#i reverse-engineered quotes from the dubbed version i've seen
newtwithinternet · 5 months
Some eragon movie sugar (because like yes 90% of this movie is shit, but there are parts i genuinely love):
Brom. Literally all of him. His appearance of a village idiot instead of a storyteller is questionable, but fun, his character is, imo, nailed and i definitely feel like many of his scenes were written with eragon bromsson twist in mind, because they hit hard, when you know ("plow the land, sow wheat and don't get in trouble"? The "better to ask forgiveness than permission" exchange? Brom's last words? Etc, etc, etc). Also his outfit design? Edgy just enough, to be cool, and blue as its signature color? Chef's kiss. (And Irons' performance is great)
the whole thing with soldiers and recruiting, which hopefully helps to avoid complaining about the empire "not looking evil enough"
a thing with the forests of spine being the king's property, because i do think crown owning forests and lands and harming people by it (as they can't use resources from there) is fitting both the "evil enough" empire and the medieval setting.
"i expected someone a little more… Well, more." Also that Durza appears more often (he's written rather terribly, but at least he's here). And that he sent eragon the dream about arya (it makes no sense for the lore and little sense for the plot, yes, but i like it better than eldunarya apparently trying to patch all the holes that are there in alagaesia using some greenie rider.)
"I waited a thousand years to hear your thoughts"
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