#i only know it does because i also use low contrast. but it is heathcliff's assigned color
imaginecorporation · 1 year
Eyyy good to see y'all again! Hope you've been well.
You check out Limbus Company yet?
We have! I actually have a fic idea about one of the sinners, so I'm gonna attach it to this ask.
Every morning, at 5 AM, the wild Ishmael lurches out of bed. A flurry of grumbles and tangled hair, our specimen lumbers to the nearest bathroom, ignoring the equally dead inside Meursault as he exits from the bathroom, having secured the remaining hot water from Mephistopheles' showers once more.
Ishmael, taking her rightful place as the third Sinner to shower for the day, ensures the bathroom door is closed and locked behind her- looks like she didn't want the walk-in incident to happen once more- and took off the dirty clothes from the night before, bundling them and throwing them into a steadily-growing heap in the corner. Usually, the laundry basket heap would have already been dealt with, but the unfortunate Sinner assigned to do such a chore for the week has been neglecting his duties. I wonder what our Heathcliff has been doing instead of the laundry?
-Ah, now look at how Ishmael carefully retrieves her care products from their hiding spots among the bathroom! It seems she is also thieving some of another Sinner's skincare products; let us hope those wouldn't be missed!
While our main topic is washing up, let us observe what Heathcliff has busied himself with, as opposed to his assigned chore.
Oh no, oh dear- it seems our Heathcliff isn't doing too well this morning. I mean- haha- look at him, right in between the bed and the wall! Ohoho- I am very sorry, he will be having back pain when he wakes up- but this is downright hilarious! Aheehee, and his feet are straight up in the air! Ohh, this is a sight for the picture books, my friend. May Faust have mercy in the company reports, my good, sleepy fellow! Oh, it seems as if our primary focus for the day has finished washing up, let us get back to her so we may appreciate this specimen for the beauty she is-
-OH! Oh, oh dear.. It would seem, my friends, that the wild Ishmael's navigational abilities are a rather moot point when there is a stray shoe in the way of her usual walking path. All of that work to tidy herself up... gone. Do not fret, friends, she is getting up- and looking rather angrily in the direction of an equally face-planted Don Quixote. Oh dear, did this one forget to tie her shoes again this early in the morning...?
And now, merely an hour after she has woken up, the wild Ishmael searches for food in the murky depths of Mephistopheles' refrigerator.. the pickings are slim, and it is not looking good for her this morning. Other, larger competitors, especially from the genus Homo Sapiens Ulysses, are voracious in appetite, and seem to have taken Ishmael's stored breakfast items for themselves.
With a hungering sigh, our specimen reaches in and takes out another Sinner's breakfast, bought from the day before. In the halls of Mephistopheles, it is survival of the fittest, and stealing has quickly become a way of life for many; it appears poor Sinclair is at the bottom of the pecking order once again, and Ishmael hunkers down beside Meursault in their shared seating arrangements and munches on poor Sinclair's semolina pudding. Now appropriately ready for the day, and fully fed, we close our documentary with a lovely view of K Corp's Nest, carried within the eyes of a wistful Ishmael.
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