#i mean we're all just here because mackenyu is hot as fuck right?
agoodroughandtumble · 7 months
Roronoa Zoro x Reader - Birthday
Status: Complete Pairing: Roronoa Zoro x Reader – I haven’t beta’d but I don’t think Reader is a particular gender (obviously comment if you think it needs changing) Summary: It’s Reader’s birthday Warning(s): 18+ Language, alcohol
Roronoa Zoro was not unaccustomed to the unknown. The unravelling of mysteries were, thankfully, usually not his problem so he tended to just wait until someone told him which direction his swords should be facing. Life had been fairly simple that way. He trusted his captain, trusted his crew. The only problem he had to solve was which insult he would be hurling at the Sunny’s cook at that particular moment. Life for him had been on a solid trajectory – follow his captain, protect his crew, become the world’s greatest swordsman.
Every now and then Luffy would enlist another lost soul and that inevitably led to a veer off the course but that was Luffy, and Zoro was well accustomed to the trend. And then, as much as the cliché infuriated him – you came along. Another broken soul longing for acceptance – that part was fine, tolerable, understandable. The effect you had on him not so much. That was an exasperating unknown, and one he didn’t much care for. Only no one else was figuring it out for him – not that he would ever discuss this with anyone. Maybe Nami, after a few drinks, but he was almost certain her “advice” would be decidedly less than helpful.
So, as much as it was driving him insane, it seemed like you were his own mystery to solve, or at least you would be if Zoro hadn’t mastered the art of stubbornness along with swordsmanship. If he couldn’t understand you, if he couldn’t explain why you were occupying so many of his thoughts then he was just going to ignore you – ignore the way his gaze automatically fell on you, ignore the instinctive response to stand in front of you at the first sign of danger, ignore the way his heart leapt when you smiled at him. He could ignore everything – only it was impossible to bury his head in the sand when he was surrounded by water.
On this particular day you were making your way into his intrusive thoughts in spectacular fashion. The morning had been fine, normal – breakfast, training, preventing Luffy from launching himself overboard in the name of hijinks… Then Sanji had swept across the desk, the very epitome of the cat that got the cream. He’d been gushing to anyone who would listen about much you had appreciated – no, loved – your birthday present.
Ah, shit.
There was ignoring you because of weird, unknown reasons. And then there was being the arsehole that forgot your birthday.
Of course the stupid love cook would make a song and dance about it. If Zoro was in a more forgiving mood he would just assume Sanji was just being his usual overly flirtatious self. But Zoro wasn’t in a forgiving mood – he was annoyed at himself for forgetting and therefore Sanji was deliberately being a prick. The blond’s obsequious behaviour towards you hadn’t been lost on Zoro. Even he could only dismiss the fawning for so long. It didn’t help that Sanji was notorious for flirting with any woman with a pulse. Every time you giggled at a joke or downcast your eyes out of feigned modesty Zoro wanted to grab your shoulders and shake you. He wanted to tell you that Sanji wasn’t doing it for you, but he wou-
Zoro scrunched his eyes up. Another intrusive thought. That stupid bloody cook. If Sanji wasn’t being such an obvious flirt then Zoro wouldn’t have to get involved. Just to stop you from reading too much into it. That was only why he cared, nothing about you flirting back, nothing at all like that. Yeah, that was convincing.
The evening sun was lazily making its way below the horizon when you found yourself resting against the railings of the Sunny. You weren’t particularly one to celebrate your birthday but the fact that every one of the Straw Hats had gone out of their way to make it special, well, you couldn’t ask for anything more. Unsurprisingly the party was in full swing, although you weren’t sure whether it was a party just for you or for the sake of it. Not that it mattered. You were just glad to be a part of something. It was almost sickeningly sweet how much you were enjoying your crew mates’ revelry, which just made Zoro’s indifference to the festivities all the more sour. You hadn’t expected much but then a simple “happy birthday” was hardly asking for the moon.
You weren’t quite sure what had happened. For the first couple of months Zoro had just treated you like any other member of the crew and then almost overnight he couldn’t bear to be in the same vicinity. You had spent hours wracking your brains, obsessively reliving every conversation and encounter – desperate to understand what had prompted the sudden gear shift.
Annoyingly, you had passed the barrier between being drunk enough to confront him and too drunk to confront him. Your fists clenched. Honestly. Could he not just pretended he liked you for a day? You didn’t particularly like him either but at least you weren’t so petty as to make him feel guilty at his birthday party because you weren’t having fun. And, you reasoned to yourself, he’d done this himself. He was the one who was ignoring you. He was the one who conveniently had to be everywhere you weren’t. He was the arsehole.
You glanced around you – surveying the landscape. Obviously Brook was on deck with his violin, you could hear that much. The others seemed to be sat in a circle a few feet away from him playing some sort of game which, judging by her outspokenness was Nami’s idea. All except one. You could feel the heat rising in your chest. So now he wasn’t even bothering to be at the party? The man who loved sake almost as much as he loved his swords. He’d rather not drink than be anywhere near you. Tears pricked your eyes which was pathetic – you knew it was pathetic. Why did it matter so much? Only it did. Because you clearly liked him. Because you clearly … fuck you couldn’t say it. Because he was the one that mattered. Because he’d been ignoring you for months and what had you done? Well, you had been unsubtle about your feelings but that was it.
You took a sip of your drink and tried to steady yourself. The last thing you needed was someone seeing you upset, ruining the whole evening for everyone. A deep breath and you’d be fine. You didn’t need Zoro. Didn’t want Zoro. Yeah, that was convincing.
“Are you alright?”
The voice behind you made you jump. Fuck. Quickly wiping a tear away from your eye you steadied yourself. You weren’t going to be upset in front of him of all people. “What do you care?”
A heavy sigh. “It’s your birthday.”
“Oh you noticed?”
A pause. You inwardly cursed yourself for being so defensive. But then fuck it. Why shouldn’t you be? Why couldn’t you be an arsehole tonight when he’d spent the past six or so months doing the exact same thing. Guilt be damned.
“Are you going to bite my head off if I wish you happy birthday?”
Your mouth twitched, eager to unleash all of the thoughts in your head. Somehow with a deep breath you managed to contain them and turned around to face him. He looked … you couldn’t work out what. Not like the sarcastic, stoic dick you were used to. You brushed your hair behind your ears, giving you a few seconds to compose yourself. “Well where’s my present then?” You had tried to sound light-hearted. It hadn’t worked.
“I had some thoughts. You’re hard to please.”
You scoffed. A cowardly way out. “How do you know that? How do you know anything about me when you just ignore me all the time?” The heat in your chest was back. “You don’t know anything because you never try.”
Zoro looked away from you, you squinted at him. If he was going to come out with some wank you weren’t having any of it. And you certainly weren’t going to let him sweep the past six months under the rug just because he said something now. If he wanted to be your friend, fine, you would let him, and you could forget the awkwardness but one grand gesture wasn’t overtaking months of him making you feel like you weren’t worthy of even being in the same room as him just because he’d suddenly decided that was so.
“Well?” You prompted, “Since it’s my birthday you have to answer my questions.” You could see the furrow in his eyebrows. Good. You wanted to make him squirm a little bit.
“I know,” Zoro cut off and you rolled your eyes fully prepared for the spiel. “I know when you can’t get someone out of your head. And you don’t know why. That’s what I know.”
You took another sip of your drink. And swallowed. Hard. You scrunched your face – a million thoughts running through your head and trying to grasp onto the only one that didn’t make you sound like an arsehole. You didn’t want an argument but the need for clarity was over riding. “And I’m supposed to believe that’s me? The one you can’t get out of your head?”
As soon as the words left your mouth you braced yourself. Obviously it wasn’t you. But please for the love of God let it be you. Let it be you that Zoro always thinks about. Let him want you as much as you wanted him. Let him be feeling even a fraction of the anticipation, nerves, self doubt, want, need, desire as you were. Just… just don’t let him say it’s for someone else.
The silence was palpable. Consuming. But you could live in it if the other option was rejection. You could spend a thousand aeons in this silence if the alternative was Zoro telling you he didn’t want you.
A sharp intake of breath and once again you were bracing yourself for the inevitable. Zoro turned around from you. Your shoulders slumped in defeat. He couldn’t even look at you whilst rejecting you. That was a new found low. Your eyes hit the deck, biting your bottom lip and wanting anything else than this. Your heart had fallen slow it would be used as an anchor.
You didn’t notice when Zoro turned back to you. It was only when he took your hand in his. The customary I-like-you-as-a-friend-gesture. You wanted to be sick. Just get it over with and fuck off. But your eyebrows furrowed when something was placed in your hand – something small and ever so slightly warm. Despite yourself you opened your palm and looked down at your hand. An earring. A gold earring. Your eyes darted up to his but they were closed.
His forehead leant against yours, “Now you’re not in my head.”
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