#i s2g go to this it'll be so worth it
punkscowardschampions ยท 5 years
Grace & Pablo
Grace: tell me that Mia is creating drama where there literally is NONE Pablo: Wrong number? Grace: idk does she have yours or not Pablo: Who you on about? Grace: OMG CAN YOU PLEASE FOCUS Grace: the best friend I've had since forever Pablo: Oh Pablo: brunette, skinny one? Grace: UM obvs Pablo: She's been following me about lately Pablo: offputting, honestly Grace: since when?? Pablo: idk man Pablo: time Pablo: tell her to not, let her down gently, yeah Grace: what have you said to her tho Grace: it was a no, yeah? Pablo: she is up in my DMs too Pablo: tryna be nice, she's your mate and that Pablo: don't take a hint though ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ˜ฌ Grace: ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ so that's it Pablo: what's she chatting 'bout me then? Grace: that you hooked up with her at that girl Becca's party & have been so ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ Grace: but that obvs did not happen Pablo: Why would she tell you about that Pablo: what the fuck Grace: OMG Grace: why aren't you denying it like!! Pablo: what is up with girls Pablo: why do you tell each other everything Pablo: especially when you're my sister Pablo: fuck sake Grace: excuse you, you're MY brother!!!! Grace: why would you EVER do that Pablo: erm well I weren't thinking about you Pablo: and don't ask me questions about what I get up to Pablo: so sick man Grace: DON'T GET UP TO THOSE THINGS WITH MY BEST FRIEND Pablo: come on Pablo: not your best friend, is she? Pablo: how was I supposed to know, anyway Grace: obvs not now Grace: UM maybe cos she's been coming over since we were like 5 Pablo: Idk, why would I pay attention Pablo: well annoying when you've got that lot over, giggling and shit Pablo: stay well away Grace: couldn't stay well away at the party tho Pablo: it was a party Pablo: and she was all over me Pablo: what do you expect me to do Grace: & like there were no other girls there?? okay sure Pablo: I'm saying I didn't know who she was Pablo: legit Pablo: not at the time Grace: whatever just ruin my fucking life Pablo: leave it out Pablo: it was only the once Grace: that's so fine & so chill then like so sorry Pablo: what's your problem Pablo: have it out with her, don't go in for this girly drama Grace: I will, trust Grace: obvs just wanted you to know I hate you Grace: so there's no confusion Pablo: nah don't be dramatic Grace: how is this me being anything Pablo: dun' know what you expect me to do Pablo: happened now init Grace: you could've been sorry Grace: you could've like told me when you saw her name in your DMs & worked it out Grace: idk Pablo: why would I tell you Pablo: you don't need to know Pablo: didn't reckon she'd be telling ALL her mates Pablo: specifically not you, at least Grace: you know literally nothing about girls do you Pablo: know what I need to Pablo: this stuff is long Pablo: no time Grace: so sorry to keep you from your busy schedule Grace: do you want any more of my friends numbers before you go like?? Grace: really just ruin everything before school Pablo: ๐Ÿ™„ 'low it Pablo: get my own numbers Pablo: and I ain't gonna go near any of your stalker mates again, trust Grace: as I literally don't have any now it's not a problem hun Grace: thanks so much Pablo: that ain't my fault Pablo: you'll sort it out Pablo: gives you something to do, dun it Grace: go away I s2g Pablo: ๐Ÿ‘Œ Grace: you're the WORST Pablo: GOD Pablo: calm down Pablo: don't need this aggro Grace: yeah cos telling me to calm down is really gonna do it Grace: I hope she gave you an sti honestly Pablo: oh that's nice Pablo: got creams for that shit anyway Pablo: go talk to mum Grace: get yourself checked babes Grace: for real Pablo: ๐Ÿ‘ sound Pablo: if your skanky mate has giving me anything I will put her on blast fr Grace: ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™ Grace: living for that Pablo: so weird Grace: me? okay Grace: probs don't fuck girls you've known since they were kids like Pablo: so every girl at school Pablo: you mental Pablo: don't make me sound like a nonce, she's your age Grace: you don't know every girl at school like that Grace: ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„ Grace: but tbh there's other schools, boy Pablo: I don't know her Pablo: and don't be trying to tell me who I can fuck, like ๐Ÿ˜‚ Grace: ugh Grace: take some responsibility Pablo: for what Pablo: getting with a girl who wanted it Grace: EW Grace: shut up Pablo: she forgot to mention that bit Pablo: handy Grace: duh I'm not saying you forced her into it Grace: even she wouldn't go that hard Pablo: she'll get over it Pablo: all do in time Grace: there's nothing for her to get over she's living her best life rn Grace: torturing me thanks to you Grace: there's like pics & everything btw so Grace: you might wanna answer those DMs Pablo: you what Pablo: I didn't send her none Grace: maybe they aren't you Grace: idk Pablo: not sending her dick pics when she's seen it, trust Pablo: what's she chatting shit for Grace: STOP talking about your dick to me Grace: as for creating drama that's what she does Grace: I literally said that at the start of this convo Pablo: she's the one showing off pics Pablo: jesus Pablo: all you lot are psycho Grace: don't even try & be horrible to me rn Grace: you slept with her Grace: I've literally done nothing but ignore her for a few days thanks Pablo: whatever, you're all nuts Pablo: not worth the hassle Grace: it'll be easy for you to leave me alone then Grace: don't ever want to speak to you after this Pablo: ๐Ÿ™„ bit hard when we live in the same gaff Pablo: but fine by me Grace: go to more parties & fuck more psychos babes Pablo: haaaa Pablo: wanna watch out, start vetting you 'forehand and you'll all be in trouble, like Grace: ๐Ÿ’” Pablo: โœŒ Grace: ๐Ÿ’œ
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arratovmyan ยท 10 years
Yes hello go to this thing
Instead of using this for student crowd sourcing like a responsible person, here is a straight up shameless self promotion post about the Christmas Special that we have going on right now.ย 
I'm going to be a ninja this Saturday at 2 pm and 8 pm.
So at some point this will be me:
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and at another point:
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You should come (in your pajamas). It's for charity. Do the thing.
We sing Highway To The Manger Zone, what could go wrong?
The 2 pm show is our Time Travel Matinee. Because bow-ties are coolest at 2 pm.
The 8 pm show is not currently themed, but it'll be the normal Saturday night crazy-ness.
Coupon Code: ALEXIGREEN10
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