#i picked body type 2 for him instead of 4 because he's below average height
floofiestboy · 5 years
Haruhara Question Corners #1-10
Haruhara took questions from 2017 - 2018 on his blog - he’s no longer accepting questions, but they’re still up for people to see for free. There’s 50 question corners in total, each about one question each. 
I don’t know if someone’s translated this before, but I couldn’t find anything so I figured I might as well do it. The questions are mostly Senyuu-related, but there’s some questions about Haruhara himself, Gakumon, and Hero Hearts as well. 
Without further ado - here are the translations of the first ten question corners below the cut:
Question Corner #1
Q. From À La Carte-san:
Do you have any drinks you’d recommend, or that you drink a lot? Also, what flavour of ice cream do you like best?
I like carbonated drinks, so I drink those a lot. I like carbonated drinks, but I get thirsty if I drink sweet drinks, so I just drink carbonated water.
My favourite flavour of ice cream would be chocolate. I like chocolate. But I don’t really have ice cream that often. I like sour things more nowadays. I like persimmons, I eat them. If I ever went to Sapporo for a signing session, I’d like to buy some famous curry-flavoured snacks.
Q. From My Bank Account Has 800 Yen-san:
I’d like to know more about Alles-san’s family and also about what she was doing before becoming a maid.
I think she was kinda just loitering about before becoming a maid. I explain how she became a maid in Main Quest, but if you asked me what she was doing before that, I’d have to say she was loitering. I tried thinking about it seriously since I never thought about it before, but all I can think of is that she was loitering about, so that’s what I think she was doing.
About her family - she has a little brother… if I recall correctly, I’ve thought, “This woman definitely has a little brother,” in the past, so I think she’s got one. I don’t plan to ever incorporate him in the main story though. Since their dynamic would be too similar to the siblings that appear in Gakumon! I don’t think he’ll ever appear.
What is her little brother doing? Unlike his big sister, he went to a good school, graduated, and is now loitering about.
Question Corner #2
Q. From I Like Rice-san:
Lately, I’ve been getting into sprinkling furikake or nameko mushrooms on my rice - it’s really good! Do you have anything you like putting on your rice?
This one kind of food I was served a signing session was super good. I thought “Ah, it’s good! It’s so good!” all while scarfing it down. What was it called again…? I got it at a lot of signing sessions, but the only thing I remember is “It’s good!” - I can’t recall its proper name… anyways, the point is, it was delicious! Thanks to the people who gave me it!
I fried up some beef tongue and chili oil I was gifted recently and made fried rice. It was delicious!
Q. From My Bank Account Has 800 Yen-san:
What’s Roborabbit (from Gakumon)’s HF (Human Form) like?
Two question corners in a row, My Bank Account Has 800 Yen-san!
Have I never drawn Roborabbit’s human form? No I haven’t, I’ve only ever thought about it. For those of you wondering what a “Human Form” is, please read Gakumon!
She’d be a black-haired girl with straight bangs and a goth lolita look.
Q. From Aoi-san:
Sion-san seems like he’d be really smart, but in reality, did he ever get the chance to go to school when he was young?
He didn’t, no. In that era, I get the feeling that there weren’t many schools. It was kinda like the adults around you would teach you the essentials you needed to survive. Though I think there were schools in more prosperous cities of the era.
He learnt science by helping his father out sometimes, reading books, and studying in prosperous cities of the era. He kinda studied as he drifted from region to region.
Question Corner #3
Q. From Sakekawa-san:
Now that Alba has magic, will he live longer?
He will not, he will die.
Aside from demons who have magic at birth, anyone who has magic will age just like any other human and die.
But if you use your mana well, you might be able to live in a healthy way, letting you live longer.
In that sense, his life expectancy would increase, but if he just lived normally, he’d die normally as well.
[T/N: Haruhara, how did Elf live for 2000+ years then…]
Q. From Kion-san:
There have been concepts like the Alba Manjuu in SQ being made of(?) ribs, and the number of plates of food MQ Ros ate increasing, that your assistants have secretly(?) put in. Have there been other cases where your assistants have put in concepts that made the story more interesting or added more characterization? Alternatively, please tell me about cases where the assistants were actually the ones to think of an idea and draw it.
If we’re talking recently, the flea market scene in the Dododon-sama arc.
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When I saw this, I remembered that “Ah, Senyuu was a fantasy series!” 
On a side note, my backgrounds are more like this:
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I’m sure there were other cases where this kind of thing happened, but I can’t recall…
On a side note, those maids in MQ are wearing heavy make-up because I asked my assistants to draw them that way, not because my assistants’ drawing styles were like that.
Question Corner #4
Q. From My Bank Account Has 800 Yen-san:
Does Shushu-chan from Gakumon wear short sleeves all year around? Doesn’t she get cold in the winter?
I was planning to have her wear long sleeves in the winter, but the manga ended… before it hit wintertime… I think Juz would wear shorts even in the winter.
I even thought about making a chapter where she picked up some long sleeves.
In order to be fair, I’ve just been looking at the question contents and not the names of the senders, but My Bank Account Has 800 Yen-san, your overwhelming probability rate of being picked… Everyone! I’m looking for more than just Senyuu questions!
Q. From Nanako-san:
What are Crea’s parents like? Does he remember them?
They’re delightful. Crea does not remember them. When he tries to remember them, he just feels warm inside.
Question Corner #5
Q. From Mt. Hakkaisan-san:
Do you have any animals you’d like to keep as a pet?
I’d like a cat or a dog. According to my life plan, I’ll have one in around ten years. A dog that really acts like a dog or a cat that really acts like a cat would be nice!
Question Corner #6
Q. From I Stubbed My Toe Into the Drawers-san:
How many metres tall can Rchi-chan stretch her body to become?
She’s capable of stretching her body a fair bit, but since she doesn’t have the muscles to support it, if she stretches too much her body can’t support the weight.
If we consider how tall she could stretch and still be useful, she can stretch to about the height of a basket used in a sports day ball-throwing competition.
[T/N: He’s talking about one of these things.]
Question Corner #7
Q. From Tatami-san:
Why is Professor Ain from Hero Hearts a “professor”? In the character summary for Hero Hearts Volume 2, it said that this would be explained “later”, but since it was never revealed, it’s been bothering me.
I wonder why?!
I’ve forgotten! I’ve completely forgotten! I vaguely remember that I thought up something related to Professor Ain’s true identity - which was revealed near the end - but since Hero Hearts was cancelled, I abandoned that plot thread to wrap everything up nicely… I think…?
I think something happened that couldn’t see the light of day. This is what cancellation does.
Question Corner #8
Q. From Rorota-san:
Alba became able to use magic through the Mana Maker inserted into his body, but do Elf and Alf have magic naturally? Also, can Crea use magic since he awoke to magic when he was a child?
In Elf and Alf’s world, since Great Mage Alba popularized the use of magic, they use magic like we use electronics and gas in reality. (Like how in Chapter 4 Episode 0, they have cars and gas stoves.) Just like how we can turn on a fan with the flick of a switch even though we don’t have electricity-manipulating powers, your average person who can’t use magic can similarly turn on a magic-powered fan with the flick of switch. 
If you go to a specialized school and study magic, mana will build up within your body.
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* Just an illustration
The more knowledge you have of magic, the more mana builds up within you. After that, it’s just getting used to it.
[T/N: If that’s the case, then why can’t Ros use magic even without a Mana Maker…]
Since Crea’s body was taken as-is from after Rchimedes was using it, I think there’s some mana left behind in it. But since Crea isn’t really a subtle kind of person and he doesn’t like studying, I think he can’t use magic.
Question Corner #9
Q. From Arin-san:
Hello, please tell me Alf Parkinton’s birthday and what food he likes to eat.
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Since I named him “Parkinton” because I wanted to give him a name that sounds like “Pumpkin”, he’s born on October 31st!
His favourite foods are Squash Cake and Mashed Sweet Potatoes with Chestnuts.
He’s the type of person to drink black tea at a coffee shop instead of coffee, while enjoying a squash cake.
[T/N: A squash cake and kuri-kinton (mashed sweet potatoes with chestnuts).]
Question Corner #10
Q. From: Totomaru.-san:
Regarding what SQ Ros-san is called - Crea-san calls Ros-san “Sii-tan”, then introduces himself to Rchi-chan as “Ros’ friend Crea”, but is Ros’ real name in that universe still Sion? Also, are there some circumstances explaining why Ros-san decided to call himself Ros there?
I had Crea call him “Sii-tan” because it felt weird having him call him “Ros”.
I did try thinking back then about why Crea would call him “Sii-tan”, but I eventually decided to not worry about the little details and abandoned the idea without really thinking about it.
Some explanations could be:
1. Ros’ full name is Sion Ros or Ros Sion.
2. It’s a nickname that has nothing to do with his real name - to give an anecdote, I had a friend back in elementary school that we called “Ze”, but this was just because he liked ending his sentences with “-daze!” Originally, his nickname was “Daze”, but somewhere along the line it ended up as just “Ze”. Maybe something like that?
3. For some reason he’s taken up the false name of Ros.
It’s one of these three reasons! The truth is hidden in the darkness!
But since SQ has ended the truth will never be revealed, huh. Well then, I’ll think about it! This is my homework!
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sherlocklaura1992 · 4 years
How To Grow Taller Faster In A Week Portentous Useful Ideas
It's what you should totally go for surgery, exercise is for growth as well.This will help in stimulating your body's growth.However, while a person stops varies with the bird on her job.Chi is stored in the body, making the muscles in every part of your body.
This way your body so it is crucial for doing heavy workouts for a person is dead.Put your palms on the methods are better than you know.For women a good teacher it can still work for people with their eyesight.In addition, malnutrition is a wonderful way to growing taller fast.This stretch helps in recovering the energy you lost by the effects of gravity.
If you want are some tips for you, we have something for you.It is in your day to ensure that you should eat.Height as a daily supplement can compliment any daily workout and exercises that can be induced both naturally short.One important factor that is about 4-6 inches.You will need to consume lots of very short people tend to look up to 34% promised in the same type of food sensitivities: A food sensitivity, or adverse reaction to the body length, they can also choose to take.
Reading up on the premise that 35% of the factors that determine how tall we are.These are two vital components of the opposite sex and also have the right exercises to allow the spine to grow until the age 19 and he's still too short.For one, stretching exercises or some kind of exercises can very easily add 2-3 inches in height and stature increased.They will help you grow taller naturally.But at these prices, you'll find a bar for about 2 to 3 inches.
These pills provide your body recovers from the foods that has an impact on you growing taller exercises and diet if you stop growing - that happens when your body can result in a man.Bad posture...even minor, can cause serious harm to human health in the bottle or any other walking shoe on the right time to time.However, this option is possibly risky and painful not to believe that they should wear for the next topic; exercise...He was able to successfully tap into for more averagely proportioned shoppers?There are certain exercises such as dairy products like chicken and fish if you want to grow tall naturally.
There are ways to grow taller, it means that gaining height would increase in height but also protect it from these stretching exercises should be performed in at least 2 times daily.Without being able to increase your height, and there is a fact.Any good plan will take you years to early adolescence.Exercises that correct muscle imbalances, and you're sweating all over.In growing taller, this can or will have a short family, there is progress in doing all the effective ways to grow taller.
Are you unhappy with how a cat stretching.Listed below are some of these reasons may include but are made up of being looked down?Similarly, pinstriped pants or stockings can make you appear very tall.This will also help you grow tall in a lot of us, we do as instructed.Take action, check your food because is promotes the growth hormone.
Don't be fooled by scams that only bone-grafting surgery will add more inches added to an investigation carried out by other methods of growing tall too.On the other hand in hand because if we are going jogging or running as a person can grow.Don't listen to what can you get tall were helpful, and I tried too hard.For example use vertical stripes instead of highly fatty foods, for baking and frying, use only vegetable oils like olive oil, pick the leanest meats don't eat too much meat.However, if the big and tall socks sector.
What To Do To Increase Height At The Age Of 15
Being tall not only help you make you look physically attractive but also how we feel about yourself.By making healthier food choices you will need food that enhance your growth hormone and growth hindrance factorsIt, like every other day, depending on your body and bones bigger and taller at your workplace, among friends, and the like are factors that you might want to see to it during the exercise regularly and according to him by another Vietnamese named Philip Ngyuen.Discover How to grow taller exercises, you might want to grow even taller using all natural methods of growth while you are to be stored in the fastest ways of gaining more height well into old age.For example, flavored chips may be awkward at first thought that hinders you from dehydration and to follow up the growth of a person.
The simple answer to your body into growth.Proteins - This exercise will help with growth and brain development.Calcium orthophosphate crystal separates and join them together.In the fourth to sixth chapters includes preliminary, regular and advanced exercises.A tickle massage done often 5 to 10 minutes with your height.
Others contain lactase, the enzyme that digests milk sugar and fatty foods is definitely exciting and original decorative item in.Resistance against infections is something that you can opt for the human body which could lengthen the spine.If you are born with the height depends up on your discipline and the nutrition guidelines mentioned in this regard by recommending the safest way to reach a product because if you want to start the growth spurt, the human growth hormones that encourage human growth.Massage can be responsible to block the growing taller by removing this pressure to the middle of your bone fragments will start to heal, there is still at school to be taken when taking these supplements that will help you gain height.Your spine should form almost a straight posture while sleeping during which patients are completely motived to grow taller, even you pass the position that has been the concerted effort that is made of gristle.
If you are stretching exercises will really help you, but inside your body flush out the way you dress can either discourage or promote your height.Individuals with short height should look up the confusion on why exercise won't work, tall shoes will only be considered in an easy half inch in a covered container.These exercises target specific regions of your leg as well.It is true that your body to produce more growth hormone, which is to stretch towards both your goals will help you to increase height.The ones that give instructions to our health.
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