#i promise the amount of exageration involved in paraphrasing Montaigne's argument was minimal
dustteller · 10 months
Not to get too literature major on the five other people in this fandom, but have you guys ever read Montaigne's On Friendship bc that's just Esen’s brain. That's what going on up there.
To paraphrase exactly what I mean, the argument of the essay, but it's Esen's version: Hey guys. Have u met my bestie, Ouyang? He's so cool and smart and talented. We share a friendship so deep and intimate that nothing can compare. Sure yeah u can fuck women but what is romantic yearning when compared to our friendship. Some people would call this brotherhood, but they're wrong, bc this is better. I want to talk to him and grow old with him and delight in his company for the rest of my life. Women could never. Imagine if they were capable of cultivating so deep a bond tho, then both our souls and bodies could be tied together. That'd be the ultimate form of friendship, but u can't have sex with a guy, that would be gay, and women can't love like this so they're out the window too.
He explains this to his brother once, who immediately goes that's kinda gay and he immediately goes "no its not u just don't know the epic highs and lows of having the ultimate homie relationship. That's so sad for u, I hope you one day find hapiness like this. Ouyang is my bestie <3 (i desire him carnally but thats just bc hes pretty u know how it is).
I just think Wang Baoxiang has to be the most long suffering person in the entirety of these books bc he's the only B plot character self-aware enough to truly realize he's surrounded by idiots. Esen is Dumbass Prime.
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