#i queued this 2 years ago because then id have more followers that will actually ask
purplesurveys · 5 years
Do you like the show Scrubs? No. I never got into medical series.
Do you like coloring books? OMG yessssssss. I love them so so so so so much. I have three coloring books with a city theme, which I’ve always preferred over mandala/abstract styles. It’s my go-to when I feel anxious or stressed.
Have you ever been called a whore? I don’t think so.
Do you own an IPod? I used to. I stopped using it four years ago and I don’t remember where I last placed it. I lost the charger so it’s not like I can use it still anyway.
What kind of phone do you have? It’s an iPhone 8.
Do you enjoy drinking milk? I’ve enjoyed my few sips here and there but I’m lactose intolerant, so I can’t actually drink a whole glass.
Are you a light or heavy sleeper? Pretty heavy. I can sleep through anything. I sleep lightly only when I know there’s something I have to wake up early or get ready for, like an org event or if I have finals – when there are nights like these, it’s the opposite: I’ll wake up over anything.
Do you like hot chocolate? I generally hate hot beverages but I’d make room for hot chocolate.
Do you ever get carsick? Yes. I tend to get dizzy if I’m not the one driving :/
Are you superstitious? Not at all. The only superstition-y thing I follow is knocking on wood if someone says something no one wants to actually happen.
Do you trip often? Believe it or not, I’ve been better!!! I used to showcase my clumsiness in the last 6-7 years I’ve been taking surveys; now I can’t even tell you the last time I tripped.
Are you overweight or underweight? Underweight. I guess it’s just genetics, because I really do eat a lot.
Does the sight of blood frighten you? Absolutely yes. I feel faint instantly.
Do you like to sneeze? I mean I don’t like doing it on purpose, but it feels good to release one lmao.
Have you ever come close to dying? Other than near-car crashes, no.
How many times have you been in a car accident? With my own car, 3 (in my defense, Gabie was driving in one of those times). With other people driving, 2.
What does you think of necrophilia? Illegal? Insane? Stupid? Horrifying?
Do you think it should be legal to own guns? I’m not educated about this issue well enough to make my own opinion. All I know is that do hate that blonde, curly-haired, ratchet-ass gun-wearing white college girl from the US making all kinds of messes on Twitter.
Do you know anyone with an STD? No, I don’t think so.
Would you pull the plug on a family member if they were a... A...?
Do you go trick or treating on Halloween anymore? The last time I went was the Halloween before college. I’ve been super busy since then.
Did you have a bad childhood? Hahaha man are you in for a ride...
Do you litter? No.
Are you afraid of deep water? Yeah, it’s one of my big fears. I guess it stems from the fact that our swimming teachers would always assume I’m one of the tall girls and put me over to the deep end of our pool. Nowadays I start to panic if I even have to tip-toe to reach the floor of pools or beaches.
Do you get dizzy easily? Yeah, very.
Have you ever been thrown up on? No.
Have you ever thrown up on someone? I’ve thrown up on the floor while passed out and someone had to wipe it for me before they were able to find a trash can around the area, if that counts. Obviously I apologized profusely the next morning and told her never to do that for me again hahaha.
How many times have you thrown up from being so drunk? I think 4 times.
What kind of blizzard do you like from Dairy Queen? I don’t really order from their Blizzards much. I’m more of an Oreo frappe girl.
Don't you think Napoleon Dynamite was a terrible movie? I’ve never seen it, actually.
Have you been baptized? Yes.
Are you a virgin? Nope.
Do you like balloons? As long as they aren’t flown into the air to pollute the planet some more, yes.
Does the sound of fireworks scare you? It used to. Now it just excites me.
What's your favorite firework? The bigger the display, the better.
Have you ever been beat up? My cousin and I used to play wrestling and beat each other up, but he never did anything terrible.
Do you believe in steryotypes? Sometimes they turn up true, so I’ll occasionally give stereotypes a chance.
Have you ever seen a jellyfish? Nope. But I’ve been stung by one.
Have you ever ridden first class on an airplane? I haven’t.
Is your family wealthy? I mean I wouldn’t say wealthy.
Do you like big butts and you cannot lie?
Is a three hour movie too long for you to watch? It normally would be, but if it’s supposed to be really good like Gone with the Wind, then length wouldn’t be a problem.
How many weddings have you been to? Very few. I can remember around four, but there could be more. All of them have been weddings of my parents’ friends/distant relatives and I haven’t been to one since 2007. I think the next one I’ll be going to will already be a wedding of someone from my generation.
How many funerals have you been to? My parents don’t take us to funerals. I’ve been to wakes, though.
Have you ever been on a cruise? Yes, once. It was my 18th birthday/graduation gift.
Does orange juice give you heartburn? No.
Are pills hard for you to swallow? If there’s no water nearby, yes.
Have you ever overdosed on pills? I haven’t.
Does your home phone have call waiting? I don’t know. We haven’t checked if it does that anyway.
Does your home phone have caller ID? Nope.
Do you have more happy or unhappy memories? I’d say it’s a fair balance.
Are you moody? I’m not able to help it sometimes, yeah.
Do you get emotional easily? Yeah, very. It’s very easy to make me cry, for one.
Do you cry when you get angry? Sometimes.
Do you watch That 70's Show? Nope. I’ve had it queued on Netflix for ages, though.
Is the clock in your room digital or manual? The only clocks in my room are my phone’s and laptop’s, if they count.
What's your AIM username?
Do you get online often? Yeah, I’m online basically all the time now. It’s the easiest way to connect to people.
Don't you just LOVE FunDips? :D I’m not crazy about them, but they’re cool.
Do you even know what a FunDip is? Sure.
Do you wear shorts or sweatpants more? Shorts.
Have you ever had chicken pox? Never. Everyone keeps telling me that each person is bound to have it once in their life – not sure about the accuracy but I’m just waiting for my turn lol.
Are you a perfectionist? Yep.
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