#i really wanna goooo
wecandoit · 2 years
this is such a long shot, but if anyone would like to come with me to the 5 seconds of summer concert on nov 30 at hbf stadium (in perth, australia) please let me know!!! i'd love to have a buddy to go with
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honeydewtual · 1 year
hmmm dpr on the sunday of lollapalooza 🤔
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whentheleahvesfall · 3 months
Oops, I think my accidental art spam of reblogging other people’s PSMD artworks has got me on the agenda to try out drawing my own main team digitally for the first time (minus Cormac last month as I’ve already drawn him). Man, I reaaaaaallly wanna draw all four of my sillies, but hey, if you’re curious, here’s the main four I wanna draw together (if I can);
Cormac - PSMD Hero and my take on the protagonist (he’s a bean who can get edgy); you can tell he’s a Mudkip
Sprout - PSMD partner and hopefully I can draw him as a floofball. Loves Cormac with all of his heart, up until when he disappeared (ahhhh uni why do you gotta be in the way, I wanna draw partner dynamic 😭😭); he’s a Bulbasaur
Harmony - PMD Explorers protagonist and feels hurt in the presence of Cormac. These two have beef (I won’t elaborate why though 😏). Has heterochromia which means he has two different eye colours - in my headcanon, he witnesses his Dimensional Screams through one of his eyes and sometimes makes him feel split between the real world and his illusory mind. Angsty bean… must DRAW!!! He’s a Riolu.
Flurr - PMD Explorers partner and Harmony’s love interest. An Eevee who acts as an extrovert after having saved the world and attaches to Harmony like super glue stuck on a canvas. She’s never not seen without Harmony, unless you bring ‘em to the Kecleon shopping mall and then all hell breaks loose… many, many Swifts later… and yes, she also be floofy.
Hopefully I can draw the four of them at some point, but ahhhh drawing with mouse is scuffed for me so not sure how long it’ll take, ahhhhhh
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holywhorror · 6 months
i have a stupid fucking doctors appointment today n i don't wanna go but i'm gonna be a vvvv brave girl about it n go anyways!!
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Is your springdad au and excuse to make most of the fnaf cast into straight up furries
maybe, maybe not
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bones-n-pumpking-ask · 5 months
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i am TOTALLY NORMAL about my characters FOR SURE
original picture (by b0nkcreat on tumblr):
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pudgybun · 6 months
DM if you want to sponsor me (and another feedee) going to an all u can eat buffet today ^__^ You'll get before n after content from me if you do 😋👍💕
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ma-mariarie243 · 3 months
this crossover has been living in my head rent free.
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(Ik its its badly drawn, i just had to draw)
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toastsnaffler · 5 months
told my coworker I just started elden ring and he was like fuck me playing souls games is more stressful than a full time job I had to quit ER when I started this job so I could just chill out when I got home instead.... 💀
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transbee · 2 months
every time i see something of the new hades game im just. well. 🤐
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placeinthisworld · 1 year
trying for Gracie x Aaron tickets in September in 5 minutes please send good luck
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tardis--dreams · 11 months
It's a concert day and I am not in the mood- sad
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the-tallest01 · 1 year
Pigeon pit and Apes of the State are actually performing by me soon but I know I won’t get to go :(
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iiroiiros · 1 year
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Hotaka Ryo is a police inspector living in the Shibuya area together with his adoptive son, Morgana. He moved into Shibuya out of Kyoto where he grew up some time after graduating college, citing it was an area more conducive to his desires to put an end to not only crime, but corruption within the police force. Though, Ryo would only confess to those closest to him, it was also a way to get out of the home that had treated him the wrong way for much of his life. Soon after moving, he encountered the young half-Japanese child that he would later come to adopt named Morgana, or Mona for short. Morgana was a bit of a fussy child, but Ryo took to raising him well and they became as close as an actual father and child. Morgana also took quickly to the idea of being a hero, thanks to the stories that Ryo loved to read of gentlemen and phantom thieves, and ended up being a rambunctious little boy who would "steal" his dad's heart from time to time. However, Morgana was not immune to the typical treatment that follows children like him at school. Bullied almost relentlessly for both being adopted and half-foreign, Morgana turned inward towards himself despite Ryo's best efforts to help him feel better. Not helped by the fact that at the time, Ryo had to deal with his police force attempting to close in on something known as the "Phantom Thieves". It got to the point that Morgana, despite his young age, developed at Shadow and even a Palace, to which Ryo eventually ended up in when he looked around for help wherever he could-even on the Phansite. Entering his own son's Palace and encountering these Phantom Thieves in person would result in Ryo coming to terms with himself and his desire to see others treated right, as well as fight back against the ills of society by attaining his persona, Mephistopheles, marking him as a Phantom Thief himself. When coming back to Morgana's Palace afterwards, he receives the codename Jack, marking him as well as a master of all trades for his skills with guns and the almighty.
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I'm in a dinner event with a meteorologist from NBC, getting so much information about journalism- I love college sm
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worldblight · 1 year
I'm like a goreblog poser. I look like I gorepost but really I just rb from my boyfriend. That thing is the only goreblog I follow
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