#i messed up somewhere but i cant be bothered to fix it
cozymochi · 18 days
Leona 8. A party outfit
From this ASK MEME (not accepting new ones)
yknow, aside from taking two months to follow up on this, I nearly lost this file entirely and all the backups thanks to a technical problem, so you (whoever u are) can imagine how livid i would be if it didn’t recover
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let’s pretend i knew what i was doing
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a-libra-writes · 1 year
Lol I love your Lackadaisy reader insert 😩
I'm actually glad they animated it ..so can you write a romantic headcanon for Victor I love big beefy men ..👁️👄👁️
I kidda like if the reader is like a famous model and him a over protective male wife
I hope this make sense thou tell me what you think..
I love your works and have a good day/or night (⁠っ⁠˘⁠з⁠(⁠˘⁠⌣⁠˘⁠ ⁠)
lol so i really cant see viktor as like, a "malewife" as hes p traditional and rough around the edges but this made me think of some HCs with him and a married reader so here ya go!! It kinda got away from me.
Femme reader ahead!
Regardless of how you met Viktor -- perhaps you were both from the old country and came to America together, or you're a fellow immigrant he found common ground with once he arrived, or an American girl who actually bothered to talk to him -- eventually, you two married. You were a pretty girl and he actually had trouble talking to you the first few times. Viktor was quiet, but sweet, honest and reliable.
You and him only got a few years of married life before the draft came.
He wanted to do it, hoping it would bring some kind of opportunity for you both. At least the pay was better, as most employers felt a Slav was only good for dumb labor and low wages.
When he came back, he was Viktor, but not the one you married. Not quite.
The job at the docks was one he'd been able to stick to for some time, though you know he disliked it. He worked for your sake, so you wouldn't have to pull such long hours yourself. He did many things for your sake, silently and without complaint. He didn't used to be this quiet.
You didn't hear about the terrible riot, or his involvement. You just knew he never came home, and then some neighbor said he was arrested. Then - there was some lawyer? Some man named Atlas May? It happened so quickly. No one at the police station would help, as expected. But then that man, that Atlas May, drove up to your modest little apartment and explained in his polite, calm voice. There was no need to worry. He has a new job, and you'll be much provided for. He wouldn't tell you why Viktor was in jail or what this new job was.
Viktor had to move to a different part of St. Louis for this job. He didn't even tell you in person, he wrote about it, saying he'll send money and you shouldn't worry about him. If anything, you should move somewhere nicer and not think of him.
Obviously you crumpled that letter up and figured out where the hell he's gone off to. Once you find the Little Daisy, you look around and see your big husband in the garage. You immediately rattle off at him. WHAT does he mean by this and what happened to his eye and WHO is this man who paid for the lawyer and if Viktor thinks he can just upend your lives and not TALK to you--
Your language or his, he gets the point. The whole building probably heard you.
So, you find employment in the Little Daisy. The pay is generous; you wonder if Atlas is either placating you or feels bad for the whole mess. Maybe both, but it's much easier than the work you did before. And his wife Mitzi is friendly - you think she likes having female company for once. In spite of her fancy clothes and talk, she's quite down to earth.
Even if you don't mind working the cafe, Viktor feels a great deal of guilt for "involving" you in the business. Well, it is what it is. It's not so bad, on the quiet days. Sometimes he's home in the evening with you, sometimes he's out all night and gets in as you're getting ready for work. You'll share a kiss and give him a long, long hug before sending him to bed with no questions.
If he's wounded, Viktor doesn't like coming home. He'll stay at the speakeasy and get it fixed there, and recover there if need be, until you drag him back home. You are not above cornering Mordecai, dangling a rat by the tail and making him spill what Viktor got into.
"You wouldn't - I just cleaned this room, do you realize how quickly those vermin breed--" "Ohh, I would, and I'll get more until you tell me where he's laid up!"
Actually, you have kind of a weird friendship with Mordecai, like Viktor does. You know the surly cat keeps your husband safe and has saved his life before. When you tuck away some sandwiches and a thermos of coffee for your husband, you start adding some extra food and a thermos of tea for Mordecai, too. He doesn't say anything to you directly, but returns the clean thermoses and cups to Viktor. And comments it's nice to know someone around here can make a proper cup of tea.
If you know Slovak, that tends to be what you and Viktor speak to each other, even in front of others. Otherwise you two have a weird half-English half-Slovak and whatever else that most people only get every other word of. He finds your accent very charming, and kinda prefers that people don't know what you two are saying. It's more private that way.
If he's around, he likes to join you on your lunch break and yall get a nice moment alone. You snuggle up and lean on him and he quietly enjoys the affection. He growls at anyone who comes in and tries to interrupt Wife Time (tm). If he doesn't have something to do immediately, Viktor likes keeping you company while you cook up the food and work the register though he kinda scares the customers.
He REALLY doesn't like the idea of you working down in the Speakeasy, you're a pretty girl, and that's a rowdy crowd. Even with all their money, the men are the same. The few times you've had to go down for something or to help out, it only takes ten minutes before some Mister Whoever stops you and says you ought to be in magazines and the pictures. If Mordecai spots the altercation early, he beelines over to deal with it - because otherwise Viktor will come by, and his way of dealing with it is picking men up by their necks and all but full-body throwing them up the stairs. Atlas doesn't complain - it keeps the other patrons in line. Mordecai just doesn't want to deal with the mess.
(Sometimes it's just some harmless drunk whose clearly confused you for a different girl and you still have to pull Viktor away. "Dear, please, no one should get their teeth knocked out for a misunderstanding ...")
More than once Mitzi has taken you shopping and dressed you up. If it's a special occassion - New Year's is a big one for Lackdaisy - you should go all out! She makes sure your hair is done and lends you some jewelry, and floats the idea of you getting Viktor in a tuxedo. It would never happen, of course, but she'll try.
Yes, it isn't so bad to be here - the violence is frightening, but Viktor always makes it home back to you. Maybe just another year or two of saving and you both can find a nice house in the country.
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red-tintedglasses · 2 years
Flirting During Life-Saving Surgery 101
(TW for: general TW, masochism (implied), flirty murder, surgery)
Chapter 7/?
A large, clean-cut house is their destination. Jimmy leans his head against the headrest with a sigh. Usually, he would rather die than see Madeline, but this time, it's a life-or-death where the death isn't particularly glamorous or eye-catching. And who would want to die like that? He opens the car door and gets out and lurches towards the hard pavement. He stretches out his arms to balance himself, and he starts swaying, vomit rising in his mouth.
"Je$u$ chr*st..." Gregg slams the car door on his way out and leans Jimmy on his shoulder. "How the fuck did you even survive this long!?"
“I was doing just fine! I don't need your help!" Jimmy uses Gregg as his human crutch as they hobble to the front door. 
Jimmy raps on the metal, missing a few times. Then again, fist hitting nothing but air. And now Gregg pounds his fist on the door. It swings open and a small, 15 year old opens the door. She has her black hair up in a pony tail with two strands left in the front, like shes always prepared to be looking down at a mess of human gore. Madeline looks down at Jimmy’s leg and she moves aside to let them enter. “When did that happen?” she asks. Jimmy hums. “Maybe an hour ago?”
Madelime rolls her eyes and she leads them inside, to the tiled kitchen. "Please sit down on the dining chairs. I'll bring my medical kit shortly." She leabes the kitchen and disappears around the corner.
Gregg guides Jimmy to the chair and sits him down which Jimmy does with a loud, relieved sigh. Gregg leans on the counter as they wait.
Gregg ignores the phone's vibrating.
Gregg moves off the counter, the vibration reverbing throughout the room.
Jimmy doesn't seem to notice his phone buzzing with message after message.
"Jimmy," Gregg spits out through gritted teeth. "Your phone has been vibrating non-stop. Fix it before I fucking crush it."
“I didn’t notice, being shot in the leg is kind of more important don’t you think?” Jimmy sighs. He takes his phone out to find new messages from a contact freshly saved as Cyrus (tall killer ♡).
>Did you die? 
>I mean you wont respond if you are dead >But i wouldnt know if you were dead or just not a texter! @_@
>are you still bleeding? 
>if you still are at this point thats actually kinda embarrasing >:/
>ok your iced coffee thing from that cafe is okay
> …
>no its bad im sorry >~<
>that was mean i apologize :(
>ok im definitely rambling 
>ugghhhhh sorry 
>ARE you dead tho 
>if you arent then text me 
>or not if you dont want to 
>if you are dead then like 
>fuck i dont know
>Ouija me ig
Jimmy blinks in surprise at the long, rambly string of texts.
<bury me with my garfield collection 
>oh nooooooo!!!!!!
>cant believe you diiiiied!!!!
>collection of what tho
>like books or toys 
>what about your worms?
>WAIT WAIT sorry uh 
>are you still dying and being shot at
<nah i shot the cop, he was like right next to us and killed him and shit
<hes so dead and not alive
Jimmy doesn’t bother telling them how badly he had fumbled the bag, or in this case, gun.
>what thats it? 
>well thats no fun >:/
>expected more from Star Glasses Jimmy >wait wait omg! 
>so theres this girl right and she got 
>well lets just say she got punished >;) 
(Somewhere in the distance, Cyrus cringes at the winky face they sent) 
>and now shes all broken and shaking and had a panic attack
>all because of havng a bit of fun with her! >:/
>sorry rambling again 
>most people dont find the human psyche as interesting as i do
<mc fucking excuse me? 
<tell me more about this girl 
<is she alright? 
<and dont worry about rambling, im a fucking hot mess also.
>no she is not! :D 
>and dont worry abt her being okay, she can do her job just fine! 
>ooo you want to heat my silly rants about the mind and atuff? 
>yay! >w<
Jimmy smiles at the emoticon.
>okay, so
One long rant about hypervigilance and heart rates later, Jimmy understands nothing.
 >and next time you see a cop, we can meet up and put that pig through some hellish torture!! >:) I have many ideas for convienent torture methods as well! 
>Much more fun than a plain old panic attack like that girl decided to do, hehehe
>that is, if you dont get shot again •-•
<well hey give me the benefit of the doubt, i was bleeding out and the car was moving. 
<damn, you really fucked up that girl didn’t you?
>i did fuck her up! It was really fun too! 
>I got punched by her though :( 
>but it was worth it! 
>i hope your text was meant to sound proud of me!
>if not then your not as fun as i thought youd be~ >:3
>and here i was, offering to show you Cyrus's Convienient Torture Hacks for Instant Euphoria!
<have you seen my murders, id say im the opposite of fun ;)
>no, i havent seen your murders :(... 
>but judging by your tone i can safely say >that i'd love to watch you go to flesh-ripping town on some victims 
>we have very similar definitions of fun, >Darling ;)
>Look up ‘the artist chicago' if you like blood baths~
>why bother with googling? Theyll just be censored, at best just blurred 
>the public are a bunch of pussies! Like its just a bit of guts and blood! Ò_Ó
>and cmon, i could just whip up my own blood bath! 
>bet i could do better than you >:)
Gregg is reading over Jimmy's shoulder. He rolls his eyes with an infuriated sigh.
<gregg stop reading over my shoulder, i can see you dumbass 
<mr. Can’t Even Get the Cops off His Ass
<anyway, CYRUS you could never beat my murders darling
>id love to see you tryyy~
>who is gregg :?
>call me darling again and maybe I'll try harder,
>Sweetheart! hehehe…
Gregg groans out, "Oh my fucking god, Jimmy. What did I just tell you about oversharing?" He means it rhetorically only because he knows Jimmy forgot already.
“Why do you care so much, anyway? You're no fun…” Jimmy pouts. 
<gregg is just the guy who like saved my ass
<but hes so boring and hes yelling at me 
He sees the last text Cyrus sent
<call me sweetheart and i’ll rip out your eye balls and feed it to your neighbors dog
Jimmy corrects himself
<darling ;)
>well what would you prefer? 
>^^you called me that at one point i think
>perhaps even Darling! 
Jimmy holds down a giggle.
>But i am intrigued in seeing you again, even if you will rip out my eyeballs right after
>want me to go on?
Madeline comes back with a red duffel bag. She kneels in front of Jimmy and begins cleaning the wound.
<if you call me kitten, i will torture you in ways you could never even think of, honey ;)
<i am also 'intrigued' to see you again, maybe when my leg isnt bleeding out? 
<you never know, you might even find my address and just show up 
<i do that alot! The shock value is unmatched
>why not make it a fun game of leaving behind breadcrumbs and leaving me to pick them up and investigate them, huh?
>drag me around on a chain of red tape until i finally win? 
>lets see if you can make good on your winky-faced threats, kitten
(In their apartment, Cyrus is currently burying their face into a pillow and grinning like an idio).
<i hope you dont use your eyeballs much, love ;) 
<but im more into real bloodbaths and not boring old investigations
<if it makes you happy, i can add a couple of extra special hearts in my crime scenes for you~
>youll dedicate some of your bloodbaths to me? :0 
>thats not as scary as your trying to make it sound :)
>i do take it back though! Youre very fun. As a killer. 
>and im fun! As a torturer! 
>we should show each other the ropes sometimes
>and i mean that genuinely, kitten~ ;) 
>^^see that? Triple threat. Tilde, winky face, and calling you kitten
>try and beat that >:)!
>(i am being genuine tho)
Madeline starts removing the bullet with a pair of tweezers, her hand as steady as a senior surgeons. Jimmy winces in pain.
<im better at delivering my threats than giving them, darling, no matter now many winky faces i have
<and who said it was supposed to be scary? <i think theres a better use to your body when its dead
<your intestines could be some pretty nice party streamers, my ray of sunshine ;)
>anything for you sweetheart! 
(Cyrus whimpers, flustered and pleasantly shocked by Jimmy's 'threats'). 
>bet i could show you how great it feels to feel somebody writhe and scream and cry as you inflict agonizing pain upon them! 
>you can show me a thing or two as well, kitten 
>if you do then you can do whatever you please with my intestines. 
>just make sure im alive and aware for it :)
>Wouldn't mind my organs being taken if it was you~ ;)
Gregg sighs. "Oh my god, stop fucking flirting. Even Madeline can tell you want this guy in your pants, and she's dealing with the sinkhole in your leg!"
Jimmy’s face goes through the five stages of grief. “Gregg, please don't bring me into this,” Madeline says, not looking up from her work. “Oh, come on!" He huffs. "We'ree not /flirting/, that's how I /always/ talk!” He beams at Gregg innocently.
"Either way, /they're/ flirting with /you/. A lot. They literally want you to take their guts out. And /watch/ you do it." Gregg sighs and looks away from Jimmy's phone. "Can't fucking deal with this anymore..." he grumbles. However he clearly decides to continue dealing with it, because he doesn't move from his optimal phone-seeking position.
“I can't blame them! Did you see my gut dress? I'm practically an expert in that by now!” Jimmy laughs.
"God, no. I dont want to see whatever paraphilia this is in action while you two flirt like there's no tomorrow." 
Cyrus continues texting. 
>i am being serious about the delights of torture! >w<
>invite me the next time you get that itch in your brain for a good bloody hunt. >:)
Jimmy grins and Gregg groans again.
>i think i can make the euphoria last longer, kitten, in ways you cant imagine
>just like your fun little plans for me~
“But /Gregg/," he moves his head to wink at Gregg. "there /could/ be no tomorrow!” Madeline places the still dripping bullet onto a towel, which she wraps up and puts into a paper bag. She takes a needle and threads to sew up the wound with. “Jimmy, they are really flirting with you,” She comments before she starts.
"Yeah, exactly!" Gregg huffa. "And /she/ can't even see the fucking screen! And I /would/ say you're flirting back, too, if you werent such a hot mess of flambuoyancy! I cant even tell when you mean the things you say!"
“I am /not/ a hot mess of flambuoyancy!” He turns off his phone. Madeline cuts the final thread and admires her finished handiwork. She remains silent and watches the argument play out.
"Yeah, yeah whatever. Just dont fucking meet up with that guy, okay? For all we know, they're going to plunge a knife 8 inches deep into you!"
Jimmy goes silent and swings his legs on the chair.  “So… bad news. Its a little late for that!”
Gregg slams his palm against the back of the chair. Then he paces in a tight circle, once. Then he yells loudly into the ceiling. 
"C'mon Gregg, I already /told/ you how I met them!'
"Well, fuck me! You wanna be cremated or buried, Jimmy?"
“Why are you so worried!” Jimmy yells back
"Because even if it hasn't been hammered into /your/ thick skull, I know that /outsiders/ can't be trusted! Especially when they want you to vivisect them!" That last bit isn't actual proof, it just irks him.
“I'm sure they weren’t serious about it!” He’s pretty sure they are serious about it.
"God, you're a fucking idiot." He pinches his forehead like he's having a migraine. He can feel one coming on already. "How much longer 'til he's done, Madeline?"
“Oh, I've been done for a while now,” she says from across the room making tea. She had gotten bored of the arguing. "Tea, Gregg?" Gregg looks down where he last saw her. Then up at where she is now. "Oh. Uh. Sure. Jimmy?"
Jimmy giggles knowingly. “I'm good, but thanks, Madeline!"
Gregg makes his way over to Madeline. "I'll take some." She gets out two tea cups and pours in the deep brown liquid. “Do you want sugar or cream?”
"None. I take it straight." No he does not. Gregg is a coffee person and has never tried tea. •But how different can it be?• He grasps the cup like it's a mug. "Look, Jimmy," he takes a sip and turns to Jimmy. "Just stop flirting with them. Or at least don't let them entertain the notion that you'll go on some passionate killing spree for them."
“But I would go on a mass killing spree for them?” Jimmy looks confused. "I already promised!" 
Madeline grabs her cup of tea and pretty much fades into the background.
"Yeah, sure, okay! But don't!" Gregg takes another sip and grimaces from the taste. "See this look on my fucking face?" He points a finger at myself. That's because this whole thing with this Cyrus character reeks of backstabbing!"
“But why not? Murder sprees are fun!” He says offended “And you should meet Cyrus! They are a perfectly fine person!”
"Uh-huh, yeah" he slowly puts down the teacup and tries to lick the taste off from inside his mouth. "Go and murder, whatever. Just not for /them/. And I don't want that fucker's grubby paws in my life the same way they've got you sending winky faces and pet names and flirty threats every other text."
"Gregg." Madelike pipes up.
“/What/, Madeline?" He snaps, frustrated. 
"How does your tea taste?"
"Uh.." Gregg looks down at his tea. "Like shit." He grabs the counter, suddenly unbalanced.
"Please be more specific."
"It stings and has an aftertaste."
Madeline sighs. "Thank you. The solution is meant to be tasteless." She takes out a small cup of lightly-greened fluid. “Please drink this.”
"Uhh..." he squint and reaches for it. He misses the first time, and at the second try he grabs hold. He ingests the antidote. "What... was that?" He asks.
“A poison I'm working on. It still needs some work."
Now recovering, Gregg glares at Madeline. "You poisoned this and didn't tell me?"
“Yes, my apologies.” She has always spoken like she was before her time. “Don’t worry, it wouldn't have killed you, especially if you were my victim and you tasted it and understood your drink had been tampered with.” Gregg sighs and rolls his eyes. "Dammit, Madeline, you could have just asked!" He looks back at Jimmy. "Did you know she was going to do that?"
“She does that sometimes~" Jimmy smiles and shrugs.
"You should've poisoned Jimmy instead. It would knock some sense into him." Gregg huffs and goes back to leaning on Jimmy's chair. "And him being passed out on the floor would save us the misery of hearing some more shit flirting."
“If he asked for tea, it would have been him," Madeline says in an attempt to be comforting.
Gregg scoffs. "If we get him sober, maybe the collective hangover can kill him." He looks at Madeline. "Do you have coffee? Without poison." “I don’t think I've ever seen Jimmy sober. It /could/ kill him.” She prepares a cup of coffee and waits beside the coffee maker.
"That guy you were talking to would probably be digging medical instruments into you if they wanted." He says to Jimmy, continuing their argument. "Considering how excited they got over some traumatized girl."
“Well everyone has their quirks! And it was interesting! Even if I didn't really understand it…” He mumbles in Cyrus's defense.
"I think wanting to have their organs used as party streamers and traumatizing a little girl with practically /no/ violence goes well beyond a quirk! And- god, why do i bother?" He asks Madeline, "Can we leave now, or are there /more/ poisons you want to try on me?" He drawls  sarcastically.
“You can leave," she gives Gregg a disposable cup of black coffee. She leads them to the front door.
"Call me if you start coughing up blood," she deadpans her joke. "Or if Jimmy sobers up.'
“Thanks Madeline.” Jimmys says while Gregg rolls his eyes.
They walk to the car as Madeline retreats back into the house.
"I'll drop you off. I can go home, /finally/. Unless you want to do something /else/ stupid and get shot again? Cyrus was right about that, at least."
“Me being shot was not a part of the plan! And stop bringing Cyrus up. They're nice and you're just being paranoid.”
"Yeah, yeah. I drive, you give directions. And tell that prick on your phone to tear out their /own/ intestines! And die! In the middle of bumfuck nowhere!" He opens the driver's side and gets in.
“Why do you hate them so much? Jimmy continues the moment he gets in the car. “Are you jealous?” He giggles.
"I am old enough to be your father. The only thing I could be jealous of is a corpse so I wouldn't have to listen to you and Cyrus fawn over each other." Gregg starts the car. "The fact that youre all-too trusting of them gives me a horrible feeling that you'll fuck the Crows over."
“Gregg, why would I do that? The crows where the only people who treated me normal! They saved my fucking life!” Jimmy exclaims, now serious.
"I'm not saying you'll do it intentionally! Just for the love of God, keep your damn wits around you! You've never interacted with outsiders unless you were about to kill, so just try to /not/ share club secrets with strangers!" Gregg starts driving, heading towards town.
“Yeah, whatever.” Jimmy ignores him and stares out the window.
"Don't do that. What are you, fucking nine years old?"
"I'm not talking to you."
"You can't be mad at me! I'm looking out for the Crows! And so should /you/, by not revealing our entire foundation a guy you picked off the streets!"
Jimmy rolls his eyes. "I won't, Gregg, geez!"
"You /just/ were! What if they're reporting yoi to the cops because you confessed to beimg The Artist, huh? And they track down your messages to your precise location? What, then?"
"That won't happen!" Jimmy sighs, a dreamy smile plasteres on his face. "Cyrus is a very nice person. They sais I'm 'intriguing'!"
"God, fucking-" Gregg scoffs. "Fine."
Jimmy swerves around to face him, hands clasped over his mouth and stars in his eyes. "Really?"
"Thanks, darling! Now I can do whatecer I want without any conseauemces."
"Uh-huh, sure."
"Did Madeline poisom your coffee or something?"
"No," Gregg smiles, "it just tastes like shit. Besides, you'll never change your mind."
“Hey, darling," Jimmy giggles, "at least it wasn't poison again!” He checks his phone for messages, eager at the new string of texts from Cyrus.
>honestly i wouldnt mind popping up at your place unannounced ^w^
>would be fun to see that confident grin wiped off your face :)
>but a fun mystery game where i find you while you give me clues? 
>or getting to surprise you? 
>choices, choices! :/
Jimmy grins and texts back. 
<why can’t we we do both? 
<ill leave little clues at the crime scenes for you to find me ;)
>we shouldnt do both
Jimmy's smile falls.
>Id like to see again as soon as possible
>so why not just drop the theatrics, kitten?
<this ‘kitten’ stuff is adding up how many of your bones im going to break, hun. ;)
>i better rack up my numbers then, kitten!
>suffering violence under your hand would be a privledge~
>how many points do i get for other nicknames? :0 
>and you better live up to your own praise about your delightful crimes! I'll be on the lookout for any of your tricky lil clues~
>maybe i should do something to YOU every time you call me one of your sweet little pet names. Suggestions? ;)
Jimmy rolls his eyes and smiles at the text message.
<i promise. I live up to my self-praise.
<I hope you will get creative with your ‘punishments’ for me ♡
Gregg rolls his eyes and clenches his jaw to avoid saying something snarky. 
(Cyrus is almost sickeningly giddy and squeaks in delight at Jimmys response).
>I'll plan something special for you. 
>and dont worry, i'll save my most lavish punishments just for you, kitten
>'Sweetie pie' is strike one, i'll be keeping count
<dont disappoint me darlin~
Jimmy puts his phone away, but his thoughts still leech scarlet blush.
Gregg holds back venomous bile because he can't go back on what he just said. "Directions," he strains through grit teeth. “Oh," Jimmy's voice is distant, "I can find my way home, if you can just drop me off here,” he points at a random street corner, not even looking where it is and most certainly not close to his apartment.
"Jimmy, you just got shot, I'm not making you walk!" Gregg sighs, long and dramatic. "And I'm not going to drag you back to Madeline's if you collapse or something!"
“I'm fine! And besides how do /you/k now i dont live by here?”
"Directions. To your house. I dont care if its just a block away from here. I'll drive you up your front porch if I have to."
“Why do you care so much?” He goes to open the car door to hop out.
"Because I don't get points if a Crow dies on my watch."
"Wow," Jimmy rolls his eyes. "So noble."
"You're not walking with an injured leg."
Jimmy opens the door. “It's not /that/ bad, Gregg!” He sighs “I don’t understand why you care so much!”
"Because-!" He stops himself. Feelings were never his forte. •And I'd probably fuck up that conversation• "Holy shit, fine! If you're going to be such a pussy about it, you can limo home!"
Jimmy gets out of the car and shuts the door. He quickly disappears from sight, down the block and into an alleyway. A thick trail of glitter follows, fallen from some part of Jimmy's flashy getup. Gregg's eyes follow him until he disappears, then he starts the car and drives off. •Fucking idiot. God, I hope he doesn't get killed. He'd deserve it with all that recklessness. But, fuck, he better get home safe.• The city flashes by, bright neons and dark shadows. Gregg only seems to see the dark, obstructing his vision and bathing the car in pitch black. •Besides. I don't get points for a Crow death.•
The night air and the sudden calm beings out the intoxication that seems ro oermanently reside in Jimmy. The wall's texture screeches if he touches it, the night sky presses lile a blanket. But he recognizes the sky. And thw walls. He stops when he reaches telhe ens of the alleyway, where it opena up to a freeway in a plain. In the mid-distance, a flash of pink indicates where his dropped worm-on-a-string had been all this time. Like a perfect loop, he's back at the scene of the chase. And the cops are none the wiser. Through nighttime delirium, intoxication, and pain, he grins. He's won the battle. And he hopes he doesn't survive the war. •It wouldn't be as dramatic.•
0 notes
technowoah · 3 years
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It only takes one time to realize you fucked up.
50) "Fuck off... I mean it"
24) "Get in the car" "..." "please get in the car"
⚠︎ angst to fluff, swearing, based on the song Taunt by Lovejoy ❤🐈 its short btw yall
[Updated 3 hours after upload I messed up the prompts sorry yall now it fixed]
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She was always asking if he was alright. He always lied to her just to get her off his back for the night, but it was his fault that he wanted her to move in. He has to deal with that all of the time, it was her fault anyways. She made him upset, she made him not alright. She didn't know that. She constantly complained about things that didn't even concern her, she dodged their relationship making it more about her than them.
It was tiring to him. Constantly providing, trying to tie a broken knot, but he didnt let that get in the way of his career, or his friends. There's another issue, he never talked to his friends about her. She accused him of not being proud of their relationship and that became a problem that never got resolved.
Did anyone ever say "no" to her? Well if no one did, he would be the first one to do so. Fuck that.
He listened, and listened, but nothing kept this relationship together.
Wilbur talked to the three people chatting on his discord through his headphones as a soft LED lights flowed through the room. These nights were simple because she didnt have to see him when he decides to stream, he basically has his time set out for himself without trouble. He wasn't ecstatic, he felt horrible, but the facadè was there.
Her on the other hand wasnt happy either. She never got attention from him, and of course she could get moody from time to time like every other human being, but she always took it out on him. Who else was gonna be there for her? He acted like her cared, she knew he was lying. His "caring" consisted of humming and him responding like a default character in a video game. He didn't care, he acted like he never did. She needed that attention and he knew damn well she did.
She wasnt asking for much, at least to her it did feel like it. She knew when she was wrong, but she didn't want to admit it when they were both in the wrong too. They dont get each other, she didnt know why he asked her to move in when he didn't want anything to do with her. Ever since he moved her in he kept her in check like a child, she hated and loved that at the same time. Its true that she wanted her own way, she did what she wanted and gave her attention to whoever she wanted her attention to be. She thought that was fine, but apparently she dosent give any effort to the relationship.
Rolling her eyes at the thought she decided to leave the dishes in the sink dirty. She thought about leaving and finding someone who will get her, yes Wilbur listened to her, but there was no effort. When he's drunk and tries to "figure out what makes her brain tick" ends up in more distaster.
Lying in the couch her mind began to wonder, he always said that she could get away with anything. She always took it as a taunt. Everytime it was brought up. He called it "pretty privilege" and he always taunts her saying she abuses that power.
Her jaw clenched as she recalled those memories. Summoning the courage she brought herself up onto her feet and rushed to their shared bedroom. Taking a deep breath she opened their closet and started pulling her things off of hangers, not caring if she made a mess. She tossed her clothes onto the messy bed that they didn't bother to make this morning.
Bringing a small backpack out from underneath the bed she tried shoving most of her clothes into a bag for a night. In total frustration she emptied the bag and only backed necessities that she would need for the night.
She was tired of him and he was tired of her so she was doing both of them a favor. She made her way out of the door grabbing a coat and sliding on some simple shoes. Shooting a quick text to a close friend letting them know she's coming over. Her friend wasn't that close, but she decided to walk. As she locked the door to their shared apartment she debated texting Wilbur. She didnt want to, but she didnt want him to freak the fuck out because she wasnt home.
( Wilbur )
Me: Ill be back for the rest of my stuff tmrw.
She closed her phone and started on her night time journey down the street trying to let everything from the past few weeks go with the cool wind.
Him on the other hand stayed silent. He had just finished his stream and had gotten a text saying that she'll be back for the rest of her things. This was inevitable, one of them had to leave, but to him it didnt seem right. He didn't want her to leave. Something in his heart was making him chase her back, the same thing in his heart that moved her into his apartment in the first place. Maybe it was love, maybe he wanted to persevere and have someone in his life. Something in his mind was telling him that he let go of something special.
Wilbue thought about it as he shut everything off and went to go grab his belongings, before rushing out the door to try and find her. Sadly to his discovery, she turned off her location. He finally made it to his car and started driving towards his house to see if she was around there.
He couldn't call a friend because she never introduced her friends to him. She did that on purpose because of him not doing the same. As he drove down the not so busy streets of Brighton he thought if he could get to know her, pull emotions and feelings out of her and see the real her. And if he cant do that? Who knows what will happen.
He remembers this face she always pulled when he always said "Im alright." She scrunched up her nose in annoyance and he always took it as a taunt because he couldn't figure out the real meaning. They were both going at this the wrong way, he dosent know anything about her and maybe thats the problem, but she needs to calm down as well. She needs to start paying attention to both of them instead of herself.
He was seated at a stoplight until he saw a figure on the sidewalk walking past him. The person looked shocked then kept walking, but even faster this time. He rolled down the window to see it was Y/n walking. Wilbur ran the red light and found a place to turn the car around to follow her. He drove a couple of feet in front of her before putting his hazard lights on and stepping out of the car to confront her.
"What the fuck are you doing?!" Wilbur said while getting our of his car.
"Im getting away from you. And what are you doing here?" She said.
"Well I could ask you the same thing. Its not safe out here alone." He calmed down a little. Wilbur's main goal was to get her back home so they can have a civilized talk. He didn't want to be out here.
"Oh? Ive been fine for the past fifteen minutes." She sasser back.
"That dosent mean its not safe!" He exclaimed.
She stayed quiet so that gave Wilbur an opportunity to speak.
"See, I want us to go home so we can have a civilized talk without feeling defensive. I want to get to know you, I know you're my girlfriend and yes, it was my mistake rushing things. Im not putting the blame all on myself either." He finished and she stayed quiet with her arms crossed infront of her chest.
"Are you cold-?"
"Fuck off...I mean it." She said while trying to pass hin on the street.
He stood in her way and he kept doing that every time she tried to get around him. Wilbur saw that she was getting annoyed at his actions. Wilbur held her by both of her biceps trying to hold her still so he could talk.
"You're being childish!"
"Fucking listen to me! You cant just keep walking away from us! From me! This is not healthy!" Wilbur yelled. He let go if her and surprisingly she stayed there.
"Get in the car." He ordered but she stayed silent. "Please get in the car."
She turns around gets in the passenger seat if Wilbur's car. He sighed a sigh if relief and followed her lead. They both got settled into the car and he didn't move. He wasn't going to drive unless she talked to him. After a minute if silence she spoke up.
"I know its- its both of our faults. And i have some things I need to work on. I cant just run away. Also your thoughts of me need to be rearranged, but I need to give you all of me. At leat 50 percent so we can start somewhere. But Im sorry." She said while she looked down at her lap maybe in embarrassment.
In the end they both wanted to fix themselves. In the end they wanted eachother. And they can both see that.
He leaned over the armrest and gave her a kiss on her cheek. She turned to him with a surprise look on her face, like this was the most affection he gave her, because it was true. She grabbed his hand that rested on the armrest too as he started to drive towards their home together.
As the nightly drive continues on and now shes drifting off in the passenger seat as In Love With An E-girl plays softly. She's left too tired to talk with Wilbur and be in touch with her emotions right now, but she'll do it for the both of them this time.
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gb-patch · 3 years
Ask Answers: August 8th
Well, doing big posts all together worked for a while but lately I’ve been putting it off because it takes a long time to get them done. I think I’m gonna try switching back to answering asks whenever I can fit it in and posting them one at a time instead of waiting until I’ve filled out one of these major collections.
But for now, here’s more ask answers! Thank you for the questions and for all the kind words along with them ^^.
Hello!! I'm here to ask if its possible to get  the game and its dlcs on steam and play it on android?
I’m afraid not. Steam doesn’t have Android builds on their own site and Steam is not cool with keys for other sites being given out for Steam purchases, so you don’t get the Itch version from buying on Steam.
Hello! Sorry to bother you but, I had a question, if we buy the Game on itchio do we get steam keys or would we need to purchase it twice? 
You would have to buy it twice if you want it in both places, I’m sorry. To repeat myself a little, Steam doesn’t like the key trading thing. Itch may support giving keys for another site, but the reverse isn’t doable with Steam and Steam doesn’t even really want you to get a Steam key for buying somewhere else either. So we just don’t mess around with that.
hey, sorry if this is frequently asked, but is step 4 free dlc or paid for? some of your sources are contradicting each other. 
It’s free! There’s a paid wedding DLC, but Step 4 itself is entirely unpaid.
Hello! I just had a quick question, for the Baxter and Derek DLC's will we be able to confess our feelings to them or let them confess to MC? or will it only be one way? (they confess to MC)
Both type of options will be available!
Hey there! I wanted to ask whether or not the Derek DLC is still on track to be released in August since on the steam discussion board it says it will be released mid 2021. I totally understand if it isn't, I'm just really looking forward to it! If you answer then ty! And keep up the amazing work :D 
It’s not, aha. Unfortunately, 2021 wasn’t easier than 2020 as we hoped so things are still slower than planned. It’ll come out late 2021 or early 2022.
Hi! Firstly I just want to say that I LOVE Our Life. I have played a bit of similar games but this one instantly wins for the best one! Everything about it is amazing! I just wanted to ask if Derek would ever lose feelings for MC, like if they make the deal and then MC gets with Cove would he move on? and even if you don't, after "losing contact" would his feeling fade or would he still like MC? 
If you don’t really keep in touch with him and clearly move on with your life, Derek will too and he’ll be over it. But if you are still close as best as you can be, he’ll still think the MC is special. Though, he’ll always support your relationship with someone else if that’s what’ll make you happy.
Hello! Sorry if you've answered this before but: 'How's Lee related to us? Though which momma? And does she share our player-chosen last names? Also, do you know if Noelani took Pam's last name or did it happen the other way round? 
She’s related to Pamela and Pamela’s last name is the one they use, so the MC has the same last name as Lee.
Will we be able to choose which (they or he) we tend to call Qiu by more often, or will it randomly change depending on the moment? 
Qiu knows which pronoun they’re comfortable with at a time and you’ll call them what they’re happy with. And it doesn’t change between lines, it takes multiple scenes or even full Steps for it to switch. So for extended periods Qiu will be totally a guy or fully agender.
Will Step 4 of OL2 have moments?
It’ll be an epilogue like it is in OL1, so it won’t have a bunch of different Moments.
Hello! Just a quick question, is Sunset bird from OL1 based on a real location? If so what's it called? I wanna visit it +_+
ps i love your games so much <3
It isn’t based on one specific town you can go to, but there are a lot of little coastal towns in Cali that have a similar vibe!
Heyaaa ( I hope you're all well ), umm… it might seem kinda stupid to ask but did Patreon members can have a key for the dlc's ( all the steps-released dlc ) even if they became a member this month or later ? (me? saying this cuz it's my case? maybe ;-;), and once again thanks for absolutely all the amazing works on all the games ! u-u 
You wouldn’t get the DLCs for backing there. The Patreon is for extra bonus content/early access, rather than being a storefront to purchase the normal DLCs. Rarely we give them out as a side gift, but it hardly happens and if what you want is the DLCs it’s best to ignore the Patreon and  buy keys for those directly from Itch or Steam. I’m sorry for the confusion.
Hey y'all, love what youre doing w/Terry. Trans rep outside of player customization is so rare and important to see more of so thank you so much. I do have a question and its that does he have a canon sexuality? I know Miranda was said to be straight ace but I dont believe anything was stated for Terry probably because he wasnt revealed to be a guy which changes things. Im also curious if well get answers on how long hes liked Miranda since he may have liked her in step 3 before she liked him 
Terry likes women and Randy likes men! And he did like Miranda back in Step 3.
Will the Wedding Dlc release at the same time as Step 4? 
They’ll come out separately with Step 4 releasing first.
I really love Our Life so much! I've spent over 20hours playing it even though I only got it a week ago! I was wondering if I could make a fangame for Our Life with a different love interest but same plot. Next-door neighbors romance, multiple steps, etc? I'll probably make it on Google Slides though- 
Sure! I hope you have fun with it and I’m glad you love the game.
How does Cove feel about poly relationships? 
He’s got nothing against them for the people they work for, but he’s 100% monogamous and would only be comfortable with a partner who was willing to be monogamous with him.
Idk if this has been answered before but will Step 4 include the option to advance your feelings towards Cove? 
Yep, you’ll be able to determine your feelings and what your relationship is.
In step 4 will there be a chosen to say we live with Cove even as just friends? 
Yeah, you can choose to live with Cove and that can be done when you’re friends.
I just played the game with the MC and Cove being best friends and omg it’s still so damn cute like the wholesomeness of it all is too much for my heart I swear ^.^  Now with that all said I was wondering can we still marry Cove? if we only love him as a friend like let’s say we’ve made deal with him similar to the one we can make with Derek because let’s real no one could compete with what the MC and Cove have even if they aren’t in love. 
It’s great to hear you enjoyed the friendship story! You can live with Cove, but you can’t marry him platonically. Cove has familial affection for the MC if they’re best-est friends. He wouldn’t think to marry someone he loves like family and even grew up with as though they truly were siblings.
Are you still going to be making a DLC for XOBD? :] 
Yes! We’re slowing adding voiced lines and fixing errors.
It makes me laugh that Shiloh's last name is Fields because that's what I put as my last name! So in Our Life when he talked about "Ms. Fields" picking him up I was extremely confused, lol. That dude mimics personalities so much that he stole my surname!
Oh, wow, that’s a very funny coincidence, haha.
hi !! i cant seem to be able to get the scene where mc is able to propose to cove despite being at the 'love' stage and telling him i'd want to get married, are there any other details that im missing out on? the options just dont appear at the end... 
Maybe you missed telling Cove you were in love with him even if you mentioned wanting to get married or you might’ve accidentally said earlier in the game that you don’t want to progress your relationship further with Cove. We haven’t removed them, so you can get the scene again. It’s just kind of easy to miss since there’s multiple requirements. You can read a little guide in the FAQ.
wait what di you need to do to be able to propose to cove? I've been trying but haven't had much luck 
You can check out the FAQ linked above!
does cove only develop a crush on the mc if the mc is also at crush/in love with him? 
Technically, yes. We treat the non-romantic relationship options as truly non-romantic since we don’t want to bait and switch people. But there’s nothing wrong with headcanoning that Cove does have feelings developing for the MC even before the MC has.
Is there a way to make/allow Lee and Baxter to date?
No, they just don’t have enough time together.
We also got a group of asks related to Tamarack in OL2, but I’m afraid the way they talked about people with larger bodies made me not want to post their words, even if the person didn’t say they’re trying to be hurtful. I will separate out the core question and answer it though, so people can know that info.
Does Tamarack lose weight in later Steps?
No, she doesn’t. As for the other questions included, to be honest, I don’t have to explain/defend having romance options of different sizes. I’m sorry if you’re dealing with unhappiness that’s connected to body image, if that’s where the negative emotions are coming from, but even so I can’t meet you on that level and pretend it’s a problem that needs an answer. A girl who simply isn’t thin being a main love interest is just not an unreasonable concept. Also, Tamarack isn’t a lesbian. Yes, she can date a female MC, but that doesn’t undo her actual sexuality, so I’m not sure where that one part at the end was coming from.
I wonder... can we "fight" with Qiu over leader status? 👀
Not really, haha. No matter how cool your MC is, they’re never gonna replace Qiu for the other kids around. So you can either partner up with him, follow him too, or not be a part of all that group politics stuff.
So when I play the game, sometimes I mentally call Cove “Covie/Covey” and that made me wonder, how does Cove feel about being nicknamed? Not like Romeo/Space Cadet/etc. but like pet names relating to his actual name
It’d depend on his age, personality, and your relationship with him! When he’s younger he’d probably be embarrassed, when he was grown he’d probably be more casual or happy about it.
will you be able to date baxter in step 3 while at crush with cove (but not dating him ofc) sorry if this has been asked already. i really love baxters step 4 design btw!! 
Yeah, you can be crushing on Cove and date Baxter if you weren’t already dating Cove. You just can’t be truly in love with Cove and then switch to Baxter.
I just got my friend into our life, and they adore shiloh and derek sooo will there be more of them in the second game? 
I’m afraid not. But you can see plenty more of Shiloh in XOXO Droplets/XOXO Blood Droplets, haha.
I see you haven't gotten any xoxo droplets asks recently but I'm still obsessed with these boys!! I was just wondering if Nate would curse under any circumstance? 
Yeah, Nate does use certain swear words (damn, hell, bastard) on very rare occasions.
Hi there! I have a question about the wedding dlc. Will we be able to plan a honeymoon during the planning stages of it or would it be something that Cove and the mc would rather plan later on? Thank you! Absolutly love the game by the way, definitely one of my favorite games! 
The focus will be on the wedding day itself. The topic of the honeymoon might come up a bit, but there won’t be any choosing of the exact location and such.
Hi! I have two questions and it's completely understandable if you only answer one/neither and I'm sorry if you've already answered either before! First, is there a set year in which OL:B&A takes place (ex: Step 1 being set in 2010 & Step 2 being set in 2016, etc.) or is it simply up to interpretation? Second, have you guys thought about doing a coming-of-age game where the MC has a tough home life or upbringing? (like one of their parents is an addict, a parent being transphobic whilst the player has the option to be trans, or having friends that are influencing them to do drugs, etc.) That's all! Thanks for making beautiful games. <3 
There is a set timeline!
Step 1: 2006 Step 2: 2011 Step 3: 2016 Step 4: 2021 
And we don’t currently plan on making a game like that. The Our Life series exists to be a safer environment for people to play around in and if we did do a brand new series that was harsher edged it’d be something more fantastical and/or plot-driven instead of a different type of modern day slice-of-life growing up story. I’m sorry.
i don’t know if you’ve already answered this, but do you have a guess on when phase 4 will come out? as well as ol2? i’m so excited for both of them, the inclusivity in this game is amazing, you guys should be really proud of it! 
Step 4 will be coming out very soon! OL2 is gonna take until 2023 to be anywhere near completion. But we might episodically release the Steps one at a time as they get done instead of waiting for three to be finished before launch like we did with the first game.
Hello, I was curious if there was an official or unofficial discord server for the game? 
We do have a discord! You can join by clicking this link HERE.
how long do you plan to keep ol's patreon running? 
Hopefully for at least a few more years.
Are you considering ever making merch? 
Yeah, but I don’t know when it’ll happen or what exactly we’ll make, aha. It’s something we want do, just nothing is set.
hi! i just found out about your game a couple of days ago on tiktok (so sorry if you’ve already answered this question) and i was wondering if y’all are ever planning to release it on iOS? 
I have no idea. It’s hard for a small group to get Apple approval and I honestly can’t say if it’ll ever happen or not. Maybe someday, though!
Hi, I love the art style of Our life and I would like to know if the artist has a Twitter? Also, could it be possible to fund more CGs for the game from him/her? So many times, I wish there was one like when the cutscene of the sunshower. 
That’s nice of you to offer. He doesn’t have a Twitter, at least not one that’s public enough to be shared with me. And I’m afraid not. The issue is that the CGs take huge amounts of time rather than there not being a budget for it. He’s gotta make CGs for Step 4, the DLCs, and new character sprites, too. There isn’t space in the schedule for even more. Sorry for that.
Hi, how are you?!
Are you planning on accepting new writers or is it always the same people who write your stories??
Our Life: Beginnings & Always won’t be getting new writers, but we will be hiring a new team of writers for Our Life: Now & Forever eventually!
perhaps this counts as nsfw and I'm sure it has been answered before but what does Cove prefer, chests/boobs or butts? or perhaps both :3c thank you for this wonderful game (and the patreon bonus moment, it was worth all the waiting and more ♥) 
He’s a “chests of all shapes and sizes” kind of guy, haha.
i was wondering- did any of the writers actually grow up by the beach? as someone who's lived in a beach town all their life it really did feel nostalgic to play through our life 1 
I was born and raised in Cali! Though, not right by the beach. We still had to make trips out, but the setting is based on my own childhood memories of small beach towns we went through.
In Derek’s upcoming DLC, will we be able to reference the pact we made as teens? (love olba and xod/xobd so much btw you’re literally amazing) 
Yep, you will be able to talk about that!
Oh, sorry about the Cole being secretly L ask, then!
If you wanted context: Death Note is about this one guy who finds a notebook that kills anyone who you write the name of in there. The guy eventually develops a God Complex and starts mass killing criminals and stuff. L is the one trying to find out who is killing all these people.
Me and my sister first joked about it because I couldn't remember how to translate a word about the way Cove was sitting, so I just did the pose, and it looked a lot like how L himself sits! Then we just snowballed from there, with more and more nonsense connections.
That’s okay! Thanks for explaining. I’m sorry I didn’t know what you meant.
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mcyt-imagines · 3 years
hi! i’m like 80% sure requests are open but if they aren’t feel free to ignore this! i was wondering if i could get some fundy confessions? like a similar piece of writing to what you did with ranboo? which by the way was very good and your writing is super neat :]
I’m so glad you enjoyed the lil Ranboo confession hcs, I hope you enjoy these just as much! :)
Fundy Confession HCs 
Realising he likes you 
Fundy knows he’s crushing on you immediately. But he doesn’t understand how deeply he cares for you.
Fundy finds himself surprised when he doesn’t have to chase you, you actively pursue him as much as he pursues you.
Fundy usually doubts himself when he finds himself crushing on someone, unsure whether he should pursue them. But with you it’s different, your support makes him feel confident in his feelings.
Sometimes he feels as if he could never confess, scared he could ruin your friendship in case you don’t feel the same way. (Even though you very much do, he just thinks you deserve someone better too)
Fundy spends a lot of time contemplating his feelings for you, mostly in his head whilst the two of you are hanging out. He finds himself zoning out while you’re speaking, his eyes wandering between your vibrant eyes and your gesturing hands, landing somewhere in between, usually on your soft lips. However, if your back is turned to him, he will simply fixate on your hair, his hands desperately wishing to feel it. He knows that it's soft from the few times he’s fixed a stray lock of hair to a spot behind your ear. Basking in the pride he feels when your cheeks tint a soft pink, wondering whether it was real or just a cruel trick played by his imagination.
Fundy often finds himself thinking of you whilst streaming, he’s mentioned you a few times. Not enough to raise any questions about what your relationship with him is, just enough so his chat can try and appreciate you as much as he does when he allows his mind to wander mid-game.
Fundy finds himself slamming into an epiphany late one night when he realises that dating you isn’t about whether he thinks he deserves you but whether you do. And he hasn’t even given you the chance to answer, all this time he’s made the decision for you because he’s too scared of what your answer would be. He makes a promise to himself that night. That you deserve to make that decision yourself.
The Confession
Fundy knows that if he’s going to confess, he needs to make it extravagant and perfectly tailored to you.
This man plans out his confession to you for MONTHS, meticulously crafting props, making bookings, and trying his best to coordinate far away friends. Meanwhile, your friendship continues to strengthen with each night chatting until the both of you fall asleep in lone discord calls.
You know that Fundy has been busy with a project he refuses to tell you anything about, changing the subject with nervous stuttering whenever you bring it up.
You have let it keep you awake for a few nights before concluding that perhaps he finally managed to snag a partner and he was unsure how to tell you. So, the next time you meet up you make a note to drop some hints about knowing what his little project is. This freaks Fundy out instantly. How the hell did you figure it out? And you seem super okay with it? Was he wrong, do you actually feel the same way? Fundy’s head is spinning as you continue your casual conversation alone, “But don’t worry, I can wait. I only want you to tell me when you feel comfortable.” Your words snap Fundy out of his spiraling thoughts as your warm hand squeezes his knee and he forgets how to breathe.
Fundy spirals yet again that night after he gets home. You seemed okay with him liking you? But you didn’t confess either!? What does that even mean!? Fundy groans loudly before stuffing his pillow over his face, wishing that his love life could be easy.
He sets to work the next morning, finalizing all of his plans. When once again, he is struck by another epiphany. You wouldn’t want this. Some big extravagant show with the pressure of your mutual friends watching from the sidelines. You’d want something sweet and personal. That only you and he would understand, or even care about. He doesn’t bother cancelling the plans and bookings, instead of texting you to meet him at his place for dinner. If tonight works out the two of you can still experience the more extravagant side of his confession, but if this whole encounter goes sour it can go sour in private rather than public.
You arrive promptly, as you always do. Happy to spend time with him and perhaps seduce him you dress a little cuter than usual. Hoping he takes notice. He definitely does, and you can tell. The second he opens the door to reveal your frame he’s grinning, a light pink rests at the tips of his ears almost immediately. He is quick to greet you and lead you inside.
Fundy spent all afternoon regretting that he had sent that text to you. As he had to frantically run around the kitchen trying to come up with a meal to cook because there was absolutely no way, he was going to feed you takeout! Normally of course he wouldn’t have minded doing that, but not the day he plans to confess! That’d just be embarrassing. He spent a good thirty minutes deciding on the menu, thinking he’d do something Dutch to show off a little. And then he promptly realised that over half of the Dutch dishes he knew required no cooking but days of prep-work. Which took out a lot of what he knew how to cook.
So, by the time you arrived, he actually hadn’t finished cooking anything yet. And he was internally screaming as he heard your knock upon his door. So, to distract you he invited you into his room for some Minecraft. He repeatedly thanked his past self for furiously cleaning his room even though he originally had no plans for you to come in here.
As you play your eyes wander around Fundy’s room, allowing yourself to be distracted by his nerdy décor. “Creeper!” You scream as you’re brought back into reality as Fundy’s character jumps in between yours and the exploding mob. You gasp dramatically, “Fundy, my hero!” You pretend to swoon, grinning as he chuckles at your antics. “My shield is now practically broken.” He whines, “Take mine.” You drop it in front of him before moving your character back over to the iron ore you’d spotted in the cave earlier. He readjusts himself beside you, shimmying his shoulders as he mutters out a quick thanks. You lean against him softly, “No worries.”
It is at that inopportune moment that he remembers he had been cooking before you showed up. Thank god his oven had a safety feature to turn off after a certain amount of time. He ducks out for a few moments to quickly check on the mess of ingredients he’d chucked into a casserole to find it charred black. He repeatedly slams his head against his countertop as he began to enter both yours and his usual order of Chinese takeout into his phone. “You good with Chinese takeout?” He calls towards his room, wishing a hole in the ground would open and swallow him up pulling him straight down to the ninth circle of hell for his crimes against love. “Hell yeah, I am!” You respond with an enthusiasm that allows him to unclench his jaw and unfurrow his brows. God, you were definitely too good for him. Even as a friend.
Hours soar by with ease as the two of you play, trying your best to speedrun Minecraft and absolutely failing. Fundy does manage to make a nether portal pretty quickly using the lava pool strat. He allows himself to puff out his chest, pride swelling as you cheer him on with a grin. You don’t stop playing even when the takeout arrives continuing to communicate through mouthfuls of rice and complaints about trying to not get grease on your keyboards. Fundy cant remember that last time the two of you spent time like this just hanging out with no pressure from his stupid feelings and you absolutely glowing with joy beside him. He knows you need to do this more often.
“YES! FUNDY HIT HIM! AHH!” With one final blow, the dragon is slain and you finally beat Minecraft. You throw your arms around Fundy laughter bubbling from your lips, his arms grip you tightly pulling you close. His own laughter reverberates against his chest causing you to realise just how close he was holding you. You gulp down your rapidly growing nerves before looking up to meet his gaze, finding his face a lot closer to yours than you had expected. Fundy looks down at you as his cheeks burn a bright crimson and he tries to stutter out the words he’s been dying to tell you for the past six months.
And that’s when it hits you like a tonne of bricks. The bullshit he had been hiding this whole time wasn’t a partner, he wanted you to be his partner! Your mouth falls open in surprise for a few moments as Fundy continues to gape at you. “Holy shit Fundy.” That causes his gaze to snap to yours, eyebrows furrowed and lips in a firm line. “I thought you were hiding the fact you were with someone from me!” You laugh at your own absolute stupidity, hand coming to press high on Fundy’s chest. “Wait, what!?” The exasperated expression on his face only causes you to laugh harder, “Yeah, I thought that’s what you were being super cagey about. Sorry my bad, misjudged that one.”
Fundy finds himself chuckling too, his shoulders relaxing as he does so. “Yeah, a real good read love.” He laughs, your gaze rises at the pet name. “Real presumptuous of you Fundy, I haven’t even said if I feel the same yet.” Your teasing tone doesn’t even stop him as he pulls you even closer to him, pressing your body flush against his. “I think I can read you pretty well now. Not to mention you’ve been blushing this whole time.” He grins into your hair, squeezing you with an unbridled joy you find so contagious. Or perhaps you’re feeling that way because it turns out your crush isn’t actually dating someone else but instead likes you back? 
“B-but like, just checking you actually do really like me-“ Fundy begins, feeling his nerves inevitably creep up his spine. Before he can even finish you cup the back of his neck with your free hand, the other clenching his shirt as you kiss him with all the intensity you can muster. “That answer your q-.” You begin to respond against his lips only from him to silence you, which maybe you deserved. Fundy can’t help but smile into the kiss. Somehow things actually turned out alright. Squeezing your warm soft hips, he ponders who the hell is looking out for him upstairs. But as your hands tangle in his hair, he makes a silent promise to himself he’ll consider praying to them tomorrow.
~Requests are always open!~
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Warning: mention of death of a loved one.
Todays concept is MC gets a call that like their parental figure has died one way or another and this upsets them greatly because one, they aren’t there to help with anything two, the only people there to do anything are their siblings three, they considered said parent a angel or a blessing by god (optional/bonus points if said parents name means angel-)  They don’t say anything at first though they seem rather angry and now one can figure out why. then they hide and have a mental breakdown to cry in hopefully but unlikely peace.  now I shall write the response headcanons / scenarios or whatever I will do Update: well I didn’t write a scenario / short story bit for all of them because i ran out of energy to do so and then i never went back to it, though if anyone begs or askes nicely I could in theory maybe work something out. this was something self indulgent and was something i wrote to really get me out of a bad headspace.  Lucifer
He is the first one to realize something is wrong, especially if they aren’t a very angry person. 
probably doesn’t get to ask about what is going on because he is forced to deal with something else and rather quickly
though when people start inquiring where they went after lunch, finding it unlikely that they would randomly choose to skip class or something he makes his goal to find them.
Probably doesn’t take him long to find them after he starts looking. gets it in the first three guesses of where they are hiding.
“why are you hiding here with Cerberus?” Lucifer said with a bit of amusement. he figured he would find them here with his dog. just not curled up and cuddling. 
“wouldn’t you like to know” was all they uttered out, having no real energy to argue, or fight. though it was clear they had been crying their eyes out. 
“well something is clearly upsetting you, why not talk about it. nobody else is here to listen in” Lucifer offers to lend an ear to listen to their problems. he was also hoping that by doing so he could get to the root of the problem and deal with it. expecting that he was going to have to knock one of his brothers into line again. 
“I just received some bad news. that’s all. also, I’ll be otherwise located Friday, so like, don’t worry if I’m not around on Friday, I will be back like Saturday, so there is that” They explain, clearly not wanting to get into the details of the so called bad news.  
“otherwise located?” Lucifer inquired as to what the hell they meant by that. 
“yeah, um, I will be visiting - visiting the human world for the day.” visiting might not be the word they were looking for but it was the word they went with nonetheless. 
“your visiting the human world?” Lucifer was surprised to say the least. especially considering he wasn’t hearing about this till now. 
“yeah, i was talking to Diavolo not long ago to make sure it was alright” with a sigh the were back to melting into the side of the dog. 
“normally you are excited to visit the human world, what happened” lucifer wanted to get to the root of the misery they were feeling and he wasn’t gonna sweep this under the rug.
“for fuck sakes, you really aren’t gonna leave me alone till I say it huh? my parent fucking died. are you fucking happy, lucifer? Jesus Christ.” doing everything in their power to hold back a second wave of tears as they add on “my blessing of a parent died. can we drop the topic now?” they said clearly not wanting to hear anything come out of lucifer's mouth as they hardly give him the chance to speak. 
“ah, I see, my condolences” Lucifer was trying to figure out what to say at the same time he was trying to figure out how to cheer them up or at least make them more comfortable. “do you want some Kleenex? how about some water?” lucifer inquired simply.
“water would be nice.” they let out a sigh. 
“im sure your parent was a lovely person. I think it is safe to assume that they’ll end up somewhere where they are safe and happy” Lucifer states simply as he holds a hand out to them to help them to their feet.
“I have no doubts about it. so you don’t need to tell me twice. it just. . . hurts” They says rather quietly. Accepting lucifer’s hand and pulling themself to their feet. 
”go take a seat in my office, no one will bother you in there. I’ll join you soon enough with your glass of water.”  Mammon
This man probably thinks he did something wrong, spends half the day trying to figure out what he did
if its not that he is trying to figure out who pissed them off and who he should be yelling at.
he hates to admit it but he doesn’t like seeing them angry or upset. 
is probably gonna be first to realize that they slipped of to somewhere and start trying to find them right away. 
after checking a few other areas, Mammon finally considers they might have just gone home to hide. knocking on their door and slowly opening it mammon calls out into the room “Oi, human are you in here?”. 
“Go away Mammon” they were heard but very muffled as they had encased themselves in several blankets, clearly sounding like they were crying. unless they choose to eat gravel or something. 
“what’s got you so bumbed out?” Mammon said fully entering the room now know that they were in the room and completely ignoring their request to go away. 
“I said go away, I don’t want to talk about it” They said pulling the pillow to their head in hopes to block out more of the world. so that they didn’t have to look up and face the fact they were a hot mess. so mammon didn’t have to see them like this.
“no! the great mammon isn’t leaving till you say what's bothering you! that way I can fix it for you!” Mammon declared boldly. goofy grin on his face hoping that his optimism would help cheer them up. 
“you can’t fix this. you cant bring back the dead. well unless you use necromancy, but. that's never worked out” They had let out a dry laugh for saying all of this. but now they were holding back tears trying to not cry their heart out for a second time.
“oh human...” Mammon was at a loss of words, though to be fair he didn’t get the time to form a full sentence. 
“I’ll never get them back. they were practically an angel” they sniffled, trying to not sob. “my parent died mammon. what the fuck am I going to do?” they didn’t really expect an answer from mammon. 
“Listen here, the great mammon will deal with all the technical talk, and will make sure you can go to the human world long enough for you to do what you need to. but till then and maybe after, I’ll be here for you.” mammon explained simply. 
after letting out a chocked sob they reached out a hand and grabbed onto mammon's arm. “thank you” they sobbed out. mammon just sat there and patted the blanket pile gently trying to give as much comfort as he could. 
“do you want a hug?”
since he hides away and does online classes (Correct me if im wrong) he might not even realize something is going on
unless he messages them and doesn’t get a response. 
will ask if the others have seen them and like will try to figure out where they were last seen.
eventually puzzles together that something is wrong and he should look for them
He although wrathful himself, isn’t able to see through the anger and might be a little annoyed about them for being so.
though he does understand that there is probably a reason for them being upset. he’ll do his best to figure out what caused them to act this way.
he’s stubborn and straight forward, he’ll probably be direct and ask what is wrong and wont leave till he gets an answer.
or he might occasionally bring it up and keep getting updates with how their doing kind of thing.
doesn’t really have to seek for them when they hide away because he watched them slip away and got worried and followed them
he is very quick to realize something more is going on, something more than meets the eye. 
probably doesn’t directly do anything at first other than same some sugar coated words in hopes it cheers them up.
when that doesn’t work, he gets very worried and tries to convince them to do somethings to ‘take your mind off of things’ 
knows exactly where to look to find them. first try!
one of two ways, he either doesn’t notice anything for the first little bit, or he has a strange feeling nagging him that something is wrong and he tries to figure out what.
once its clear that they’ve disappeared he is quick to start looking, might take a while to find them because he is gonna check everywhere to find them.
bear hugs no questions asked, will try to comfort to the best of his abilities. 
will ask them what they want to do after a while to see what he can do to make them feel better
tbh honest probably knows something is up right away. 
with either avoid it entirely or bluntly ask what is wrong
if he doesn’t get a direct answer or is shooed away he doesn’t have the energy to push for the truth, might be a bit annoyed.
once he hears that they have gone missing it probably wont take him long to find them. 
will sit down next to them and be like ‘now will you tell me what is wrong?’
since he doesn’t have the same amount of time with them he may not notice at first. or he does notice ASAP because holy shit what happened why are they so mad.
might try to inquire what is wrong and like use his natural charm to try to cheer them up. 
when he hears they are lost or missing ect. he uses magic to find them as quickly as possible. 
will do a bunch of considerably silly and goofy things trying to get them to smile or laugh before trying to get them to talk about whats bothering them
doesn’t take him long to figure out something is wrong, just one look and he knows
but other wise, he’ll simply ask if you want to talk about it. when bluntly rejected he’ll leave them alone
they go missing during the day? maybe it was worse than he first realized, he’ll go looking for them.
will find them within the hour, maybe a half hour if he’s lucky. 
mans will try to comfort them any way he can.
_____________________________________________________________ sorry, for not doing Diavolo, luke and barbatos, i just didn’t really have the time to do them nor could i figure out how to do ones for them so like aihogdsifh sorry. but i do hope you enjoy this post nonetheless. 
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sansmania · 3 years
I cant stop thinking about it please take the first part of this drabble before I go insane while writing part two
Title: Your Man
Ship: Boss [ @bonelyheartsclub ]/GN Reader
Descrip: I literally cannot stop thinking about this edgy fucker dressed like a COWBOY
Once you helped the skeleton family across the street settle into their new home- it was quite humorous how little they knew about suburban life- your life had seemed to be thrown into an unexpected whirlwind. They managed to keep you on your toes constantly; if it wasn't Nox and Blue's neverending bets and- albeit hilarious- dares, it was several of them literally appearing out if nowhere while you were home.
It was chaotic at the begining, but you eventually settled alongside the wild family, and crazy as they were- you wouldn't have it any other way at this point.
You'd adjusted to them barging into your home just as they had become accustomed to your presence in their own.
Well, that was a lie.
When the front door unceremoniously slammed open, followed by thundering footsteps and their owner's booming voice.
You might not ever get used to that.
"Human! Your assistance is required!" Your flinch wore off when you pinpointed which neighbor had nearly broken the front door. With a roll of your eyes and shoulders, you stood from your computer desk with a stretch.
"Alright, Boss. I'll be down in a second." You heard his impatient grumble as you tossed on a hoodie, slowly trudging downstairs. With a quirked brow, you caught his red eyelights, chuckling at his impatient foot tapping.
Which also caught your eye.
Boss was one of the 'cousins' that took great pride in his appearance- it seemed like his entire wardrobe could have been the same price as your home- so when you spotted his typically pristine boots in his hands and a pair of sneakers on his feet instead- the obnoxiously familiar orange painted them as Stretch's- you were shocked to say the least.
"Okay, what's up, Bossman?" He snorted indignantly, as if to say 'isnt it obvious' and let out an annoyed sigh, shoulders falling as he held the treasured boots out to show the chew marks that lined the soles and heels.
"Blue's little rat dog managed to get into my room and ahold of my favorite boots. And I trust your opinion, so I would like assistance in finding someone who can fix them." Clearing the space between you both, you reached out to assess the damage. The dark leather had pinprick teeth holes throughout, leaving stringy leather poking inward and outward. A few belts had been shredded and the clasps barely held on for dear life. It was a sad sight indeed.
You were a little surprised you didn't hear the innitial explosion from across the street.
"I really don't know of any cobblers around here, Boss." His eyes narrowed and you quickly held your hands up in defense. "B-but, hey, that's what google is for!" Pulling out your phone, you assured him there had to be somewhere local that could help.
And after a quick google search, you had come up with one location where Boss could get his precious boots repaired. But, the uneasy look on your face caught his attention.
"That expression is not reassuring at all." His voice was low, sounding ever so disappointed.
"N-no, it's not bad. There's a store in town that can fix them up- since they're kind of a specialty thing, it's a specialty shop."
"But, you seem unsure....?" You let out a nasally sigh.
"Boss, it's a cowboy shop. The Southern Cowboy. It specializes in real leather and cowboy apparel." His stare made you question why the thought bothered you more than him in that moment. "I just figured it wouldn't be your 'style' to be seen somewhere like that."
"Are there any other options?" Sadly, you shook your head. "Then I have no other choice. You see, these were a gift from an old friend, and I would really appreciate them not being a shredded mess for much longer." You understood the meaning- they held a sentimental value to Boss more than an aesthetic value- which was kind of a shock. You never took the standoff-ish, edgy, and downright scary skeleton as the sentimental type- especially not over a pair of shoes.
The thought warmed your heart and your face ever so slightly. That there could be a real tender soul underneath all the knives and fangs. You hadn't noticed the soft smile spreading across your cheeks until Boss made a more in character noise of impatience.
"Alright, alright. Let me throw on some real clothes and we can go, Boss." He seemed a bit happier with your willingness to help and waited in the living room while you got ready.
"And please, feel free to leave Stretch's disgusting hoodie behind. I would rather not have to deal with any more of his clothes for the day than what I already am." Boss shouted behind you as you reached the top of the stairs, causing your face to alight with embarrassed fury.
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blxetsi · 3 years
modern levi ackerman dating headcanons
lowercase intended !
levi ackerman x gn!reader
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- firstly, lets get love language out of the way
- i think his love language would be acts of service
- so like, he'll brew your coffee for you and set out your favourite mug when he goes to the kitchen to make his tea (bc we all know he'd wake up earlier than you 🙄)
- or he'll pick up a muffin from your favourite bakery on his way home
- or if you ask him to remind you to do something later, he's immediately writing it out on a sticky note and sticking it somewhere youd notice
- he notices youre getting low on your favourite moisturizer ? or lipbalm ? he's taking a picture of the packaging and getting it the next time he drives past walmart or smth
- he just does little things that help make your day better
- now i feel like a lot of people say this already, but he is NOT very comfortable with public displays of affection
- its not that he doesnt like it when you touch him, or hold his hand, or kiss his cheek, he just gets flustered and feels like everyone is watching you two
- but one thing he does allow is looping your arms together while you walk, especially in crowded streets
- it doesnt mean he doesnt like being close with you, he just hates doing it public. when youre alone ? hes ALL OVER YOU.
- "will you play with my hair ?"
- "levi im working."
- "okay can you multitask ?" motherfucker 😐
- doesnt matter if hes the big spoon or little spoon, just being close to you is enough.
- also would try and get used to your love language
- if your love language is physical touch hes genuinely surprised by how many times you put his hands on him each day (NOT in a sexual way) like even his mother never touched him as much and he's a momma's boy 😳
- when you wake up your coming out to the kitchen to fill your coffee, but not before kissing the top of his head as you walk past
- then youre guzzling down your coffee like its water before putting it in the sink and walking back, petting his head in the process
- you'll hug him while hes cooking, or brushing his teeth. youre giving him kisses before he leaves and when he comes home, just little small acts of love, but it happens so frequently that levi cant help but notice it
- your love language is verbal affirmations ? youre getting your coffee while saying "goodmorning beautiful"
- "i love yous" are thrown at him a lot, they never fail to make him feel better
- youll compliment this man and he short circuits for a second, quickly gets used to it as time goes on
- also too i think he'd be taller in a modern au, but not very very tall like erwin, im talking 5'7" to 5'9"
- and he's fine with his height, it doesn't bother him that much, he's the average height of a man so what's the big deal ?
- also he really doesnt care about height either. youre shorter than him ? cool, that means he can bend down to give you little forehead kisses. around the same height as him ? awesome, that makes it easier for him to give you a peck on the lips. taller than him ? mf he'll climb you like a tree if he has to. really doesn't care.
- also doesn't have a preferences for body type or anything. he thinks that character is way more important than looks 100% and he'll always find different things about you beautiful. your laugh is weird ? k now he's making you two watch a john mulaney special to so youll laugh. hate your belly and wanna lose weight, he's holding you and telling you to only lose weight if you genuinely want to be "healthier" and not so you get skinny. your acne scars bother you ? he's kissing your cheeks a lot more than usual, but you can't complain. literally Loves Every Part of You
- also i think his family would absolutely ADORE YOU and his friends for that matter
- miss kuchel is pulling you into a hug the first time she sees you, and is so accomodating and sweet. shes genuinely interested in your interests and what you do for a living, and will NOT hesitate to get levi's baby pictures out if you ask.
- his uncle ? he probably wont be there for the family dinner, but then kuchel's gonna call him up like "levi's s/o ?? absolutely spectacular !!" and then hes like "huh maybe i gotta come visit to see the runt and his lover"
- also i think in a modern au, kuchel wouldve gotten really sick when levi is a boy, so kenny would have came home to take care of his sister and try and take care of levi. in the end she got better, and he went back to his own home, but now she requests that he come for at least one family holidy so they can all spend it together
- BUT back to mr. ackerman
- idk what he'd do in modern times, i used to think he'd be a good english professor for a university, but then i saw a headcanon that he'd go into law school and become a lawyer, and honestly ?? it makes sense
- after a long day at work he just wants to come home to you, he'll find you on the couch reading or doing some of your own work, so he'll just slip off his coat and blazer and undo his tie while slipping off his shoes by the door. before plopping his head in your lap and requesting you to play with his hair.
- if you don't live with him hes taking a shower and then immediately calling you asking to come over. if you can ?? great he'll be in bed waiting to be spooned. if not, thats fine, but levi would like to facetime and rant.
- also has the absolute WORST road rage
- "that little prick cut me off !"
- "levi he's taking his driver's test !"
- "so ? i hope that instructor doesn't give the idiot a pass 🙄" and then will immediately honk his horn at the poor kid.
- also wouldnt be a clean freak like in canonverse. his whole "everything has to be spotless" stuff stems from trauma, specifically being left in an apartment with his decaying mother for weeks on end, but since kuchel is alive that never happens
- were things a little hectic during the time she was sick ? sure ! but kenny always tried to tidy up a bit when he saw it was getting to levi.
- levi just likes things to be neat and tidy, he doesnt do a deep clean of his apartment every two weeks, but always makes sure to clean up his messes as soon as they happen
- also doesnt like to fight
- his mom raised him with the idea that communication is key, and always encouraged him to "explain why hes upset" so they could work together to come up with a solution
- its something hes taken with him to adulthood, and even though sometimes he sounds like hes talking to a child when hes trying to get you to "use your words" he really doesnt mean to
- if youre yelling at him he'll stand there like 😐 and wait until youre out of breath so he can say "okay lets talk about this"
- is also very handy
- have a hole in your wall ? hes coming over to fix it
- need a lightbulb changed ? hes got u dont worry
- you need to assemble a piece of furniture ? he glances at the step by step guide once before hes putting it together
- hes so great at that stuff, and you only have kenny to thank
- literally when kenny first came to stay with levi and kuchel when she was sick, the kitchen light went out and he asked levi to screw another lightbulb in, the poor kid stood there like 🤨 and when kenny said "what ? you don't know how to change a fucking lightbulb ?" levi shook his head and said "uncle kenny im seven 😐"
- kenny was APPALLED. and immediately made it his mission to make levi as handy as himself.
- also, dates with him are rlly lowkey.
- he likes being in your company, so staying home and ordering take out is AWESOME in his opinion. sometimes he'll dress up and make a fancy meal with you.
- if you like going to carnivals and stuff, he's reluctant but eventually caves. wins you a lot of the prizes.
- "fuck. this shit is rigged y/n"
- "sorry levi, lets go do something else !"
- "what ? no. give me another dollar im getting you that fucking turtle"
- hange always wants to see you. levi makes it his life mission to keep you away from them as much as possible. not because he doesnt want you to get along with his friends, just because he knows that hange will spill some embarassing secrets from his college days.
- erwin ? hes okay but hes on thin fucking ice.
- also is very gentlemanly. will not only hold the door for you but for everyone. hes waiting in line for his order and someone comes up behind him and asks him to scootch so they can get some napkins ? mf its grabbing a handful himself and handing it to the person, wishing them a nice day with a small smile. hes just like,, a genuinely good person
- his singing voice ? immaculate. will he sing for you ? no.
- he also loves playing board games with you. like chess or checkers. you love playing board games with him and his friends, specifically monopoly. hange makes moblit form an alliance with them. mike is a lone wolf, and erwin and levi are always helping each other out until erwin betrays him. lots of trust is ruined between these game nights, but you literally cant bring yourself to care because its so fun to watch it unfold
this is my first headcanon thingy !! im v excited !! hope u all enjoyed 🤩✨ should i do more headcanons like these ???
- all in all, levi is a cool guy, and a cool bf.
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ohtobeaspettyasleah · 3 years
how long does it take for Lorelei and Gray to meet? And how did he react when Ethan told him about the new assistant situation? :)
Grayson’s Phone rang out on the living room table as he helped Lisa move her vanity around upstairs, missing the facetime call Ethan was begging he’d answer. “Shit” was all he said when the called died out. No answer. Ethan placed his phone back into his back pocket-- trying to figure out how exactly he was gonna word this to stop his brother from going off the deep end at him. His phone pinging not too long after, not Grayson, but Lorelei. 
Lorelei Figgs: You never mentioned a time for tomorrow so is it okay if I come over around 9? I can come anytime! Just seemed like a good time.”
Ethan Dolan: fuck sorry, yeah come round at 9. Trying to call Gray now and tell him what’s up.
Lorelei sat in her bed up against her headboard. Her pillows shoved down behind her back, oxygen being blown into her lungs generously as she typed away on her laptop. The one Ethan had given her. Setting up her google docs and organising personal information she sometimes forgot. If Lorelei wasn’t a highly functioning over analyser, she never would’ve seconds guessed Ethans tone. She always did that, tried to read her text as if someone was speaking to her in person. 
Lorelei Figgs: Does he not know? 
Ethan Dolan: Not exactly, but we’re good. Trust the process Lore. ill see you tomorrow.
Ethan had always been a firm believer in manifesting possibilities, goals and overall events you wanted to see play out in life. But unfortunately, he hadn’t even had a chance to think about manifesting the idea Grayson would loose his absolute shit when the time came for the boot to drop. It was time: his phone was ringing. Facetime call from Gray. 
“Yo bro, I was helping ma with her vanity what’s up?” Grayson looked rough. His facial hair had grown rugged. Not kept. The blue flannel was probably a mere three seconds away from falling off his back-- having not changed properly in days. Sure, he showered and changed his underwear-- but that was about the extent of it. His hair was greasy, slicked. Ethan could clearly see the shin. 
“Don’t get pissed.”
“What did you go? Ethan--”
“Nothing! Nothing just-- well, I hired that girl, the friend of Adele’s? She starts tomorrow and--” 
“ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME ETHAN!!” Grayson screamed with a groan so guttural it made Ethan kinda flinch. “We’re a fucking TEAM!”
“Well, okay look it was cute and needed when you left but it’s kinda hard to make team decisions when you’re not fucking here bro, ever think of that?” Ethan retaliated with a sigh. “Just meet her bro.” 
“Why the fuck would you do that without me bro, Jesus, that’s it, I’m coming home.” Ethan tried to hide his smile. Deep down he’d missed Grayson although he’d try twist reality to suit the ideology that it was Grayson who missed him. 
“I’ll book you a flight. When for?” 
“We have a fucking assistant for that shit Ethan get what’s her name to do it!! The next one out, text me later I’m gonna pack my fucking bags.” when Grayson hung up Ethan could tell he was in fact-- Pissed. But as his smile grew with the idea of his brother coming home he knew the anger would fade. All he had to do was meet Lorelei. 
Grayson kept his rage built up within him the entire trip home, including in the car ride back from LAX to home. Ethan coped an ear full the entire ride home, good thing he didn’t have to drive-- forever thankful for the technology of autopilot. He swore with the way Grayson was bitching in his ear about being left out of important decisions like hiring a new assistant, Ethan would’ve driven straight into a wall if he had control. 
“Is she at ours?” Grayson hissed. 
“With Mando yeah, she’s working, Mando was going through the DT productions laptop with her, Sharing the docs with her email-- you know shit I should be doing but I had to come pick your bitch ass up.”
“Wouldn’t be back if you hadn’t hired a new assistant without me--” Grayson grumbled. 
“Good well, she’s already doing a great fucking job isn’t she because she got nature-loving tree kissing wild boy back to L.A.” Grayson glared-- furious. 
“She’s fired the moment I walk in the door bro-- you don’t get to make these decisions without me!!” 
“Grayson you cant fire her I fucking hired her yesterday! We need an assistant.”
“Yeah well we’ll figure it out together but this ones on you-- fire her, refire someone else together! Because this is always- always something we do together Ethan, no ifs or buts and the idea you just couldn’t pick up the fucking phone and ask me beforehand is infuriating!!” it was one of the top ten heated arguments Ethan and Grayson had ever had in the Tesla. Not the car-- just the Tesla. Different top tens. 
“I didn’t want to bother you, bro! Fuck! I needed you here but you needed jersey a little more and I didn’t wanna bother you with work. We were on a break, relaxing.”
“Well look what good that did! I’m here! I’m back! I’m the bad guy because I gotta fix your mess--!”
Ethan didn’t respond. deciding to give up and give in. his head hurt from the shouting. He had a feeling, deep down, that Grayson would calm down. He always calmed down-- he was angry, hurt even, that Ethan had left him out of such an important decision, but he’d get over it. And he did. Very quickly. The second he saw Lorelei.
Ethan delta quick change in atmospheric pressure as she walked in behind Grayson-- now standing still at the door. Swallowing thick as he stared. He hated that he was this way around girls he thought were pretty. But he couldn’t help it. 
“Lori, Grayson, Gray? This is Lori--”
“Grayson, its actually so good to meet you! I was pretty bumbed out when Ethan said you were still in Jersey when i came over for my interview thingo-- but hey.” She stood, lifting her arm and extending her hand to shake his. Grayson mimicked her actions. 
“Lori, its uh, yeah no its good to meet you too, thanks for uh-- coming on board so quick, we can get a little stressed out when someone isn’t here to deal with, with like meetings and schedules and shit like that.” Ethan couldn’t help but chuckle under his breath as he watched Grayson stagger over his words. Night and day from the man who sat brooding in his passanger seat. 
“Well like i was saying to Ethan yesterday i might not have too much experience but im pretty stoked with the opportunity.” it washer eyes that had him right from the get go. Eyes that swirled in different shades or brown-- melting together to create a perfect deep brown that made them seem doe like. Beautiful. 
“Experience can only be taught, everyone’s gotta stare somewhere right.” Grayson smiled. Lorelei chuckled. Mando side eyed Ethan and Ethan almost wheezed. 
“Alright alright, Gray go shower and fucking shave, Lor imma show you how to set up in the podcast room works.” 
“Cool, i’m keen, ill move my stuff down there then, brought a note book to write stuff down.” she pressed her lips together nervously Grayson watched as her hand patted the hard cover diary that she held before watching her pick up her coffee cup. Mando had already beaten both Ethan and Grayson to showing Lori how the coffee machine worked. Knowing that when everyone was working? Sometimes no one had a chance to even make it. Grayson stood still and sighed, knowing the roast was coming. 
“Don’t even start E--”
“I’m sweating, your so awkward bro, what the fuck was that!” Ethan laughed as he covered his mouth. His cheeks red. “Bro--”
“She, her eyes got me shut up, i couldn’t think”
“So she isn’t fired? Just so we’re clear on this decision together? Not fired?” Mando furrowed his brows, wondering what type of question that was as Grayson trudged down the hall with his bag. Groaning: 
“This cannot be happening”
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geminiblackout · 2 years
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dude i need to talk to you for a second
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you remember a week or two ago when we woke up in the lantern whisp brought us there after i got in a scrap and i kinda fucked things up with her i thought things would be fixed by now but i cant even get her to look my way she disappears before i even get the chance to talk to her
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Okay? I’m not sure what this has to do with me. Holt, it’s been two weeks and you haven’t even bothered to explain yourself. I still have the bruises from what you did. Gigi was just as confused. I’m going to be completely, bluntly honest... Whatever you want, it’s none of my issue. You caused this yourself, dug yourself into your own hole, and I’m not going to fix it for you. Maybe if you could start being responsible for your own mistakes, you wouldn’t have an issue with Whisp in the first place.
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ouch youre not even listening to me im trying to fix my mistake i get i fucked up somewhere but i dont even have the chance to fix it when i cant even get close to whisp youre close enough with gigi i figured you could talk to her and maybe figure something out so i could have the chance to talk to her
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Gigi and I are separate people monsters, your issue with Whisp is your own. I’m not helping you with this. You can’t even tell me where you messed up, even if I got Whisp to agree to talk to you, what would you even say? I’m not getting involved. I’m not forcing Gigi to get involved either. And honestly Holt, you’re not even worried about how you affected Gigi and I. This is all about you, it always has been. You wanting Whisp back has nothing to do with you getting better.
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youre such a condescending asshole at times well usually also fuck you for assuming i dont care about whisp if im desperate enough to reach out to you its not because im looking for the easy fix i want her to forgive me thats why ive been trying for the past two weeks
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ok sorry that was harsh dude i just need to figure out what to say because the whole sorry for being an asshole and begging for forgiveness thing isnt going to cut it for her i want to find a way to say that but better
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If you’re begging for forgiveness you aren’t actually giving a decent apology. Just apologize. No other motive. It’s great if she forgives you, but the point should be to just admit you messed up, acknowledge you hurt her feelings, and not expect anything else from her. She probably thinks you’ll say anything to get your way, and I don’t blame her. Because that’s exactly what you do, Holt.
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like you havent pulled the same shit?? okay ill just apologize to her and go from there
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No. Apologize to her and that’s it. You shouldn’t expect anything else. You’re not going from there. If you’re not going to be genuine, you might as well not even bother. This is about her, not you. Also- please leave Gigi and I out of this. Whatever happens between you and Whisp, it’s not going to change how I see Gigi. Or Whisp, but I don’t see her that often.
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yeah fair enough thanks i know youve been pissed off at me because of all this just let me work on one thing at a time for now ill let you know how it goes
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storysofmyown · 3 years
Seven stages of love Chapter 4: Pragma
Summary: Ever since the Celestial War, since they all fell, Asmodeus has  dedicated himself to his sin. Not caring about anything else, but  drowning himself in the pleasure and ecstasy of it all. But not anymore,  now he cant even handle the idea of it. But, what else is there to want? After so long of having indulged in his sin, what is there than  Asmodeus is looking for, something that will fill him, and that wont  drive him to destruction? Perhaps his brothers can help him with that. Warnings will appear in each chapter.   
Trigger Warning: Anger, insults, alludes to intimate moments.
Word count: 3079
Read on ao3
“…okay that’s it!”
Mammon’s voice echoed in the dining room as he slammed his hands on the table. A small, and yet determined glare on his face as he starred at Asmodeus. His sudden reaction making the younger demon jump, as Belphegor kept napping like nothing had happened. Asmodeus looked almost uninterested at his older brother, raising an eyebrow as he placed his cup down before sighing.
“Mammon don’t be so loud. I barely got any sleep last night.” He stated, fixing his gaze to be back on the cup. He was beyond tired. He hadn’t been sleeping or eating well, his head was a mess, confusion, doubt, and strange feelings deep inside of him. And like always, he wasn’t step closer to figuring anything out.
Every time he took a step it felt like whatever answered was bestowed upon him made him walk five back. He didn’t know what to do…what he needed. Another term got in the way, a contradiction that put everything on another angle, it was never-ending, it was soffocating. First it was Belphegor, then Leviathan, and the most recent being Satan. His head was a total mess that kept him awake at night. And even if he tried to sleep at night, the voices that came along with the long lasting feelings; the visions on his mind just made it utterly impossible to get even a second of rest. If it wasn’t because Beel had forced him to come down to eat something, he wouldn’t have left his room today at all either. He was thankful that they had the decency to not be all on the dining room at once. But then again, they had left him with the loudest of his brothers, and he already knew this day was going to be anything but peaceful.
“Don’t be so loud my ass. You have been acting like Leviathan lately, which is totally freaky. So,” Mammon, smirking, slammed his hands on the table again, getting him a glare from Asmodeus. “I am taking you out tonight. And be grateful, little brother, your favorite big bro will be paying!” Mammon had an almost satisfied smirk at his declaration, making Asmodeus raise an eyebrow.
“…you didn’t say anything about Lucifer joining as well.” Asmo teases, which merely gets him a glare from Mammon.
“I meant me and you know it!” He hisses, before shaking his head. “That’s beyond the point. Get ready, tonight we are going somewhere, and I will NOT take a no for an answer!” Mammon pointed his finger at Asmodeus, making him sigh yet again, letting his head rest on his palm as his elbow rested on the table, a distant expression in his eyes.
If Mammon had proposed that at least a month ago, Asmodeus would have jumped on the opportunity immediately. It was rare for his brothers to join him, and while he used to have a lot of fun, their presence just made it better. Correction: he thought he had lots of fun. Now…well, he wasn’t so sure. Could that be considered fun? The dancing, the touching, the loud music, the screaming, his skin burning as some stranger pulled him away from the entire night… He didn’t want that again. At least not at the moment. He wasn’t sure if in the future he would be able to go those places again, experience the same euphoria he felt the after falling; but right now he would rather stay where no one could bother him.
He understood Levi a little better now. In his room…he could just be. No other soul to bother his solace, as he could keep digging deeper into those thought that slowly intoxicated and even suffocated him. The feelings of loneliness and that hatred that made its home into the demon’s mind, just kept growing as every day passes…no, ‘days’ was a large stretch, from the moment Asmodeus sat down to this very second, he already had sunk far deeper into the silent desperate pleas the unknown made to him. Asmodeus starred for a second more at Mammon before shaking his head, only for his sight to fall on the table, making his older brother frown. They were worried, and he had thought maybe coercing Asmodeus to go out would cheer him up a bit, it used to be his whole life after all. But now…it seemed like he had just made things worse.
“…I’m tired. I don’t want to leave the house.” He stated, getting up from the table, leaving his glass forgotten, Mammon merely frowned before sighing. There must be a way to make Asmodeus feel better, somehow. “Oh, and Mammon?” Once he looked up, he saw Asmodeus had stopped just in front of the door, his face still turned in the direction of the hallway, only for him to give Mammon a side look as he smiled for what could be the first time in a while. “…it’s you and I, not me and you.”
“…why you little-! If ya have enough energy to make fun of me then ya should use it elsewhere!”
Asmodeus let out a soft chuckle as he walked away from his brother, who had woken up Belphegor and was now facing the consequences of such a deed. Consequences… Was that it? Is that the reason why he was feeling so tormented? Why he no longer could stand the thought of someone setting their eyes upon him? Had he gone so long misbehaving in ways that utterly destroyed his mind and body, but he kept pushing them down on that thin layer of narcissism, and it had finally broken open…Was that it? Was he facing the consequences of all he had put himself through, of everything he forced himself to do? If so, then no wonder his body had started to tense up whenever a memory of a touch slipped his mind. The whisper of a name made him ache. And if the moments ever came to him in dreams, then all he could do was cry himself awake, in a position so still one might mistake him for a corpse, if not for the cries.
Like the one that happened that night. The memories, the cries, the phantom touches, it was all too real. But now, instead of feeling the intense desire he had felt those nights, it all felt like needles poking in his skin, making him regret his mere existence. He could feel the hair pull all too vividly, the bites so harsh he could have sworn if he touched the spot they would be there. He didn’t know when, but he had woken up at some point, and had noticed how his nails were the ones digging on his own skin to the point blood was pouring out. Yet he couldn’t move or do anything about it. All he could do, was keep crying. The nightmares were always like this, they incapacitated him, the only thing he had left, the control over his own body, over his own pain, was taken away. And all that was left was the sobbing mess of a demon. Who could only wonder how had he left himself fall even further.
The worst was…the doubting, the confusion, the wondering. The way no one could explain it to him, the fact that all they did was make him even more confused. Levi and Satan…they could have chosen to just keep quiet, to not answer his question, to ignore him! Belphegor could have kept walking, had he not come inside his room to make such a claim, a claim that now had him wondering and asking himself about everything. They should have just let him stay on that path he had already chosen! He had gotten used to being a demon, he had gotten used to all of it, if they had just kept quiet then he would be back to his normal self now, not caring about that stupid word and what it all meant! He wasn’t supposed to be anything else from just lust, he didn’t need anything else!
The next thing Asmodeus knew, he had barged into Mammon’s room, his older brother looking at him with a startled expression as he had not even bothered to knock. One half serious look at the younger demon’s face told Mammon all he needed to know. His brother wasn’t okay, and he was forcing himself to be. Perhaps it was the way the younger demon looked lost like he had looked that morning on the dining table, or maybe it was that look that screamed for some type of…of catalyst. Perhaps the same one they all expected to be coming soon. Was it now? Mammon could only stay silent as he starred at his brother, not knowing if he should talk or if he should wait for the demon to speak first. After all, he was the one that had barged in, and Mammon could only determine so much from his expression.
“…let’s go.”
“Huh? What-?”
“Let’s go! Now! Just like you said earlier! I changed my mind!” Asmodeus took a few steps towards Mammon, slamming the door behind him. His actions painting a frown on the avatar of greed as he watched his brother closely.
“…you changed your mind?” This was…wrong. Just a few hours ago Asmodeus was more than determined to NOT go out at all. Even to the point where the mere thought and the proposal made him retreat to his room like a scared animal looking for shelter in the middle of a storm.
Then again, perhaps that’s how Asmodeus felt. Like a lost animal who was passing right through the eye of the hurricane. The past few weeks had been the first stage, it was bad, it was bad because it had hit Asmodeus with no warning, it came and hit him with a force Asmodeus had not ever prepared for, stripping him from all the walls he had built around himself to protect the fragility that inhibited in the body of a weak and broken demon. The first stage had just passed. And right now, as Asmodeus glared at Mammon, wearing some party clothes and that pain he could still see in the eyes of his brother, Mammon knew the eye of the storm had just arrived. And with it, the calm…the calm that only announced the arrival of the worst to come. Faster winds that instead of stripping the poor demon from all what he was they were going to make him crumble.
“…no.” They had to be there for Asmo, and he knew this was the last thing Asmodeus needed. Asmodeus had said it before, and although he wasn’t aware what made him change his mind, he was right…He knew that now, and he was seeing just how badly Asmodeus wanted to deny it.
He wanted the Asmodeus they all knew back. The happy brother that was quick to compliment any of them and had no regards for personal space, the one that always had a smile…but that wasn’t Asmodeus. That’s a veil he had put on that was being kept on from the moment he crafted that personality to merely weeks ago, the one who was standing right now in front of him, was not Asmodeus either. It was the shreds from that veil trying to get back to that balance that he had managed to escape from. The real Asmodeus…no one knew him. Not even the demon standing right in front of Mammon. The demon needed to know who he was and understand whatever it was bothering him before he should be allowed to go back out there. And as much as Mammon wanted to keep the peace and wanted his brother to be okay, it would be nothing but cruel, submitting him to the very thing that had broken him in the very first place.  
“…no?” Asmodeus blinked. “Seriously? You are saying no now?! Mammon, I know you like being annoying, but this is going too far!” Asmodeus stomped his feet, he felt like a child throwing a tantrum, almost as if he wasn’t in control of his own words. But here he was, glaring at his older brother as he crossed his arms and glared. How dare he act like he knew what was going on in Asmodeus head and what he needed? What he needed was to go back to who he was and stop with those feelings that had taken root in his being.
“Oi! I’m only trying to help here! I ain’t taking ya there, aight?! I thought it might have helped earlier but giving how you are now I doubt so! Someone could do something to you and you wouldn’t even know what is happening-”
“That’s the point!” Asmodeus shouted, glaring at Mammon worse than before. “That is exactly what I want! What I need! I want to just forget everything and go back to how I was before! I just need to stop all those insane thoughts and go back to the care of the world! S-So! D-Don’t tell me no now!”
“Asmo…listen to me now.” Mammon walked closer to his agitated brother, noticing how desperate and how hurt the younger demon was. It hurt all of them seeing him like this, but if he went out now, as Asmodeus wanted, or as he thought he wanted, it would only make it worse “…what you need, ya ain’t gonna find in a club or anything.”
“Then what is it that I need, then?! If it isn’t to try and go back to my old life…if it isn’t forgetting everything that just happened and try to be who I am supposed to be, then what do I need? What should I do? I am tired of feeling so bad, I don’t want to care about anything else! I just want to go back and forget all of those new feelings! All that Levi and Satan said! I don’t understand it, and the more I try to understand it the less I do! I just want to go back out there, and maybe, just maybe, finally be okay once more.”
Mammon starred at his brother as the pleas and begs left him, eyes closed tightly as the Avatar of Lust held back the tears. It was all wrong, seeing him like this, this desperation rooted inside of him as he didn’t give himself time to think about everything, to think about himself! But…he kind of understood Asmodeus. Back when they all arrived, when they were all scared and didn’t understand anything about themselves, he was so confused and scared of those new desires of his, but he took time to understand them. Asmodeus hadn’t, the moment he recuperated from the fall it was like the angel they had all known once had vanished. But right now, although broken and sad and utterly desperate…he was asking for help, and Mammon was going to be right there for him. Slowly, the demon walked over to his brother, and before Asmodeus could even ask anything else, he was engulfed in a tight hug.
“…Listen, there is lots of stuff that I don’t know, that’s a given, and there are even more that I don’t understand, but I know how you are feeling…how lost you feel. But Asmo, what you need, isn’t out there.”
Asmodeus hesitated, not daring to hug his brother back as he held back tears, hiding his face on the demons neck for a moment. Shaky breaths that Mammon could feel as he hugged him even tighter, hoping that it just might help to keep him together long enough until he was ready to rebuild himself. But the way his younger brother hand suddenly grasped at his shirt, and the way his trembling voice came out…he knew that no matter how tightly he held him, the demon was already crumbling.
“…I s-still don’t understand. I don’t know…I don’t know what I need…” Mammon chuckled a little sadly as he kissed Asmodeus forehead, pulling away and grabbing him by the shoulders.
“Oi, that of course is for someone to truly care about ya. Asmo, ya don’t need people to constantly praise you or to pull you away from the world. You need someone that cares so deeply for you, they are willing to make you happy, someone…someone that understands you, someone that truly **** you”
…again with that word. Asmodeus couldn’t do anything but stare at Mammon for a few seconds, before the dam broke, and the water started spilling from his eyes like nothing could stop it. One would think he had not cried in years by the way he was now sobbing and clinging to his brother. With Levi it was one thing, as well as with Satan, and now with Mammon. They had mentioned such different thing, unique sentiments, yet they had used the exact same word. Was it…that perhaps it was all of those at once? But at the same time neither? And if so, how could Asmo tell which was that he truly needed? Asmo said it was for someone to understand him, but he wasn’t so sure. How could someone else understand him when he couldn’t even understand himself?
“…that’s the exact opposite of what Satan said!” Asmodeus exclaimed, he refused to believe that there could be so many aspects to it all.
“W-well…that’s because he is an idiot, aight?! Just listen to me, I am your bug brother, after all.” Mammon sighed, still embracing Asmodeus. “…Asmo, I know its hard to understand, but you don’t need someone to pass the night with, okay? Its…different, you don’t need something that can vanish and its just superficial. Its meant to be deep and last, and they are supposed to make you feel the best anyone has ever!”
Understanding, playfulness, friendship…all or none, maybe a mix? No…none of them felt quite right. But…what felt right was the fact that he could cry feeling in his brothers arms, just like he had done so a while ago when Belphegor found him. Even if he hated showing anyone this side of his, and even thought his entire being was in a total disarray of concepts and all, it felt right. And he wondered if this was yet another definition for that word. One rooted in the comings of the broken family they were.
Pragma: Commitment, compromise, understanding, long term rooted love. Eros can turn to Pragma with time.
Hello! Here is the next chapter in this little fic of mine! I truly hope you all had enjoyed it even though I think that this one turned out a little different than the last few. But either way, i will once more post the next chapter on Saturday, until then!
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grim-faux · 3 years
 2 _ 8 _ Snipping Cables
 Lately, he’s had some regrets.
 Perhaps that was a tad dramatic. Keeping attendance of the child hadn't been the labor it was prior, before the boy really got it in his head that he was not to stray too far, or not dawdle so much on inconsequential trinkets. There came lapses, but he didn't need to strain concentration on the transmission so tersely.
 The residence elected to offer the child rest was perfectly eroded, though more spacious than the majority that was not a store or carried endless supplies. Aside from the wind and enduring mist of rain, little of the harsh elements breached the innermost walls. A few outer rooms sat available for use, but he chose centered accommodations with a table and chair set. The kitchen offered little in edibles, but the child seemed to think it was the best space to spend his time. When he wasn’t pestering the Thin Man. Furniture and fringe shadows settled where the sporadic reach of light wouldn’t venture, and the usual decayed pieces of scraps abandoned by the previous occupants remained faithful to the end of days.
 A few television deserted within, likely afforded the escape to those occupants. If the clothing strewn on furniture was anything to go by. While Mono was having an explore, he dumped the devices out a window. He didn’t mind utilizing televisions for travel, but he remained uneasy leaving the child alone in their presence.
 The Thin Man flipped a page on the magazine he browsed through and cast an eye toward the child. Following the usual scout through some room, the boy lifted a container of crayons. But no paper. That would have been fine and well, if not for the discarded packages in the kitchen. Mono tore apart paper and cardboard, on the salvaged bits he did speek. Why didn’t he just do the speek on walls? There was no shortage of space.
 “Box.” Mono shuffled around the page he worked at, choosing another color. “Cer-ate.” He mumbled some jumbled sounds under his breath, as he crouched down and really got involved with the picture.
 “You are quite the artist,” the Thin Man muttered. Many passages in the magazine lay unintelligible, but it was more of a distraction in place of the televisions. When he plucked out the very breezy movement, he took a breath and steeled himself.
 A torn bit of cardboard popped above the horizon of the magazine he perused. “Road. See?”
 The Thin Man exhaled. “Yes. I can see that. An endless road.” When the colorful collage dipped out of sight, he lowered his book. Mono was muttering something to himself studying the image as if he never saw it before. Ever. When he noted the Thin Man’s attention, he held up the picture and pointed to the boarder.
 “Build-eegs.” He blinked beneath the edge of his hat.
 “Buildings. It looks just like every other scenery in this drab city.”
 “In. Th’z.” He pushed up his hat and moved a little closer to the magazine. “Drab? T’drab? Is mean?”
 “Unremarkable. Ugly. Boring.” The Thin Man pressed his magazine further away, to stall the child’s advance.
 “Un-re-mark-Ible. Bor-eng. Boring.” The child continued murmuring to himself, as he tottered back over to his stacks of cardboard and miscolored paper pieces. He stooped low on his knees and resumed marking at a piece, the speek of endless road and buildings forgotten for the time.
 Sighing, the lamp in the corner flickering, the Thin Man kneaded his brow. This had been going on for Hours. He peered beyond the edge of his reading, inspecting discarded pictures of mundane things. A mailbox, a tree. Buildings and buildings. A broken staircase. Inconsequential and unrelated little pictures, and many more. Each and every one he had to inspect, twice, sometimes four times over. At one point a Tower existed in the fray, but without a word the Thin Man delivered the child such a look, that the boy took the likeness and tore it to bits. The remnants lay on the floor, beneath the table.
 “So… mu-tch. Big. Then go.”
 He flipped through a few pages in the magazine, until he reached an uncorrupt segment. He winced, and looked up. The child was back, a new picture offering. “That’s a bridge.”
 “To… go?” The child indicated one end of the bridge. It was a bridge with no real scenery or location to set it’s placement. “Over. Is where?”
 Forget Her trying to teach him speek. Mono insisted on butchering every syllable. Why was he like this?
 He brought a hand to his face. “Where? Where does the bridge go? I don’t know. You tell me.”
 Mono fixed his hat and gave him a look. “Is go?”
 “Where? Does the bridge go? It goes somewhere, yes?”
 The child set down the cardboard piece and took a moment to pluck at the splinters in his palm. “Mm. Bridge. T’go…. Is.” He held his hands parted out. “Cross. Danger. T’danger, in deep.” He pantomimed an area beneath the two polar sides of his bridge. “Safe.” He brought his hands back up, parted. “Goes n’to. Is safe.”
 He understood what the child inferred, but…. “‘Safe’ isn’t a grounded location.”
 “N’to. Is.”
 Was he being messed with? “No. On that note, what if there was a creature at one end? Hmm? Not so safe now, is it?” Mono’s expression flickered. Aw, he hadn’t considered such a scenario. What a pity.
 The Thin Man leaned back in the chair and held the magazine up. This was all likely overlooked by the child, as he once more scampered away to his repurposed pages. The scratching wound up, while the small boy worked at another picture. The Thin Man restrained a groan. H̴͕̬̟͆̽̔Ō̸̼̓͗U̷̹̠͒R̶̰̃S̴͍̮̾̇̈.
 Passive mumbling rolled from the child, intermixed with the dragging crayon. “Dress. Er. Dresser. Chair. Smo-k. No. Room. Chair. Win-dowe.” He spun the page. “Re-sip-or-cant. Re-cip-or-cate? Mean?”
 The child reared off his picture and flapped one of the paper pieces. “Mean? T’speek? Big speek?”
 The Thin Man took a long and agonized breath. “Not return. A gift. Or help. Mean… if I helped you, then you ran off. Or something.” He couldn’t see the child, but he could sense the gears turning in his head.
 Sigh. “Are you hungry?” Again.
 “Share. Recip. Rerr-sip-orate. Recip-o-ate.”
 The Thin Man set aside his magazine and stood from the chair. A while back he thought of shutting the doors to the dining area, though they were glass, and he didn’t need them blown out by a small uncontrollable projectile. Instead, he sauntered through the main room and to the corridor, which led out of the residence.
 “Where?” peeped behind him.
 He stopped at the door and looked back. The child was there, looking very serious and prepared for the venture. “No-no, you stay here.”
 Mono tugged the sides of his coat. “Not safe n'go,” he rasped.
 “Indeed.” He turned around and leaned lower to the child. “It will be dangerous, out there. You must stay here, and I won’t be gone long.” Reaching out, he tipped the child’s hat back an inch and poked his nose. “Keep this place safe, won’t you?”
 The child did appear a little distressed. At least he didn’t flinch from his hand, but he might’ve been distracted. “N’together. S’safe. Two.”
 “Not for you. Now, do as I say.”
 The child retreated a step and nodded.
 “You will be fine. Safe is in here.” The Thin Man returned to the door and stepped out. As always, the door is not locked following his departure, but he does insure the warped frame is fitted securely.
 This was rest time for the child, but it was difficult to settle him in from the wandering and endless surveying for hazards. If the Thin Man removed himself for a while, then the boy was more prone to curl up in his dark little space - out of sight out of mind. It was no bother for the Thin Man to put up in some deserted home for a while, if his charge needed to rifle for some edibles or get off his feet. The problem was this insistent being up and around at every waking minute, blatantly refusing to sleep, then collapsing in a desolate road. Then! having the nerve to act like it was a complete mystery why he blacked out.
 Nonetheless, he would have to brace himself for the bombardment of pictures and explanation when he returned. It would be best not to think of that.
 It was indeed dangerous to venture to a neighboring building, where the television units remained active. This was no lie. Relocating to a place far distant from the Viewers was no difficult feat – for him, that is. A bare room housing a few televisions, the chatter of flat melodies intermingling. Nothing to think about, and no creature demanding his attention. In gaunt space of null, he was content.
 No benefit came through drowning his time in the static transmission. It influenced him in no way, he was not enamored by its call or demands. The static was familiar, perpetual and infinite. Somehow peaceful, despite his penance in the Tower, lost in the despair. The bitter resentment, and how he was so easily discarded. How badly it hurt. How little he understood. He was so utterly... done.
 As typical when he returned to the residency, he made certain to bring back some treat for the child. A little jar of food paste, a token of amity. This was enough.
 The child was pleased enough to receive the item. And, after untangling from the typical debacle of ‘no, I really don’t want that,’ the boy carried the container around the rooms and nibbled out the contents. It kept him preoccupied for a while, allowing the Thin Man to browse through a few pamphlets and other items he’d plucked up on the fly.
 Following his return, he was a little concerned that the child lingered, peering around a corner, observing as the Thin Man sought to busy himself with distractions. He ignored this, and instead went to a window to have a smoke and go through a book. It was a cookbook of all things, but more engaging than the catalog on engines he’d had the misfortune of investing the scarce quiet into. He had some stake in finding information about the Tower, about its origins and theories. Alas, thus far no readings had elaborated a smidgen on its purpose.
 Aside from being a massive headache.
 Then there was the headache of the child, being persistent at being underfoot. He almost missed the pictures he ceased providing.
 The entire drama was grating on his nerves, he was going to step on the boy if he wasn’t expertly cautious. He usually was. The issue now was a child that was constantly on his heels, appearing out of nowhere – teleporting he suspected – just to be RIGHT THERE. Darting in, and keeping close whenever he wanted to relocate to a room or get away. If he wasn’t keeping strict vigil at every pause or turn, the child just was Ṭ̶̖͈͍̒h̶̹̬͆ȅ̵̦͉̬r̶̘̜̈̈̆̋ȩ̸̫͉̱̑̎. He didn’t understand this sport, he's certain Mono did it to be a nuisance. It reached the point where he anticipated the child’s presence and then physically relocated him, a shelf or cabinet. Some out of the way location, where the child would be forced to pause and judge where to go before engaging all over. Enough time for him to reach a room and just… take a breather. Or leave. Then the child had the audacity to give him the most offended look.
 This didn’t compare to the child’s tendency of resting near or curled up on him. He’d thought the boy was broken of the habit, apparently, he was wrong.
 Most circumstances he could get up, take the child, and set him in his usual nest spot. A dresser in a random room, a hole in the floor, the kitchen - set him down without a bother in the world. Effortless. He envied how the boy could just… slumber without a care, and he could deal with that.
 Not always though.
 “Mono.” The Thin Man wanted to sit and read, let the drilling ache of the light burn out his eyes. Then, there was the child. Latched onto his coat. He did not want that excessive needling in his side. “Stop. L̶̥͕̾͌ě̸̺t̶͓.̷̥̔͒ͅ ̸͈̘̑G̸̘̅̚o̷͈̝̾̈́.̵̥̙͋̿” The boy was not deterred, maybe still half asleep. Where did this strength come from? “M̴̛͇ỏ̶̧̠̿n̸̨͌̆̎o̵͕̾̇!̷̛̬̎̽̀”
 “We've been over this.” He tried prying the hands loose, but his other hand was preoccupied with keeping most of the child extracted. The bulb in the lamp burst a while back, when he was first dealing with this dilemma. “What have I said?”
 “N’t un… leave!”
 “I’m not going anywhere.”
 “Lie—” When finally ripped loose of his coat, the child coiled about his wrist with his arms and legs, constricting. “Caught.”
 The Thin Man can’t believe this. “No. I am in the process of liberating my person from this nuisance. Why? Why are you like this?”
 “Aye… mmhh. N’t—” He gave a little yelp, quite loud actually, when the Thin Man gripped at his waist and tried tearing him loose. But gently.
 “What is the problem? Just tell me! I have no plans of leave, I assure you.” His next ploy was wriggle his fingers between his sleeve and the chest. “Frustrating little….”
 “Nhn… not alone. N’have… keep. But th’n gone, wh-un sh’uld stay.” The child doubled down on his embrace, his current hat falling. “N'haunt! Am lost… M’alone. S’t nuh good. Sad! Not have yuh. You. G’t lost. Lost! M’lost. T’h… wa’r mon-st’EER. N’took! Run! M’was run-Ing. Not to fin’d—”
 “You know what, never mind! Mono! E̷͔̞͆n̵͎̝̐͘o̴̪̊̕u̴͓͂̈g̵̡̖̐h̶͕͚͐!̶̥͉͒͠” He looped his fingers around the child’s shoulder and tugged. “D̷̨͈͋̌̉̈͜ǫ̷̛̪̂̔̓.̸̨̜̳̞̇͋̀͘ ̴͍͈̄̃͊͗A̸̛̻͗̓̔s̵͚̹͚̊̓̚͜.̵̨͖̳̼̃̋̊͘ ̶̢̻̙͐̿̊̊Ỉ̴͚̞̈́.̶̤̈͋̃͝ ̵̳͍̘S̵̞̘̪̬̓̀̊̎â̵̧̱͒ÿ̷̡̨̲́̓!̷͇̔͝” The child gave a muffled squeal. “Stop!”
 “Sa’id keep! N’t uhn leave! For-feet!”
 “You first!” The child bit into his sleeve, and the Thin Man settled him with a glare. Biding time to study this scene, and the small thing latched tight like a tick. “How long do you think you’ll keep this up?” For emphasis, he tugged at the collar of the child’s coat. As expected, the boy coiled up tighter, his glare just as intense. “I do not sleep, child.” Mono hissed.
 This stalemate endured for an hour at least. The child’s resolve and ferocity was something to be admired, but all the Thin Man need do was sit and keep his arm elevated. No matter the tenacity or vigor, Mono was still child and his reserves at their limits. At long last and after an unrelenting hold on the child’s collar, Mono’s grip slackened. Not entirely, but enough that he could pull the boy clear from his arm.
 Before the child could recover and reassert his super adhesive hold, the Thin Man resituated his stance in a glitchy flash. He set the boy onto the floor and teleported beyond the entry of his current lodgings, well out of range should his pursuer attempt to catch up.
 “Hai.” Mono fumbled to get upright and onto his feet, but he was out of sorts with his knotted muscles. He managed two steps under the table before he collapsed to his knees. Bones and nerves alike buzzed, he could scarcely feel his toes. “Wait?” Unable to coordinate himself, he scooted up beneath one of the chairs and peered out.
 At best it only worked to let the child wear himself out. Now liberated from the smaller, the Thin Man could relocate to one of the spare rooms. If the boy came snooping around, he would simply stall time and flicker out. One certainty, he would not have the luxury to be still for some while. But whatever, he spent the better part of his life seated and waiting for… anything. Something.
 He stood beside the cracked window in the room furthest from the dining setup, breathing smoke and remembering the Tower. Lost to his isolation and languishing within the miasma of grim thoughts, left with only memories of what led to his self-imposed contrition. Sometimes he hid under the chair, wallowing and inconsolable. He never went far. As idiotic as it would sound, it became his home. He had no more wants, no more fears – though he was never happy either. How could he? Though refuge was granted, he had nothing and no one else in all the world. He remained because she discarded him, and the Tower encased him with its impenetrable walls of cynicism.
 When at his weakest, the Eyes would appear. To check on him, make certain he had not left them. They did nothing to assure his attendance, nothing short of keeping a room that was his and his alone. Every time they resurfaced, he simply sent them away.
 It was his chore to remind them, they could not, and shall never look at him. If they wanted to use him, then they could not bother him. Not watch, nor think about him. Just as he had limitations of what could be tolerated, they had restrictions of what could be done to him. They had plenty to seek through the transmitter devices and televisions, and then he gave them more. But he could not be reminded they would always be there, waiting. Endlessly hungry.
 The child is only this way because he does not know any better. He never saw the depths of that horrendous pit. Never once saw what was to be his fate, abandoned to endlessly waiting. Continue the cycle. Seek your younger, replace yourself when you have outlived usefulness. Always and perpetually discarded and forgotten. When he first came to that place and that room, buried deep inside a tomb and isolated from the world, it was his fate alone. Not until much-much-much later did he realize the truth. The boy would never understand, could never grasp the reality of their twisted existence. He was yet only child – naïve, sheltered, and excessively needy.
 When the boy managed to sort himself out, the Thin Man would be inclined to let his guard down. It was discouraging that his younger-self was prone to relapse, but it was some facet to keep attention on. Such moods would pass, they always did.
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alfouxxiv · 3 years
Layers to a Damned Man
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one: outside layer
[Name:] “Alfoux...Rovat”
[Hair Style & colour:] “It’s hazel maybe more brown? I don't really know. when I was young...I used to have short hair. But as I grew older, it has become rather long. I keep it tied back when the need for a helmet arises.”
[Eye Color:] “Amber from what I’ve told, though. I assume it could be taken as any colour of that nature.”
[Height:] “I’m tall, I tower over most and very few tower over me. It is a blessing and a curse.”
[Style:] “I’m not one for style and trends but. I was raised to be fancy. To know the right fork to use and to say please and thank you, and it stuck. But I’m far from the term ‘fancy’ as many have said to me countless times before, I am rough around the edges. What else are you going to get, when you take a brume kid out of the brume and into the lap of the houses upon high.”
“I am rough, jaded and scared. I have seen what this world has to give and it has laid its mark to bare upon me. So yes, I am rough around the edges. I’m abrasive, cold in nature. So my style if you must put a thing to it, tends to lean towards such. I own nothing other than my armour on my back, everything that had ‘style’ was stripped from me.”
[Best Physical Feature:] “My hands or eyes, it is one thing many compliment me on. I have no idea what they mean however. Some have also said my jaw line is a nice feature, or my chest... Though those who say my chest is my best feature, are more likely saying that to further their motives of romantic intent which is not something I’m looking for.”
“I myself don't see a best feature, nor even a good feature. It is just a body, or maybe I just don't have the best confidence in myself hm?”
two: inner layer
[Fears:] “All of my fears have come to fruition. All I ever wanted was a home, and not have it stripped from me. But here we are, my life was a lie and those who said they loved me? a lie.” 
[Guilty Pleasure:] “The things I enjoy, though very few they are. I do not find guilt in them. I enjoy reading bad romance novels...and I enjoy them, and there is no shame in that.”
[Biggest Pet Peeve:] “People, speaking of those who believe that our great nation is in fact great, because it is far from it. Our land is flawed and blinded by lies, feed to them from who was once in control. Our world is changing and those who do change with it? well, they will be left in the dust of those willing to move for a brighter future....if that is even something we can come to.”
[Ambition for the Future:] “In the long term I guess it would be to fix the mess my ‘family’ made, in the short term? I wish to die. So we will see which comes first.”
three: thoughts
[First Thought When Waking Up:] “Oh grand I am still alive, oh what a fantastic thing to happen.”
[What You Think About the Most:] “Money I guess, I don't have a single gil to my name. So it tends to be about money or when the next job will come by.”
[What You Think About Before Bed:] “I’m either to drunk off my ass to even think, or if I’m not its thinking of another night were I don't sleep.”
[Your Best Quality Is:] “I have no idea, I am a man of very little good qualities. I am sure someone would say otherwise but as this is me talking? I have none.”
four: what’s better
[Single or Group Dates?] “I have never been on a date, I never had the time for such things or ever felt a bond with someone, to ever do such a thing.”
[To be Loved or to be Respected?] “In my heart, it cries out for love? and my mind pains for respect. In days gone by I used to think I had both, but now I know that ‘love’ was a lie. And that ‘respect’? fear. So truly? I have no idea what is better, for I truthfully know what those feel like.”
[Beauty or Brains?] “I am more inclined to lean towards brains. Not saying that beauty isn't a bad thing, because it isn't. I am just more inclined to drift towards those who are, of a more intelligent inclination...though I'm not saying those who are beautiful cant be smart because they can be. They are I....yeah...”
[Cats or Dogs?] “Cats, I have had the pleasure of living with many in my younger years. All thanks to a certain templar. Though I do preferer cats over dogs, that doesn’t mean I don't like dogs. I just enjoy the company of cats more.” 
four: do you...
[Lie?] “My job was to lie, to preach a lie and to enact a lie. So yes I have lied. Do I still lie? truthfully it is to myself nearly on a daily basis but to others I try to be more. Up front.” 
[Believe in Yourself?] “In days gone by yes, I believed I could do nearly anything, within reason. But now? no...”
[Believe in Love?] “No, not anymore.”
[Want Someone?] “I want to be left alone, yet for some reason people keep bothering me. So no. I don't want anyone.”
six: have you ever...
[Been on Stage?] “I have not, though I have watched many a play when I was younger. They were rather enjoyable at the time. But I had no intention of joining them.”
[Done Drugs?] “I have not no, unless you count smoking as a drug? though it is just tabaco.”
[Changed Yourself to Fit In Somewhere?] “Amusing. I’m a brume kid living a house upon high, so what do you think?”
seven: favorite
[Favorite Color:] “I have never really given it much thought. Though my armours have always been on the darker side, I did have a blue set for ceremonies or other such special occasions. So maybe blue? again I have never given it much thought...”
[Favorite Food:] “When I was younger Otix used to make these cream cheese and liver sandwiches, which I thoroughly enjoyed. I still do enjoy them, though now that I’m older I can make them myself. Other than that? I don't really have a preference.”
[Favorite Game:] “I never had the time for games growing up, with education, sword training and fencing and other duties. I never had much free time, so whenever I rarely did have time to myself I just read a book.”
eight: age
[When Your Next Birthday Will Be:] “I cant remember for the life of me when my name day is, and to be honest at my age I could careless for the day.”
[How Old Will You Be?] “I think I’m 36? or am I older? I cant remember.”
[Age You Lost Your Virginity:] “who cares, it is not something I wish to divulge to anyone.”
[Does Age Matter?] “I wouldn’t wish to see someone that hasn't even seen their 12th summer in a combat situation if that's what you mean. I have seen many younger people die under the hands, of people who were no where near the front of battle. But if you’re referring to someone younger dating someone older? well that all depends does it not? if it is someone far older praying on someone who shouldn't even be thinking of such a thing, then well that person will happily meet the end of my sword.”
nine: in a partner
[Best Personality:] “Someone who is kind I assume, I haven’t given it much thought seeing as, I have never met someone who I have grown a connection of that type with.”
[Best Eye Colour:] “Does it really matter? Are there really people out there who specifically court those with a specific eye colour.....”
[Best Hair Colour:] “It’s hair who cares, doesn't matter what colour is it.”
[Best Thing to do With a Partner:] “Again, I have never given thoughts like these much time. Maybe that is very telling of my nature. But if I must pick something, than maybe...maybe it would be nice to cook with someone. Maybe even quietly read with them, or go fishing...”
ten: finish the sentence
[I Love...] “To be. Left. Alone.”
[I Feel...] “Empty...”
[I Hide...] “Everything. I am not want to show my hand at the first or even second meeting.”
[I Miss...] “...”
[I Wish...] “I wish I was never adopted, to be left to have that life grow into something that wasn't built on a lie and cursed to live...”
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Tagged by: @yafaemi thank you fren so it took so long!!!
Tagging: @ffxivtribehydrae | @kich-rp | @grumpy-limsan-customs-cat | @zinniane | @m-iasma​ | @bjarkan​ | @wilderkind​ | @faustinebellamy | @aethersmoke-and-ash ​ | @violetcuriosity​ | @lady-iseterre​ | And anyone else who wants to do it!!
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lucidpantone · 3 years
In my opinion the season will start with Sander moving out and talk about Robbe joining him once he graduates. It is pretty common for students to move out one their first year of university. I moved out when I was a student and I was 17 and 10 months since my birthday was in December and I started university in September that year. In Europe it is viewed as a normal independence move as long as you pay for the accommodation and not your parents. I think at this point Sander will probably move with Adi (who might know the balloon squad) and will start working as well in order to be able to afford the apartment temporarily for few months until Robbe graduates, starts working as well and they move in together. By September when Robbe will go to university he will be 18 and they would be almost two years together with Sander which will make so much sense. Now regarding the drama between them I think it will have nothing to do with the apartment and Sander’s living condition. I think it will be purely about Sander’s reaction when he will first see the Balloon Squad again and Robbe making theories and thinking that Sander might have a romantic history with one of them when the reaction was probably because of an issue that was created between Sander and the Balloon Squad in the past due to his MI. Just imagine Sander and Adi moving in together. Then they have a party at their apartment Sander invites the Broeers and the girls squad since he is friends with them, Adi invites his friends aka Balloon Squad and also some of their common art school friends. And that’s how the balloon squad comes back to Sander’s life. Another theory that I haven’t seen floating around yet.
Disclaimer its long, thoughts after the cut
similar anon: Let’s not forget Robbe is graduating this year as well and he is going to uni. It is pretty common that uni students move out and live on their own here in Europe. So they might be looking for a place to live with Sander after he graduates. Which will be very true to the European student life and will make sense. Also it actually might be some members of the balloon squad living together since we have established that they are in their 20’s. I don’t think Sander will get a place with someone else at the end of the year when he very well knows that Robbe is about to graduate. Knowing his love struck ass I am pretty sure he will chose his boyfried for a housemate.
similar anon: i understand this idea that it’s a show for teenagers and should be realistic but still, teenagers already know that moving in at 17/18 with your s/o wouldn’t be convenient and it’s not like their views are gonna change bc of sobbe doing that haha. like we wanna see them move in together bc at the end of the day we know it’s a show and we just wanna see sobbe in that environment but its not like everyone’s gonna think that’s normal and we should all do it just bc we saw it on a show imo so i don’t see it as that big of a problem
Ok am putting my tinfoil hat on to headcanon. I can very well see Sander moving out to get his own place I actually think this is pretty on point with canon since we see Sander complained about not being able to take Robbe to his place after the 1st date(or he at least implied it asking to go to Robbe’s instead) so we know canonically he probably wants a bit of freedom. We also know its canon these two always do that “thing” before going to bed. So I imagine being at your parents you gotta keep it down. Like said Sander moving out with his friend which I imagine is Adi makes sense. Now Robbe getting a lil jelly that Sander is having fun at his own place seems a little immature but baby koala is only 17 so I’ll give him a break. I guess they could set it up that Robbe pops over one night unannounced and maybe Sander has been smoking and it just bothers Robbe. Something has to ignite the jealousy thing. Unless Adi is bel!mikael and Sander tells Robbe after the fact like yea we hooked up once but  idk seems to OOC for Sander so I just think its Robbe being unnecessarily jelly and I really think bel!mikael and Adi are not the same person. If sander does get his own place and let say its during quarantine they could do a storyline like Sander and his roomies have to many people over and it just bugs Robbe or something like that. Concerning Robbe moving in with Sander before legal age. Firstly I know its common for 1st yr Uni students to move into halls this is not unique to the EU happens here too. Also I literally have multiple degrees from European universities I think I know how they operate. Been around that block. Anyways moving into halls or dorms is not the same as moving in with your SO and living one on one. Halls are tailored to transition young adults into adulthood. With schedules, agendas and events. They are literally created as a transition point for college students. So Its not the same. I am never gonna sign on to Robbe moving in b4 he turns 18. However since some of you really want the danielle steel ending here is a cute head canon to make this work. Maybe Sander takes Robbe to a shitty run down apartment somewhere in antwerp at the end of s5. This place is rough. The electrics are a mess, the faucet in the bathroom is cracked, the carpet needs to be ripped out, water isnt running and everything needs to be clean and painted. He tells Robbe this is their summer project since they cant do a ton till the vaccines is out they may as well work on making this apartment livable. Robbe gets a bit hurt because he assumes its for Sander and his friends. But its not, he explains his aunt or whoever told him if they can fix all the shit that is wrong with it they can live there for pennies. Its gonna take a few months since both of them have jobs now but Sander estimates if all goes well they can host Robbe’s 18th birthday/their housewarming there and s5 closes on that note. Then there is no weird legality undertones and it head canons this cute end. If something like this happens then I could get on board with them moving in together........maybe
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@staygoldtrash thank you for inspo
Enjoy the story line…
Okay so you're the Curtis sister and you never get dolled up or anything but your best friend is a soc and she has invited you to her pool party for her birthday! Yay! But there's one problem: you don't have a bathing suit and your friend is out of town this weekend and the party is next weekend… so you got out and get a bathing suit and your plan is to just say you're gonna go shopping for a bit and you be right back here is another problem, you don’t have a car and you still don’t know how to drive. 
You wake up Saturday morning, get dressed, grab your wallet and shove it in your pocket. As you walk out you hear the sizzling bacon cooking on the stove,mickey mouse on TV and the boys fighting and rolling all over the floor and Johnny and Dally are having a cigarette on the porch. 
You decide to stay for breakfast and besides the store isn't even open yet. You walk into the kitchen and you see Darry digging through the fridge and Ponyboy cooking eggs and bacon. “Good Morning guys” you say then Darry turns around and walks up to you and messes your hair up just to make u mad. You shake it off fix your hair and walk into the living room (you were gonna say hi but they were fighting on the floor so you just walked passed them) luckily you safely make it past the living room and out to the front porch where you see Johnny and Dally talking on the step still smoking a cigarette. Dally (doesnt even say good morning but ur used to it then ask you) “Where you going this early” you reply “ I just came to say good morning to you guys. Dally “then why are you dressed like your going somewhere”
Johnny quickly jumps in and says “ Good Morning” you look at Johnny and flash him a light smile and you say “good morning” back. Then you look back at Dally and say “ I'm going to the clothing store after breakfast”. “ You mean the one on the south side?” dally asks “yea”. 
“Well that's good cause I needed to go there too” Dally says (your heart drops) “me too” Johnny says. “Anyways you can’t walk 20 miles across town soon enough so someone has to take you”. (while your plan was to walk ,he was right). 
Then there is a second of silence “ wanna cigarette kid?” dally says jokingly “ ew, No!”. Then you hear Ponyboy yell “ Breakfast is ready” then you hear what sounded like a stampede running inside.Johnny opens the door and lets you in first. You get into the kitchen, grab your plate with bacon and eggs and plop on the couch. As you're eating Two-Bit asks “ so what's everyone doing today?” Johnny says “Well me Dally and the Curtis Sister planned on going to the Southside Clothing store”. Two-Bit “ Anyone else doing anything?”
“Going to work,” Sodapop says. 
You finish breakfast, clean up your plate and your outfit and yell “ I’ll be in the car” then close the door behind you. As you sit in the car and wait, you're trying to decide what kind of bathing suit you want to try and get your thinking black, red, white , or navy blue. Then you hear the boys trample over each other trying to get out the door. Dally and Johnny get to the car and unfortunately Dally is driving. You cant drive, Johnny can but doesn't have a licence so you get Dally driving 20 over the limit and on the wrong side of the road. The engine sputters trying to start then you hear the engine roar and off you go praying you won't die before you get there. 
Johnny then asks mid-way “Dally, did you grab my wallet?” Dally slams on the breaks and replies “ Damn it, I forgot mine too.” then they both look at you, “ Don't even think about it” you say “fine” Dal replies. “Well then guess we have to hang out with you, no point in looking at clothes we can’t buy”. You nearly want to cry when you  hear that. 
You pull up to the store, make sure you have your wallet and you walk inside. There are so many clothes. Clothes you would never even see on your side of town. As you start heading towards the womens clothing with Johnny and Dally tagging along behind you and turn around with a very serious face and say “ Don’t say one thing about anything I pick up”. Johnny shakes his head nervously, he’s never seen you so strict about anything. Dal looks at you like he is about to ask if you have a problem then he says “fine”. “ and dont bother any other people here.” you say sternly “ now your asking for too much” Dal replies. You give him death eyes. “ go on and do your thing”.As you begin walking toward the bathing suit you can feel Dally wanting to open his mouth and say something that would make you want to slap him in the face. You see and red and white striped bikini thats super cute then a black and white polka dot catched your eye you go through them finding your size. Then a navy blue criss cross back bathing suit top with a white bottom grabs your attention. You look up for signs directing you to the fitting room. You gaze at the store and “ah ha” you say once you spot it. You start walking to the fitting rooms and you say “ now you two go wander around somewhere else while I go try these on.” you say. “ Alright, alright.Let's just walk with you so we know where to meet back up.” You get there, find a room and tell the boys to walk away. You make sure they leave before you walk into the fitting room. 
You put the first one on and walk out to see how you look in the mirror then you hear a whistle from behind you it Dal. You turn around and before you have the chance to run up to him and rip his head off he says “ you look good in polka dots” your anger fades away quickly. Johnny nods in agreement, still not talking since you told him not to earlier. “really ?” you say Dal leans against the wall and nods his head. Then you go back into the fitting room and try the red and white striped one on. You open the door and walk out Johnny raises his hand as if he were still in school asking his teacher a question. “ yes, you can speak now Johnny” “ok good” Johnny replies. “ The red really brings out the anger in you” Dal says sarcastically “shush up” you tell Dal jokingly. “One more” you tell them as you walk off and back to the fitting room. You put on the last one and walk out saying “what do you think?” Johnny blushes a bit. “ Can I be honest” Dal says slyly “fine. What you got?” you reply with a bit of a sadden voice. “ I think you look hot” Johnny looks at Dal with eyes opened a bit wide. “I think you got the hots for me Dal” you reply in a laughing tone.”maybe” he replies. “Don't tell Darry, If not I won't be here tomorrow.” You go back to change back into your original outfit and grab the navy blue criss cross back with the white bottom and leave the other 2 in the fitting room. 
You walk towards the front and notice you bathing suit is only $15 and you brought $50 so you give the rest to the boys and say “go get yourself something” Dal grabs it and runs with Johnny chasing after him acting like little kids in a candy store. 
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