#i might do another set of them with overlays cause the ones i made didnt fit in thisssss
tillyvis-com · 4 years
Why? Evaluation:
What informed/motivated my design decisions?
Quite a lot informed and motivated my design decisions; to learn the actual answer to my question, I looked into in-depth psychological research about why we procrastinate which was essential to my project. Without this research, I wouldn't know the answer to this question or have the text for my book (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKyHX0zqynk  and https://solvingprocrastination.com/why-people-procrastinate/). Also, once I had decided to look into interactive books,  I looked at multiple things that showed interactive features. For example, Patrick Ness’ ‘More than This’ book which, had a whole through the front cover inspired my use of circular holes thorough my pages, as well as, inspired my use of pops of colour to help show the audience that there's something interesting behind the page! Another interactive feature I found was thanks to Novus Ordo Seclorum by Kelly Murphy’s book which had a pull-able tab. This inspired my pull down quote - you couldn't see the full thing without actively interacting with to - hopefully encouraging procrastinators to do something, but in a fun way. Also, a business card I found on Pinterest that had a code you needed to decipher inspired my work. I used the same technique to reveal a quote by Timothy Pychyl in my book. This is a fun way for procrastinators to get into doing some work - they wouldn't ever know what it said unless they picked up the tool and used it, hopefully making them feel like they achieved something in the process - relating to how mood and bad feelings can impact procrastination. I also saw a spread that had a yellow colour scheme which I also found out, through research, is said to boost creativity and positivity which inspired my colour palette - the use of yellow in my book will hopefully make people feel better emotionally, putting them in a better head space to do work! So, overall, a lot of things/people informed my design process. 
What changes/developments has my project gone through?
As this was only a one week project, there were no big changes - I think the big changes may come after I develop my idea further through the feedback from my presentation! But, although I didn’t have any big changes, I did however, have a few small ones. For instance, while developing my spreads. They went through a lot of stages of looking awful to being more successful to eventually getting to my final spreads I have now. this was when I was discovering what things I wanted to include in my books - like figuring out how I wanted to use the pops of yellow and what interactive features to include and how to do that. For instance, at first I wasn't sure how or if to use overlaying text until I realised I should make the cover a smaller page - which would allow for the text to go onto the next one behind it!
Did I manage my time well?
Overall, I think I managed my time well. I had to. I only had a week to create this outcome before I had a presentation on it. But, I did find that at the start I didnt work as fast as I should have - researching and developing of initial ideas should’ve taken one day. But I think this was partly to blame for being at home so long due to Covid. Once I go back into the swing of things - being at uni again - I think I managed my time well!
How did I respond to feedback?
As this was a one week project we didnt get a tutorial before we had to present it. This meant I got no ‘tutor’ feedback until the ‘end’ of this project - which I will get a lot of which, I will have to use to develop this project further. But, I live with 4 housemates that all go to AUB so I did get feedback from peers, all be it, on different courses to me - but I found that didn’t really matter as my question was on procrastination which every student has experienced. I was constantly asking my housemates for feedback - to whatever extent they understood what I was asking of them. And overall, I think I responded well. My housemates really helped me in idea generating - I asked them what they wanted to know/ask the world. this is when I was in a slump and this caused me to come up with the question I ended up using! So, I think I responded well because I used their advice to generate my own ideas from!
Are there areas of my design process that need more practice?
I think I definitely need to be doing more idea generating - I think, I think of one idea then stick with it. If I let myself think for longer, I think I could come up with even better ideas! This is something I should take forward with me in other projects - don't just go with the easy/first idea. I think I should research into the idea I get and then see what other possibilities stem from that. I think then, I would have even more successful pieces that are more backed up by research and development!
What have I learnt from this unit?
I have learnt a lot about my topic - I never really knew the actual reasonings behind why we might procrastinate - I thought it was just who I was! So, I definitely learnt a lot about the topic which, I think will actually help me in the future with my uni work! I now know that if i’m feeling stressed etc. about the work, I need to set myself smaller tasks within all that I have to do - this might make me more likely to do the work as its less overwhelming! I think I've also learnt that I need to refresh my knowledge on editorial layouts - although I think my book is successful, I think I could defiantly improve it. For instance, the later pages are more crammed with info over the first few - I should've taken a step back and added another spread or lessened the sourced text. especially as the whole point of my book was to have little chunks of info as to not overwhelm people who procrastinate!
Reflect - Are there any improvements that I would make to my final outcome?
There are multiple improvements I could make to my outcome. For instance, like I spoke about earlier, I think I should've crammed less into the last few pages. I also think I could've pushed my ideas further - how little text can answer my question - my whole point is less info as to not overwhelm procrastinators - how far can I push that? I also think I could have done more general research into interactive books and why they were created, especially for children - there may have been interesting findings that I could to influence my interactiveness. why were interactive books made, why do children like them? if I can answer these questions I may be able to make a more successful interactive book in a whole!
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