#i miss it soooo much and i'm excited about the prospect ^^
also small announcement but i have a new tumblr rp blog under construction. It'll be a nice fresh start for getting back into things again, and i'm very excited to share it with people who are still interested in writing with me :3
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crazycurly-77 · 4 months
Like an old married couple - Chapter 15
The next day brought good news for you. 
Doctor Wilson was content with your constant improvement and you felt a lot better than when you had woken up the first time. “Soooo since I'm feeling better and breathing is only hurting a little…can I go home?” you asked him hopefully and smirking. 
The doc pondered “hmmm….in the meantime you are out of danger and will definitely get well soon, but it still can get worse, if you are not cautious.”
“Pleeeeease! The people here are all very nice, but I want to be home again. I'm feeling more comfortable there” you pleaded with him. 
“Only under constant surveillance. Do you have someone there with you?”
“No” you answered disappointed and hung your head. 
When Gibbs was seeing your disappointment he suggested “she can stay with me. I can take care of her and I'm living not so far away from the hospital as she.”
Your head shot up and you looked at him intently wondering what he was getting at, but he concentrated on doctor Wilson asking “are there any precautions to attend to?”
The doc sighed in relief and nodded “I'm glad that you will be at her side furthermore. No, there are no precautions. The only thing is no stress, no commotion and no physical exertion.”
“Okay, no problem. I will see to that, be assured” Gibbs agreed. 
“Okay, thank you for doing this. It's a great relief for me. As I said, no trouble, just quiet and peace. And when her condition worsens come immediately to us” Wilson instructed. 
“Yeah, will see to that” Gibbs said. 
They shook hands and Wilson said bye to you both. 
While the two men talked with each other you looked at them, from one to the other and back. And you wondered. You heard what they said, but you didn't get it. 
Seemingly without having to think hard about it, Gibbs offered that you could live with him during your recovery and he would take care of you. They talked about precautions for you as if it was the most normal thing in the world. Neither of them had any objections. 
Who did the doc think Gibbs was? Your boyfriend? Your brother? Certainly he was not of the opinion that he was just a part time co-worker, wasn't he? In any case they were on the same page and content with their plan. But fact was, it was settled. In the next time you will be living with Gibbs in his house as though you two were a couple…oh my. 
Ohohohoh…oh shit. You felt that your cheeks and ears were burning at this thought. So you quickly tried to think of something else like…cute little dogs! Yeah, cute little puppys…
In this moment you noticed Gibbs standing very close to you and clearing his throat to get your attention. So you looked up at him and your eyes locked…and yes, he immediately had all of your attention on him and your cheeks and ears were burning again, but so much hotter than before. You sat on your bed and just stared at him, so embarrassing…and now you had to go home with him. Usually you were quite self-confident, but at this prospect you suddenly didn't know what to do and how to react. 
Before either of you could say anything Simon was walking smiling into the room. 
He always had timing. Gibbs turned immediately in his direction and positioned himself in front of you as if he had to defend you against something dangerous. Additionally he gave Simon his death glare. But cute Simon was going straight towards you and opened his mouth to greet you…until he looked at Gibbs. 
With a new bunch of flowers in his hands Simon took a step back and walked around the bed to bring some distance between Gibbs and himself. 
“Hey Y/N, are you going home? You are looking good! Can I help you? We are all missing you dearly” he babbled excited trying to ignore the danger. 
You smiled at him “thank you so much for the beautiful flowers! Yes, I'm allowed to go home!”
“That's wonderful! Maybe I can…”
“She's coming and living with me until she's completely recovered” Gibbs interrupted him. 
What the…?! You felt like watching a fight of some alpha men for something precious, not if you were allowed to go home or not. 
Simon were shyly looking at his feet “sooo, I have to go to the grocery store. If you need something, just call me.”
“Yeah, will do” you whispered to him and he stormed out of the room as if he was fleeing. 
“Grab your things and get dressed so we can leave” you heard from beside you. 
“Yessss” you said rolling your eyes. Seemed there were “wonderful” weeks ahead of you. 
As you were finished you tried to carry your suitcase, but Gibbs took it immediately from you without comment. He opened the door for you and led you out of the building. 
Arriving at his car he put the suitcase inside and opened the door for you, gentleman that he was. Once inside the car himself he took the driver's seat, started the car and called Tony “DiNozzo. I'm driving home and taking Y/N with me. She will be staying at mine until she's fully recovered. In the next few days I will be working from home to be able to help her. Call me if I'm needed.” With that he hung up. A typical Gibbsian phone call. 
You spent the ride almost entirely in silence. Only once the quiet were broken as you whispered after some time “you know, you don't have to do this.”
“Yes, I have to do this.”
You got no answer from him…he just drove in silence to his house.
(To be continued...)
Here you will find the other chapters of this story and the other stories I've written to date.
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aworldoffandoms · 5 years
For the drabble prompt I'm asking for #28...or #12. Or both together cause that sounds like a fun Tuesday. XD Stay wonderful!
Authors Note: This is adrabble from the drabble prompt challenge. It’s number #12 and #28. It’s myfirst one so please let me know what you think of it! (also be gentle haha)Thank you for the ask @harlequinash! This is quite long as my words got away with me but Iswear I’ll be brief next time lol. Hope you enjoy!
This drabble is separate from my series ‘Runaway’ but I’musing the same MC haha
[Edit: The outline and placing of stuff on this post are messed up on the mobile version yet seem fine on the desktop version. Just warning you :) ]
Book: The Royal Romance
Pairing: Liam x MC[Ariel]
Word Count: 1, 982 (give or take)
Warnings: Swearing, drunkenness
The Queen of Cordonia could hold her liquor. She was a master at it.Being an American and New Yorker, respectively, she had her fair share of night’s out. A few times after long week’s ofcorrespondence with delegates, ambassadors and many insufferable nobles she lether hair down and dabbled in a few drinks to calm herself or have fun.
She didn’t know how Liam did it. He was the epitome of a king and thequeen herself? Well…let’s just say she was still learning.
It’s only been 6 months since the wedding and she’d been thrust rightinto the work of a monarch and she had been run off her feet since.
She was exhausted.
So, it was after a long day of meetings, a bill passing through theRoyal Council and a very long, detailed meeting with their Director of RoyalCommunications, that saw her sitting in the lower wing of the palace in the secluded bar just outside the copious palace grounds.
She was sitting at the bar, a glass of whiskey in her hand, sipping onit slowly, thinking about her schedule tomorrow which consisted of brunch withthe Queen Mother and a few meetings she had to attend with Liam. A burst of exhaustionwent through her.
I am so ready for sleep…
A booming voice rang through the quiet space of the downstairs bar andAriel winced at the volume, her body jumping in shock. Her mouth pursed into ascowl, having enjoyed a few moments of silence before the hurricane known asMaxwell Percival Beaumont flew in.
However, as soon as she met the excited, blue eyes of her self-adoptedfun-loving brother, her earlier annoyance fizzled out to be replaced by abright smile. Maxwell’s energy seeping into her tired bones.
“Hey, Maxwell. What are you doing down here?”
Maxwell shoots Ariel a grin, nodding to the bottle of Russian vodka onthe shelf next to the bottle of Jägermeister. On further thought, Maxwellpointed to the Jägermeister as well. The bartender nodded, handing over bothbottles before putting down a shot glass.
Ariel stared at her friend, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “Maxwell…whatthe hell are you doing?”
“Well, Your Majesty…I believe that for a woman who has been working ashard as you have deserves a load off so…” Maxwell pauses, reaching over the barand grabbing more shot glasses. “I think it is time for some alcohol!”
Ariel resisted the urge to groan. She could hold her liquor, yes. But Russianvodka, Jägermeister and the already two glasses of whiskey already buzzing throughher veins would not be a good combination in the long wrong run. Mixing drinksis always a bad idea.
Ariel gives him a long-suffering look. “Maxwell…that’s very thoughtful.But I don’t think that’s a good idea. I have brunch with Regina tomorrow and Ican’t afford––”
Maxwell interrupts her with a wave of his hand. “Bruch, smunch. Youdeserve this.”
“No buts, Ariel. You need to relax a little. All that queenly stuff andpaperwork isn’t good for one’s social life.”
Ariel stares indignantly at Maxwell. “I have a great social life,Beaumont!”
Maxwell scoffs, a laugh bubbling up from his throat. “Yeah, because youhave to. You’re the Queen of Cordonia but that doesn’t mean you socialise withthe right people.”
Ariel raises an eyebrow. “Are you implying that you’re the right people for me to be hanging with?”
Maxwell’s grin grows wide. “Naturally.”
“Oh, Maxwell…” Ariel laughed, shaking her head at the youngest Beaumontbrother. He was so incorrigible. Despite how tired she felt, Ariel couldn’thelp the smile lifting her lifts. Maxwell was just that kind of person whoalways lit up a room with his energy.
Ariel finished off the last of her whiskey, setting down the glass witha soft tap against the bar. She groans as she stands up, her feet throbbingfrom being on them all day.
“Uh, uh. Where are you going?”
Ariel stares at him for a minute. “I am going to bed, Maxwell. I havestuff to do tomorrow.”
Maxwell rolls his eyes but continues to pour two shots of vodka forthem both. “Come on, Ariel. You know you want to…”
Ariel sighs, running her hands through her hair. “I have a feeling youaren’t going to stop until I placate you and say yes.”
Maxwell leans back, grasping the two shot glasses and handing one overto her. 
“You’re quite right about that.”
Ariel rolls her eyes, the hint of another smile on her lips as theyclink glasses and they both toss back the shot, the strong Russian alcoholburning down her throat as it went. 
“Maxwell…you a succhh a bad in-plueence on me…”
“Whaaat can I say, Ariel? I am one half of the Brothers Beaumont. Ihaaavve to be at least good at something, right?”
Ariel giggles, the sound loud in the room they occupied. They had movedfrom the bottom level bar to the drawing room next to it. Maxwell and Arielwere seated on the ground, their backs leaning up against the sofa.
“You know what, Maxwell?”
Ariel lolls her head to the side, her mind a haze with the amount of alcoholshe had consumed.
“I think I could beat you at a game of lava.”
Maxwell looks at her quizzically despite his inebriated state. “Lavv-a?What kind of game is that?”
Ariel’s lips pull up in a large grin, her excitement growing. This is onegame that Maxwell wouldn’t know about.
Ariel pours herself another shot of vodka and downs it, slamming the glass on the coffee table before standing, wobbling on her feet slightly.
“Okay…now, I will teach you this custom. It was basically the childhood gameof all American child-renn…”
Seeing Ariel’s smile, Maxwell follows her, jumping up on his feet,himself almost falling over.  “Okay! Showme this custom of yours, Little Blossom!”
Ariel laughs, clapping her hands in childlike excitement. “Okay. Soooo…youhave to pretennd that..the ground is hot like lava and that everyything else isssaaafe. So…let’sss say I call out ‘lava’…then we’d have to find the n-nearestpiece of furniture and stand on it. The first one to fall down or trip loses.”
“Buuut…” Ariel says, lifting up a finger. “The last one to land on a piece of furniture has to take a drink.”
Maxwell smiles, nodding his head in drunken excitement. “Ooooh…let’s dothisss. P-prepare to lose, little blossom-m.”
Ariel and Maxwell begin on opposite sides of the reading room. Both ofthem in the middle, eyeing prospective places to keep off the floor. With themany shots of alcohol running through her system Ariel gives a devious grin toMaxwell and shouts at the top of her lungs,
With that yell, Ariel shoots away and jumps on to the nearest thing shecan find which was a cream coloured reading chair beside the fireplace. Maxwellhad found a brown oak coffee table to settle on. Both Ariel and Maxwell laughas they take turns in jumping on the furniture, shooting back vodka and yelling‘Lava’ a few times their voices almost raw.
“Lava! Oh, Ariel—watch out!”
In her excitement to get to safety on top of the sofa, Ariel missed herfooting and with the momentum of her upper body she tumbles over the back of thesofa and lands with a loud thud.
“Ow! That f-fucking hurt!”
“Craaap! Are you alright?”
“What in the world is going on in here?”
Ariel freezes, her body going rigid at the voice. She recognised it. Herface scrunched up in a grimace. It wasn’t many times that he saw her drunk butnow was one of those times.
Ariel thought it best to stay behind the sofa. It was the safest place forher to be right now.
Ariel peeked underneath it, seeing Maxwell standing atop the piano. Shestifled a giggle that wanted to bubble up from her throat but she slapped ahand on her mouth to stop it.
“Maxwell? What are you doing on the piano?”
Ariel sees as Maxwell stumbles for words, himself swaying on the pianotrying to appear sober but failing miserably.
“Um –– I…I don’t…you see…it was Ariel’s idea…”
Thanks a lot, Maxwell… 
“Ariel? Is she here? Where is she?”
Ariel closes her eyes as her heart beats widely against her chest.
Shit. Shit. Shiiit.
“She’s hiding behind the sofa.”
Ariel hears a sigh and feet hitting the floor before a shadow passesover her form and she inclines her head upwards and locks eyes with herhusband. His face was a neutral mask of stoicism but his eyes told a differentstory.
He was mad…but even in her drunken state she could see remnants ofamusement in them too.
“What are you doing down there, my love?”
Ariel stares at Liam for a small while and then she grins. “Oh, I’m justplaying Lava with Maxwell. You know…a game…with a few shots of vodka here andthere.”
Liam’s shoulders shake with a low chuckle and he shakes his head. “Ariel…whatam I going to do with you?”
Ariel smiles from her position on the floor. “Uh…maybe take me to bed? Ithink I had a little too much-h to driiink.”
Liam smiles, his blues sparkling with affection before he bends down andscoops his wife into his arms. “Come on, my queen. Let’s get you to bed. Youhave a long day tomorrow.
Ariel smiles, giving Liam a sloppy kiss on the cheek. “That sounds nice.I love youuuu…”
Ariel’s eyes were already slipping shut. She feels the low rumble ofLiam’s laugher against her ear. “I love you too, Ariel.”
Ariel awakens, her eyes throbbing and her head pounding. She felt likeshe’d been thumped in the head a few times.
“Ugh!” Ariel groans. “My head…”
Ariel tries to open her eyes but the light against her lids is painfuland she snaps them shut with a hiss.
“Sore head, Ariel?”
Ariel lies back down against her bed and groans. “More like a sorefreaking everything.”
Liam chuckles, leaning down to kiss Ariel’s forehead gently. “I’m sorryto hear that, my love. But unfortunately, duty calls…you have a meeting in an hour withRegina.”
Ariel’s eyes snap open, all thoughts of her pounding headache gone. Inher rush to get out of the bed, her feet tangled up and she falls to thefloor, her arms flailing about.
She lands on the floor with a loud thump. “Geez! Ow.”
Liam’s warm laughter fills their bed chambers and wraps around Arielmaking her shiver. “That’s the second time you’ve done that.”
Ariel pops up from the floor, giving her husband a questioning look. “Secondtime? When was the first time?”
“When you were in the bottom parlor and hiding behind the sofa?”
Ariel brings a hand to her forehead and scratches it in confusion. Theevents of last night all but a blur.
“How drunk was I?”
Liam grins, his eyes crinkling atthe edges with mirth. “Drunk enough to proposition me, strip down to your underwear before passing out.”
Ariel gasps, her head beginning to throb louder. “Oh. Sorry…” 
Liam chuckles, running a fingerdown her cheek. “No qualms about that, my sweet. Maybe another time.”
Ariel gives him a sly smirk. “I’llbe holding you to that.”
Liam chuckles, giving her a quickkiss before heading to the doors that lead out of their suite.
“I look forward to it. Oh, andAriel?”
Ariel glances back at her husband. “Yeah?”
“Maybe next time we can play ourown game.”
Ariel gulps. “I––I look forward tothat.”
Liam gives her a wink before slinkingout the door and leaves Ariel to take care of her throbbing headache and the fact that she had to appear sober in front of Regina when in fact she had a killer hangover.
This was going to be a long day,indeed.
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