#i rlly took the two buffest giantest dudes in this fandom and went 'baby boy baby boy baby'
tragcdysewn · 3 months
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was that wang yizhou? oh no no, that was just nie mingjue, a canon character from the untamed. they are twenty six years old, use he/him, and are aware that they are not actually from washington dc. too bad they can’t stray from this city for long.
how long has your character been here:
about two years, physical age is about twenty eight
what is your character’s job:
he's a secret service agent, assigned to kirei monsula
where has your character been pulled from in their fandom:
right after his death
has any magic affected your character:
he's alive again, and the saber spirit affecting his mind is muted
and any other information you might find useful for us and the other members to know:
nie mingjue is the first son of the nie clan leader, and the heir to the clan. he was raised to be the leader, to master the clan's techniques and become a perfect example of their principles.
his mother died when he was four years old, and his father remarried and had his half brother, huaisang, a few years later. mingjue doted on his little brother, even from childhood. his brother was very soft and artistic, the opposite of mingjue in every way, but mingjue adored him
when mingjue was only fifteen, their father died in an attack orchestrated by wen ruohan, and mingjue was suddenly the clan leader far earlier than expected, as well as tasked with taking care of huaisang in their parent's place. he took it in stride, and became a solid leader for the clan
as he grew older, the nie clan saber techniques began to mess with his mind, and he started trying to prepare huaisang to take over in his place. but before he could make many preparations, the wen clan declared war on the cultivation world, and he took charge of the armies and led cultivators into battle. this was both a personal vendetta for his father, and a desire to keep the wen clan from overtaking the traditions of every other clan
during the war, he witnessed one of his closest friends kill a general from his armies who'd been cruel to him, and he kicked the man out of the sect. to him, this was a mercy, banishing him rather than executing him for the crime, but he never even asked meng yao about why he'd done what he'd done, and that was the beginning of his downfall
at the end of the sunshot campaign, he was captured by wen ruohan, and meng yao claimed himself as the wen leader's close confidant. he was then revealed as a spy for the clans once wen ruohan was killed, but mingjue's trust in him was entirely broken by that point, despite his dearest friend placing his faith in meng yao
he assisted in the campaign against wei wuxian, believing the man to be harboring war criminals who would one day attack and restart the war, and was present at the man's death, hoping it would bring about a time of peace
for a few years after the war, that was, in fact, the case, but soon after, the saber spirit began taking a hold on his mind, making him more and more volatile. unbeknownst to him, it was hurried on by meng yao, now jin guangyao, under the guise of helping him
eventually, he snapped entirely, and attacked jin guangyao, who then revealed what he'd done, before killing mingjue and cutting him into multiple pieces that he scattered across the country, his disappearance left unsolved for years until his body parts began to attack innocents, and they were rediscovered by lan wangji and wei wuxian and reassembled by his little brother, his spirit sealed in a coffin with jin guangyao to fight for the next century
in dc, he holds no memory of his spirit's actions, but has been informed of how he was deceived in life, both in terms of wei wuxian and the saber spirit, and is attempting to make amends for the crimes he committed against he innocent wens, as well as balancing his mental state before he hurts anyone else
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