#i need to keep going on my build for sarge but ough don't feel good
mod2amaryllis · 9 months
Thinking about setting up a new fish tank, so I wanted to know if you have a favorite kinda of aquarium plant? Also, have you ever given your bettas tankmates (snails, shrimp, small schoolers, etc)
oh WEEE! i absolutely love anubias, so hardy you can do no wrong and they look lovely. i also love a dwarf water lily, and for bettas a sword is a must imo, nice broad leaves that grow tall.
tank mates comes down to personality. i wouldn't do a school in anything smaller than a 15g, but lots of betta make great community fish with enough room. i see the most success with corys as tank mates, since they occupy the bottom where bettas sit at the top. also everyone loves corys they so chill. i did have a girl, Ladybird, do very well with 8 harlequin rasboras in a 10g, but they outgrew it so fast; i really caution putting any school in a 10g or smaller, they need way more space than you realize. MAYBE chili rasboras, but those are so small they're easily bullied/picked off.
all my bettas have snails. for larger snails like mysteries, the main problem i see is nipping antenae. the only betta i have who doesn't do this is plinko my big fin lazy boy, his large snails THRIVE. but pest snails are pretty much always fine. nerites also do awesome imo, they're better protected than other big snails.
shrimp i put a huge caution tape on. again, plinko the lazy pants leaves his 2 amanos alone, and even my otherwise feisty work betta boy doesn't care about his amanos, but both my females were KILL ON SIGHT when i tried to introduce some. i've never tried cherry shrimp and hear similar mixed success, along with stories of bettas being initially fine with them, then wiping out a colony overnight. the main reason i discourage shrimp is cuz those thangs expensive. you don't wanna give your betta a 7.99 snack.
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