#i need a better name than Summerhall AU
captaingondor · 2 years
Dunk/Daella in the Kingmaker AU?
Although I intended to request prompts for my original work, I should remember I am a fanfic writer now as well - and am I going to pass up on the chance to put more Dunk/Daella content out into the world? Absolutely not!
Since going from a hedge knight to a Kingsguard, Dunk had had much more opportunity to practice at jousting, and without fear of losing his livelihood should he have to ransom his horse and arms and armor. But he was still better with a sword, which was just as well. He was much more likely to be defending Aegon with a sword than a lance. At the tourney to celebrate the name of Prince Duncan - a name Dunk did not think he would ever get used to hearing - he made a good showing, but was not the champion. He fell early enough to be standing in the royal box as they watch the champion, Lord Lyonel Baratheon, crown his wife the Queen of Love and Beauty.
"One of these days I'll get that crown for you," he said, looking aside to Princess Daella.
He was surprised to see her react so strongly to that - eyes widening, mouth frozen in a little o. "You - you would name me Queen of Love and Beauty?" she stammered after a moment. 
"I do wear your favor." He had done so in every tourney he rode in since his appointment to the Kingsguard. It seemed only appropriate to him to honor the royal family in this way. But he considered now the fact that there were seven knights of the Kingsguard and Daella had given her favor only to him. 
She put a hand to the side of her face, and Dunk thought he understood now her surprise. There were those who said that Princess Daella had lost her beauty in the fires at Summerhall that had left her scarred. Dunk thought you had only to spend a moment speaking to her to know that was not true. She did not have the traditional Targaryen look like her brother, but her eyes were the most beautiful, brilliant blue that you could ever hope to see, lively when she laughed and gentle when she smiled. 
"That's so," Daella spoke at last, after a silence that had stretched out longer than was quite comfortable. "I must hold you to that promise, then."
"A true knight must keep his word."
Prince Aemon cleared his throat at their side, and Dunk turned away from Daella, suddenly feeling embarrassed. Beyond Aemon, Egg was staring ahead, showing no sign that he had heard a thing.
 Dunk did not need to be reminded of the vows he had made to him. But how was he ever meant to forget Daella? 
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