#i need them to have a fucking conversation in atn or i'm going to start maiming
pertinax--loculos · 2 years
hi hi! How did you come up with the idea for __RISK IT? (I'm also not 100% sure I understand what it's about from the synopsis but it sounds intriguing so feel free to talk more about it generally). Also - no rush, no pressure just asking out of curiosity - when do you think you will pick ATN back up?
Hello!! *waves* Hope everything’s going well. ^_^
So, funny thing about ___RISK IT -- it came about purely out of spite. 😅 No but seriously, I read one book of this series and really liked it, and then I read the second book and was kinda disappointed, and then I read the third and was incensed. Just went in a direction that I really, really disliked. I guess it had sorta been telegraphed from the beginning but also I felt like the author kinda was writing based on reviews and it just... annoyed the crap out of me. So I was like, ‘well, if you dislike it that much, why don’t you write what you would’ve preferred to read?’ and then I took a few bits and pieces from other abandoned ideas and cobbled them together. :D I’m not entirely sure what will come of it, because I have this thing where I start a WIP and then want to throw absolutely everything into it and it becomes to complicated and then I abandon it (ooops), but there’s a loose plot for most of it and I do like what I have so far, so that’s something! ^_^
As for ATN -- first, thanks so much for asking about it, makes me grin like an idiot when people remember some of my stuff! ^_^ I’d planned to look at it over this uni break (the end of which is rapidly approaching D:) because I kinda think I need a decent whack of time to overhaul it into something that works. The pacing is all over the place and I’ve got some repetitive scenes where the characters are basically just having conversations (which, surprise surprise, is my favourite thing to write 🙄), so I wanna rejig a lot of that. There’s also the deletion of characters from the first half (which changes the pacing again) and the way I wanna incorporate some worldbuilding (without fucking up the pacing), so it... I guess it feels like it’s a huge job and I’m a little intimidated by it?
Honestly, though, I really should just start and see how I go. I haven’t even done a full reread of it yet, which really should be the first thing. I dunno. I have a vague idea of what I want to do this year (short version: with starting a double degree and the amount of work I have to do to live, I’m not sure how much time I’ll have, so I’m leaning towards just writing whatever the hell strikes me (one scene from a random idea, another for something else if it occurs to me; basically not focusing on any particular WIP, just getting words on the page for anything and everything) but in saying that an editing focus could also work. 🤔 So, essentially -- no solid plans for when at the moment, but it is definitely on my mind! :D
How are things going with you? Anything exciting with SCIF you’d like to yell about? I’m loving all the character interactions you’ve been posting, you’ve definitely got a talent for getting across a helluva lot of characterisation in very little time. :D
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