#i only realized it was may when my family's cinco de mayo party came around
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Mermay i guess
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rutabagarabitowitz · 7 years
First Lines
​This looked super fun, thanks for the tag @avenuepotter! Plus it helps me kinda revisit stuff I’ve been not working on.
Paste a short sentence/paragraph you think a potential reader may find intriguing from your last 20 stories and then tag 10 other authors. WIP’s are fair game (many people I saw included WIP’s) or Rules: Paste the 1st paragraph of your last 20 stories. Then tag ten of your favourite writers to complete the challenge, too.
8 WIP posts
1. From Head Over Feet: Chapter 38, Home Sweet Home (Put a Ring on it) WIP
Alex sat cross legged on her bed and scowled as she rubbed out her answer on the crossword puzzle in her lap with an eraser. Beside her Sonny was tapping at his phone with one hand and sipping coffee from the mug in the other. His long legs were sprawled out in front of him covered in blue sweats with New York Mets written down the right pant leg. Alex dropped the newspaper in frustration and stuck her pencil into her messy bun. She reached with a grabby hand towards Sonny's mug.
2. From Never Any More Heaven not Hell, chap 2: Just My Imagination WIP
Alex pushed her cart away with a very small wave his direction. She headed to checkout aware she only had half her list checked off. She was grateful for the empty lane and that she was able to pay fast. She took her few bags and Teddy and rushed outside not daring to look back over her shoulder. She could feel her heart racing and she felt like crying. The way he stared. What he said about being a show-off. What did that mean?
She walked home on autopilot, barely aware of her surroundings. She dumped the bags on the table and sat with Teddy on the couch, not bothering to unwrap her from the sling. It wasn't until Sonny came through the door, still in his shorts and gym shirt, that she realized she was just sitting there. 
3. From something I've been writing about Alex's bro Henry/something I've been working on as in a novel. 
An older man eyed him as he was coming in, seeing his fatigues he smiled proudly. Henry returned with his own uneven smile and shuffled off towards the handicap stall. He was glad for free Wild Turkey on the plane, but it was beginning to wear off. That or the clean Northern California air had already infested his psyche; the sobering reality of death hung around the atmosphere. 
4. From a WIP/something from Head Over Feet
Sonny shook off the familiar stirring in his chest at the sight of Alex's old doorway, "naw, I'm Sonny, Sonny Carisi, I live up stairs. I'm NYPD if, ya know, anything comes up."
5. WIP?? Something stupid I thought of today that's amusing???
"Dat guy has a lot of calcetines!"
Walt snorted. "He has a lot of socks?"
A blush appeared across sonny's cheeks. "No...ya know balls."
"Cajones," Alex corrected with the smile a mother gives her toddler, complete with head tilt. 
"You don't know Spanish!"
"I know the bad words," she smirked. 
6. More WIP from a novel I'm working. Same one as above. 
Rose spilled the contents of the box all over the floor near the side of the bed where Ted slept. She sat in the mess she made leaning up against the mattress. She reached her hand up to grasp his imaginary limb that he'd dangle over the edge. She could almost hear him snoring. He always slept for so long when he came home. She'd join him of course, relishing the warmth of his sun freckled skin and his smell of musky sweat. Alex would sneak into their room and want to sleep in their bed. If Alex got to Walt was sure to follow. Henry would hold out but he would eventually join his siblings as they all rejoiced in daddy finally being home. Those were the best times. When rose ceased to be a single parent. When she got to free herself from stay at home motherhood. 
7. From Head Over Feet WIP future chapter?
"Hey Alex!" The door slammed open and Malucci marched in without looking up. As he started to launch into a set of orders he looked up to see the tender scene before him. "Oh, whoa! Sorry. 5 more minutes?"
"Please," she sighed and made eye contact with Sonny again as he pulled away from her. 
"You got 3. Nice to see ya Carisi." He nodded and pointed his chin up at Sonny. 
"You too Dave," Sonny answered loudly as he left the room. Sonny smirked at Alex. "Dats the end of dat."
"Hold on," she gripped his jacket sleeve as he made to stand up. She pulled him back to her tipping her head back and connecting with his lips. She kissed him hard, one hand pressed tightly to his chest, she could feel the heavy Kevlar beneath the police windbreaker. He turned his head to capture more of her lips as he kissed back, his tongue darting out to slip between their lips. 
"Mmm," she sighed as she pulled back for air. Sonny grinned at her, a dazed expression overcoming his features. 
"Be careful, Sonny," she warned as he stood up. 
"I always am," he assured her. 
She rolled her eyes and shook her head.
8. From some random Sonny/Al smut WIP
When Sonny closed the door behind him softly he could hear Alex's bed making noise. He laughed to himself knowing first hand how creaky her mattress was. He left his things on the chair and then he heard it: soft moaning sounds to accompany the creaky bed. He stopped. He heard it again and felt the blood pulse in his veins. He walked forward to the almost closed bedroom door.
12 other svu stories completed
9. from Head Over Feet ch. 38 Hey Jealousy
“It’s not icy!” She shoved him aside and directed him back to the passengers side.
He pouted over to the opposite side of the vehicle and climbed in after she unlocked the doors. Amanda smirked to herself secretly amused she’d gotten him riled up. He continued to look pouty as he buckled his seatbelt.
“So what do we do now?” he turned to her.
10. one-off story: Election Night
“IF THIS IS THE NEW WORLD I’M GOING IN DRUNK,” Walt shouted, waving his beer aloft.
Sonny had run off to buy more booze as the polls closed in California deciding it would be better if he kept his companions drunk and sated after Walt and Alex started picking at each other over allegiance to party or politics.
11. from Tricks N Treats
Amanda wore a witch hat on top of a sweater and jeans, nothing elaborate. Jesse however was decked out in her movie quality Sleeping Beauty costume. Her mother had allowed her to wear a tiny amount of lipstick and Jesse was busy kissing her hand and giggling at the mark it left.
12. from Snap Story
Sonny laughed as he sat up beside her on the edge of the mattress.
“Oh my– you put me on snapchat?” she yelled.
13. from Head over Feet ch. 6 Cinco de Mayo
He teetered a bit but quickly found his footing. He wrapped his arms around her waist and put his head on her shoulder. With his face so close to hers she could smell the liquor on his breath.
“Oh god, you smell like tequila.” She made a face.
“My friend, Sully, threw a Cinco de Mayo party-”
“It’s August.” She raised an eyebrow as she finally got the door open and pulled away from him to get inside.
He paused. “Well it was the theme! But there was tequila there!”
“And lots of it, I can see.” She said. “You sure it wasn’t tequila themed?”
“Okay, full disclosure, I had a few margaritas.” He gestured wildly.
14. from Head over Feet ch. 8 Chinese
He folded his jacket over his arm and slung his backpack over the opposite arm. Once he got outside he felt the difference of the cool interior and the full summer heat. The sun was still out and he realized he was going to sweat through his skin before he got home. He stopped to roll up his sleeves further.
“Lookin’ good, Detective!” a familiar voice cat-called.
15. from Head Over Feet ch.13 Some Space
It was barely after sun up, but Walt’s bladder had been trained to military time. He stretched his limbs as he got off the couch and headed for the bathroom which in Alex’s house was inside her bedroom. He knew Sonny had spent the night because he pretended he didn’t hear them giggle when he got there close to 1am. Walt also pretended not to hear bedsprings or any other sounds that confirmed his sister wasn’t an asexual being.
16. from Good with his Hands Walt/Barba side story
It had been awhile since Rafael had actually dated. He kept himself very busy, or rather the SVU did. There were occasional nights away from his hum drum but mostly he was married to his work. He also rarely frequented gay bars. They always attracted the wrong sort of man. But he felt like he needed an ego boost that night a few weeks back. Just one compliment, one "ay Papí!" And Raf would feel a little better about himself. Maybe if he was cute he'd have some fun but he wasn't betting on it. They were always 'cute and,' cute and slutty, cute and too young, cute and high. He was unsurprisingly picky about who he brought home.
17. from Head over Feet ch. 21 Family Stuff
Bella took a bite of her yogurt and slowly answered. “Well, he’s never invited anyone to Thanksgiving. He’s had girlfriends but…it’s never that serious. Not Thanksgiving serious. Then last week he told Ma there might be an extra table setting. It’s a big deal for my brother.”
18. from Head over Feet Ch.26 What are you Thankful For?
Sonny looked around the room at two entire families that he wasn’t sure about mixing, but it seemed to be going well. He still worried about Alex. She looked okay but he wanted to make sure she actually was. He just needed a minute away from everyone else, observing and analyzing their every move.
“Hey.” He turned to Alex. “My mom asked me to get the folding table like an hour ago, ya wanna help me?”
19. from Dinner and a Movie (Walt/Barba)
“This is so domestic.” Rafael called, but he didn’t smile less. It felt good. The nervousness he held about Walt’s relative youth to his own was waning but not gone. Maybe that nervousness is what fueled this.
He tried to focus on Luke Skywalker and his drama but he kept hearing the sizzle of the pan in the kitchen and Walt whistling the music. He wanted to go in there and take him away from the cooking and back to his lips. Maybe hold the boy tightly and pull on the hair that was getting longer the more time he spent away from wearing fatigues. Did Walt even wear fatigues? Rafael never ventured to ask what he did out in the field or how in the field he was. Was he just on a foreign base? Was he in combat? Had he been?
Rafael suddenly felt worried he’d never asked, as if there was a hurt he wasn’t attending to. He didn’t want Walt to think he just liked his body or his cute smile. Rafael liked a lot more of him than that but he wasn’t sure he should be revealing all that just yet. No need to rush.
20. inspired by “Unholiest Alliance” Sonny/Al: Faith
After Sonny changed into a pair of flannel pajamas and a hoodie he settled on the sofa with a beer. He picked up the photo he got from his mom and the wooden frame he bought at the sale for fifty cents. He carefully unscrewed the backing and placed the snapshot inside. Satisfied with his work he turned the picture over and smiled.
He heard Alex’s key in the lock and he looked up as she opened the door and came inside. Her eyes were downcast but she smiled when their gaze met.
“Hi babe.” She greeted. She dropped her bag on the chair as she made her way over to him on the couch.
anddddd now I have to tag people.... uh?
@knittingharlot @singinprincess @hawkland @imasecretstorywriter @justjaclin @ anyone else who writes? I can’t remember i’m so inactive. 
but it’s a lot of fun! thanks!
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