#i remember politely nodding along as my friend told me about how the tooth fairy had given her money
superfreakerz · 7 years
SWF 15
You guys really have @katsuki-salamander to thank for this update because their nice messages motivated me :')
"Sailing with Fire"
Rated M for smut.
Summary: Lucy is in desperate need of a break from the mage life and embarks on a two week cruise alongside her partner, Natsu. What they don't know is that it's a cruise designed specifically for couples. With no other choice than to pretend they are married, the two try to enjoy the cruise the best they can, all the while dealing with uncharted feelings.
Read earlier chapters on FF.net
The bed creaked as the mattress shifted weight, all of the warmth that had covered Lucy's back like a blanket now gone away with Natsu's absence. In seconds, the familiar retching noises commenced. With that, the blonde knew that their day had begun and she could no longer sleep.
Their day began just as any other. Lucy dragged Natsu to the lobby to cure his motion sickness for the day, they walked back to their room, and were now lazily sitting in their room up to their own devices.
Lucy used that time to drabble. With their cruise, the girl had been greatly inspired to write and had ideas rolling in her head every second. She wished she could jot them all down, but there just wasn't enough time in the world. So, she settled for the idea she liked most and let her hand do the rest, filling the page with neat cursive.
Natsu eyed Lucy, a lazy grin etching itself onto his face. He enjoyed watching her write- though, he wasn't allowed to do so very often. Lucy was a very private writer. Even Levy, the one person that she allowed to read her stories, hadn't been able to skim a sentence of a story before it was finished.
Still, thanks to the cruise, he had been lucky. He was able to watch her tongue dart of her mouth in sheer concentration. He could watch the way her brows furrowed in thought. He watched as she tapped her pencil on her chin as she tried to come up with the right word. It was in moments like these that he had been able to really admire her beauty.
Soon enough, Lucy finished her short drabble. She tucked her notebook back into the drawer. Not like it mattered now, however. Natsu had apparently found her hiding spot for it.
"What do you want to do now?" Lucy asked, sitting beside him on the bed.
Natsu's eyes darted to her lips before meeting her gaze again. With a smug grin he answered, "I could name a few things."
The girl scoffed, rolling her eyes. "Idiot."
"In all seriousness, I actually do have an idea. I heard some of the other guests in the lobby talking about some sorta scavenger hunt. There could be a prize at the end!"
Lucy's eyes practically sparkled with greed. "That sounds fun! Let's do it!"
Getting ready took them a little over an hour thanks to Lucy's showering habits. Not to mention that she spent ten minutes simply selecting an outfit. Hell, she didn't even end up choosing. Having lost his patience, Natsu simply tossed a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt at the girl, urging her to hurry up so they wouldn't be late.
When they reached the lobby, they found that there were plenty of guests pooled at the front desk, waiting for the scavenger hunt to begin. So far, the scavenger hunt was the most popular event, save for the special dinner.
The two stood behind the rest of the crowd, waiting eagerly for someone to start the game. To their surprise, it was Yuna that was leading the scavenger hunt, along with another employee.
"Hello, everyone!" the exuberant girl greeted with a bright smile. "I see a lot of familiar faces here! Who is ready for the scavenger hunt?" The crowd roared with cheers. "I'm sure all of you are wondering if there is going to be some prize or not and the answer is… Of course! Today's winners will receive special meal tickets for a plate of our Black Forest Mousse Dessert!"
While a lot of the other customers were disappointed that it wasn't a cash prize or spa ticket, Natsu was shot up with adrenaline. He didn't have much of a sweet tooth, but that mousse had his taste buds flying all the way to Edolas. What better prize than food?
"I'm all fired up!" Natsu said, bouncing with excitement.
Lucy giggled, glad to see that he was enjoying himself. His catchphrase always seemed to warm her heart.
"Everyone, please get into two single-file lines so that my assistant and I can hand out the clues!" Yuna instructed. Everyone did as they were told and in no time, the papers were all handed out. "The rules are simple! First, no magic is allowed during this game. Second, there will be no pushing or shoving of any kind. Each clue will lead you to one of these." She held up an umbrella toothpick. "The ones we've hidden are numbered so you have to bring back all ten. You don't have to go in order. The first couple to bring back all ten wins! Now, go and find those toothpicks!"
Immediately, the crowd dispersed as couples tried to separate from one another. Natsu and Lucy walked far away from everyone else so that they wouldn't be able to hear them discussing the clue. They didn't want to help the other contestants.
Natsu read the first clue aloud. "The first toothpick is where relaxation commences. That's an easy one! That's the spa!"
Lucy nodded. "They probably get harder as we go. Everyone else is probably heading over there right now. Why don't we just do the next one now and we'll get that one after?"
"'The second toothpick is where your stomach is happiest.' That has to be the dining hall. Let's go look!"
Natsu and Lucy rushed towards the dining hall. Just as the latter had said, the other couples went straight for the spa, leaving the deck clear for them to run freely. Throwing open the doors, the two immediately investigated every nook and cranny of the room before finding a pink umbrella topped toothpick hiding in one of the potted plants. There were plenty of others for the other guests. They took one and examined it, finding that the number two had been written on the umbrella.
The two shared a quick high-five, beaming at each other.
"We already know where the first two are!" Natsu exclaimed. "We rock!"
"We're definitely ahead of the game!" Lucy added. "Come on! What's the third clue?"
"For those with a passion for fashion," the boy read aloud. "What the hell does that mean?"
"Oh! That has to be Heart Kreuz! They're the most popular clothing brand in Fiore! Let's go!"
Just as they exited the dining hall, a flurry of other guests rushed inside, obviously having figured out the second clue. Grateful for their head start, the two scurried off to what was the most overpriced store in the country.
Twenty minutes later, Natsu and Lucy were on the sixth clue. They had already picked up the first toothpick on the way to the fourth, which was hidden in a bucket behind the towel rack by the pool. Just as Lucy predicted, the clues did get vaguer as they progressed. The fifth took them a while to find as it was actually in a vending machine.
They were about to head to the front of the ship when somebody had bumped into Lucy's shoulder.
With an apology at the tip of her tongue, Lucy turned to face the guy to find that it was Sora, next to whom was his husband, Takeshi.
"Oh, it's you two!" Takeshi said with a polite smile.
Sora smirked as he glanced at Natsu. "You're the one that thought I was hitting on your wife and went all ballistic on me."
"I wasn't that bad," the dragon slayer muttered, his cheeks tinting pink at the recollection of what had occurred.
Lucy laughed at the rosy hue of the boy's cheeks before addressing Takeshi. "Are you guys doing the scavenger hunt too?"
"Yep!" he answered. "What number are you guys on?"
"We're looking for the sixth one. We actually don't know where to look."
"Oh! We found that one! We skipped number five because we couldn't find it. Want me to show you where it is?"
"Sure! That would be great!" Lucy answered, beaming at him. Wanting to return the favor, she continued, "Why don't you show me where number six is and Natsu will take Sora to number five?"
"Great! Let's go!" Takeshi replied.
Lucy gave a short wave to her supposed husband before walking alongside Takeshi back to the vending machine that had the fifth toothpick. Though their first encounter happened on not-so-favorable terms, the blonde was glad to meet a nice couple. As they walked, the two engaged in idle chatter.
"So how long have you been married?" Takeshi asked.
"Not too long," Lucy fibbed with an awkward chuckle. "We're newlyweds."
"Oh, that's wonderful! Sora and I have been married three years now. This trip was for our anniversary."
"That's so sweet. How was the wedding?" Lucy asked with a dreamy smile. Despite her father's incessant meddling with her love life and almost arranging her marriage, the girl had always dreamt of getting married. She didn't dream of a fancy venue or a five-tier cake, but the thought of being married to the love of her life had her swooning. And now when she thought of her future wedding, she imagined herself walking down the aisle towards a certain pink-headed boy.
"It was wonderful," Takeshi answered, his eyes sparkling at the recollection. "We had our parents there and all of our friends. And let me tell you, Sora looked gorgeous in his white tux. What about you? How was your wedding?"
Lucy recalled the day she and Natsu played couple games with the other guests. Luckily, she remembered the story Natsu had told and was able to retell it. "Natsu and I are in a guild called Fairy Tail. We consider them our family so we just had it in the guild. It wasn't anything too fancy."
"That sounds lovely, dear."
The two entered the small room that held the vending machine. They didn't need to actually buy anything, as the toothpicks were stored in the drawer that the candy dropped into. Lucy grabbed one and handed it to Takeshi with a smile.
"Here you go!" she said. "This one was tricky to figure out."
"Thanks!" the boy replied, shoving the toothpick into his pocket. "Let's go meet up with Sora and Natsu now!"
Natsu huffed as he crossed his arms, following behind Sora as he led the way to the sixth toothpick. So far, all the other boy had done was tease him for what happened the other day. It wasn't like it was his fault. It was an honest mistake! Who wouldn't get mad at someone for offering to rub their wife's back?
The two walked on deck, heading towards the library. Lucy had a feeling that the sixth toothpick was in the library but they didn't know where to start looking in the vast room. There were too many possible hiding places, it would've taken them hours to comb through them all. Natsu was surprised Sora and Takeshi were able to find it.
"So how did you and Lucy meet?" Sora asked, trying to fill the silence that surrounded them.
"We met on a job," Natsu answered, crossing his arms behind his head. As always, a grin graced his face at the memories that resurfaced. "I accidentally saved her from some creep and then she saved me."
"So, you two are mages?"
"Yep. I'm a dragon slayer and Lucy is a celestial mage. You didn't watch the magic show? She won."
"Oh really? No, Takeshi and I were… busy"
The smirk on Sora's face informed Natsu of exactly what they were doing.
Sora cleared his throat, thinking of a new topic. "So how was your wedding? Lucy seems like the down-to-Earthland type."
"She is." Natsu thought about the easiest lie to go with, figuring that it didn't matter anymore. There was only one full day of the cruise left so they probably weren't going to get caught. There was only one answer that he could think of that wouldn't bring up more questions. "We just got eloped. No cake, no dress or tux, no fancy place. Just us."
"Oh really? You sure are lucky then. Your wallet was saved big time with that."
The two stopped talking once they reached the library. They quietly walked up to a bookshelf. Natsu watched as Sora grabbed a thick book off the shelf, the rule book and safety procedures for the cruise. Behind it in the empty space were the toothpicks.
Natsu grabbed one before Sora returned the book to its rightful spot. With that, they left to meet up with their spouses.
In the end, neither couple won the scavenger hunt. Instead, another couple apparently soared through all of the hints and finished it in record time. Lucy was under the suspicion that they had been on the cruise before and knew where all of the hiding spots were ahead of time. Lucy and Natsu headed back to their room for the night, slightly annoyed that they were bested and couldn't indulge themselves in the delicious mousse.
"Lousy cheaters," Natsu muttered, plopping onto the bed.
Lucy stretched her arms over her head, releasing a loud yawn. "Oh well. It's not like we can prove it. I just want to take a nap. All that walking tired me out. Want to join me?"
Natsu shrugged, making room on the bed for Lucy. The two climbed under the covers, the girl wrapping her legs around his side and resting her head over his chest. In minutes, she was snoozing away, Natsu following shortly after.
Takeshi smiled as he and Sora finally returned to their bedroom. He took off his shoes and put them in the corner of the room before sitting on the bed, patting the spot beside him and prompting his husband to sit down.
"That was fun," Takeshi said with a smile.
"Yeah. Too bad we didn't win," Sora replied.
"We even had Natsu and Lucy help us. What a shame. But I had a lovely time talking to Lucy. I wonder what a guild wedding is like. Do you think that they have mages with special decorating skills?"
"What do you mean by a guild wedding?"
"Hmm? Oh, I asked Lucy what her wedding was like and she told me that she and Natsu had a laidback wedding at their guild. I forgot which guild they are a part of."
"Wait, what?" Sora asked his husband. "That's a completely different story than what Natsu told me."
"What did he tell you?" Takeshi questioned.
"He told me that they got eloped."
"That's weird. Lucy told me they had a guild wedding. Wait a second… Do you think they're lying?"
"Well obviously one of them has to be. But which one is it?"
"Wait, do you think that they aren't actually married?"
Nearly two hours later, Lucy's eyes fluttered open. To her delight, she was face-to-face with Natsu as he slept. She loved watching him sleep. He always seemed so calm with his mouth parted slightly. Her eyes landed on a tuft of hair that was covering one of his eyes. With a warm smile, she went to move it away when suddenly she was met with a pair of onyx eyes staring at her.
Natsu blinked once, then twice, staring at Lucy's fingers just inches away from his face. A yawn escaped his mouth before he gave the girl a dopy grin. "Yo."
"Hi," Lucy replied with a smile. Finishing what she had started, she brushed the pink lock out of his face to truly admire his deep eyes. They were as dark as the bottom of the ocean.
"You sleep well?"
"For the most part, yes. But it was really hot. I need to learn not to wear sweatshirts when sleeping by you. I'll burn up." Lucy sat up, the blanket falling to her thighs as she removed her sweatshirt, leaving her in a spaghetti-strapped tank top.
Natsu's gaze immediately dropped to her breasts, his tongue sliding out to lick his lips. The loose tank top did nothing to hide her generous cleavage and he wanted nothing more than to indulge himself with her skin. He felt his cock throb, itching for her touch.
After having gone all the way the other day, Natsu wanted to try again. He was just being patient and waiting for Lucy to initiate it, not wanting to pressure her in any way. He really hoped she would initiate it soon, though.
Lucy stretched, unaware of the reaction it brought from her partner, before glancing back at Natsu. Her cheeks flushed, however, when her eyes landed on a tent of the blanket. That was when she realized how low her tank top had been and how much she was showing.
Nothing aroused Lucy more than Natsu's arousal. Seeing the bulge underneath the blanket, a warmth pooled in the pit of her stomach as a tingling sensation erupted between her thighs. The ache was needing to be relieved and she knew just how to do it.
With teasing fingers, Lucy reached out and dragged a finger over his covered shaft. Despite the distance between her finger and his skin, she still felt him shiver from her touch and she heard a shaky exhale coming from her partner.
"You know…" Lucy began, her voice just a sultry whisper, "we still have three condoms left. We can't let them go to waste."
Natsu nodded quickly, glad that she was on the same track. Letting his instincts take over, Natsu pounced on Lucy, knocking her back on the bed. His hands found home on her breasts, massaging the mounds. He pressed his member against her, enjoying the slight relief he felt from the action.
Lucy closed her eyes and let Natsu work his magic on her. His thumbs ran circles over her nipples, causing her to arch her back and press harder against his shaft, which was poking out of the hole of his boxers.
With this, Natsu knew to step it up. He lifted the hem of her tank top to reveal her breasts. Placing gentle kisses on her stomach, he moved upwards in a tantalizingly slow speed towards her chest. He smirked, feeling her squirm below him. When he reached the underside of her breast, he left soft kisses and moved in a circle around her nipple to tease her. Then, he moved to her other breast, doing the same.
When he had his full of teasing Lucy, Natsu grazed his tongue over one of her hardened nubs, eliciting an erotic moan from the girl. He made sure to get her entire areola, knowing that the skin was sensitive. He shuddered, feeling Lucy roll her hips against him.
Wanting to feel Natsu's warm body against hers, Lucy sat up and tore off her tank top. Knowing that wasn't going to be enough to satisfy herself, she moved to strip away her sweatpants when Natsu latched onto her wrist.
"I'll do that," he said with a smirk. He ran his hands over Lucy's breasts and down to her sweatpants, grabbing the hem and shimmying her out of them. He made sure to run his hands over her thighs in the process, giving the flesh a harsh squeeze. When she was left in nothing but her underwear, he spread her legs apart and trailed butterfly kisses along the inside of her thighs and up to her lacy panties, doing the same to her other thigh. He smirked noticing that her panties were already soaked with her juices and his cock throbbed in anticipation of feeling her wetness.
Natsu placed a hard kiss over her clothed folds before his animalistic instincts kicked in. He tore his teeth through the thin fabric, literally tearing it off of her.
Lucy gasped seeing Natsu had ripped her panties off of her. While some girls would be upset about their torn underwear, she had found the action to be a turn-on. Excitement bubbled within her as she waited for Natsu to continue pleasuring her.
Natsu dragged his tongue over her folds, flicking her clitoris. Lucy moaned as her toes curled and she gripped the bedsheets. Feeling inspired by her reaction, he teased her by licking her entrance. Finally, he pushed his tongue as deep inside of her as he could.
Lucy gave a breathy sigh of pleasure as Natsu's tongues moved in circles against the edge of her opening. She fisted his hair and lifted her legs, wrapping them around his head. The warmth within her continued to build up along with the pleasure. Every flick of his tongue brought her closer to climaxing.
But that wasn't what she wanted. Not yet, at least.
Lucy unhooked her legs from the back of Natsu's head and lifted his head to smirk at him. Her eyes were sparkling with sheer lust as she pulled him up and pressed herself against his shaft again. Natsu shuddered feeling her juices on his skin. He rolled his hips roughly against her.
Lucy reached towards the drawer and grabbed another condom from the box. She hastily tore away the packaging, needing to feel him inside of her again. Natsu grabbed the condom and pulled away so that he could slip it on.
With that, the two smiled at each other, ready to explore each other's bodies some more. Natsu leaned over and pressed his lips against hers in a gentle kiss before slowly sliding the tip of his member inside of her.
Lucy screwed her eyes and winced slightly as her body still wasn't used to penetration. Luckily, it didn't hurt nearly as much as the first time and the pain was not as noticeable after Natsu slid all of his length into her. Instead, all she could feel was pleasure and the intense heat of his cock throbbing within her.
Natsu released a shaky breath after going as deep as he could inside of Lucy. Her folds were so warm and tight against him, he never wanted to pull away. He started slow and steady, trying to make it as painless as possible until Lucy was used to it. Her entrance clung against his shaft and tugged at the skin as he pulled out.
Placing his hands on her hips, Natsu eased himself inside of her once again, this time causing Lucy to moan. This lit a fire within him and brought his animalistic needs forth once again as he sped up his pace.
Lucy began to pant with each thrust. She could feel her breasts bouncing as Natsu pushed himself in and out of her. Wanting to make things even better, she brought her hands to her breasts and teased at her nipples, pinching the peaks and rubbing her fingers over them.
Natsu released a low growl as he watched Lucy play with herself. Grabbing her wrists with one hand, he pinned her arms above her head. He kept himself steady with his other hand as he leaned over and captured one of her sensitive nipples and sucked roughly on it.
"N-Natsu," Lucy breathed out. She wrapped her legs around his torso, pushing him deeper inside of her. Her fingers raked his back and soon she was seeing stars as he continued to pound in and out of her.
Still, she wanted him deeper within her.
Lucy lightly pushed him out of her before skillfully flipping them over so that she was on top of him. Pressing her hands over Natsu's chest, she lowered herself slowly onto his cock. The slight pain returned as the new position caused his member to reach a newest depth.
Natsu moaned as his body shook with pleasure. Watching Lucy lower herself onto him was one of the sexiest things he had seen so far in his life.
"Fuck, Lucy," he breathed out, his voice ragged and scratchy.
Lucy lifted herself upwards before pressing him deep in her again. She continued to bounce on his cock, the buildup making her breathless.
Natsu watched with half-lidded eyes as Lucy's breasts bounced every time she lowered herself onto him. He felt so close to release, but he bit his lower lip to keep from climaxing so that he could finish her off first.
Grabbing her hips, Natsu sank himself even deeper into her as he rolled her against him. A breathy moan escaped Lucy's mouth from the action and she continued to ride against him. Her pace was slower now that she wasn't bouncing onto him but the friction was much more pleasing. Letting her instincts take over, she rolled her hips in circles with his cock inside of her, his thick shaft exploring her edges.
Lucy's toes curled as the pleasure continued to build up within her. Everything felt hot and tingly, the sensation swelling until finally, there was an explosion of pleasure.
"N-Natsu!" Lucy shouted, her fingers curling over his chest. She continued to rub against him as her body raked and she panted. She rode him out until the bouts of pleasure ended.
Knowing that he was now free to climax now as well, Natsu tightened his grip of her hips and pounded himself into her, thrusting upwards and going as deep as he could. He literally lifted her in the air before slamming himself inside of her again, loving the feeling of sinking into her over and over again.
He could feel his cock throbbing and the warmth increasing. His breathing grew shaky as he felt Lucy close around him each time he lifted her. He took the time to admire Lucy. His eyes were enticed by her breasts bouncing with each thrust. But even more enticing was the girl's face. Her face was flushed with heat and her mouth was parted as she continued to pant. Her skin glowed with a thin layer of sweat. She was so beautiful.
Finally, his body shattered and his legs began to spasm as he was in sheer ecstasy from climaxing. He bit his lower lip roughly and continued to sink into Lucy. He released three pumps before letting his arms drop by his sides.
Lucy lifted herself from Natsu, taking note of the filled condom. She plopped onto the bed in heavy pants, her eyes closed. She felt the most relaxed she had ever been.
Natsu kissed the girl's forehead before carefully removing the condom and disposing it. His face scrunched in disgust as some of the warm liquid got onto his hand in the process. Then, he laid beside his partner, just as relaxed as she was.
Turning to face each other, the two chuckled before snuggling next to each other. They needed a shower after working up a sweat but they could relax for a little bit longer. Lucy rested her head on Natsu's chest and gently trailed her finger over his other pec.
Everything felt right in the world. With Natsu, there was no pressure to be anyone other than herself. He loved her for who she was. Lucy wasn't overcome with nerves around him, as he'd been her best friend for a while now. Despite the lack of nerves, he still managed to take her breath away and light a fire within her with simply a cheeky grin. Their relationship- whatever that may've been- was easy, comfortable, and exciting.
Natsu's dopy grin refused to relent as he watched Lucy's finger tracing over his skin while he played with the ends of her hair. While he missed the guild and Magnolia, he could see himself getting used to this. He knew that their relationship would change once they returned home, as they wouldn't have as much alone time together. So, he was grateful for every minute he had with her on the cruise.
Sadly, tomorrow was their last full day on the cruise. After that, they had about half a day before they reached Hargeon Port. Natsu was not looking forward to the train ride back to Magnolia. He had had mages working on his sickness every day, he wasn't ready to deal with it again.
Lucy sighed happily as she dragged her finger over Natsu's skin. Her eyes gazed at Natsu's length, which was just about half a foot away from her face. It was still semi-hard, not yet limp. Wondering if it was possible to get him hard again so soon after their first round, she moved her finger down to his groin and stroked his shaft with one finger.
His cock twitched from the touch and with a couple more light strokes, it was back to its full length. Lucy smirked, loving that she could get him aroused so easily. Hell, she could even get him in the mood without even touching him. But to think that she could make him hard so shortly after their first round, she was filled with pride and satisfaction.
"What? You wanna go at it again?" Natsu asked with a fanged grin.
"Maybe," Lucy drawled out, wrapping her hand around his shaft. "Would that be wrong?"
"Hell no."
Both grinned as Natsu laid Lucy on her back and positioned himself on top of her. He sunk his lips over her neck before moving upwards and licking the shell of her ear. Lucy spread her legs wider apart so that Natsu could press himself against her, not yet sliding into her. First, they wanted to build up to it again.
Natsu began to grind against her, feeling the wet juices from before on his skin again. As Lucy wrapped her legs around him, Natsu began to thrust harder against her, causing the bed to rock and moans to fill the room.
"Not again," Takeshi groaned, slamming a pillow over his face. "They just had sex! Why are they doing it again?"
"Well, you and I go for more than one round sometimes," Sora reminded his husband with a chuckle.
"Yes, but it's midnight! We aren't that loud!"
"Just try to ignore it."
Takeshi nodded, trying to drown out the inappropriate noises coming from the room above them. They had started hearing them during their love sessions for the past week but they had been particularly louder the past couple of days. And now they were going to go at it again. Did they not hear the bed banging against the wall? They could at least have the decency to be quiet!
Once there was another bang against the wall followed by a loud moan that must've been fake- he hadn't met a girl that had a real orgasm like that- he lost all patience.
Throwing off the blanket, Takeshi put on some pajama pants and turned a sharp look to his husband.
"I'm going to tell them to keep it down. Are you coming with me?" Takeshi asked, his voice laced with annoyance.
Sora sighed. Usually his husband was a calm man with a smile on his face. He knew not to go against him during the rare times he was angry. "Right behind you."
The two made their way to the staircase before stalking down the hallway in search for the offending noises. And to think that they were even louder up here! These people were animals!
Finding the room that was right above theirs, Takeshi knocked harshly on the door twice. The banging stopped and was followed by someone moving around.
Once Takeshi heard the doorknob turn, he began his long list of complaints. "We're from the room below yours. It is midnight and you two have been going at it forever now. You are loud and I don't want to hear-"
The words died in his throat as the door opened all the way to reveal Natsu, a towel wrapped around his lower half and Lucy, who was wrapped in the bed sheets. Her golden hair was disheveled and her face was burning crimson in embarrassment. Meanwhile, Natsu merely narrowed his eyes at him, obviously annoyed that their private time had been interrupted.
"O-Oh. It's you guys," Takeshi said, his face heating up as well. He wasn't expecting that at all.
"I-I'm sorry, guys," Lucy replied, her head hanging in shame. She truly didn't know how loud they were being.
"No, no! I-It's fine! J-Just maybe be a little quieter next time?"
"Will do. Sorry again."
Natsu closed the door, leaving Takeshi and Sora standing in disbelief. Then, Sora chuckled.
"Well one thing is for sure now. They are definitely married."
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