhat subdued by my recent visit to Juliet’s tomb, so no, you can’t.
PARIS: blah blah blah, metaphors, look, this whole thing was your idea, my minions are doing an awesome job of trashing the city, too late to stop now, etc.
[They both seem unaware that it was Capulet, not their clandestine army (“The Fiends”), who torched the cathedral.]
LADY CAPULET: I have a bad feeling about this.
  Escalus’s Bedroom, The Palace
ROSALINE: Can I talk to you? I really need to talk to you.
ESCALUS: Nope, I’m gonna do the talking. I love you!
ROSALINE: I longed for years to hear you say that but WOULD YOU SHUT UP for like five seconds? This is important! Benvolio didn’t kidnap me, we were finding out who’s behind the civil chaos and it’s Paris and he’s plotting to take over your throne!
ESCALUS: so what I’m getting from this is, you knew I wanted to see you so you USED ME to… tell me really important information that I should know? HOW DARE YOU. I FEEL SO BETRAYED.
ROSALINE: Also Benvolio is innocent, could you maybe not kill him?
ESCALUS: But I have already used him as a scapegoat because of my own jealousy and irrational possessiveness toward you! I am genuinely convinced that executing him for crimes he didn’t commit will unify the city and bring peace!
ROSALINE: ok, 1) you are literally the worst, do you not realize that a Capulet pleading for the life of a Montague is exactly the outcome you originally wanted from this bonkers marriage plot? and 2) give me 24 hours to prove his innocence.
ESCALUS: ok but only because I love you, not because I actually care about justice.
ROSALINE: Close enough!
  The Palace
[Isabella is back! Hi, Isabella!]
ISABELLA: I saw the smoke and heard Montague is preparing revenge, what’s up?
ESCALUS: nbd, I totally have a plan! oh and Benvolio is chilling in the dungeon and Rosaline is back safe thanks to Count Paris of Mantua.
ESCALUS’S LONG-SUFFERING ASSISTANT: There’s something about that guy I just don’t like!
[My working hypothesis: Paris, in addition to plotting with Lady Capulet to take over Verona, is actually Bluebeard and has a room full of murdered wives back in Mantua.]
ISABELLA: Well, cool. Here is your treaty I got the Doge to sign! I was manipulative and awesome and blackmailed a bunch of people and fell in love with a pretty blonde lady named Helena, tell you about it later, right now I need a nap.
ESCALUS’S LONG-SUFFERING ASSISTANT: “nbd, I totally have a plan!”? Oh, Sire.
  The Dungeons
[Rosaline has bribed, or at least substantially tipped, the dungeonkeeper.]
BENVOLIO: Come to twist the knife you stuck in my back, Capulet?
ROSALINE: Really? We’re back to using surnames? OK quick recap: 1) Paris has my sister, 2) he was going to kill us all if I didn’t play along, 3) I have 24 hours to get proof of your innocence because Escalus has suddenly decided to implement certain parts of due process when it is convenient for him, 4) my plan is to get the Nurse to testify, 5) obviously I will not let someone of your hotness get executed, any questions?
BENVOLIO: No, I think you covered everything. Could you hurry, though? This dungeon is doing nothing for my hair care routine.
  Casa Capulet
ROSALINE: I need you to tell Escalus what you know! also I can’t believe you let Paris seduce my baby sister, what the hell?
THE NURSE: I need to think about it, ok?
CAROLINA THE SERVANT: *lurks ominously behind a pillar*
  Casa Capulet
[The next morning, there is a magnificent wide shot of the Capulet courtyard water feature and then a piercing scream from Lady Capulet. The Nurse, unsurprisingly, lies bludgeoned to death at the foot of the stairs. Lady Capulet seems genuinely distraught. Everyone’s dressing gown game is extremely strong; it is like a scene out of Poirot.]
PARIS: I really did not think you would be so distressed at the murder of the woman who raised you and your dead daughter! Look, you wouldn’t let me murder Rosaline, this was the next best thing.
  The Palace
[To prepare for what will surely be a super awkward interview, Rosaline is dressed in yet another extremely fetching gown-cloak combo. I laugh when Escalus and Isabella wear the same outfit for three episodes, but Rosaline’s clothes are gorgeous and she wears them gorgeously and deserves many beautiful outfits, and also to be taken seriously by those in power.]
ESCALUS: Did you get proof?
ROSALINE: No. My witness was murdered, but that would take too long to explain.
ESCALUS: Oh, that is so sad for you, very tragic, no one regrets more than I, etc.
ROSALINE: I kind of doubt that.
ESCALUS: Well, you were alone and unchaperoned outside the city walls, there might be gossip!
ROSALINE: I honestly cannot believe that you care more about my virginity than justice. No, wait, I can believe that, I just think you’re stupid and the patriarchy is stupid and virginity = virtue/honor is a shitty social construct invented to oppress women. Also I’m pretty insulted that you don’t think my testimony is sufficient proof of Benvolio’s innocence. Given the fact that I was there the whole time.
[That’s my girl! I may have embellished slightly, but I’m sure this is what she would have said if the writers had thought of it!]
  The Dungeons
[I’m okay with the camera-zooming through this bit, because it’s all leering emaciated prisoners at odd angles in uncomfortable spaces and the surreal quality is effective. The camera zooms in on B., who is looking depressed.]
[…Nothing happens, the camera just zooms in on B. looking depressed and then cuts away to...]
  The Palace
MONTAGUE: You expect me to sign a peace treaty with the guy who burned down my cathedral?
CAPULET: Technically, it was my cathedral.
ESCALUS: Whatever. I will execute Benvolio and you will both call it square, agreed?
CAPULET: Agreed!
MONTAGUE: …I guess?
  A Wisteria Arbor, Casa Capulet
LIVIA: The Nurse was always kind to me!
PARIS: We should elope!
  The Room Formerly Known as Juliet’s Room, Casa Capulet
CAROLINA THE SERVANT: Livia and Paris have eloped! So romantic!
ROSALINE: This is all your fault! How could you throw my sister at that murdering jerkface?
LADY CAPULET: He would never hurt her! Probably.
ROSALINE: He murdered the Nurse, and Juliet would be ashamed of you, and you should feel terrible!
[Lady Capulet actually does look like she feels terrible.]
ROSALINE: You are clearly going to be no help. Rosaline out!
 Maison Montague
LADY M: Remember how you poisoned our older brother? It would be so tragic if anyone ever found out!
LADY M: Also I thought at the time that letting Tiny Benvolio live was a bad move, and I was right.
[Well, that explains a lot.]
  Escalus’s Bedroom, The Palace
ESCALUS: All Montagues are terrible and you are the scum of the gutter! Unprincipled, undisciplined—
BENVOLIO: —don’t forget “often drunk”—
ESCALUS: —so why is Rosaline trying to save you?
BENVOLIO: Aside from the fact that I’m innocent?
ESCALUS: You tricked her into trusting you!
BENVOLIO: Yeah, honestly I kind of feel like that too, she’s a beautiful brave angel who likes to fight crime and cares about justice and I don’t deserve her, and yet she somehow trusts me and also I trust her.
ESCALUS: Tell her you’ve been plotting to take over my throne and be the New Prince!
BENVOLIO: Yeah no, I’m not gonna do that.
[Escalus, as usual, tries to justify his actions by pretending they’re for Rosaline’s own good.]
BENVOLIO: Have you tried taking her seriously, listening to what she has to say, and not lying to her? That usually works for me.
[This is so satisfying. I could watch people telling off Escalus all day.]
ESCALUS: No, why would I do that? Take him away!
BENVOLIO: Fine, it’s your funeral. No, wait, it’s still my funeral. Damn.
  Maison Montague
MONTAGUE: Sis! I’ve been going over some legal records! GTFO or I tell the king of Scotland that you’re not really dead. I’m sure he’d be super interested to know of the part you played in his father’s death!
LADY M: *sips wine ominously*
MONTAGUE: And take your ugly portrait with you!
  The Dungeons
LADY M: Hello, nephew! Would you like to know some interesting facts about our family history before you are executed?
BENVOLIO: Can I say no?
LADY M: Nope!
BENVOLIO: OK, I guess?
  Casa Capulet
CAPULET: Babycakes, what’s up? You seem agitated!
LADY CAPULET: Husband! Juliet’s ghost keeps saying “Beware!” because I’ve done a dreadful thing!
  Some Inn, Verona
[Paris and Livia are in bed, having presumably run off to whatever Verona’s equivalent of Gretna Green is. GET AWAY FROM PRECIOUS SWEET INNOCENT LIVIA, YOU GREASY MURDERING JERKFACE!]
[While he steps out for some reason, Livia blissfully wanders around sniffing his upholstered doublet. But what is this? A piece of paper falls out! It is the note Rosaline left her that Lady Capulet concealed and gave to Paris!]
ROSALINE’S NOTE: Dear Livia, I am going with Benvolio to solve a mystery! Don’t worry, it’s perfectly safe. Ish. I have definitely not been kidnapped, don’t worry. Love, your sister.
LIVIA: Oh, pardon my French, merde.
  The Dungeons
MONTAGUE: Hello, nephew! I brought you booze!
BENVOLIO: Thanks. Hey, Aunt Tessa was just here, she told me a very interesting story about how you killed my father. Care to explain?
MONTAGUE: She is crazy and cannot be trusted!
BENVOLIO: It does explain why you always hated me. This is some excellent paralleling to Rosaline’s situation with her aunt, pity we didn’t bring it up sooner.
MONTAGUE: If it helps, I feel bad about how I’ve treated you?
BENVOLIO: It doesn’t. GTFO, s’il vous plait.
[B.’s snark game is strong this episode. Benvolio: 1, Montague: 0. FINALLY.]
  Escalus’s Bedroom, The Palace
ISABELLA: You abandoned the city to go chase Benvolio? Are you out of your goddamn mind?!?!
ESCALUS: I don’t care about the throne! I love her!
ISABELLA: You are treating your hereditary office, which I only wish I could have, with selfish irresponsibility, but I’m gonna restrain myself and just remind you that our dying father’s last words were “strength and sacrifice.” Neither of which you are particularly devoted to at the moment.
  Casa Capulet
CAPULET: I can appreciate that you saw an opportunity to beat Montague to the punch after the old Prince’s death, but did you actually think Paris would stay loyal to you?
LADY CAPULET: Yeah, not my best plan, I admit.
CAPULET: So why did our daughter’s ghost say “Beware”?
LADY CAPULET: I have a crazy theory: she loved a Montague and wanted peace!
CAPULET: We’ve gotta tell Escalus about Paris!
LADY CAPULET: He’ll execute me!
CAPULET: He might not! I have a plan! Let’s go, quickly!
CAROLINA THE SERVANT: Sorry milord, milady, I was working for The New Prince this whole time and he says you stay right there!
  Some Inn, Verona
LIVIA: I found this letter in your jacket! What is the meaning of this?
PARIS: This is, I admit, somewhat awkward. Well—I did promise to make you a princess! Of Mantua and Verona, aren’t you surprised?
LIVIA: And you thought a Capulet bride would legitimize your power grab? Are you bonkers? I can’t believe I slept with you! I want to go home!
PARIS: Pack your things, you’re going to Mantua!
LIVIA: I am feeling pretty disillusioned, here.
  The Dungeons
BENVOLIO: I don’t suppose you have good news? Because I’ve had a shitty day so far.
ROSALINE: Afraid not. Paris killed the Nurse so she couldn’t testify and Escalus won’t take my word as evidence.
BENVOLIO: I dunno, maybe my death will do some good, somehow? Leaving aside the whole Paris-is-plotting-to-take-over-Verona thing, you should just marry Escalus and forget me and be happy. He seems like kind of a manipulative jerk, but I saw the two of you kissing back in episode 1, and you should be with whomever you love.
ROSALINE: B., that was six episodes ago, keep up!
[You couldn’t be bothered to light the tearful clandestine dungeon makeout better? Sigh. D’awwww, my little bickering-and-sleuthing OTP. Your bickering and sleuthing were cut short too soon!]
  Execution Square, Verona
[Escalus has trotted out the guillotine again for the occasion. I’m not clear on whether the standard form of execution is the guillotine or hanging, at this point. Lady Capulet talked about being hanged for treason, but we’ve only ever seen people get guillotined, so who knows. Isabella is looking sharp, though.]
ESCALUS’S LONG-SUFFERING ASSISTANT [reading from a scroll]: In executing Benvolio, we somehow reclaim our city from violence. Despite the fact that there’s a coup d’état on.
  Some Gorgeous Candlelit Chapel, Verona
[Rosaline is praying. I’m pretty sure this is where Romeo and Juliet were married. It is symbolic of the futility of love in the face of entrenched patriarchal violence, or something.]
  Execution Square, Verona
ESCALUS’S LONG-SUFFERING ASSISTANT [reading from a scroll]: And Montague and Capulet have agreed to end the feud since they are both out of male heirs at this point.
[Rosaline, weeping in the crowd, refuses to look at Escalus.]
ESCALUS: shit, I think I made a mistake.
[I think making the narrative turn on the whim of Escalus’s better nature was a mistake, but nobody pays me to write screenplays, so.]
ESCALUS: Is this justice or vengeance?
ISABELLA: Does it matter?
[Izzy, you could have been such an interesting antagonist! I weep for the times I’ll never get to yell at you for being a power-hungry bloody tyrant.]
ESCALUS: Yeah, I think actually it does matter. Wait!
[Rosaline, finally making eye contact with Escalus, looks like she is seriously considering uniting what’s left of the houses of Montague and Capulet against the Crown.]
BENVOLIO: Hello? I’m still awkwardly kneeling with my head in the guillotine, here?
ESCALUS: Yeah, you can get up, I’ve changed my mind about executing you.
ESCALUS: I’ve been told that this man is innocent, and I actually do trust the word of the person who told me. Benvolio is free to go!
BENVOLIO: Is this the part where we should have a manly conversation about how I was right, you should take Rosaline seriously and listen to what she has to say?
ESCALUS: We would, but I’ve been shot by Paris’s insurgents and they’re swarming the city.
ROSALINE: Oh, this is bad. I mean, I’m delighted that B.’s not going to die, but this is otherwise terrible.
  Somewhere Outside Verona
PARIS: Hello! I’m here and for once I’m not upholstered! And I brought my army!
[The End.]
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hazbinextgeneration · 3 years
Into The Casino Ch10
Warning: Mentioning of past abuse -This takes place about 3 weeks from last chapter- Could you call someone having an interest in you weird if they were also your boss? Yes. Yes you could. And that's what exactly she felt when it all began. Slowly but surely. Cyber introducing her to a few new strange foods. She quite liked the soft foods called iced-creams, she never knew one food could come in so many flavors. The wide eyed look she gave to everything made Cyber chuckle and Lou smirk more in triumph whenever she reported back to him. Oh who said flattery couldn't get you anywhere? Right now it was one of his biggest tactics to help him win this little game of his. And he was surely making a very good win streak thus far-...But maybe with a few minor set backs.
Perhaps he was a bit too eager in the beginning of this just a tiny amount, she still flinched away whenever she attempted to kiss her hand. Or ducked whenever he made any sudden movement near her. That wide eyed startled look was now fairly common. And she still wouldn't accept his advances too easily. It was starting to become tiresome these days, but he could wait. He had all eternity and beyond to wait of course, but wanting and waiting were too separate things and if he saw an opportunity to speed things up you sure as hell he wasn't about to back down from a challenge. Especially since so much was at stake now. Luckily he had the perfect person to sneak info to him now. "So? What's wrong with you? You look more tired than Disease with a hang over." Cyber smiled as the pony groaned and landed her head onto the desk. Ears flopping to the sides of her head. Making Cyber raise a brow. "So Im guessing things aren't so hot?" "I-It's so....uncomfortable for me!!" Her voice replied muffled by the desk her head laid upon. "He's been having me clean everything of his and running back and forth doing all these chores!" He face looked up from the desk but still laid on it. "And I-I-it's not helping when he's constantly flirting with me!" "Is that so bad?" She leaned onto the table and smiled. "Lou's a pretty smart guy for someone resembling a walking leaf." She chuckled at her own joke, but shrugged. "But what's so wrong about him likin' you? I mean, I would think having a rich guy like you and getting a bunch of free stuff was every girl's dream?'' "THAT'S THE PROBLEM!!" The desk chair was pushed back with a noise and she stood up to give Cyber an...almost scared look. "I-I don't WANT any d-dresses, o-or fancy jewelry, o-or....Or ANYTHING flashy. Just some food and a room is q-quite enough!!" Cyber paused, before shaking her head and smiling. "Well, all he wants to do is show his interest for ya-" "I don't want any interest in me!" Her purple eyes became wide and looked at cyber with...fear? "I-I don't want to be forced to..." She stopped. Breathing heavily and blinking. Cyber rose a brow as she sat back down and stared at the desk. "B-be with someone again." Cyber blinked at her before getting a thoughtful look on her face and hummed. "Im taking it the uh...other guy wasn't too friendly huh?" She flinched and curled in more. Just shaking her head no as her answer. Cyber hummed. "Look. I'll...have a talk with the boss and just tell him to ease up on the whole wooing you stick, ok?" She didn't answer. Not that Cyber was expecting her too, with a sigh she reached out and patted her hands in a reassuring manner. "It'll be alright." It was....kinda alright. Lou's face gave her a look of confusion as his brow rose and he gave Cyber a look as to what information was actually laid back to him. She stood there waiting for an answer from him but it seemed the plant man was calculating his next move as she spoke. He always did seem one step ahead didn't he. Without another word he slowly reached for the cup of coffee beside him while looking back down to the papers he was holding. Probably another sucker signed their life away to the powerful demon. Making him one percent more powerful than he last was. One percent more dangerous. And he wasn't afraid to show it if needed. "....So, what you're telling me is that you think this..."He waved a hand, "Mysterious other lover used to be-....What exactly?" "To put it bluntly I think she was...forced into a pretty unhealthy relationship, and the guy left some bad views on guys showing interest in her...If you get what Im trying to say here." "I think I have a pretty good idea, Cyber. And trust me when I say that I have no problem with adapting to what's thrown my way. I've come to get used to that down here." He went back to the paper and smiled. "Have a little more faith in me." "Trust me I do. Buuuut-" She leaned into the wall and sighed. "I would suggest handling this case with some care. She ain't the usually hard to get woman who eventually swoon into your arms." He laughed and gave her a serious but calm look. "Oh, you don't think I know this already? You wound me Cyber.~ Really you do.~ But there's a fortune just lying under my feet and you know once you give me a shovel, there's no stopping me from getting to the buried treasure.~" She hummed and nodded but her eyes shifted back to the papers he was holding again and rose a brow. "...Is that what I think it is?" He only smiled and pulled the first paper from the stack in his hands out, shifting it around for her to look. It was a purple pink color instead of white like the rest of the stack and in fancy gold writing words curved and danced into sentences as her mind scanned over the whole thing...And smirked. "I should've known." She pointed at it. "Your old pal still throwing those once a year ball parties?" "Oh, you know Cyrus. It's a great way to lure in big hot shots. Scrounge up a few deals- " He looked back down to the paper as he turned it back to his face. "Scope out competition. ..Maybe bring along a guest?" "I don't know if that'll be a good idea-" "Why not? She came from a privelidge family before coming down here." He took another sip from his cup. "It should be her kind of crowd." "...She doesn't seem like the kind to fair well in that kind of environment. But it's your call of course." "Yes. And don't forget that...." The papers were shuffled and the chair made a scraping sound as he slowly stood up and reached for his hat. Placing it on top of his head and turning to her. "I think it's been a while since I've gone out anywhere...Cyber, when's the last time I've actually gone out anywhere to enjoy myself?" His eyes glanced out the window and looked out at the other giant buildings from his tall window view. Homes. Other businesses. And all those little lives just below him. All waiting to be groomed and be ruled under the iron fist of his hands. Oh! His mind was already disecting and gutting the whole neighborhood. He didn't want too much, not yet. After all if someone else more powerful caught wind of his little pet, there could be trouble. If he just took over a small portion of the city, barely anyone would notice since it literally happened ALL THE TIME down there. ....He'll make it too his liking. First thing gutting that disgusting workhouse in the middle of the square and making it into his own giant personal garden, his own garden on the top floor was beautiful, but his little babies could use the bigger room. And he'll add cut marble walkways, all kinds of exotic plants especially roses.Maybe he'll even get one of those multicolored roses with different colored petals. Midnight could fix a dome to keep everyone out he didn't want, or perhaps he'll cash in one of the favors his colleges owed him? And of course he'll add a fountain, small pond, he was sure there was somewhere he could purchase some small not too dangerous fish. And of course hell need some bees to help pollinate, and butterflies. They added to the colorful asthetic of it all. He had a lot of work to do. The rest of the buildings he knew exactly what he wanted to do with them. He'll knock them all down. Make ONE giant living conditions for his loyal subjects living under him, but he'd make them work in turn for his 'protection'. No soul was useless if you knew how to work. Then of course there was the wine brewery, MAYBE he'd let his top three minions pick one buildings for themselves. Midnight would benefit greatly from a whole lab to herself. She didn't care about power, as long as she got to do her experiments. Disease...he had no idea. Probably a giant bar or something...On second thought, he could make a bar attached to the brewery and have Rouge run it for him. She'd like that. Cyber might want her own workshop....Not that he cared about his minions or anything. He just wanted to be sure they were rewarded for their loyalty. After all loyalty gets rewarded....And of course he wouldn't forget his little pet.~ He'd make sure she'd be very rewarded for her work. Just let him pull the strings and be a good girl and they'd all get along just fine.~ He could feel Cyber thinking behind him before she spoke again. "Around...five months before you even met Amalfia." He chuckled. "Almost a full year. Tsk, tsk. This won't do at all. I think I deserve some quality time with my dear fiancé. Don't you?" A hiss came instead of her voice as an answer and he turned around raising a brow. It wasn't Cyber who was hissing at him, but a giant plant in the corner. It's petals flared open and it's one eye blinked at him. "Hmm? Rita? What's she-..OH! Of course." He walked over to the door waving the plant off and it closed as immediately as it came. "It's about time she came back with a reply to my little proposal. Though I didn't expect it now. Better make this quick after all.~" The door opened and he motioned for Cyber to follow. "It's best we wrap this up fast. After all. I can't wait to show how much better a man her new suiter really is.~" ......................................................................................................................................................... Within the hour Cyber had left, she had simply gone back to work with the small stack of chores she had been given. Blank purple minds glazing over the small list in her hands, when she smelt it. The faint smell of smoke. Which was strange since the living courters was a none smoking area, for the safety of Lou's precious plants, he made that very clear to her. Which meant something was on fire, the thought made her panic for a moment. Maybe one of Midnight's spells went wrong, or Disease did another oops. But all that stopped when she saw it..Or HER. Heels clicked against the floor and fancy tail feathers swished behind her as the small woman made her way down the hallway. Cigarette and burlesque like someone that just walked out of the 1920s. The small lady looked bored but her eyes peered up as soon as she made contact with who she presumed was the secretary. The two ladies looked at each other until the smaller one sucked on the end of her smoke and blew it up at her. Making her cough. "Well?" She coughed a few times waving a hand in front of her face and looked down to her. ''W-Well what? Don't you k-know L-Lou doesn't a-allow smoking?" "He knows I was coming, would've been here a lot sooner, but recently some very good clients have been...'investing' with my establishment." Her red eyes glazed over her again and she huffed. "Why don't you know this? Aren't you in charge of knowing his schedules?" Her ears went back in guilt and her hands gripped the small list tighter. "W-Well...Im still getting used t-to everything here. Im sorry, Ma'am." The woman gave another look over her. Smoke coming out of her mouth and a brow raised. "...You said you're new?" "Um. Y-Yes?" .....She snickered and gave a couple laughs. Looking at the top of her head where two little ears flickered and a horn jutted from her forehead. Was this the new pony that Charles and Rubix spoke of? How amusing. She certainly didn't look like much, guess Lou needed another pretty face to help put on the act. "Oh, so you're the pony Rubix spoke of." "Rubix?" "He's Charles's husband, and one of my best workers." Her face lit up in realization. D-Did she mean the white skeletal man they had a run in with a few months back? "..D-Do you mean the small one eyed man?" She hummed. "You work fast. Keep that up and maybe he'll-" "RITA!!" Amalfia jumped and whirled around and spotted the very plant boss himself walking down the hall with a smile hands behind his back and Cyber on his heels. Rita just calmly looked up at him and blew another puff of smoke once he got got enough to look down at her. "Still ignoring my rules I see? Then again it's hard to see you anyways." She rolled her eyes at his jab at her appearance. "Let's cute to the business. Im here for two things. The main one being your question. You want to use some of my people for entertainment?" "That was the idea, yes. You took long making up your mind. Have you decided an answer?" "I have and it's no." "Marvelous!! That wraps up things now doesn't it!" Rita rose a brow. Wasn't he going to argue or try to use sarcasm to make her change her mind. But he waved a hand and looked to the pony who jumped slightly. "Now, if you excuse me I wanted to treat my dear fiancé here to a dinner out. Dear, why don't you go with Cyber and put on something nice to wear?" "B-B-But I haven't finished-" She was pulled up off the chair and pushed away by Cyber before anyone could say another word with an eye roll from the computer. Lou in the meantime dusted himself off and noticed Rita watching the two ladies leave before looking up at him with deadpan eyes. Pulling the cigarette outta her mouth and puffing it out. "You? Fiance? Heh." She shook her head and rolled her eyes. "And what makes you want to suddenly settle down?" He simply chuckled and inspected his red talons. "Can't a man settle down and want a little lady of his own?~ You act like I'm not sincere with this." "Because you're not," she bluntly stated crossing her arms, "The famous dealer of the most popular casimo in the whole endless plain of the second circle of hell and out of all the high powerful people you choose to settle with, it's a rat with hooves?" She looked back where the women disappeared off too. "What makes her so special?" He chuckled. "Oh, I have my reasons.~ And could that be jealousy I hear from you dear Rita?~" "Not even in your dreams. Who cares if you decide to crush another heart? I have other things to do before I leave-" "Rouge is handling the bar today.~" "I DIDN'T ASK YOU!!....*Ahem*" Her tail feather ruffled up with the shout and she smoothed them out and turned around. "Im going to grab a drink since you obviously wasted my time with your question." "Please don't forget to pay your tab or it'll come from Rouge's pay.~" She rolled her eyes but didn't say anything else when she left. He...maybe wouldn't do that, but his little threat always ensured Rita paid whatever she was due. One thing he could always count on working, but he had bigger fish to fry right now. .............................................................................................................................................................................. The waiting in the lounge was possibly one of the most nerve wracking things there....Well make that one of the least. What she didn't like was being forced into some fancy get up and practically sweettalked into wearing that small rose studded ring on her finger, how weak was she to let Cyber sweet talk to her like that. God she really was pathetic wasn't she? No wonder she landed herself down here in the first place- She groaned and reached her hand up to rub her face- "I wouldn't do that if I were you." The unicorn gave a small squeak and jumped a few feet away. Turning around and the familiar smell of cigerette smoke and red eyes hit her senses. Rita gave an uninterested look at her and rose a brow at her reaction. Ears back and hunkered down into a pose like a submissive hellhound. Making her scoff and roll her eyes. Oh, boy. Lou must've been pretty bored to start swooning someone even below Disease. "You'll smudge your make up." Amalfia blinked and could only watch as the woman gave her a studying gaze and ever so slowly walked behind her, twisting her neck to follow her. Flinching when she pulled at a wrinkle in her dress and tugged at another. Srill continuing to slowly look her up and down and study her. "Rita, you probably heard about me from the weed. Name?" ....She blinked. "U-Um...Amalfia. L-Lou didn't mention you before-" She chuckled. "Lou hasn't mentioned me? Here I thought we had something special." She blinked and watched as she stopped right in from of her. "W-Well he knows Mr. Charles-" She gave off another laugh. "Oh! Trust me. Those two know each other very well. They have past connections through their second businesses...Still do." Her brow rose down at Rita at the smiling woman. "W-What?....What second business? I thought he just owned the casino." Rita just smiled with a chuckle, rolling her eyes. "Oh deary me. It seems I've said far too much. You're pretty easy to talk to, Sweetie." She reached a hand into a purse she had slung over her shoulder and pulled out a small pink card with gold writing. "My card. Pop by my place sometime. It's good to find some half decent company 'round here." ...Amalfia slowly took the card from her and she turned. "Even if you do look like a half washed up tramp. No offense, but that eye shadow job is NOT helping." ...One of her hands went up to delicately touch her face and Rita took that moment to leave, so when she turned back around the peacock tailed woman was already long gone. She blinked and looked down to the small pink card in her hands. On it was engraved an address and the name of some fancy sounding club. Sighing, she put the card into one of her pockets- "Dear!~" She jumped and whirled around to the sight of the plant demon, only this time he was adorned with a black cloak thrown over him. Giving him more of an villain appearance, behind him was Cyber looking the same as always. "Are you ready, Pet? Im so sorry if I kept you waiting, but I had to take care of a little dispute in the gaming courters." His eyes glazed over the outfit she was wearing and smiled. "Ah! And did I mention that you look absolutely lovely in that outfit.~" "....Thank you." Well, not certainly quite what he was expecting but she didn't look away from him this time. So that was one thing he should work on more. "Shall we then?" He gestured towards the exit and they were off.
All characters except amalfia belongs to @palettepainter
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